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Caitlyn and the Alien Protector (Intergalactic Brides 7)

Page 10

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  He sighed and looked away. “I know. I’m moving too fast for you. I have a little bit of time to figure things out, but I’m going to tell the chief today that I’ll be putting in my notice. I believe two weeks is customary, but I’ll need time to find a home closer to the Terran station. I don’t want to live out of a hotel room like I did when I first came to Earth.”

  “So soon?” she asked softly.

  “Please consider coming with us. We don’t have to change our relationship status, but I’d like to have you around a while longer. And if you ever decide that you’re sick of us and want to move on, I won’t stand in your way.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  An awkward silence fell over them. Caitlyn was torn, not knowing whether moving to another town with him was the best thing. What if he just got more attached to her? She didn’t want to break his heart, and it was clear that he was thinking more long-term than she was.

  The siren went off and Caitlyn gathered Katy while Cosmir rushed off to prepare for another fire. She saw herself around to her car and buckled Katy in as the fire truck squealed out of the parking lot, sirens blaring. She said a quick prayer for their safe return and drove home.

  What the hell am I going to do? I’m not ready to say goodbye, but am I ready to take a chance on becoming more than a friend with benefits? Katy deserves another mother. Would I just be in the way of her getting one?

  There were too many things to think about, and if Cosmir was serious about moving within the month, then there wasn’t a lot of time left to mull things over.

  Chapter Ten

  It had been a hellacious two days, with one fire after another. And not just an “oh my God, my stove is on fire” type, but the kind that devastated the families involved. Another apartment building had burned down, three homes were a total loss, and a business had lost most of its inventory. The other fires had been minor, but were no less tragic. By the time he walked through his front door at home, he’d come to a decision.

  Caitlyn was on the couch with her laptop and Katy was nowhere to be seen. He quietly closed the front door, not wanting to wake his daughter if she was still sleeping. Setting his bag down, he moved further into the room, waiting on Caitlyn to realize he was home. As he watched her, he realized she had earbuds in. He waved a hand in front of her face and she jumped.

  “You scared me,” she said as she pulled out the earbuds.

  “How are you supposed to hear Katy if you have those in?”

  “I was watching a video on a new technique for painting in my graphics program and didn’t want to disturb Katy. She’s in her room playing. The video was only fifteen minutes long so I didn’t think it would be a big deal.”

  Cosmir went down the hall toward his daughter’s room, pausing in the doorway. She sat in the middle of her room with her new doll on one side and her stuffed bunny on the other. A book lay in her lap and she was telling her “babies” a story. He smiled and leaned his shoulder against the doorframe.

  Caitlyn came up beside him and placed a hand on his arm. “I promise that I take good care of Katy.”

  “I know you do. I’ve seen the way you are with her.”

  “Have you thought some more about moving?” she asked.

  “Your brother showed me how to look at houses online. I found one I want to check out while I’m off work. I called and set up an appointment for this afternoon.”

  The light dimmed in Caitlyn’s eyes, and she nodded then moved away. She acted like she wanted them to stay, to be with her, and yet she didn’t want to commit and move with them. She confused him and he wasn’t certain he would ever figure her out. Jake had mentioned that moving away might be just the thing to make her realize that she was ready for more. Cosmir wasn’t so sure. More than likely, once he moved, he wouldn’t see Caitlyn again unless they bumped into each other through Jake.

  “Your brother offered to go with me to check things out and meet with the chief at the station where I would be working. There’s an opening at the one near the house I like, and my chief already called and spoke to the chief at the new place. I’m pretty much hired as soon as I turn in my application. He said I could do an interview over the phone.”

  Caitlyn gave him a faint smile as they walked into the living room. “It sounds like you have everything set up. Maybe we should pick up some boxes so you can start packing.”

