Blazing Hot Summer

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Blazing Hot Summer Page 7

by Fiona Starr

  Poppy… I didn’t even get her last name.

  The first time I shook her hand it was like an electric charge shot through my arm. It happened again when I touched her wrist. It was like the world got brighter and she was the light. It happened in an instant and I was addicted. I could barely pay attention to our conversation. My thoughts were consumed with finding another way to touch her.

  And now I’m cursing myself for leaving without getting her phone number. I’ve been out of the dating gig for too long. I’ve forgotten how it works.

  “You’re an idiot, Roman,” I mutter to myself.

  A silver SUV pulls into my driveway and parks behind my Bronco. The sun glints off the windshield obscuring my view of the driver. Then the door opens and Poppy’s there.

  “Hey. You dropped your wallet at the bakery.” She smiles. “I tried to catch up with you at the hardware store, but you weren’t there.”

  “Yeah. Thanks. I had already paid for my order, so I didn’t need it. I noticed it was gone when I got home.” I shake my head and take my wallet back. “Thank you. Sorry to make you come all the way out here.”

  “It’s no trouble. I only had a few errands to run in town.” She glances around the side of the house and the work I’ve been doing rebuilding the porch. “You’ve only been here for three days? You’ve made a lot of progress.”

  It’s easy to focus on manual labor when you’re trying to not think about other things. “Yeah. Not a lot of distractions out here.”

  “Oh, would you like me to go? I don’t mean to intrude.”

  “No,” I say more forcefully than I intend to. I take a step toward her. “I mean, you’re not distracting me.”

  She smiles and looks up at me and it’s like the sun has to compete with the light in her eyes. “Good.”

  “Would you like to see the old tree house?”

  Her smile brightens. “You know what? I really would.”

  We walk around to the back yard and the giant gnarled cottonwood tree that dominates the west corner. The tree house sits about ten feet off the ground, nestled between three huge branches.

  Poppy’s face brightens as she takes in the sight. “Oh my god. It looks exactly the same. I can’t believe how well it’s been kept.”

  “Yeah, my uncle loved working on it for the grandkids. Last summer they made a huge project out of replacing the wood plank flooring with composite decking so it wouldn’t need painting and the kids wouldn’t get splinters if they were barefoot. This thing’s had a lot of use.”

  “How wonderful.” She grabs hold of the ladder. “Can I take a look?”


  She steps on the bottom rung and pulls herself onto the ladder which promptly shifts into the soft ground under her weight. I grab hold of the ladder to keep it from falling and she leans on my arm. When her hands touch me, it’s like a fuse is lit.

  “Sorry. Guess I’m too big for the treehouse.” She smiles and looks in my eyes.

  “No, the ground is just soft.” I cover her hand with my free one, holding it on my arm. I don’t want her to move away. She looks at my hand, and I am not sure if she wants me to move. “Forgive me.” I pull away.

  “No,” she whispers. “I… Do you…” She starts and stops as if she’s got five things to say at once. Then she looks into my eyes. “When you touch me…”

  My heart races in my chest so loud I am sure she must be able to hear it. I can feel the heat coming off her skin all along my body.

  “You feel it too?” I say, and it’s like I am watching myself from far away.

  She touches my chin and smiles. “I want more.”

  Chapter Five


  I can’t believe I say it when the words come out of my mouth. “When you touch me…”

  It’s so out of character for me to be so forward and so totally out of left field to even mention something like this, but I like him and I feel like I should let myself forget the rules for once and just go with my gut.

  He’s hotter than hell and built like a god, and he seems interested… but then when he touches me it’s like a thousand tiny bombs explode on my skin and I can’t get enough.

  Roman freezes for a moment and then he looks into my eyes. “You feel it too?” His voice is husky and low, intimate and just for me.

  I reach up and touch his chin, letting my fingers run over the scruff of stubble. “I want more.”

  I lean in to kiss him, feeling oddly free and wild. I barely know this man and yet, I want nothing more than his hands all over me.

  He lets go of the ladder and it slips a little before he grips it and shifts it back, pushing the sides down until it’s stable again. Then he’s pressing against me, his tongue dancing with mine as my body explodes with heat and need.

  Roman wraps one arm around my back and lifts me off the ladder. He steps onto the bottom rung and lifts me up and up until I can sit on the floor of the treehouse. Once safely seated, I scoot back and make room for him and watch as he climbs the ladder and crawls across the floor to me.

  He wraps his arm around me, his hand at the small of my back. He pulls me closer to him. “Poppy… I don’t know your full name.”

  I spread my legs and straddle him, ignoring the way my skirt rides up as I run my hands over the landscape of his muscled chest. “Blaze.”

  He laughs as he kisses my neck. “How appropriate. My god you taste so good.”

  I grab hold of his neck and pull myself to him, letting myself grind against his cock, which is definitely responding to me. He groans, and it’s rich, and deep, almost like a growl.

  Heat pulses between my legs at the sound.

  He runs his hand under my tee shirt, across my belly and I am so aware of how big he is compared to me. I lift my shirt and he helps me out of it and I use my free hands to undo the buttons on his shorts.

