Be with Me

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Be with Me Page 11

by Jules Bennett

  During the course of their marriage, anytime she’d receive a text or call from him, fear would instantly settle in deep. Now when she saw his number pop up—she’d deleted his name—she didn’t feel anything but rage. She’d changed her number four times since leaving. She finally gave up once she realized he would get her new number no matter what.

  How dare he contact her, like she was going to respond? Did he truly believe she’d call? His assistants had often called or messaged, and Melanie chose not to talk to any of them, either. There had been one assistant Melanie had gotten somewhat close with. Of course Neville never knew or he’d have put a stop to that. He’d claimed she didn’t need anybody but him. Friendships were off-limits because Melanie might actually confide in someone about the goings-on in the Prescott house.

  Turning her phone over, Melanie turned back to the screen. Nothing motivated her like that reminder of what she’d come from and who she was now.

  The cell chimed and vibrated again, but she ignored it. Her fingers flew over the keys as she started in with the topic of Making Your Own Happy. It had taken a long, long time, but Melanie could finally say she was happy. Thrown off by the unplanned pregnancy, yes, but she was happier than she’d been in, well, forever.

  Removing herself from the clutches of Neville and knowing she held something over him had given her the courage and the power to leave. So why was he continuing to reach out to her?

  At first he’d been all apologetic, but she’d heard that before and didn’t believe a word out of his lying lips. Then he’d slacked off a bit and now he was back full force.

  Melanie opened up the music on her laptop and cranked her favorite song. Anything was better than the silence and thinking of her ex’s next move. Jade had gone with Olivia to look at some restaurant booths and tables. Not that they were anywhere close to needing that stuff yet, but Sophie Monroe had given them a tip about a nice restaurant closing only a couple towns over.

  Sophie had married Zach Monroe. The couple was quite dynamic, with Zach and his construction business and Sophie with her real estate office. They knew all the ins and outs in and around Haven. Anything to help save a dollar was going to add up in the long run. Melanie couldn’t wait to see the end result of this airport. The vision and dreams they’d all discussed, the hard work and determination to pull this off, it would take time but be so worth it.

  As Melanie continued to type, she started singing. She searched for images to slide in various points in her post.

  “What the hell, Melanie?”

  Melanie nearly fell back in her seat as her singing came to a halt and she jerked around to see Tanner in the doorway.

  With a hand to her heart, she attempted to restore her breathing. “What on earth are you doing here?”

  Tanner swiped a hand down his face, his chest heaving as he pulled in a deep breath. “I thought something was wrong. I called, but you didn’t answer. I texted, no answer. Then I think I broke laws getting here. I rang your doorbell when I saw your car and bike outside, but . . . Damn it, can you turn that music down?”

  Melanie reached back and tapped on the keyboard. Pushing her seat back, she came to her feet and rested her hip on her desk. “What are you doing here, Tanner?”

  “Right now I’m getting over the slight heart attack I had thinking something was wrong with you.” He pulled in a deep breath and raked a hand over his jawline. “I took the day off work and I wanted to surprise you with something.”

  Shocked, Melanie crossed her arms over her chest. The second day off in a week? Maybe he truly was reprioritizing his life.

  “You took time off to surprise me?”

  Tanner shrugged. “I had an idea I thought you might enjoy. I never take time to myself. Trust me when I say the captain was more than eager to sign off on this.”

  Melanie heard the words, but things still weren’t processing. Being cautious at every step was the only way she could move forward.

  “Okay, so you never take vacation days and now you’ve done it twice just this week. You’re sure you want to spend it with me?”

  “Pretty sure we’ve already established that.”

  Yeah, they had, but that didn’t mean she understood his reasoning any better. Neville had never surprised her with anything, let alone taken an entire day off. Melanie couldn’t help but compare the two men because, honestly, she hadn’t had many serious relationships.

  Not that Tanner was a serious relationship, but they were certainly more than casual. Weren’t they?

