Loving Dasia

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Loving Dasia Page 6

by Ana’Gia Wright

  G crossed Dasia’s mind as she plopped down in the leather chair in front of her work desk. He’d been out of town for two days now, and she missed him. She was glad her boss had given her two lengthy reports to type, travel invoices to input as well as meetings to schedule with two prospective clients. The tasks kept her plate full most of the day, so she didn’t have time to dwell on the fact that she missed the man who’d become a constant reminder of how much she need companionship in her life.

  It was almost four thirty, and she’d managed to accomplish all of her tasks for the day. Once she finished dividing the day’s mail, she’d be free to relax a little before it was time to go home.

  She sorted through the smaller envelopes, placing the invoices in one basket, putting the junk mail into the trash. She logged the name, address, and tracking number of the first large-sized envelope into the book and was about to do the same with the one in her hand, until she realized it was addressed to her.

  Dasia glanced around the office at her co-workers, trying to determine if any of them may have left the package, but they all appeared to be busy completing their projects for the day. She decided to open it. She pulled the photos and the accompanying letter from the envelope. She shuffled through the black-and-white photos of G with another woman. The more she stared at the woman’s face, the more familiar she became.

  It finally dawned on her where she’d seen the woman before. She’d been out on an errand for her boss. As she approached the restaurant balcony of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Peachtree Street she’d glanced up and seen G with a woman, both dressed in business attire and a mound of paperwork on the table before them. Dasia chose not to interrupt what was obviously a business meeting. The woman in the pictures was that very same woman. Based upon these photos, Dasia questioned her assumption about a business meeting.

  The more Dasia flipped through the photos, the more deadened she began to feel. She hadn’t yet reached anger, but she was on the verge of hurt. G had been only sincere with her, so in the back of her mind, she was sure there was some logical explanation. She needed answers, but she couldn’t bring herself to call him. So she did the next best thing. She picked up the phone and called Katina. Maybe she knew who the woman in the photos was.

  “Hello?” the voice on the other side of the receiver asked.

  “Hey, Katina. It’s Dasia.” Dasia tried to keep a chipper tone. She wasn’t going to let this get to her yet. Those photos could have so many explanations.

  “What’s up, girl?”

  “Are you free tonight? I need to talk to you about something.”

  Katina hesitated for a moment before responding. Something wasn’t right. “Yeah. I should be able to get Ms. Johnson to watch the kids.”

  “That’ll be great. I’ll give you a call as soon as I get in and get settled.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  After the two said good-bye, Dasia packed up her things for the long weekend.

  “So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?” Katina relaxed in the recliner in Dasia’s living room. She was still amazed at how comfortable it was, the main reason she’d had G buy it. He had two others just like it in his home in Palmetto.

  Dasia handed Katina the envelope she’d received earlier in the day. She watched Katina’s expression as she flipped through the photos. When she got to the one with G and the woman on the staircase, she stopped.

  “Do you recognize the woman?”

  For the first time since she’d started sorting through the pictures, Katina looked up at Dasia.

  “You don’t have anything to worry about. The woman G is with is an old family friend. She might as well be blood because she’s like a little sister to us. She’s happily married with four kids and a wonderful husband.”

  Dasia released a sigh of relief. She’d hoped there was a logical explanation to the pictures, and Katina had just given her one. “I guess the question now is why someone sent these to me.”

  “Well, apparently whoever it was wants to break you and G up.” Katina slid the photos back into the envelope.

  “But who’d want to do that, and why?”

  Katina had her suspicions, but she kept them to herself. “Who knows . . . probably some scorned ex. Don’t pay this any attention. I’ll tell G about it when he gets back. He’ll find who sent these and take care of it.”

  “No, don’t tell him. It’s not important.”

  “He needs to know. Not just because these were sent to you, but because someone is following him.”

  This wasn’t negotiable. Katina had only lied to her brother once, and she had to live with that every day. It was for the greater good; the good of their family finances. The chick he’d been dating had found out about their hefty family inheritance and she’d only been using G to get to the money. The woman had gotten away with a sizable sum, but in reality, her bounty was chump change, compared to the whole lot.

  “Promise me you won’t tell him. This will probably just blow over. I don’t want him worrying any more than he already is.”

  “I don’t know, Dasia. This is serious.”

  “Please. If something else happens, I’ll tell him. He’s got enough on his mind, and I don’t want to add to his troubles.”

  Katina thought about what Dasia was asking. She wouldn’t exactly be lying to G, she just wouldn’t mention it. Besides, G had enough bodyguards to keep him safe.

  At one time, she’d have thought her brother was paranoid, always having someone in the shadows for safety. Two years ago though, she’d been thankful for it. Money brought out the crazies. She’d never considered herself a target, but when she’d received a call from one of G’s spies stating for her to get inside and take Marques with her, she’d realized how much just being who she was made her vulnerable.

  “All right. It’ll be our little secret.”

  “Thanks.” Dasia gathered the photos and slid them back into the envelope. She was glad that was settled; now she could get back to being excited about her weekend.

  “What do you look so giddy about?”

