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by Karolina Rich


  Thank You, Janie

  * * *

  They were both covered in sweat. Their breaths laboured.



  With blood pounding through their veins, they could only see one another. Everything else faded away.

  Janie's leg swung around in a sloppy roundhouse kick, her padded foot sailing past Jason's shoulder with just a fraction of an inch to spare. He saw an opening and rushed in, a flurry of punches meeting a desperate series of blocks.

  Like everyone else in the taekwondo class, their movements weren't nearly as strong and crisp at the end of the hour as they were at the beginning.

  Their eyes were tired and easily lost focus. Which is how Jason found himself on the wrong end of Janie's snap-kick which landed squarely just above his belt.

  He doubled over in surprise more than actual injury, and found himself pelted with a combination of blows to his chest, their sting mitigated by the sparring pads.

  Janie smiled triumphantly, making Jason's heart skip a beat.

  They had started taking taekwondo classes as white belts together. He was a sophomore in high school at the time. She was a single mother with two kids and a nurse for a cosmetic surgery clinic.

  After a year, her kids quit, but she kept going. For the exercise. For the camaraderie. For the chance to kick and punch something—or someone—when she needed to blow off some steam.

  After another year, of the forty or so white belts who started out together, less than a dozen were left.

  A year later, only four remained together: Janie, Melissa, Jason and Steve tested for and received their black belts. Some of the others who had started with them were still training. A couple left and came back. A handful missed a belt test or three due to an injury, but the four of them were the best of friends and sparring partners.

  Steve Placilla worked for an accounting firm and Melissa Cavanaugh owned a print shop. Like Janie, they were adults taking martial arts lesson to stay in shape and for a couple of hours' respite from their jobs and young children.

  Jason graduated from high school and started at the local community college in town. He was a smart kid, and his parents helped him out with his bills as best they could. They continued to pay for his taekwondo classes because his grades were good, and it kept him in shape and (mostly) out of trouble.

  He was well-mannered and shy. Tall and scrawny and uncoordinated, taekwondo helped bring Jason out of his shell as he grew into his lanky teenaged body. The lessons gave him confidence and self-esteem when he needed it most. By the time he started college, he had filled out and grown into a very nice young man.

  It was an open secret that Jason thought the sun rose and set around Janie. She was fifteen years his senior, and could have had him at her beck and call if she wanted.

  To be fair, Janie Collins was on the list of pretty much every man (and some of the women) who ever met her. You know "the list": it's the 5 people you'd pick to get a free pass from your spouse to sleep with.

  Her body was toned and muscled from three years of regular martial arts classes. Flexible, too. She was slender and moved with a feline grace. Her hair, even after sweating through an hour of taekwondo, was always immaculate, her soft curls often pulled back to keep out of her face when doing push-ups or spin kicks.

  Everyone thought she was drop-dead gorgeous. Everyone except Janie. When she looked in the mirror, all she saw was a plain-looking, thirtysomething mother of two. Still, her smile was infectious, and her laugh always joyous. Janie's children were eleven and nine, and she split custody with her ex-husband.

  Jason absorbed his sparring partner's weak assault, his own counter attack stopped by the instructor calling an end to the matches. The thirty adults lined up by rank and bowed out of the class, quickly making way for the kids' white and yellow belts.

  Most of them left the main floor and made their way to the observation and warm-up areas, a few collapsing on to the carpeted floor. As was their custom, Jason and Janie walked a circuit around the room, keeping their arms and legs moving in a leisurely cooldown.

  By the time they got to the water fountain, the line had disappeared. A couple waited on their kids in the current class, but the rest of the adults were already out the door.

  "One day I'm going to take your face off with my foot," Janie teased.

  "You wish!" Jason laughed. He was a full head taller than she and with his considerable talent, even on a good day, her feet only got near his head if he let her. Which was often.

  "Are you going to the Boca Raton tournament next month?" she asked casually. Within their taekwondo organisation, it was one of the larger regional tournaments. Jason was one of the star students at their school; his regular training combined with substantial natural ability usually led to him placing on the trophy stand at most of the tournaments he attended. If he were to go on the regular tournament circuit, he could seriously contend for a national ranking in his age group.

  "I doubt it," he shrugged. Money was his issue. He had a couple of part-time jobs, scholarships for college, but was still taking out more in student loans than was good for him. The tournament entry fees weren't too much, but Boca Raton was a couple of hours away and a weekend tournament meant two nights in a hotel plus meals.

  Janie smiled knowingly and didn't press her young friend. She gathered up her sparring bag and headed for her car, pausing only to look back over her shoulder and wink. "See you Thursday."

  Then she walked off, unaware that Jason hadn't moved, his eyes lingering on her swaying hips.

  * * *

  "We need to get Jason laid," Heather said.

  Cody laughed. "I've been trying to get him to go out with that girl who works at Buddy's all semester."

  "The one with the big boobs?"


  Jason rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the Xbox. Cody had been his best friend since second grade, and they had known Heather since middle school. All three had graduated the previous May. Where Jason and Cody attended the community college, Heather was on a scholarship at the state university in town.

