Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  What was she going to do now that they were here? Hear what they had to say. She hoped it was that they understood that she needed space and time. She didn’t want to argue for no reason.

  She swallowed around the lump in her throat and unlocked the door. She opened it a crack and peered out at them.

  “What do you want?”

  “We want to talk to you, Haley. Can we come in?”

  She hesitated. Then she opened the door wider and stepped back. She tightened the tie to the robe around her waist. The two men walked in the room. Joshua closed the door behind them and locked the door back. She looked at it and then his eyes when he did it.

  “You’re inside now. What did you want to talk about?” She tried for a haughty expression but knew she had failed miserably when Jayson smiled at her.

  “We need to talk about us, baby girl. Everything got screwed up when we didn’t talk about how we felt about you to begin with.” Joshua took a step toward her.

  Haley took a step back. “I can’t talk when you’re too close. You wanted to talk, let’s talk.”

  Jayson sighed and put a hand on Joshua’s arm to stop him from saying something, she was sure.

  “Can we all sit down?” Jayson asked.

  She shrugged and took a seat in the club chair she liked to read in. They each set on the couch and seemed to be waiting on her for something. Finally, she drew in a deep breath and spoke up.

  “Look, I care about you two very much. I don’t know if it is love or not. It’s too soon for me to know that. Three weeks ago, I would have told you I loved you guys more than anything and meant it. But you’re not talking about that kind of love. You’re talking about the romantic kind.”

  “Is that really all that different?” Joshua asked.

  “Yes, it is. I don’t think about screwing my best friends, but I do when I’m thinking about a lover.”

  “So how do you see us now?” Jayson asked.

  “That’s the problem, I’m not sure. I need time to think about what I feel about the two of you. I’m all confused inside right now.”

  “I’m sorry I stormed off the other day. To me, you were saying that you didn’t love us. That hurt.”

  “It hurt for you to shut me out and walk off, too.”

  “Why did you even bring up the other women, Haley?” Jayson asked.

  “Because I don’t look like them. They were all pretty, thin women with perfect hairdos and painted nails. I always thought you were looking for someone to look nice in your house. I’ll never be that person. I’m not thin and I don’t wear makeup.” Tears had begun to fall once again. She sniffed and dashed them away in one quick movement.

  “Aw, baby girl. We always wanted you but knew you weren’t ready for both of us. We were just waiting on you. They meant nothing to us. We love you. That means everything about you. We like that you don’t dress up and pretend to enjoy what we like. You really do enjoy it.” Jayson took a step closer to her. She didn’t back up this time.

  “You got engaged to that Lisa woman a year ago.”

  “She got engaged. We didn’t have anything to do with it.” Joshua’s upper lip curled.

  “Then why didn’t you tell me so when I wished you congratulations?”

  “Just stupid. Trying to keep from jumping your bones and not doing a very good job of it. If you’ll remember, we almost kissed that day. If Jayson hadn’t walked up and scared us, maybe we might have and all of this would have been moot.”

  “I think I had convinced myself that it was my imagination that we almost kissed. I was confused back then, too. I didn’t know if I wanted it to happen or if I was already scared spitless by the idea. I would have run. That’s for sure.” She ran a hand through her sleep-tangled hair and looked at the wall clock. It was closing in on ten now, and nothing had been resolved.

  “Haley, just give us a chance. We won’t push you on making a life-changing decision right away. Let’s just keep going like we were going. We don’t have to have a commitment right now.” Jayson glared over at Joshua when he started to say something.

  Joshua leaned forward. “Just say that you won’t date anyone else while you’re dating us. That’s all I ask. I’m having a hard enough time dealing with not having you with us all the time.”

  “Guys, didn’t you hear me? I need to think.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t need time away from us to think. You already have that because you’re living here and we’re not.” Jayson smiled.

  She let out a huff of breath and admitted to herself that they were right. She was afraid that they would soon have her doing whatever they asked. As long as she held on to her house, she would always have it as a security blanket. She could handle that. After what had to be two full minutes, when no one said anything, she finally nodded.

  “Okay. I’ll try again. Just don’t piss me off and we’ll do okay.”

  “Honey, I expect we will be pissing each other off on a regular schedule and that’s part of why we love you. You don’t take crap from us and don’t get your feelings hurt,” Joshua said.

  Jayson stood up and walked over to where Haley was sitting. He bent over her, resting his hands on the arms of the chair. When she frowned and looked up at him, he lowered his head and brushed his lips softly across hers. Then he stood up and pulled her into his arms.

  She went willingly, expecting a nice kiss that would fuel her fantasies for when they left again. But Joshua and Jayson didn’t seem to have any intentions of leaving anytime soon. Jayson smiled and drew her up against him for another more forceful kiss that lasted seconds longer but felt like it went on forever. Then she felt Joshua move in behind her and hold her steady with his arm around her waist.

  It felt so good to be able to rely on someone else to hold her up for a while. If she could do that with them, then maybe they had a chance. She just needed to relax and let things happen at a natural pace. As long as they didn’t push, she was okay with doing that.