  Not really. They were still getting to know each other as friends, they were barely above strangers trying to make this unexpected situation not so tense.

  “I see the wheels turning in your mind.” Tanner offered her one of those signature grins that had the corners of his eyes creasing in that sexy way only men could get away with. “If you’re busy working, then that’s fine. But if you’re wondering why I’m asking or what this means between us, stop thinking. Let’s just have a fun day without overanalyzing.”

  Something shifted inside her. He’d taken a day off work. The man who would sometimes just not show up to friends’ events or have to leave in the middle of one because of his work demands, was here asking her out for fun. Maybe he needed this break just as much as she did.

  “Can you give me five minutes?” she asked. “I’ve almost got this blog post ready to go live. I just need to tweak a few more things. Oh, then I’ll need to change.”

  “You look fine.”

  Melanie stared down at her jeans and off-the-shoulder tee. “I’m a slob, Tanner.”

  “Throw on a pair of shoes and you’ll be fine for what I have in mind.”

  Melanie eyed him, but he only quirked a brow as if daring her to argue. Not too long ago she’d never be caught outside without a properly fitted dress and stilettos, with her hair in a perfectly coiffed updo and her makeup on point.

  To say coming to Haven had given her a new sense of freedom was a vast understatement. She hadn’t even packed the items that the old Melanie would be seen with. Her new wardrobe consisted of comfort, her hair products were shampoo and a few rubber bands, and her makeup was lip gloss and some concealer.

  Tanner continued to stare, waiting for her to answer him. She’d have to give a little, to learn to trust at some point. Why not start with the man who had fathered her child?

  When was the last time she’d fully trusted a man? She had barely trusted her father, she’d never trusted Neville. Melanie supposed she could add Jax to the short list of men she could rely on, because he’d been so loyal and faithful to Livie. Plus, he was an amazing father. The man hadn’t thought twice about giving up his career in the air force and coming home for good when his wife left him just after Piper was born.

  But putting all her trust in Tanner . . . she wasn’t so sure that would ever happen. Oh, she’d trusted him briefly one night. If she hadn’t been confident he wouldn’t hurt her, she never would’ve slept with him. There were different levels of hurt, though. Melanie was pretty confident Tanner would never lay a hand on her.

  Melanie turned from him and sank back into her chair. She couldn’t start reliving that night. Not while he was in the same room as her, not while they were unchaperoned and her hormones were bouncing all over the place.

  The planner in her wanted to put a label on whatever was happening. She wanted to look into the future and see exactly how this was all going to play out. There was no other way to keep her heart secured and her piece of mind in place.

  After some minor adjusting, Melanie published her blog and shut down her laptop. Once Livie had moved out, Melanie set up a little makeshift office in the extra bedroom. With the desk tucked into the curved wall and looking out the windows, she often found herself sitting here daydreaming.

  “Grab those shoes and let’s go.”

  Melanie headed out of the room and into the bedroom she’d been using. She’d taken the smallest one at the end of the hall. Now that she was in he
re and Tanner stood in the doorway, the room seemed even tinier than ever.

  “We’re not going for a run or anything, are we?”

  Tanner shook his head and pointed to her flats in the corner. “Throw those on.”

  Melanie glanced from the striped shoes back to him. “Those don’t go with this at all. I need something more casual.”

  “We’re not going where anyone will see you. Your shoes don’t matter.”

  They mattered to her. That was one thing that hadn’t been exorcised from her old life. She still wanted to look nice, but now she wanted to look nice for herself and no one else.

  She pulled out a pair of red Converse and put them on. Her super casual look would have to do.

  “I’m ready,” she told him as she came to her feet and adjusted her tee. “So, can you tell me where we’re going?”

  “I could, but I’m not going to.”

  Melanie started for the doorway, but Tanner didn’t budge. She wasn’t backing down or shying away. She met his dark eyes.