  “Nothing, just thinking about this weekend.” Dasia plastered a smile on her face. There was no sense in hiding her joy. She couldn’t wait for her surprise from G.

  “Really? What kind of plans does my brother have in store for you?”

  Dasia handed Katina a postcard she’d received from G a couple of days earlier, the words, “Think cool, crisp mornings and breathtaking views, Yours Truly G” written in his handwriting in the box to the left of the address.

  Katina secretly smiled to herself. She had an idea where G was taking Dasia. Her brother had spoken of their private getaway spot recently. G didn’t go there often, so taking Dasia there meant that she was extra special. Katina was sure the two lovebirds would have a wonderful time.

  “Well, I’d better be going. Make sure you dress warm.” Katina stood and made her way to the door.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? You know where he’s taking me, don’t you?” Dasia leaned up watching.

  Katina reached for the doorknob. “I have a pretty good idea. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself. I’ll see you Tuesday.”

  With that Katina closed Dasia’s front door, leaving her to her thoughts.

  Chapter 9

  Dasia’s week had dragged on as she anticipated her getaway with G. By the end of the week, exhaustion set in. By the time they’d loaded the luggage and hit the road, Dasia felt the past week’s sleepless nights creeping up on her. And before they reached the interstate, sleep pulled her under.

  Dasia slept the four-hour drive from Atlanta to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. G still hadn’t told her where they were going. She’d tried her best to stay awake, but the open road always lulled her to sleep.

  By the time she opened her dreary eyelids, they were pulling into the driveway of a chalet nestled in the tranquility of nature.

  “I see my sleeping beauty has awakened from her slumber.”

  “Where are we?” D
asia stretched in the confines of the seat. She’d had a hard time sleeping last night with her anticipation of the trip, so she welcomed sleep when it began to take over. She’d had a good nap and felt energized, now that she’d gotten some rest.

  “Maybe if you’d stayed awake a little longer, you would know the answer to that.”

  “Are you going to tell me where we are, or am I just going to spend the weekend in the dark?” Dasia crossed her arms and pouted.

  “I think I like having you in the dark. Keeps me from worrying about you running away. I figure you won’t get far if you don’t know where you are.”


  G climbed out of the Range Rover and walked over to Dasia’s side to help her out. When they’d collected their bags, he escorted her into their home for the weekend, carrying their bags into the bedroom, while Dasia looked around. He’d made sure that they had separate beds, just in case Dasia wasn’t quite up to sharing yet.

  The chalet was a quaint little place decorated in Navajo style, all the way down to the duvet tossed over the back of the couch. The furniture all appeared to be hand-made out of the finest wood, and a soft glow from the fireplace warmed the large living room. The kitchen added just a touch of modern style, while not taking away from the feeling of being one with nature that the rest of the cabin exuded.

  Dasia made her way over to one of the windows and stared out into the crisp mountain sky. A light fog hung over the tops of the trees. She watched as a large bird, probably a hawk or a falcon, circled a patch of trees and then dove into the foliage.

  “It’s beautiful out there, isn’t it?” G wrapped his arms around Dasia’s waist as he stared out at the picture-perfect scene just over her shoulders.

  “Yes, it is. And it looks so peaceful.”

  “And this isn’t even the best view.” G turned her to face him. Her lips called to him, begging him to lean down and brush them with his. He stared into her eyes, wanting so much for her, yet afraid she wasn’t ready to accept all he offered. Before he made the wrong move, he intertwined her fingers with his and led her through the double doors on the other side of the living room.

  The doors opened to a glassed-in porch that hung over the side of the mountain. What he’d said was true. The view on this side was even more breathtaking than the one she’d just seen.

  G watched her take in all of the beauty surrounding them. In his mind, though, the beauty outside paled in comparison to her. Dasia was all he’d ever wanted in a woman. She was kind-hearted, loyal, understanding, and beautiful. He felt at home with her in his arms. They didn’t even have to talk, just having her close, knowing she was all his, made life worth living.

  Dasia watched G drift off into a daydream. “What are you thinking?”

  “How beautiful you are, and how I wouldn’t change a thing about you.” He squeezed her hand, her fingers warm and soft against his.

  “Oh, G.” Dasia’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He was always complimenting her in some way.

  Initially it was uncomfortable for her, having him just stare at her without saying a word, but she’d grown accustomed to his attention. She understood his need to memorize everything about her. She’d done the same thing to Jeremiah, burning his image, his voice, his demeanor into her subconscious, so if she ever lost her vision or her hearing, she’d always have the memories, and they’d be enough to sustain her.

  “Want to get into the hot tub while the house warms up?” G wanted to feel her body next to his. Holding her in his arms was comforting, but he needed more, without running the risk of pushing her away. He’d be content with her sitting between his legs, resting against his chest as the warm water relaxed them both.


  For the next two days they enjoyed each other’s company. They’d traveled to Pigeon Forge to Dollywood, shopped until they dropped in the Sevierville outlet mall, took a helicopter ride over the mountains, and visited the Aquarium. They spent a number of hours walking the trails of the mountains and watching the birds and coyotes in their natural habitat. They’d even taken a few hours to drive to the casino in Cherokee.