  “Let us hold you, baby girl. We’ve missed you.” Jayson rained light kisses all over her face.

  “You are holding me. Hold me tighter.”

  “Let’s go to your bedroom, baby.” Joshua kissed the back of her neck after moving her hair aside.

  “My bedroom? Why?” She stopped moving and realized they wanted sex.

  “We want to make love to you, Haley. Don’t say no. Please.”

  She started to say just that, but Joshua licked up the side of her neck, and then sucked on her earlobe. She was so sensitive up and down her neck. She caved.

  “Yes,” she hissed out.

  Joshua immediately picked her up and carried her through the hall to her bedroom where he gently deposited her back on the bed. He stripped in less than a minute with Jayson right behind him. Then they both worked together to removed her robe, T-shirt, and underwear. Without warning, they jumped and buried her beneath their roving hands and needy mouths.

  It didn’t take any time at all for them to have her already at the brink of orgasm while they played with her breasts and edged around her pussy without actually entering it. She was totally surprised at how turned on she’d gotten so quickly. Maybe absence did make the heart grow fonder. Sure, it had only been a couple of days, but…

  “Oh, God!” Someone had their fingers thrusting inside her cunt.

  Her breasts were being consumed with teeth and tongue. Her pussy throbbed as fingers danced around inside her, locating her hot spot and stroking it over and over. Her first orgasm roared over her without warning as someone licked repeatedly over her clit. She bucked beneath their hands despite one of them trying to keep her still with a gentle hand on her pelvis.


  Then Joshua was above her rolling on a condom. He leaned down and kissed her, winding his tongue around hers before thrusting it in and out, imitating what he was about to do to her pussy. He sat back up and lifted her legs over his before fitting his sheathed cock at her slit. He plunged inside of her with one deep th

  “Fuck, you’re tight, baby girl. Ah, hell you’re already squeezing me. Easy, Haley, easy.”

  She couldn’t control her cunt’s spasming as Joshua continued to pump in and out of her with his massive cock. He slipped through her wet pussy like a hot knife through butter then butted up against her cervix, giving her an extra thrill. She hissed out a breath and tried to lift her pelvis to meet him as he thrust inside of her.

  Again and again he tunneled his way through her body until stars began to form behind her eyelids and flashing lights lit up her world as her second orgasm rushed her body like a tidal wave. It whipped up the sensations like a giant wind and soon she was tumbling over and over again. She couldn’t help it as she squeezed her cunt muscles with the waves of pleasure that engulfed her.

  Joshua shouted out her name as he filled the condom with his cum. She knew a moment of regret that he wasn’t bare and filling her cunt with his seed. She backed away from that thought and concentrated on breathing instead. He pulled out of her and left to dispose of the condom while Jayson whispered how beautiful she was and how he couldn’t wait to sink his dick into her hot, wet pussy.

  When Joshua returned, he eased on the bed next to her and kissed her all over her face before settling down to stroke her as Jayson took his place between her legs. He’d sheathed himself at some point and now the thick cock bobbed between his legs as if alive with a mind of its own.

  “God, baby girl, I can’t wait to feel you climax around me.”

  “I don’t think I can come again, Jayson. I’m sorry,” she managed to get out around pants.

  “Sure you can. You’ll see.” Then he fit his massive cock at her entrance and began to shove his way inside of her.

  Haley didn’t see how his cock would ever fit. She tried to relax her cunt muscles, but they were still overstimulated from the last orgasm. He pulled out and pushed in again and again. Soon he was lodged all the way inside her pussy with no room to move. He pulled out and thrust back in. She was soon rocking her pelvis, trying to shove her pussy down on his enormous dick. Her cunt muscles quivered around him each time he tunneled his way inside of her.

  She felt stretched to the maximum and knew there was no room to spare. Still he pummeled her with his thrusting cock until she was building up to something. She couldn’t imagine what it was since she’d already climaxed twice in one night. Still, it felt like the same sensations filling her body, knocking on her mind.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last much longer. Joshua.”

  “I’ve got her.” Joshua reached between them and stroked her clit while Jayson filled her cunt with his cock over and over.

  The combined sensations thrust her into a maelstrom of pleasure that threatened to consume her with its intensity. She screamed out their names as her orgasm melted her insides and burned through her bloodstream. She could no longer determine what was up and what was down. She grasped the bed sheets as the stinging sparks slowly dissipated, leaving her heaving for breath to fill her lungs.

  Jayson collapsed over her for several seconds before Joshua pushed at him.

  “Get up, idiot. You’re suffocating her.”

  He mumbled something that sounded like “sorry” and carefully pulled out of her before disappearing into the bathroom.

  Joshua pulled her back into his arms. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her shoulder as he stroked her belly.

  When Jayson returned, he climbed up in the bed and wrapped a leg over hers before laying gentle kisses across her face.

  “Thank you, baby girl. That was awesome. You mean so much to us.”

  Joshua whispered behind her. “We love you, Haley.”


  “Shh, you don’t have to say anything. I know you’re not ready to say it. Just let us take care of you for now.” Joshua squeezed her closer to him.