  “I’ll hire someone to do all that. Some of the guys at work offered to meet the movers for me if I need to leave before they come to pack and move everything. I really just need a few changes of clothes for Katy and me to get us started. Maybe some of her toys, and of course the essentials like her bed and stuff. Maybe I should just bring her entire room first off.”

  Caitlyn seemed to pull inward, as if every one of his words were a nail in her coffin, and yet she only had herself to blame. There was nothing holding her to this town except her brother, and according to something Jake had said during one of their daily calls, he just might make the move too. What would she do when both of them were gone?

  She sank onto the couch and pushed her laptop away. Cosmir knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his. His thumb caressed her as he tried to get her attention. Her gaze lifted and he saw unshed tears in her eyes. It pulled at him and made him want to stay, for her, but he had to do what was right for his daughter. Katy had to come first, no matter how much he wanted Caitlyn in his home and in his life.

  “I’m not moving away out of spite. Katy has to come first with me, always. I was quite serious earlier when I said you should come with us. Katy adores you and so do I. Even if you don’t want a long-term relationship, we can still make things work.”

  “Cosmir, it was one thing to stay here temporarily while I wait on my insurance check, but you’re asking me to move in. Friends with benefits don’t live together.”

  He sighed. “Caitlyn, I’ve made it no secret that I would love more from you than that. I won’t push you, but know that the offer stands. If you change your mind after we’re gone, you can always pack up and head toward the city. I’ll make sure you have the new address and you’re welcome there anytime.”

  “How fast is this move going to happen?” she asked softly.

  “Two weeks. Jake downloaded the job application for me so I can fill it out and turn it in this afternoon while I’m in the area. I spoke with the realtor and the house is vacant and ready to move in. I also called the Terran station. While I don’t want to stay at a hotel, they’ve offered me a furnished suite nearby. They also have daycare there if I need a place for Katy to stay during the day. I’ll just have to figure out something for the nights I’m not home.”

  A ghost of a smile crossed her face. “You really do need a live-in nanny.”

  “What Katy needs is a mom.”

  She winced and pulled away from him.

  “I need to start getting things ready for this afternoon. I’ll listen for Katy if you want to get some work done. And if you want to come with us to check out the house, you’re more than welcome to. Jake was going to meet me there to give me his opinion.”

  Caitlyn stood abruptly and grabbed her computer. “I have work to do. If you want me to watch Katy while you’re gone, I’ll be happy to.”

  Cosmir shook his head. “I think Katy should see the new place. But thank you for offering.”

  Caitlyn fled to her room, the door closing with a click that seemed to echo in his home and in his heart. He wanted to give Caitlyn what she needed, even if that was space, but it didn’t hurt any less when she turned away from him. He was good enough to sleep with but not good enough to mate? He’d hoped she would change her mind, even if they hadn’t been together long, but he was starting to think that would never happen. If they were going to part ways, he knew it was better to do it sooner rather than later. The more attached Katy became to Caitlyn, the worse it would be when she did walk away.

  Cosmir filled out his application and got Katy’s things together. When it was t
ime to go, he softly knocked on Caitlyn’s door and told her they were leaving. She didn’t respond and he wasn’t sure he’d expected her to. Cosmir picked up Katy and within a few minutes, they were on their way to the city.

  Jake met them at the house Cosmir wanted to buy and the realtor was waiting when he got there. He set Katy down inside and let her roam around while he checked the place out. It was larger than the home he had now and there was a small pool in the backyard. He wasn’t too certain about the pool since Katy couldn’t swim, but there was no reason she couldn’t learn.

  “Check out this entertainment area,” Jake said as they walked over to a pavilion in the backyard that doubled as an outdoor kitchen and seating area. There was also space around the pool for lounge chairs and another table.

  “Let me guess, you have visions of barbeques out here.”

  Jake laughed. “You provide the space, let everyone bring something, and I’ll be happy to take care of the grilling. This place is a dream come true for someone who likes to entertain. And did you see that massive living room?”

