Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  She could hear the soft murmur of voices as she washed her face before adding back her lipstick and a little face powder. She stared at herself in the giant mirror under the excellent lighting and shook her head. He’d splurged. There was no way he would have gotten anything this nice for just him and Jayson. Secretly, it made her feel special to them that he had, though.

  She opened the door and walked out into the room once again. The men were sitting on either side of the couch waiting for her.

  As she approached, Jayson held out his hand. “Have a seat, baby girl. We’re just talking about how nice the weather is for our trip.”

  “I checked the weather yesterday to be sure it was. I didn’t want to come if it was going to be raining all day every day.” Haley nodded. “It’s not even supposed to be real hot. That’s always a plus when you’re walking a lot.”

  “Any idea where you want to start first?” Joshua asked.

  “Not a clue. I can’t remember all of the stores anymore. They all sort of run together in my head now. There were too many of them for me to remember.”

  “Then let’s start at one end of a street and work our way up. How does that sound?”

  “Like a really good plan.”

  Jayson called to have the truck brought around, and they headed downstairs. By the time they made it to the front entrance, the truck was waiting for them. She was very impressed and figured that when you stayed at hotel as nice as this one was, service was guaranteed to be excellent.

  Joshua drove them back to where the stores were located and parked at one end of the street. He suggested that they walk up one side, and then back on the other side.

  “That only works if we have time to do that,” Jayson teased.

  “Oh, be quiet, Jayson. If you mess with me, I’ll start out using you to carry my bags. I’m thinking about some bookends, heavy bookends.”

  Jayson groaned while Joshua laughed. She was having so much fun. She hadn’t felt this relaxed around them in about three or four weeks. If only she could carry it back home with her.

  “Okay, you guys, it’s time to start. We only have a few hours before we have to head back to get cleaned up for dinner.”

  They made their way to the first store that appeared to house trendy jeans and T-shirts. She wasn’t into trendy stuff, so they skipped it. Jayson gave a “whoop” at that. She vowed to find something to make him drag back to the hotel.

  The second store had home furnishings and knickknacks. She found a marble statue of a cat that she wanted for her living room. The price wasn’t too unreasonable, so she bought it and handed it to Jayson who grumbled.

  Joshua ended up carrying T-shirts from the next store that she would wear around the house. She’d almost gotten one to sleep in because it was so large and had a cute kitten that looked about ready to fall over asleep on his feet on it.

  She found an outfit for work, though she hated wearing skirts. She sometimes wore a sundress in the summer when she went somewhere special, but not very often. She just didn’t like to dress all girly. She wasn’t one of the types of women who worried over their appearance. Either they liked her like she was, or they could jump in a lake. She wasn’t changing who she was for anyone. That went for Jayson and Joshua, too.

  They moved up the street, then back down it as she traipsed in and out of the different stores. She found another wonderful shop on the way back but they were running late. Joshua promised they would start with it the next day.

  Once they had made it back to the hotel, fatigue washed over her. She hadn’t been that active outside of mucking out horse stalls and brushing the horses down. She was out of shape for shopping. Who would have thought? She chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” Jayson asked.

  “I’m pooped. I can’t believe shopping can be this tiring.”

  “If you need to build up your stamina, I’m always available, baby girl.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dinner that night was at a fairly fancy restaurant. Haley had balked at first, but they convinced her that they rarely got to go somewhere nice and it was as much for them as for her. She wasn’t sure she really believed them, but gave in so as not to make a scene.

  “I still think you’re trying to indulge me. I don’t need it, guys. I’m happy with the normal things.”

  “You deserve so much more, Haley. Let us take care of you sometimes.” Joshua covered her hand with his. “Enjoy yourself.”

  “I am. Thank you.” She turned to Jayson. “Both of you.”

  Jayson took her other hand and squeezed it just as the waiter walked up. If he thought it was odd that both men were holding her hand, he didn’t let on. She knew that was the sign of a good waiter and an expensive restaurant.

  After giving him their drink orders, they discussed what they were going to get to eat. Joshua admonished her for trying to pick the cheapest thing on the menu.

  “Get whatever you want to eat, baby. We are. I’m having a porterhouse steak.”

  She finally went with a petite-cut steak with a baked potato and salad. She sighed and decided she wasn’t going to be able to talk them out of being extravagant during this trip. She would have to relax and let them have their way or risk hurting their feelings.

  They talked until the food arrived about what they planned to do. Then they were busy eating. When it came time to leave, Joshua paid the bill and ushered her out to the truck. Once again, Haley had the creepy feeling of being watched. She shrugged it off and climbed into the cab of the truck.

  Joshua parked the truck a little ways out from the bar and they walked. It was a pleasant night for it, but Haley was glad she’d worn a light sweater over her top. When they entered the bar, she could feel the beat of the music all through her body. She couldn’t wait to get out on the dance floor. Even as early as they were, the place was already crowded.

  They got their beers first then cruised the area looking for an empty table or booth. Finally, a couple vacated a table halfway from where they were dancing. Jayson seated her and Joshua positioned himself on the other side of her.