  Haley didn’t know what to think, how to feel. She was so mixed up inside. She knew that she cared for them and loved them as her best friends, but was that odd feeling in her belly really love? She needed time, and they didn’t look like they planned to go anywhere anytime soon. She sighed and closed her eyes. She would think about it later.

  Chapter Eleven

  Haley woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee. She frowned. Had she already been up and started the coffee? Why would she have gone back to bed? She never did that. Then the events of the night before roared back through her mind.

  “Oh, fuck.” They were still there.

  She scrambled off the bed and jumped in the shower. She had to be at work in less than an hour. After rushing through her shower, she dove into her work clothes and brushed her hair until it shown. By the time she had made it to the kitchen, the guys had breakfast on the table.

  “I have to work today. You should have woken me before now.” She sipped the delicious coffee before sitting down to eat a rushed meal.

  “We heard the shower kick on so we knew you were already up.” Jayson handed her the eggs.

  “What time will you get off today?” Joshua asked.

  “I usually leave the office around five. Sometimes it’s five thirty. Why?” She gave him a cautious look.

  “We wanted to have dinner ready for you.”

  “Hold on, guys. You’re not moving in with me.”

  Joshua laughed. “Don’t worry. We’re not planning to. We’re just going to cook for you tonight.”

  She wasn’t so sure that was a good idea, but she didn’t argue with him. She knew she wouldn’t win. She nodded her head and finished up her breakfast.

  “I’ve got to go guys. Lock up for me, okay?”

  “Whoa, not so fast. What about our kisses good-bye?” Jayson asked.

  “Oh, well, um.” She floundered at what to do.

  Joshua took care of that by pulling her into his arms and giving her a very sexy good morning kiss and good-bye kiss all in one. He plastered her body against his until she couldn’t help but notice how hard his cock was. When he released her, Jayson took over and wrapped his arms around her, running his hands down her back to cup her ass. He was just as aroused as Joshua had been.

  When he kissed her, it was less forceful than Joshua’s had been. They were unique in so many ways. Jayson, with his teasing attitude sucked in her loser lip and ran his tongue over it in a ticklish manner. She pulled back, giggling.

  “Stop that. It tickles.”

  “I know. Now you’ll think about me all day today and giggle just like that.”

  “You’re incorrigible. Let me go, goofball. I need to get to work. I can’t afford to be late.” She pulled out of his arms and waved good-bye as she grabbed her purse.

  Once in her car, she licked her lips, imaging that she could still feel their kisses. What was she going to do about them? She pondered that all the way to work and most of the day as well. They were so good to her. They tried to take care of everything, and she could so easily let them, but it wasn’t what she wanted. She had been independent for a long time. Giving in to them would seriously compromise her self-worth. Was there a happy medium?

  Haley tried to put it all out of her mind to concentrate on her job. She couldn’t afford to mess up. She succeeded for the most part, but lunchtime rolled around and she was back to pondering their relationship.

  By the time she got off at five fifteen, she was worn out mentally and physically. She pulled into her drive to find that no one was there. She frowned. They had said they were going to cook dinner for her. Something must have happened at the ranch. She shrugged. It was better that they had some space anyway. She refused to be disappointed.

  When she unlocked her door, there was a note on the floor as if someone had slid it under her door. She bent and picked it up before closing the door and dropping her purse on the couch as she walked by. She didn’t bother opening it at first. Instead she poured a glass of orange juice and sipped at it as she contemplated what to fix for dinner.

  Curiosity finally won out and she open
ed the piece of paper. She read over it once and then a second time. It was obviously from Matt. He hadn’t signed it, but it was his voice all over it.

  They can’t watch out for you all the time, Haley. You belong to me. I claimed you before they ever got off their asses. They were too late. You are mine! If you don’t stop fucking around with them and come back to me, you’ll be sorry.

  Haley shivered and crumbled the note up before throwing it in the garbage. He was all talk. He couldn’t do anything to her. She put it out of her mind and walked toward her bedroom to change clothes. She couldn’t wait to get out of what she called her monkey suit and into something more comfortable like jeans and a T-shirt.

  She’d just pulled on her shirt when there was a knock at the door. She frowned and padded barefoot to the living room to see who it was. After reading the note from Matt, she wasn’t taking any chances. She looked through the window and smiled. It was Joshua and Jayson.

  She opened the door knowing she had a big smile plastered across her face. They each took her in a hug and kissed her before closing the door behind them.

  “How was work today?” Joshua asked.

  “It was work. Nothing exciting. What about you? Anything exciting?”

  “Yeah, actually we did. Had a small stampede is the reason we’re late and didn’t get your dinner cooked. I’m really sorry, Haley.” Joshua ran his hands up and down her arms.

  “What in the world happened to cause that? Did anyone get hurt?”

  “We don’t know what caused it. The cattle are all okay, but one of the hands ended up having to go to the emergency room to get stitches.”

  “That’s terrible. I’m glad no one was seriously hurt.” She looked over at Jayson. “Did the two of you help gather them up again?”

  “Yeah, it was a mess to herd them all back to the north pasture.” Jayson walked over to the bar and drained the remainder of her orange juice.


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