  “I think my current house could fit within a few rooms of this one. It’s more space than I really need right now, but I know it’s a sound investment.”

  “It’s in a prime school district,” the realtor said. “And since the community is gated, it’s one of the more sought after neighborhoods.”

  Cosmir held Katy as they looked around one more time. He stopped in what would be her bedroom. “What do you think, Katy? Want to move here?”

  Katy looked around, then gazed up at him in confusion.

  “We’re going to move, Katy. This will be your new bedroom and we’ll bring all of your things with us. Your bed, your toys, your books… everything will come with us.”

  That made Katy smile and clap her hands.

  “On the way out, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you where the playground and picnic areas are. This subdivision has their own so you don’t have to go to one of the city parks unless you just want to.” The realtor smiled. “It’s a great deal, too, since the price was just lowered yesterday.”

  The home was a little more than Cosmir wanted to pay, but the realtor was right. The neighborhood had a lot to offer for the price. And since it was a gated community, Katy would be safer here. The Terran station wasn’t too far if they needed something, like a doctor, and his work would be nearby as well.

  Cosmir followed the realtor to the playground and Katy begged to go play. Cosmir let her run around while he watched over her and discussed things with the realtor. When Katy tumbled off the rope ladder, Jake rushed to help her while Cosmir worked out a few things about the house.

  “You said since it’s vacant, we can move in just as soon as we close on the property,” Cosmir said. “Any idea how long that might be?”

  “Typically thirty days would be the soonest I could get you into the home, but after discussing your situation with you yesterday, I made a call to the owners and they have agreed to rent the property to you until closing for a modest eight hundred a month. Now, that’s probably six hundred less a month than they could get if they were to put it on the market as a rental. It would allow you to move in right away, but of course you’d have to move back out if the closing fell through.”

  Cosmir rubbed the back of his neck. “How likely is it that closing won’t go through?”

  The realtor smiled. “Not likely at all. You’re paying cash for the home, so there’s no financing involved. It will just be a matter of getting all the paperwork together and getting both parties to sign it. I don’t foresee any problems with the sale.”

  Cosmir nodded.

  “I was surprised you didn’t bring your wife with you. Caitlyn, wasn’t that her name?” The realtor smiled. “She must trust you a lot to leave the house buying decision up to you.”

  “Caitlyn isn’t my wife, and I don’t think she’s coming with us.” He should have never brought Caitlyn into the conversation with the realtor when he’d set up the meeting, but at the time, he’d hoped she would join him.

  “Well, plenty of single women in the area. A man such as yourself will draw a lot of attention. I’m sure Katy will have a new mom in no time at all.” The realtor held out his hand. “I have another showing to get to, but don’t hesitate to call me with any questions.”

  Cosmir shook the man’s hand, then went over to Jake and Katy.

  Jake spun Katy around, then plopped her onto a swing. Cosmir smiled as his daughter squealed with delight. They’d been to the park a few times since she’d come into his life and the swings were always her favorite.

  “I think your daughter likes me,” Jake said.

  “She loves anyone who will push her on the swings.”

  Jake splayed a hand over his heart. “And here I thought it was my charm that had wooed her and not my ability to send her soaring in the swings.”

  Cosmir laughed.

  “Listen, I know I’m not set up to keep Katy, but maybe you should see if someone could watch her overnight. I think Caitlyn and you need to have some alone time together, sort out a few things, and maybe you can convince her to move here with you. She’d love this neighborhood, and I know she’d love working out by the pool on nice days.”

  “I won’t entrust Katy to just anyone. There’s really only one couple I can think of, but I don’t know if they would be interested. They helped me when Katy first came to live with me. Bane is a Keshpan who has decided to move to Earth with his human mate and their child.” Cosmir frowned. “I don’t really know them very well, but Katy was rather taken with Arianna. And they have a child of their own.”

  “Call them.”

  “You mean right now?”