  But what Dasia enjoyed the most about the trip was the time snuggling with G in the heart-shaped Jacuzzi tub in the bedroom during the day and the hot tub on the porch at night. The view of the stars in the night sky with her being held in his arms did something to her. She didn’t want to admit it, but she felt a sort of closeness to him. It almost resembled love, and on a couple of occasions, she had to catch herself from beginning to believe it was.

  In her mind, she still wasn’t ready to love. Being with Jeremiah had taken a lot out of her, and she wasn’t yet ready to step back out on faith. G was the perfect gentleman, allowing her to take things in small steps as she saw fit. She was glad he understood her need to take things slow.

  Tonight was their last night in this beautiful place. G cooked angel hair pasta with marinara sauce. He made a salad and warmed some store-bought garlic bread. They both ate to their heart’s content. Then they decided to spend a few hours of their last night in the hot tub.

  “Did you have a good time?” G asked as Dasia laid her head against his chest. He fought the urge to play with her body, not wanting to offend her. Patience was one thing he had plenty of, but being this close to her for the past few days had really put it to the test.

  “I had a wonderful time. I just hate it’s ending.”

  G wanted so much to tell her it never had to end. If she wanted to, they could stay here forever. He had enough money to take care of them both for the rest of their lives without either of them working, but he kept his thoughts to himself. He was still hesitant about telling Dasia about his money. Katina and Chaos had been right all of these years about the money changing the way people looked at him, and he wanted Dasia to know the real him, not just what his money could do for her.

  “Well, if you like, we can plan another trip. Maybe we’ll go to the beach next time.” He squeezed Dasia a little tighter, wanting to be as close to her as humanly possible.

  “That sounds delightful. Maybe Jekyll Island?” Dasia suggested.

  “I haven’t been there since I was a little boy.” G thought of his childhood, and many happy memories flooded back to him. “My father used to take us every other summer, once we moved back to the States. How soon would you like to go?”

  “Not for another month or so. I just got back to work, and I don’t want to start taking days off so soon.”

  “Well, you let me know when, and I’ll make the arrangements.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Dasia stretched and yawned, shifting between his legs, trying to get more comfortable. Though she didn’t mean to start anything, her movements caused G’s body to react.

  She felt the place on her back grow cool as he put some space between them.

  He rested his head on the back of the tub, willing his body to respond to what he wanted it to, instead of what Dasia’s body was doing to it. He hoped she hadn’t noticed with the movement of the water from the jets, but when he heard her release a slight giggle, he knew she knew what she was doing to him.

  “Oh, so you think that’s funny, do you? Well, let’s see how you like it. Time for a little payback.” G nuzzled her neck, biting gently on her collarbone and running his tongue up her neck to blow into her ear. She responded to his gentle caresses with a low, sensual moan. He didn’t want to push his luck, so he stopped.

  “Okay, so maybe it isn’t that funny.”

  “I’m glad you agree. Are you coming to bed?” He began to slide out of the hot tub.

  “You go ahead. I’ll be in, in a little while.”

  G was glad she wanted to spend a little more time in the hot tub. He needed a little distance between them. His control was running thin, and he needed to take a cold shower to get his body back in check. “Then I’ll see you in a little while.” He left the inside door open, just in case. If she needed him, all she had to do was call.
r />   Chapter 10

  Since returning from their trip, Dasia was having a hard time adjusting to being back at work. It wasn’t just that her mind was continuously drifting to G, but things had started to get really hectic. These last couple of weeks her boss had been acting like a real bastard, ordering her around like she was his slave. She’d never had to deal with such disrespect from another human being.

  She knew something was going on with the company, but she didn’t know what it was. There’d been a number of meetings with the upper-level management teams, and even a few police detectives had stopped through over the last couple of days. Something big was brewing, and apparently whatever it was landed right in her boss’s lap.

  Today had been especially hard for her. She’d been fighting a killer migraine since early morning. She’d tried to make it through the day, but the nausea was coming back. She knew if she didn’t leave now, she’d never make it home. As much as she didn’t want to ask her boss for the rest of the day off, if he couldn’t understand her dilemma, then she’d just have to do what she had to do. If it meant losing her job, then so be it. She and G had had a number of long talks about her putting her health first, and today she was in no condition to be at work.

  Dasia picked up the receiver and buzzed her boss. She let the phone ring until he couldn’t ignore it anymore.

  He was anything but polite with his greeting. “What is it, Dasia?”

  “May I come in? I need to speak with you.”

  “Can’t it wait?”

  “No, sir, it can’t.”

  “Well, make it quick. I’ve got more than enough to deal with right now.”

  The sound of the receiver being slammed down echoed in Dasia’s ear. She really didn’t want to do this, but she needed to get home safely. G was out of town, and she didn’t want to bother Katina, so she’d have to drive herself.

  Taking a couple of deep breaths, Dasia made her way into her boss’s office. She didn’t have to say a word.

  The minute he saw the puffiness of her nearly swollen shut eyes and the slight paleness to her complexion, he immediately told her to go home and get some rest. He knew she’d been working just as hard as he, and hadn’t noticed how bad she looked until she’d stepped through his door.


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