The Duke's Forbidden Love (Book 4, Age of Innocence)

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The Duke's Forbidden Love (Book 4, Age of Innocence) Page 12

by Debra Elizabeth

  Edgerton bowed over her knuckles. “Good evening, Your Grace. Warwick.”

  Lady Tisbury stepped forward and linked her arm with Clara’s. “Gentlemen, please excuse us. I’d like a private word with the duchess. Come, my dear.”

  Clara was swept away from the men and toward the refreshment table. “Lady Tisbury, it’s wonderful to see you again.”

  “Miss Ame—forgive me, Your Grace. First, may I say you look stunning this evening. Is that one of Mrs. Phillips’ creations?”

  Clara nodded. “It is. Warwick surprised me with a number of gifts when we came to London. I plan to visit Mrs. Phillips’ shop before we depart for the country.”

  Lady Tisbury leaned in and whispered in Clara’s ear, “Your lady mother visited me earlier, and I was aghast at the treatment you suffered at the hands of Lincoln. I had not known his true nature and shared this with my friends. I’m told he has left London.”

  “Thank you. I’m so very glad it’s behind me now and am looking forward to retiring to Blythe Castle in the near future. I’ve had my fill of London for now.”

  Lady Tisbury hugged her. “I understand. I’m ever so pleased you’ve attended this evening. Most of the gossip regarding you and Lincoln has been shut down, so I hope you will enjoy yourself. You and Warwick make a striking couple.”

  “Thank you, Lady Tisbury. With such a gracious hostess, how could I not?”

  “Shall we return to the gentlemen?”


  Clara spent the rest of the evening dancing with her loving husband and catching up with friends. Warwick was correct—when you’re a duchess, the ton does not shun you. Even though she was happy to be accepted, she could hardly wait to return to Blythe Castle and her life with her adoring husband.


  Blythe Castle

  Ipswich, Suffolk County

  Six months later

  “CLARA, MY DARLING, YOU WILL wear a hole in the rug with such pacing,” Warwick said. “She will be here.”

  “Are there enough pine bough decorations?”

  “I fear if there were any more, we’d be living in the forest itself.”

  “What if it’s too cold and the roads are not passable?”

  “The roads are clear, and they will be bundled well. You worry overmuch.”

  It wasn’t long before carriage wheels crunched on the gravel. Clara could hardly contain her excitement and absently smoothed the front of her dress for the tenth time.

  Gresham opened the parlor door. “The Earl and Countess of Fulton,” he announced.

  When the couple walked in, Clara rushed to Meredith, kissing both cheeks. “Are you well, Meredith? Was the trip tolerable? Was it too cold?”

  Meredith smiled. “Clara, my dear. There is no need to worry. All is well.”

  Fulton held a small bundle close to his chest. “My dear Clara, we dare not keep you in suspense any longer. I would like you and Warwick to meet our son and heir, Marcus James George Fulton,” he said, handing the babe to Clara.

  Warwick slapped George on the back. “Congratulations, Fulton.” He hugged Meredith. “You look well, dear sister. Thank you for joining us for Christmas this year. It’s been too long since we celebrated together.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it and am glad the roads are clear so we could join you and Clara for the festivities.”

  Clara peeled back the layers of blankets to reveal a small pink face. “Hello, Marcus,” she said, caressing his cheek with her finger. She looked at Meredith. “Such a handsome boy.”

  “I agree,” Meredith said with a chuckle. “Although I dare say we are most biased.”

  Warwick strolled over and looked at the baby. “He is indeed a handsome fellow.”

  The baby’s nurse stood in the doorway, and Clara handed the child to her. “The nursery is prepared.”

  The nurse curtseyed and took the babe. “Thank you, Your Grace.”

  Mrs. Spencer walked into the parlor carrying a tea tray laden with sandwiches and sweets and put it on the table in front of the settee. “Shall I pour, Your Grace?”

  “I shall take care of it,” Clara said. “Thank you, Mrs. Spencer.”

  The housekeeper nodded and exited the room.

  “Come. Have a seat,” Clara said. “You must be parched from your journey.”

  “I won’t say no to a hot cup of tea,” Meredith said and sat on the settee.

  Fulton joined her, and the couples chatted for nearly half an hour.

  After a time, Meredith tried to stifle a yawn and failed. “Oh dear me, I fear I’m more tired than I realized,” she said, standing. “A nap sounds wonderful. I’ll see you at dinner.”

