CA 46.5 Operation Second Honeymoon

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CA 46.5 Operation Second Honeymoon Page 1

by Debra Webb


  Debra Webb

  A gun battle wasn't on the itinerary.... Lucas Camp and Victoria Colby-Camp had planned a quiet second honeymoon in Mexico—open-air cafes, unique little shops, breakfast in bed and visiting an abandoned town that one of their old investigators was bringing back to life—with all the concerns of the Colby Agency left behind.

  Until the ambush. Suddenly under a storm of gunfire, Victoria and Lucas found themselves outmanned and outgunned—and they had no idea who their attacker was. Had they made a new enemy.or was the strike planned by someone much closer to home?

  Chapter One

  Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, August 20, 1:00 p.m.

  Lucas Camp gazed across the table at his lovely wife, Victoria. It was the most beautiful day and yet not nearly as beautiful as she was. Their seventh anniversary was coming up soon. The truth was he could no longer remember his life before she was a part of it, first as his best friend's wife, then as his closest confidante, and finally as the woman with whom he would spend the rest of his days. She was the only woman he had ever loved, had ever wanted to share his life with.

  "A penny for your thoughts.” She smiled and he melted a little more inside.

  He, Lucas Camp, the master spy who had gathered intelligence in the most dangerous of places, against the deadliest of enemies, got all squishy just looking at her. "I'm simply enjoying the view."

  "Lucas," she scolded gently, though he heard the delight in her voice his words had aroused, "we've been in Mexico only a few days. There is far too much to savor to be distracted by a sight you see at home every day." She gestured to the mystic city around them that blended the past and present with the skill of an artist layering bold contemporary strokes of color against the historic sun-bleached whites. The small open-air cafe they'd chosen for lunch was nestled comfortably between a sleek art gallery and an old crumbling church. All accompanied by quiet conversations and the soft roar of the sea just a few steps away.

  "Let's walk.” Victoria rose from her chair, the pastel blue cotton dress she wore providing a stunning contrast to her innate elegance.

  Lucas left payment for their meal and took his wife's hand. As they strolled to the Malecon, he rubbed the gold band that encircled her ring finger. He would never forget the day he had placed it on her finger or the day she had removed the other band she'd worn for more than two decades. She'd knelt at the grave of James Colby, her first husband and Lucas's best friend, and explained that she was finally ready to move on with her life. She'd carefully buried that golden band at the base of James's headstone.

  So much had happened since that day. Her son, Jim, had found his way home after nearly twenty years. As a child he had been abducted by an evil man who had sworn vengeance against the Colby family. Since Jim's return, grandchildren had filled Lucas and Victoria's lives.

  Unfortunately there had also been the typical trials related to their work. Lucas had made many enemies in the world of intelligence gathering and adversary interception, as had the Colbys in their endeavors to right the wrongs done to those who sought help at the Colby Agency.

  More recently, a newcomer, Slade Keaton, had created a disturbing series of ripples. He'd taken over the Equalizers, Jim's private investigations firm that didn't always play by the rules, and proceeded to insinuate himself into every level of Lucas and Victoria's lives. There was something about Keaton and the way he watched their every move that nagged at Lucas. But Keaton was a forbidden topic on this vacation. Today, Lucas was focused on his wife. They were many, many miles from work. No one here knew their true identities. They were nothing more than a pair of tourists enjoying a late summer day in paradise. No work. No worries. Well, except for the small, carefully hidden weapon he carried beneath his jacket. Even Victoria understood that a man like Lucas would never be caught unarmed.

  "I'm concerned that we haven't heard from Sloan."

  Lucas chuckled. "Now who's distracted?" Trevor Sloan lived near Chihuahua with his wife and two children. He had once worked with Victoria at the Colby Agency. He and his wife were, at this very moment, in the process of welcoming baby number three.

  Victoria squeezed Lucas's hand. "You're right. Sloan will call when there's news."