  The couple lived in an apartment down by the university, and Jason spent a lot of time hanging out with them. It beat staying at his house with his parents.

  Ostensibly, Cody and Heather had separate rooms, mostly to ease the conscience of her fundy Christian mother, but everyone with half a brain that wasn't in denial knew what "living together" meant. Jason was the immediate beneficiary of this arrangement because his friends had a second bedroom which they never used. He slept over often, usually after a night of underage drinking.

  "She's dumb as a box of rocks."

  "And?" Cody smirked, raising a half-empty bottle of beer. "To dumb chicks with big tits."

  "Here, here!" Jason laughed, toasting with his own. His buzz was fading and his eyes were beginning to glaze over. If he didn't get to the bed in the back room soon, he might spend another night on the recliner in the living room.

  "Hey! I've got big boobs!" Heather's mock pout drew a laugh from both of the guys.

  "Yes, you do, baby," Cody threw his Xbox controller on to the coffee table. He slapped his girlfriend across the backside. "Now go get them out!"

  "Yes, sir!" she flipped up her skirt, flashing both boys her panties. Jason was used to the teasing. Cody liked to show off his girlfriend.

  "G'night, chief," he clapped his friend on the shoulder, then dropped his controller on the sofa and retreated into the bedroom where Heather was undressing.

  Jason sat on the couch as his team, now one man down, was pulverized by some 12 year-old kids from Mississippi. He logged out and flipped channels as his friends got down to business.

He listened enviously, as Cody and Heather had very enthusiastic and vocal sex on the other side of the cheaply-constructed wall. All the while, Jason wished Janie Collins was on her knees in front of him, taking his aching cock down her throat.

  * * *

  "Guess what," Janie tugged at his sleeve after class one day.


  "You need to ask off work next weekend."

  "I can't, the schedule is already made up."

  "Trade out. You have plans."


  "You're going to the Boca Raton tournament."

  Jason turned, clearly puzzled. "What are you talking about?"

  "You're going to the Boca Raton tournament," Janie repeated.

  "I can't afford it," he looked away, embarrassed.

  "Then you can thank me later." Janie patted him on the arm, making his pulse race. "Missy, Sharon and I are splitting a room, which means we have an extra spot for one more. I got Master Robertson to waive your entry fee after I volunteered you to judge for one of the kids brackets. All you need to do is get someone to cover for you at work and bring some money for food."

  He stopped in his tracks, causing a minor traffic jam in the hallway. His jaw fell open.

  "I don't know what to say," Jason whispered once he found his voice.

  "Say, 'Thank you, Janie'."

  "Thank you, Janie."

  "You're very welcome."

  * * *

  The drive to Boca Raton took about three hours. Neither Jason nor Sharon had Friday afternoon classes, and both Melissa and Janie were able to get off work. The four of them piled into Janie's minivan for the drive.

  At the last count, over sixty students of all ages and ranks from their school were competing in the tournament, which usually had around a thousand participants from the southeastern region. Most were staying in a block of hotel rooms at the Quality Inn reserved for the tournament, and a good number of the participants were driving up in a caravan.

  For most of the ride, Jason was quiet, although the girls managed to draw more than a few laughs from him with their friendly teasing.

  "So who's going to sleep with Jason?" Missy asked, the innuendo drawing a laugh from Janie and Sharon, and making Jason flush with excitement and embarrassment.

  "Maybe we should take turns," Sharon suggested. She was also a student at the university, although she was older than most of the other undergraduates, having served an enlistment in the Air Force. Like the other black belts, she was in fine, athletic shape, but where Janie was short, lithe and slender, Sharon was strong, tall and buxom. Her hair hung down her waist and she could easily kick through three boards.

  Melissa was somewhere in between. As the owner of her own business, she worked more than just about anyone else Jason knew, and a couple of times, she almost missed a belt testing. She didn't want to fall behind Janie, Jason and Steve, so she persevered. Like Janie, she had two children who were staying with relatives while she went to the tournament.

  "Hands off, girls," Janie called from the driver's seat. She looked up at Jason in the rear-view mirror and winked. "He's all mine this weekend!"

  That made Jason blush even more. He had to shift in his seat to hide the sudden excitement in his pants.

  Upon arriving at the hotel, they checked in and took their things up to the room. It wasn't anything special, but it was clean with two queen beds and a full bathroom. Jason brought a sleeping bag and an air mattress he'd borrowed from his parents, but the girls made him leave them in the car.

  After settling in to the room, they got back in the van and drove to the local high school where the tournament would take place over the next two days.

  There was a quick orientation for the judges and then everyone got their assignments. The school hosting the tournament was responsible for registration and most of the logistics, but as black belts, Jason and the girls were expected to help out with setting up the floor and judging the lower ranking divisions.

  Jason was teamed up with two other judges; one was another first degree black belt and the head judge was a third degree. He knew the other two from other events as competent and fun, although he had never worked a tournament with either.