  Jayson leaned close and almost yelled into her ear. “I don’t remember it being this loud when we were here last. Do you?”

  She shook her head. “Different band. Maybe they’ll tone it down soon.”

  After a little while, Jayson stood up and pulled her to her feet. He wanted to dance and knew she would be game. They picked their way through the tables and into the dancers. Both Jayson and Joshua were great dancers. She’d danced with them many times. Jayson pulled her in close with his hands on her lower back, just above her ass. She wound her arms around his neck and rested her head against his chest.

  “Love you, Haley, baby.”

  She pulled back a little ways and looked up at him.

  “Shh, you don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to say it.” He pressed her back to his chest.

  Haley wasn’t sure what she was going to do about their frequent declarations of love. She knew she cared about them even deeper than she’d thought possible, but she wasn’t sure she was in love with them. She’d always dreamed it would be like a giant explosion that would alert her to the fact that she’d fallen in love. In reality, she knew that wasn’t what happened.

  “Don’t think so hard, baby girl. This is a vacation of sorts. You’re supposed to relax and enjoy yourself.”

  “I am. I’m having a great time.” She looked up at him.

  Then the music ended and the band announced they were taking a break. They weaved their way back through the swarm of people leaving the dance floor and crowded tables to where they’d left Joshua guarding their beers.

  “Have fun?” He stood up when they approached.

  “Yeah. The floor is crowded, though.” She scooted her chair up after Jayson seated her.

  “I’m glad the band took a break. Maybe someone will tell them they’re too loud. It’s hard to even understand them.” Joshua shook his head. “We’ll dance when they
come back, baby girl.”

  Sure enough, when they got back to play, they were quieter. Someone had spoken up. She was relieved. She had been getting a slight headache and hadn’t wanted to cut their evening short.

  Joshua took her hand and drew her to the dance floor. They swayed to the music as the band played one of her favorite songs. Joshua leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Are you having fun, Haley? I want you to be happy and enjoy yourself.”

  “I’m enjoying myself very much, Joshua. You and Jayson have treated me like a princess. I would never have done all this if I’d been alone. Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me. You deserve all of this and more, baby girl. We’ll always take care of you. I want you to believe that.”

  “I do, Joshua, but you don’t have to. I can take care of myself.”

  “I know that, and you have, but you don’t have to do it all alone anymore. We want you with us all the time, Haley.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Her heart fluttered into her throat and her ears began to ring.

  “We’ll talk more about it at the hotel. This isn’t the time or place. I just want you to know that we both love you and are crazy about you.”

  He kissed her briefly on the lips, and then pressed her head back against his chest to finish out the song. They made their way back to the table where Jayson had ordered them another round of beer.

  The rest of the night went by in a haze. She couldn’t get Joshua’s words out of her head. What had he meant? Surely he wasn’t talking about her moving in with them. She didn’t want to give up her house in case things didn’t work out between them. Was she even contemplating it in the first place?

  “What are you thinking about? You’re staring off into space,” Jayson teased.

  “Nothing really. My mind is jumping from one thing to another. I think I’ve had plenty to drink, what with wine at dinner and now beer.”

  “Are you tipsy, baby? Can we take advantage of you?” Jayson gave her a playful leer.

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “It’s getting late, are you ready to go?” Joshua leaned in so they could hear him.

  “We probably should if I’m going to get up at dawn and take you two shopping with me.”

  “Dawn? The stores don’t even open until nine and ten,” Jayson whined.

  “There’s always window shopping while we wait.” She winked at Joshua.

  He shook his head and chuckled. He knew she was kidding, but Jayson looked a little uncomfortable. Whether it was from getting up at dawn or the window shopping, she wasn’t sure, but he tried to hide it.

  They finished up their beers and stood up. Not four steps from the table, another couple zoomed in on it. Haley laughed. Joshua lifted an eyebrow in question. She just shook her head and mouthed that she would tell him later. They continued through the milling crowd, pushing their way toward the door and freedom. Once outside, Haley drew in a deep breath of the fresh air. She wanted to twirl around in it but settled for the deep breath and improved hearing.

  “That was fun, but I hope they have a different band tomorrow night.”

  “We’re going to a different place tomorrow night. Let’s just hope that this band isn’t playing there tomorrow.” Joshua took her hand on one side as Jayson took the other one.

  Once they were back at the hotel, Haley found herself lodged between Joshua and Jayson. They licked and kissed and nipped their way around her face and down her neck. Jayson pulled her sweater off and threw it toward the couch. Then he was sipping at her shoulders as if they were covered in champagne.

  Joshua sucked on her earlobe then nibbled his way around her jaw to her chin and back up to her mouth. He licked at her lips, and when she opened for him, he plunged in with his tongue. She sucked on it, needing more, craving more. He gently pulled away and rested his forehead against hers.

  “Let’s take this to the bed, baby. I need you. I want to taste you, and then I want to fuck you. Will you let us both have you tonight?” He kissed the corners of her eyes down to the corners of her mouth. “Please, baby girl.”

  “I–I’ve never…”

  “We would never hurt you. We’ll make it feel so good, Haley.”