  "He will.” It was a flat-out miracle the agency hadn't called. But then Mildred, Victoria's assistant, had sworn that nothing outside an absolute emergency would interrupt their long-awaited second honeymoon.

  "I'm looking forward to the visit to Pozos. The rebuilding Sloan described sounds marvelous."

  Mineral de Pozos was a small village in the central highlands of Mexico. Once a booming silver mining town, it had been nothing more than a ghost town until a few years ago. But a resurgence, prompted by artists from the U.S. and elsewhere, was underway. Sloan had helped to rebuild a small school there. His enthusiasm had inspired Victoria to suggest she and Lucas take a detour from their itinerary to visit the town. If Lucas knew his wife, and he did, she would be filling those new classrooms with computers and books and most anything else needed.

  "Me, too. I think we should leave for Pozos early in the morning," Lucas suggested. "Take our time. Stop along the way if we stumble upon something interesting."

  Victoria paused and turned to him. "Not too early, I hope." She tiptoed and placed a kiss on his jaw. "Sleeping in again would be interesting, too."

  "Ten or so is certainly early enough." Lucas savored the warmth her slightest touch initiated. A delectable array of fruit and soft, sweet cream from room service would be in order for breakfast. Rich coffee and perhaps juice. He would need his strength tomorrow if this morning was any indication. Contentment settled deep in his bones. This trip was exactly what they had needed.

  "This is the shop I told you about." She tugged him toward the open doors of a small, lovingly restored stone building filled with sixteenth-century-style pottery and stunningly colored masks.

  Lucas indulged his wife though they'd explored dozens of shops exactly like this one already. She wandered the carefully orchestrated clutter, her expression filled with admiration as she touched the handmade treasures. Whatever her heart desired was exactly what his heart required.

  Lucas stood at the large open window and watched the passersby on the street. Most were struck by the beauty of the sea that lapped languidly at the silky white beaches bordering the city. Or, like Victoria, were fascinated by the local artisans. But Lucas was more interested in the people. He was ever-conscious of his surroundings and those who roused his suspicions. No matter that he was far from work; old habits die hard.

  A crowd of American tourists—they were as easy to spot as ketchup on a white shirt — strolled past the cafe where he and Victoria had dined. Hadn't they read the warnings about traveling in Mexico? Don't dress and act like a tourist. Lay off the jewelry and designer wear. Apparently they hadn't gotten that part.

  As the tourists walked on, Lucas noticed a lone diner sitting at the same table where he and Victoria had been only minutes before. Lucas frowned. The woman studied the menu but something about her profile seemed familiar.

  As if she felt his attention on her, she turned and looked toward the shop and toward the window where he stood.

  Their gazes locked across the distance as if it were mere inches rather than several yards. The fragrant sea air evacuated his lungs. Tension exploded inside him.

  "Impossible." The muttered word startled him despite its having crossed his lips.

  Lucas hurried out the door, his prosthetic slowing his movements when only this morning he'd felt like a young, virile man half his age. He wove through the crowd that cut off his path in the street. His entire body shook by the tim
e he reached the cafe.

  The table was empty save for a stylishly stemmed glass of white wine.

  Couldn't have been her. Not possible.

  "Por favor," he said, stopping a passing waiter. "Where is the lady who was at this table a moment ago?"

  "She had an emergency, senor. I am afraid she left. Was she expecting you?"

  Lucas shook his head and thanked the man. He struggled to compose himself before walking away.

  No. It could not have been her.

  He surveyed the street, the people walking leisurely past. His gaze landed on Victoria, standing in the door of the shop obviously looking for him.

  Lucas drew in a deep, ragged breath. Victoria waved to him. He waved back, manufacturing a smile.

  Surely he had only seen someone who merely looked like her. It had been nearly thirty years.... Though the length of time mattered little, Lucas was certain that if he ever actually saw her again, he would know.

  He smiled for his wife and banished thoughts of the past. Nothing and no one was going to ruin this special time.

  Chapter Two

  Mineral de Pozos, August 21, 5:15 p.m.