  I take his face in my hands and look him straight in the eyes. “I want you, Roman.”

  He arches his brows. “Here?”

  I nod. “Now.”

  We work each other out of our clothes and I luxuriate in the feel of his skin against mine. It’s like everywhere we make contact one of those little bombs goes off. I can’t get enough.

  Roman cups my breasts and teases one of my nipples with his tongue, sending a quick flutter through my body and into my groin.

  I lace one of my legs over him and reach for him, taking his cock in my hands. I need both hands to fully grasp him and I have to stifle a laugh.

  “What’s funny?” he asks.

  “You’re so big,” I whisper.

  He smiles and his dimple makes him look much younger than he is. “Yeah well, we all have our cross to bear.”

  “You poor thing,” I say.

  He lays me down on my back and I pull him on top of me. I guide his cock to my opening and as my hand brushes against my pussy I feel just how wet I am. Thinking about it makes heat bloom even more as I spread myself wide for him. Then he’s inside me and it’s all I can do not to shout out with pleasure.

  Our bodies move together. I take his mouth with mine and taste the clean warmth of his tongue thrusting into me as I ride his huge shaft. I am so aware of him inside me and I just want more. This is everything. This is what it’s all about. This is connection and heat and fire and lust like I have never dreamed of experiencing.

  He rolls onto his back and leans up against the wall, holding me to him so we’re face to face and I’m in his lap.

  I let gravity take me down onto him and I imagine my body opening wider and wider, making room for all of him, wishing there were more, more. Then his fingers move over my bottom and between my cheeks. I feel him touching my little center. I reach around and hold his hand there and guide his finger inside.

  “Oh, yeah,” he groans into my ear.

  I kiss him with an urgency I have never known. I need his tongue inside me. I need him to fill every part of me with him. I am so aware of his tongue in my mouth, his cock in my pussy,
and even his finger that I ride like there won’t be another tomorrow. It’s all here, right now, and I have nothing but his body to keep me alive. He is everything.

  I feel myself pulsing. It starts in my toes and it moves through my shins and up my back and under my hair before it shoots down between my legs and I explode. Roman clutches me to him as we rock together, both of us spent and exhausted and absolutely satisfied.

  Chapter Six


  She was like human fire in my arms. The way she moved, the things she let me do to her… the sounds she made while she did things to me… oh my fucking god.

  I’ve never known a woman to let go so completely before. I’ve never been so in tune with anyone like I was with Poppy. I’ve never felt so… trusted.

  Neither of us wanted to part this afternoon, but after two hours in the tree house we were exhausted and we both had things to do. She promised her grandmother she’d join her at home for dinner. We made plans to meet for a drink this evening.

  So here I am on the back patio of the Stars and Stripes, watching the sunset and daydreaming about Poppy Blaze. My mind runs slowly through all the things I want to do with her… all the things I want her to do to me, and everything that happened already, and the electricity between us the whole time.

  I had planned to work on finishing the porch this afternoon, but after almost skewering my hand with a nail gun—twice, I stopped working before I could do some serious damage.

  “Hey Army! Don’t you look happy!” Roxy arrives at my table and pulls me from my reverie.

  I smile at her. “Hello Roxy.” She has her hair pulled back and she’s wearing giant silver hoop earrings that bump against her cheeks when she talks.

  “What can I get you?”

  I order a draught beer and get back to my sunset.

  After a minute, Roxy returns, places my beer on the table and then stands back, eyeing me. “So, Army. You’re about six foot three?”

  I have no idea where she’s headed. “Six four, but close enough.”

  She looks over her shoulder at the bartender who urges her on. She turns back to me. “I wonder, do you have plans tomorrow morning, during the parade?”

  “The parade?”

  “See, the Stars and Stripes has this tradition with our parade float. We have a whole setup with the cheerleaders from the high school and the mascot and everything, but thing is, our Uncle Sam can’t make it. He broke his leg the other day, and the costume was made special for him by his wife, Jackie.” She throws a thumb over her shoulder to indicate the bartender. “And you’re almost exactly the same build as Tommy…”

  “Wait, so you want me to be Uncle Sam in the parade tomorrow morning? What does that entail?”

  “Just wearing the costume and smiling and waving at everyone, tossing out candy to the kids.” She shrugs. “Pretty standard parade stuff.”

  I take a sip of my beer and think about it. It’s not like I have anything else going on tomorrow. “What time do you need me there?”

  “Eight o’clock, sharp.”

  “I’m happy to help.”

  Roxy starts clapping.

  Jackie comes over to thank me. “You saved the parade!” She gives me a hug and tells me that her husband was really worried he’d have to do it in his cast. “Thank you so much!”

  Roxy sits down in the chair next to me, opens her pad, and starts making notes for me. “All right. We’re going to meet at the American Legion hall at the end of Milltown Road. You know where that is?” When I nod she continues. “Here’s my number, and the number for Jackie. She and I will be there getting the float together and helping everyone get on board. You should dress light. It’s going to be a hot one and the costume is long pants and long sleeves.”

  I pull out my phone and start entering the contact info for her and the bartender. “What’s Jackie’s last name?” I ask.

  “Jastrzembski,” she says.