  “Oh, God. I can’t think when you do that.” He was licking her neck with Jayson doing the same on the other side.

  “Don’t think, just feel.”

  She wanted it, wanted to feel them both moving inside of her. She was scared, though. Could she do it?

  “I want to try. I’m scared, Joshua.”

  “All you have to do is say stop and we stop. We want to make you feel good.”

  “Okay. I want you both inside of me.”

  Before she knew what was happening, Joshua had swung her into his arms and was carrying her toward the bed. Jayson hurried ahead and pulled back the covers on the king-size bed.

  “Jayson, take off her shoes.”

  Once her shoes were off, Joshua let her slide down his body to stand up so they could remove her dress. She caught her breath at the obvious bulge of his cock behind the zipper of his jeans. She had a brief moment to think that it had to be uncomfortable before Jayson began to unzip her dress, dragging his tongue down her back. She shivered as the cool air caressed her wet skin.

  “God, you’re so pretty with that flush on your face.” Joshua stared down at her, ramping up her arousal even higher.

  Her dress slipped to the floor when he pushed her straps off her shoulders with two fingers. Jayson unhooked her strapless bra and pulled it off, rasping the material over her already stiffened nipples. She drew in a deep breath through her nose and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, Joshua was still staring down at her with heavy-lidded eyes.

  Jayson ran two fingers into the waistband of her thong and pulled it down so that she could step out of them. As soon as she was totally nude, Joshua lowered her to the edge of the bed and helped her lie back against the mattress. Jayson had somehow managed to remove his clothes during all of that. He stretched out beside her and ran his callused hand across her nipples.

  “God, yes.” She felt it down to her clit.

  He pulled each of them then pinched them lightly. She squeezed her legs together at the sensation that it sent to her pussy. Then Joshua was pushing her legs apart so that he could fit his wide shoulders between them. He sucked on her pussy lips before swiping his tongue through her syrup. She could feel how wet she was even before he began lapping at her slit.

  “You taste like spicy honey, baby girl. I could lick you all day.”

  Jayson sucked in one of her nipples and flattened it against the roof of his mouth where he teased it with his tongue. He used his fingers to torment her other breast. She was burning up between the sensations he was sending to her clit and the feelings Joshua was dragging from her pussy.

  Fire flicked at her clit and swept up her body to her face as her veins filled with molten lava. She had butterflies doing gymnastics in her belly as Joshua began to pump his fingers in and out of her pussy. He curled them and stroked over her hot spot then pumped them again.

  “Please, please.”

  “What, Haley? What do you need,” Jayson whispered by her mouth. “Do you need a thick cock buried in your cunt? What about one tunneling up your ass?”

  “Anything. Please. I want you. I need you inside of me.”

  Joshua sucked at her clit but didn’t stay long enough that she would climax. She screamed with frustration.

  “Easy, baby. We’re going to take care of you. I want to be inside of you when you come.” Joshua sucked on her again then pulled his fingers free of her pussy and stood up. “Jayson, get in the middle of the bed.”

  Jayson pulled on her nipples one last time before moving over to lie on his back in the middle.

  “Haley, baby. Climb up on Jayson and suck that cock inside your hot cunt. Make him feel good.”

  She rolled over and crawled to him. She felt sexy as she slowly climbed up his
body dragging her tongue across his throbbing cock as she did. He rewarded her with a hiss of breath. She dragged her breasts across his groin hair and then his chest. The added stimulation had her clenching her pussy.

  Jayson grasped her hips and pulled her closer to him. “Climb on, baby girl. I want to take you for a ride.”

  Haley moved up and lifted to align his dick with her slit. She slowly sank down on his cock until she was able to work his massive cock deep inside her cunt. She breathed out and closed her eyes as he filled her, rasping over sensitive nerves. She rolled her hips, wanting to feel him move inside of her.

  “Fuck! Ah, hell, baby. You’ve got to quit. I can’t hold out if you keep moving.”

  “Haley, stop. You don’t want him coming too soon.” Joshua slowly pressed her back until she was lying against Jayson’s chest. “Easy, baby girl.”

  He rubbed the globes of her ass then licked and kissed them before spreading them wide. She could feel his hot breath against her back hole. Her breathing grew faster. Something cold dropped on her ass. She jerked at the contrast.

  “It’s just lube. Relax for me, baby. Remember to push out whenever you feel me there.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, afraid of how it would feel. Haley felt his finger massaging the lube around her rosette. Then he was pressing in with the tip of his finger. She pushed out while trying to relax at the same time. She didn’t see how she could do both. With a little more pressure, his finger was inside and he was slowly pumping it in and out of her ass. There really hadn’t been any pain so far, just some pressure.

  “You’re doing great, baby. Just relax. I’m going to add a finger.”

  Another drop of the cool lube dropped on her ass, and then another finger began pushing at her back hole for entrance. Now there was some pain like a pinching sensation that made her wince. She tried to breathe through it, but it burned. Then he was past the resistant ring and the pain subsided. She panted, trying to control her breathing again.


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