  Victoria Colby-Camp was amazed by the work Sloan and his friends had accomplished. The massive old church-turned-school was ready for attendance, opening in just one week. As she surveyed the playground she smiled. Bright, welcoming colors adorned the swings and slides and jungle gym. The children would love this escape from the instruction inside.

  "We are truly blessed," confessed Salvadore Hernandez, their guide and one of Sloan's partners in the community work continuing in small villages throughout central Mexico. "Senor Sloan has devoted much time and many resources to helping the children of our country."

  "Sloan is a man of honor," Victoria said proudly. There had been a time when tragedy and loss had left him a hollow shell, but his wife and children had categorically changed that sad fact. As Tasha, Victoria's daughter-in-law, had done for her son, Jim. Love overcame all and would not be conquered.

  She reached for her husband's hand. He had been distracted today. She knew him too well to be mollified by his insistence that he was simply enthralled by their surroundings and the serenity of these past few days. Lucas felt anxious about something and he refused to share. She hoped the trouble wasn't related to Slade Keaton. Keaton was a fixture in Chicago now. Both she and Lucas needed to get used to the idea that as odd as the man was, so far he had done no harm—at least none that could be connected back to him. Time would reveal the truth. It always did. Until then there was little they could do other than follow an adage that had proven beneficial many times: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. A surprise attack was far less likely that way.

  "The necessary teachers are in place, you say?" Lucas asked Salvadore.

  "Absolutely." Salvadore nodded with the same enthusiasm as he did everything else. "Classes begin next week."

  Lucas looked to Victoria, then to their guide. "A few more computers and perhaps a van that could be used as a school bus would be welcome donations, though. And I know just the donor...."

  The delight that lit in Salvadore's eyes brought emotion to Victoria's. She longed to be more involved in work like this. Last night she and Lucas had discussed options for pitching in. It felt good knowing the difference their decision would make. The realization that there was so much more to do in so many places had her pondering another concept. The time to consider retirement was coming. Victoria felt confident that efforts like this would be every bit as fulfilling as her work at the Colby Agency.

  "No question, Senor Camp." Salvadore gestured to the Jeep. "If you and Senora Victoria would like to see our next endeavor, I will gladly provide a tour."

  Lucas looked to Victoria. "Sure, we have no other plans."

  She nodded eagerly to their guide. "Perhaps after the tour you will join us for dinner." Salvadore's smile widened. "It would be my pleasure."

  No plans. No agenda of any sort other than this enlightening and inspiring side trip. Victoria wondered as Lucas assisted her into the Jeep what it would be like to have the days and weeks stretch out before them with no particular schedule. Strangely, she felt as if she could get used to the idea very quickly. Of course, drifting through the days would grow boring equally quickly, but Victoria felt confident that she and Lucas would have no difficulty finding projects. She doubted boredom would ever be an issue.

  Something to think about, she decided, as they drove west. It was time.

  The sun had settled atop the mountains, its warmth fading with the light. The night would bring the desert chill and the not-so-subtle reminder that nature still ruled. Dinner and drinks at their hotel's fabulous restaurant would help to chase away that chill. She looked forward to the hours she and Lucas would spend in front of a blazing fire in their room afterward. Her husband had checked all three of the newly refurbished hotels in Pozos until he found the one room that included a fireplace for just that purpose.

  Lucas would never admit as much, but he was a romantic at heart. She'd flipped through a few of the thrillers that were his preferred reading and so far not one failed to include a hint of romance between the main protagonists. She smiled to herself. Just something else she loved about her own private hero. His body was fit, muscles strong and well-toned. No one was a better marksman. Yet, deep inside—where it counted— Lucas Camp was a man of heart with emotions that ran soul deep.