  “So you’re taking me somewhere that we’ll be alone and you won’t tell me.” Melanie tipped her head and pursed her lips. “Sounds suspicious.”

  Tanner reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I assure you, you’ll be safe with me. Always, Mel.”

  Chills raced over her skin at his declaration. She wanted to believe him. There was nothing more in this world she wanted than to believe that she’d find a worthy man to trust.

  “I reserve the right to come home if I don’t like this surprise,” she told him.

  Tanner laughed and slid his hand over hers before leading her from the room. She wasn’t so sure how she felt about that. The simple touch shouldn’t throw her off, but it did. They’d never held hands. They’d gone from awkward banter to sexual tension to sex in a foyer, but never once had they shared such a sweet moment.

  Melanie decided she could let her guard down long enough to allow this. How else was she going to discover more about the father of her baby?

  Chapter Eight

  People in your life either inspire you or they drain you—pick them wisely.

  —Mel’s Motivational Blog

  Tanner didn’t know if this was the most absurd idea he’d had or if this was a stroke of brilliance. But, as he pulled into the airport and risked a glance at his passenger, he knew instantly he’d made an excellent decision. A breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding eased away some of his tension.

  “Tell me we’re going for a flight.”

  Smiling, he drove down the narrow gravel road toward the very last hangar where he and Cash kept their Cessna. “We are.”

  Melanie let out a little squeal. “I’ve wanted to go up in one of these planes, but I hated asking Jax since he’s been so busy.”

  “You could’ve asked me anytime.”

  Tanner actually wished he’d thought to ask her months ago. He’d been attracted to her, but they’d rubbed each other wrong and he wasn’t so sure asking her would’ve been wise.

  Then again, maybe a plane ride would’ve been the better route to take as opposed to grinding on the dance floor and taking her home for a quickie. Yeah, he definitely needed some help with his gentlemanly manners, because where Melanie was concerned, his hormones seemed to override everything else.

  “So, where are we going?” she asked, unbuckling her belt as he pulled into the parking space.

  “Where do you want to go? I still have to go over the flight plan. I didn’t choose a final destination because I wanted you to decide. We can go to lunch somewhere or we can just fly for a while and come back. It’s your call.”

  He hadn’t thought too far ahead in regards to plans. Tanner just missed the skies, and had double-checked with Cash to make sure he wasn’t going to be using the plane today. But whenever possible, he wanted Melanie to have control. No matter how minor, no matter how silly it might seem, he wanted her to feel like she was in the driver’s seat.

  “Oh, no. I’m just along for the ride.” She turned in her seat and flashed him a smile that cut straight to his gut. “I’m at your mercy.”

  Tanner’s gaze dropped to her lips. Her pink tongue darted out and her eyes widened as if she realized the impact those words had in this enclosed space.

  “I just meant—”

  Tanner reached across and gripped her hand. “I know what you meant, Mel.”

  “Then why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?” he asked.

  She blinked. “Like you want to kiss me.”

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you since you left my house that night. I can respect you enough to control myself, though.”

  Melanie’s brows drew in. She closed her eyes and shook her head before focusing back on him. “I don’t understand you.”

  “I’m a pretty simple guy.” With a past he wasn’t ready to share and a job he couldn’t. “You know I’m attracted to you. But for now, we’re going to get to know each other.”

  “I’m not doing a relationship.”

  Tanner lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I’m not, either. At least not today.”

  Melanie tipped her head and narrowed her eyes. “Tanner, I can’t. This baby has to be our focus. Not the attraction.”

  Unable to help himself, Tanner closed the distance between them and nipped at her lips. “The attraction is only going to get stronger, so fighting it is a waste of energy.”

  Silence enveloped them and Tanner wanted to know what she was thinking. The fact she hadn’t eased back or pulled her hand from his was a good sign. He wasn’t quite sure himself what he wanted with her, but he needed to start somewhere. Chemistry was a hell of a place.