  Each group of tournament participants would be divided up into groups of 10-16 based on age and rank. There were two basic competitions: forms and sparring. The forms were judged on a scale of one to nine, and the sparring was scored based on contact. Each group had an area taped off on the hardwood floor where all of the competition would take place.

  After a couple dozen tournaments, as both a participant and a judge, Jason knew what he was supposed to do, and the other judges in his group immediately struck him as easy going and efficient, which was a great relief.

  Janie and Sharon were in the ring next to Jason's, and Melissa's group was a couple of rows over. Without any matches going on, the gym seemed calm, but at 9 AM the next morning, it was going to be carefully choreographed chaos filled with the sounds of competition and stench of sweaty kids.

  "We're going out to eat once we get wrapped up here," Janie told him.

  "Do you know where?" Jason asked nervously.

  "I think some Chinese buffet that's up the road," Janie slipped her hand into the crook of his arm, sensing the source of his apprehension. "I'll buy."

  "Okay." He smiled weakly to cover up his embarrassment. Jason's family wasn't rich, but nor were they poor. They were stuck in that uncomfortable bracket where they didn't have enough money to truly afford to send their son to college, but they made too much to qualify for any substantial need-based financial aid.

  When he wasn't hanging out at Cody and Heather's place, Jason lived at home. He worked in the kitchen at the Outback on the weekends, and was a lifeguard for a few hours during the week at the indoor pool at the university rec center. He could cover his bills, but didn't ever have a lot of money left over.

  Dinner turned into a not-so-small event as people invited others—and in some cases, themselves—along. The restaurant was packed and the food was typical buffet fare, but the company was good. Surrounded by his friends, many of whom looked up to him as a gifted martial artist, he emerged from his shell, easily switching from talking shop to telling people he hadn't seen since the last tournament about school to fending off the advances of a young lady two years younger who was clearly infatuated with him in the same way he was infatuated with Janie.

  After dinner, Jason and the girls—his "roommates" as some of the others teased—returned to the hotel. The night was young and some of the families planned to meet up at the pool, while those without kids gathered in the bar and lobby.

  Close to midnight, Jason returned to the room, before Sharon but after Melissa and Janie.

  The lights were out, but the TV was on. Missy was actively cheering for someone to punch Cersei Lannister in the throat and Janie was reading something on her Kindle. The girls looked up. Both were wearing t-shirts and long pajama bottoms.

  Jason ruffled through his things, looking for something to sleep in, finally settling on a t-shirt of his own and a pair of workout shorts. He went into the bathroom, changed and brushed his teeth.

  "Are you sure you don't want me to get my sleeping bag?" he asked.

  "Of course not," Janie snorted softly and patted the empty half of the bed next to her. "I don't bite."

  "That's not what I heard," Melissa snarked, making Jason's ears turn beet-red.

  Janie stuck her tongue out at their friend, who only giggled. Jason plugged his cell phone into the wall charger, then not reluctantly slipped into the bed, going to great lengths to stay on "his" side.

  He dozed off, so close to that which he desired more than anything in the world.

  * * *

  At first the thought it was a dream.

  Because what was happening surely wasn't reality.

  Jason lay flat on his back. Soft light shone through the cracks in the curtains of the hotel room from the streetlamp just out the window.
br />   His cock was hard as a rock, and sticking straight up.

  And running her hand up and down its length, covered by his shorts and boxers, Janie Collins was giving him a hand job.

  He blinked back the haze, his body paralysed by excitement and fear. His mouth fell open, wanting desperately to cry out or moan, but no sound came forth.

  Turning to one side, he saw two shadowy lumps in the other bed. Both were breathing regularly and appeared to be sleeping soundly.

  With an expert touch, Janie stroked him. With each pass, she squeezed gently on his tumescent head.

  It may have been his imagination, or simply part of the dream, but it seemed her other hand was working between her own legs.

  "You've been poking me with this all night," she whispered. The words barely registered in his ears.

  His body tensed.

  Her pace quickened.

  Drawing in a sharp breath, he tried to warn her.

  But then his cock burst in her hand. His shorts filled with cum as she milked him through his shorts.

  Jason heard a muffled cry and felt her body tense next to his. He almost had to bite his tongue to keep from crying out and waking the people in the next bed over.

  He gasped and tried to speak.

  "Shhhhhh . . . you're asleep." With that, Janie rolled over and curled up in a ball.

  Jason dozed off again, unsure of what had happened.

  When he woke, the cum in his boxers made him wonder if he simply had a wet dream, or if a woman who was technically old enough to be his mother had really jacked him off.

  * * *

  The four of them woke up and took turns rotating through the shower. Jason went last and had to resist the temptation to masturbate.

  All of them dressed in the white heavy cotton pants of their taekwondo uniforms and t-shirts. None of them were competing on Saturday, so they didn't need their sparring gear. They packed up their jackets and belts, then went out for breakfast.

  "Where are we going?" Sharon asked as they piled into the minivan.


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