  Their destination had once been a large monastery. An unfinished church sat alongside the ruins of the monastery. A few decades ago, renovations had been started in hopes of creating a retreat for those in search of solitude and emotional healing. But the endeavor had been abandoned when funding dried up and the place fell into disrepair once more. The architecture was a stunning example of majestic old Mexico: adobe walls, columns and walls set amid the rough, rolling dunes of clumpy brown dirt and scrub grass, with only a single mesquite tree to provide a breath of shade from the harsh sun. In spite of the neglect, prickly pear cacti thrived while desert trumpet vine bloomed a breathtaking pink.

  "A hospital?" Victoria asked as Salvadore explained the plan for the refurbishment.

  "Si, senora." He parked the Jeep between the monastery and the orphaned church that had never seen fruition. "There is little in the way of medical care between Pozos and San Luis Potosi. The facility will offer those in the surrounding villages much needed care."

  Excitement kindled in Victoria's belly. "What a spectacular idea!" She and Lucas exchanged a look that verified his thoughts were forming along the same lines.

  "We would be very interested in helping," he offered. "Can you tell us what stage you're at with the planning of the hospital?"

  He gestured to the sky. "Sunset is quite close. Why don't I continue the tour and we can discuss the planning in more detail over dinner?"

  Lucas and Victoria agreed, and Salvadore led them through the building. The extensive tour and briefing underscored the overwhelming amount of work to be done. The outer walls were crumbling in areas. A massive iron gate welcomed those who dared to enter despite the warning signs posted. Salvadore had closed and locked the gate after they drove through it, explaining that the locks helped to deter the ocupa. Squatters were an issue with abandoned buildings, even one that had little to offer beyond basic shelter.

  The courtyard sprawled before the massive main structure, which opened to a large front room. Somber steps led to a second level. A separate narrow and winding stone staircase climbed to the bell tower. Long ago that bell had clanged regularly, heralding news and reminders to those who dwelled inside. Numerous other smaller rooms and narrow corridors threaded through the adobe walls of the main floor. Though the burden of transformation was extensive, Victoria could imagine the rooms filled with the equipment and medicines necessary for healing. Salvadore provided an eloquent and detailed story of the broad revitalization plan. Victoria sensed his determination and fervor. The job would get done.

  Long shadows h
ad fallen, overtaking the high walls around the monastery by the time Victoria strolled back into the courtyard. The cool breeze made her shiver, but inside she felt warm with contentment. The promise of this effort made her giddy.

  Lucas draped his arm over her shoulders. "Sloan will be pleased we're interested in this project."

  "He will indeed." Victoria wished their friend would call. The news a few hours ago had not been the best. His wife had suffered complications in delivery and things were touch and go. "I hope he has better news about Rachel and the baby by now."

  "I'm certain they're in good hands."

  Victoria knew Sloan—he would ensure only the best treatment for his family. Still, she worried.

  The distinct, cold sound of bullets exploding from their muzzles suddenly echoed in the air a split second before the hollow crack of rounds boring into ancient adobe shattered the silence.

  Lucas closed himself around Victoria like a cloaking armor and they tumbled to the ground. "Stay down. Stay down," he murmured in her ear. It wasn't until he'd rolled away from her quaking body that she became aware of moaning to her right. Not daring to raise her head, Victoria scrubbed her face through the dirt in order to turn far enough to see.

  Salvadore was hit. He lay facedown. Blood spread across the dirt around him in a crimson pool.

  The deep-throated blasts of a large caliber handgun and the softer thwack, thwack of another lesser weapon filled the air.

  They had been ambushed.

  Victoria's heart burst with fear. Where was Lucas?

  With her next breath her mind calmed and she focused on the wounded man. Lucas could handle himself. Salvadore needed help. She grabbed her courage and began to scoot toward him.

  Chapter Three

  Three shots sent the enemy scattering from the gate. The silence lingered a full ten seconds but Lucas held his position behind the old stone well. The timeworn wooden bucket still hanging from a frayed rope rocked ever so slightly in the cold desert wind. The two men who'd fired through the towering iron gate were still out there. There was no guarantee there weren't more. For now Lucas had gained a reprieve.


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