  I laugh. “I’m sorry, can you spell that?”

  “Here, let me.” She takes my phone and adds Jackie and herself to my contacts and then sends a text to herself from me. “There, now you have us both in case you need to reach us in the morning for anything. Thank you so much for agreeing to help. I know it means a lot to them. Ever since Tommy got hurt, it’s all she’s been stressing about. He feels like he’s letting everyone down.”

  “I’m happy to help.”

  “You really are the best.” Roxy hands me back my phone and bends to give me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Seven


  I step through the door of the Stars and Stripes and stop in my tracks. I watch as Roman and the waitress get all touchy feely with each other. At one point she takes his phone and I can only assume she gives him her number because she pulls her own phone out to show him something… maybe a call or a text coming through from him.

  I watch for another minute to make sure I am seeing what I think I am seeing. I know I am super sensitive, but at the same time, I won’t be played for a fool again.

  Sure enough, the waitress bends over and practically lays in Roman’s lap as she drapes herself around his neck for a kiss. With the sun behind them I can’t see his face, but I think I’ve seen enough. I got the picture.

  I am well aware that I have no claim on Roman. I mean, I have no idea who he’s seeing or anything that happened before today. But after the time we spent today, it is a shock to see him flirting so openly with someone else. Watching them makes me feel like today meant nothing to him.

  I blow out my breath. I don’t know him very well. This is my own fault. This is what happens when I jump in without looking. I don’t know what I want, but I know what I don’t need: I don’t need to waste my time with another player—no matter how hot the sparks are. The thought makes me shiver. No thanks.

  “Damn it,” I whisper under my breath, grateful that he hasn’t turned to see me before I can slip out the door.

  “Oh, look at that one, Poppy! All the cute fur babies!” Grandma Lynn waves at the parade float as it rolls by. This one features the local animal shelter workers sitting with dogs, puppies, and cats of all sizes. “I think I might want to get a dog.”

  Behind them is the high school marching band, followed by a large float decorated like a giant red white and blue top hat. The high school cheerleaders dance along the brim and Uncle Sam stands at the top, waving to the crowd and throwing candies at the children.

  We clap when the marching band finishes their number and then the parade pauses and the cheerleaders begin one of their routines.


  I hear my name called over the din of the parade, but I can’t tell which direction it came from. I look around.

  “Poppy! Up here!”

  I look up and see Uncle Sam waving at me from the top of the float.

  I stand up and shield my eyes from the morning sun so I can see his face, but he’s covered in a white wig under a huge top hat and has a ridiculous stick-on beard.

  “Poppy, who is that?” Grandma Lynn’s voice tells me that she likes what she sees, very much.

  When he takes off his hat, I can see his face. It’s Roman. “Oh.” I sit back down and feel cornered. “Just a guy, Grandma. Why is the parade stopped for this long? Can you see anything blocking them up ahead?”


  I will myself not to look up at him again.

  “Why don’t you just give him a wave, dear? Let him know you see him.”

  “Mmm hmm.” I say, not committing to anything.

  Then I watch in horror as Uncle Sam slides down the ladder on the side of the hat and lands on the brim. The crowd goes crazy and the kids swarm up near the float. He reaches into a giant bucket and grabs handfuls of candy which he tosses to the kids.

  Then, like a man on a mission, Uncle Sam jumps off the float and makes a bee-line right for me.

  He takes off his hat when he gets close. “Poppy. You stood me up las
t night.”

  “Well, aren’t we direct?” Grandma Lynn grins at him.

  “Excuse me.” He turns to Grandma Lynn and bows as he offers his hand. “You must be Lynn, Poppy’s grandmother. She’s told me about you. I’m Roman Chandler.”

  “How nice. Any relation to Pete Chandler?” she asks.

  He nods. “Pete’s my uncle.”

  She takes his hand and fans herself with her free one. “Aren’t you a tall drink of water?”

  I stare at them. “Um. Hello?”

  Roman releases my grandmother and straightens, then he smiles at me. “You stood me up last night.”

  I look over my shoulder at the people nearby who are taking all of this in with rapt attention. “So you keep saying. But for your information, I did not stand you up. I arrived to find you otherwise engaged.”

  “Oh, dear.” Grandma tsks and shakes her head. “Not good.”

  Roman’s face is sweaty under his wig and beard. “Otherwise engaged? I waited all night for you, by myself. If you’re not interested, that’s fine. But after yesterday… I was… well, I was surprised that you didn’t show.”

  I feel the fire in my cheeks, but I refuse to look away. “Really? When I got there, I saw you with the waitress. I watched you exchange phone numbers and then get rather… intimate.” As I say it I feel foolish, like I am the one who got caught.

  Roman laughs. “Roxy? All right. Well, what you witnessed was her and Jackie, the bartender, roping me into this getup. I agreed to do them a favor and she was thanking me with a hug and a kiss. On the cheek, I should add.”

  I realize how wrong I am and it’s like water being thrown over my back. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, oh.” He touches my hand and the fire ignites inside me in a flash. I can tell he feels me reacting to his touch. “I know we just met, but can I get another chance… to prove myself, I mean.”


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