  Jake rolled his eyes. “No, next week. Yes, I mean right now. See if they’ll watch Katy tonight.”

  Cosmir shrugged and pulled out his phone. He’d programmed Bane’s number that first night and had called a few times to ask questions as he’d figured things out with Katy. It rang several times before Ari answered.

  “Cosmir? Is everything all right?” Ari asked.

  “Everything’s fine. I’m calling because I have a favor to ask. I’d like to have a night alone with Caitlyn and I was hoping Katy might be able to spend the night with you. I know it’s short notice and --”

  “We’d love to have her,” Ari interrupted. “I can come get her right now.”

  “I’m not home at the moment. I’m moving in a few weeks, closer to the Terran station. I came to town to check out a house.”

  “Are you buying it?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I think I will. It’s really nice in this neighborhood. It’s a gated community and there’s a playground. I think Katy will like it here.”

  “You know, Bane and I haven’t decided where we want to live yet. When I pick up Katy, could you give me your realtor’s information? I’d love to check out the homes in that subdivision and see if anything would be a good fit for us. It would be great to have Katy close by so the kids could play together.”

  “I’ll have it ready for you. Just give me a few hours to get home and gather some of Katy’s things for her.”

  “Send me a text when you’re ready and I’ll swing by and pick her up. I even have an extra car seat already so you won’t have to transfer Katy’s.”

  “Thanks, Ari. I’ll see you in a little while.”

  Cosmir disconnected the call and noticed his daughter was standing at his feet, staring up at him with wide eyes.

  “I spend the night with Ari?” she asked.

  “Does that sound like fun?”

  She nodded.

  “Then let’s get home so I can pack your things. Ari said she would pick you up in a little while.”

  Katy held her hands up, and Cosmir picked her up. Jake followed him back to his vehicle and after Katy was buckled they headed for home.

  Chapter Eleven

  Caitlyn eyed the redhead, jealousy rising up inside her. She watched the easy way Ari handled Katy, and th
e absolute adoration on Katy’s face. The only thing that eased the green monster was the fact that Ari was married. If she’d been single, Caitlyn knew she’d have seen the woman as a threat. While Cosmir had been gone, she’d done some thinking and realized that she thought of Cosmir and Katy as hers. She just wasn’t sure what she was going to do about it.

  Katy waved to her. “Bye, Cait-in.”

  “Bye, Katy. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  Katy nodded.

  Caitlyn stood in the doorway and watched as Cosmir walked out to the car with Katy and Ari. He kissed his daughter goodbye and stored her bag in the trunk before returning to the house. Caitlyn waved one last time as the car backed down the driveway and then she went to sit on the couch. She didn’t know why Cosmir was sending Katy away for the night, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

  Cosmir closed and locked the door then disappeared into the kitchen. He returned a moment later sipping a cup of coffee and claimed the chair nearby. She squirmed as he studied her over the rim of his cup and she wondered what he was going to say. Had he bought the house? Was he moving sooner than he’d thought? Did he decide to stay?

  “I made reservations for us at Francesca’s. Think you can be showered and dressed in the next hour? I’ll let you have the shower first if you need the time.” He took a sip of his coffee. “Unless you’d prefer to eat somewhere else?”

  “Francesca’s is fine. I think I have something suitable to wear.”

  “Why don’t you shower while I finish this coffee and then while you’re getting dressed I’ll jump in really quick. It won’t take me long to get ready.”

  Caitlyn nodded dumbly, not quite sure what he was up to. Francesca’s wasn’t cheap. Most people in town went there for special occasions like graduations and engagements. He wasn’t going to do something insane like ask her to marry him, was he? And if he was, what would she say?

  As Caitlyn showered, butterflies swarmed in her stomach. Cosmir had to be up to something, but she wasn’t sure what it was. Not that she minded going on a date with him. All of their outings had included Katy and some one-on-one time with him sounded nice, especially if he was going to move away.


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