  “I promise not to kiss or touch you in the plane.” He sat back and watched as her lids fluttered open. “You’ll be completely safe.”

  The side of Melanie’s mouth kicked up. “I wouldn’t go that far. Being in a confined space with you . . .”

  “Care to finish that sentence?”

  Melanie curled her lips in and shook her head. “I better not. Let’s go for that flight. Take me anywhere for lunch. My treat.”

  Like hell. “When I take a woman on a date, I pay for the damn meal.”

  She tugged on her door handle. “This isn’t a date.”

  Tanner reached across and took her hand once more. The movement brought him right back within an inch of her mouth. He covered her lips with his, swallowing her gasp. He ended the kiss just as abruptly as it started.

  “This is a date, Mel.”

  He hopped out of the truck before she could disagree or give him another excuse to put her mouth to better use.

  As he rounded the hood, Melanie hopped out and slammed the door. Of course she wouldn’t wait on him to get the door for her.

  “Uncle Tanner.”

  Tanner turned to see Piper racing across the gravel and grassy lot. Lopsided pigtails bounced with each step. The energetic girl never failed to put a smile on his face. Jax had done an incredible job raising her on his own. Tanner couldn’t even imagine how scared Jax had been when his ex had decided to skip out on them. Tanner was terrified, and he had Melanie.

  That last thought put an image in his head he wasn’t quite ready to explore. He and Melanie weren’t some happy little family. They were somewhere between strangers and friends with a baby in the middle. He’d done the family thing before. Well, he’d been on his way to the family life, but fate had stolen everything from him in a split second.

  “Hi, Mel.” Piper ran up and hugged Melanie around her legs. “Can I call you Mel? I’ve heard Uncle Tanner say that.”

  Melanie smiled and tugged on one pigtail. “I’d love for you to call me Mel. Is there a special name you want me to call you?”

  Piper pursed her lips and scrunched her nose. “Hmm . . . I like Badass, but I don’t think Dad will say yes to that one.”

  Tanner laughed. “Yeah. Your dad isn’t going to go for that. You need a call sign.”r />
  “Yes!” she exclaimed, then drew her brows together. “But nothing will sound cool like you guys.”

  Tanner, Cash, and Jax all had call signs. Anyone in the air force had one, usually not one they preferred, but it definitely stuck, no matter what. Tanner had quickly learned that if you complained about your given nickname, another more offensive one would be given to you.

  “I’ve got the perfect one,” Tanner stated. “Pip.”

  Piper wrinkled her nose. “Pip? That doesn’t sound fierce or brave.”

  Reaching out to tug on one of her curly pigtails, he shook his head. “Pip is just the nickname. You’re brave and fierce, so you’ll make the name way cool. How’s that sound?”

  She took about a second to process before her face lit up. “I love it! I’m the bravest girl here. Right, Uncle Tanner?”


  Piper nodded as if affirming her new title. “Okay, Mel. You can call me Pip. Is that okay?”

  Melanie took Piper’s hand. “That’s perfect. Tanner and I are going up in his plane. Do you want to come? If your dad says it’s okay.”

  Tanner had no problem taking Piper, but at the same time, he’d wanted some one-on-one with Melanie. Which is precisely why he figured she invited the young chaperone.

  “Daddy gave me chores.” Piper pouted as she tugged on Melanie’s hand and led her toward the offices. “Maybe if you come in and ask him.”

  “Hold up, Pip.” Melanie stopped just outside the side entrance. “If your daddy needs you, I’m sure Tanner and I could take you another time.”

  Tanner didn’t bother hiding his smile or flashing Melanie a glance. Her implication that there would be another time thrilled him. Knowing she was eager to fly was definitely an added bonus to their attraction, the pull they had going on, whether she wanted to admit such a thing or not.

  The baby would obviously bind them together, but Tanner wanted to get to know Melanie. He wanted to see where they went together, because he was absolutely on board with spending more time with her, in the bedroom and out.


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