  “Of course. Your usual suite has been prepared,” Clara said.

  Fulton stood as well. “I’ll join you, my dear.”

  ON THE THIRD DAY of her in-laws’ visit, Clara joined Warwick, Fulton, and Meredith in the dining room for breakfast. “Good morning.”

  Warwick kissed her cheek and held out her chair. “Tea, my dear?”

  Clara nodded. “Yes, thank you.”

  He prepared her tea and set it before her before moving to the sideboard to prepare a plate for his wife. He knew she was especially fond of eggs and gave her a generous portion. However, when he put the plate in front of her, Clara’s face paled.

  “What is it? Are you ill?”

  Clara pushed back from the table. “Please excuse me,” she said, rushing from the room, her hand covering her mouth.

  Warwick started to follow, but Meredith laid a hand on his arm and said, “Let me go.”

  When he nodded, she stood and followed. She found Clara in her bedchamber, emptying her stomach into a chamber pot.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Clara said, wiping her mouth with a handkerchief. “I don’t know what has come over me. I’m not prone to casting up my accounts like that, but this is the third day I have not been able to look at eggs at breakfast.”

  Meredith tried to hide her smile. “I think I’m familiar with that malady.”

  “You are? Pray tell, what is the cure for this?”

  Meredith shook her head. “Come sit for a moment,” she said, sitting in one of the wing chairs in front of the fireplace.

  Clara joined her. “I do hope there’s something I can take to relieve these symptoms. I’ve never felt so unwell before.”

  “I’m afraid there is no cure for this particular malady except time,” Meredith said. “May I ask you a delicate question?”

  “Of course.”

  “Have you missed your monthly courses?”

  Clara looked at Meredith and frowned. “I’m not sure. They’re not as regular as some women’s and the last months have been so busy, I wasn’t paying particular attention.”

  “I see.”

  Clara clasped Meredith’s hand. “What do you see? Please tell me. I would not want the baby to catch anything.”

  “My son is perfectly safe, not to worry. My darling Clara, it would seem that you are with child. I suffered myself from this same sickness with Marcus.”

  A brilliant smile graced Clara’s face. “Do you believe so? After so many months married, I feared I could not have a child. I know Warwick has been hoping for an heir, and every time when my courses came, I could see his disappointment, although he tried to hide it well.”

  “Shall I send Warwick up to see you? If I know my brother, he’ll be pacing the dining room like a caged lion.”

  Clara went to the basin, poured some water, and splashed her face. When she returned to Meredith, there was concern on her pretty face. “Do you truly think I’m with child? I don’t wish to give Warwick false hope.”

  “I understand, but trust me, casting up one’s accounts is common for most women in your condition.” Meredith squeezed her hand before standing and exiti
ng the room.

  It was only a few moments before Warwick burst into Clara’s bedchamber and rushed to her side. “My darling, Meredith said you needed me. What is wrong? Are you ill? Shall I send for the doctor?”

  Clara stood and embraced Warwick. “I’m not ill. Will you sit with me a moment?” When they were both seated, she said, “I haven’t been feeling well in the mornings these past few days and had no idea why.”

  Warwick frowned. “You should have told me. I would have sent for the doctor.”

  “A doctor would no doubt tell you the same as your sister told me moments ago,” Clara said, kneeling in front of her husband and taking his hands in hers. “My darling, I’m with child.”

  Warwick sat stunned into silence.


  “Are you sure?”

  Clara nodded. “I am now especially when Meredith explained she had experienced the same symptoms.”

  He stood and pulled Clara into his arms, twirling her in a circle. “That’s the most wonderful news,” he said, setting her on her feet and kissing her gently. “You’ve made me so very happy.”

  Clara kissed Warwick. “We shall be parents late next summer.”

  “My darling Clara, I’m the luckiest of men and it’s all because of you. I love you with every fiber of my being.”

  Clara smiled. “And I love you too.”

  “Shall we share our good news?”

  Clara nodded and took Warwick’s hand. “Yes.”

  Warwick kept an eye on Clara as they walked down the stairs and into the dining room and pulled out her chair before taking his own.

  Clara grasped his hand before looking at her guests. “I’ve shared this with Warwick, and now I’d like to share with you my exciting news. I’m increasing.”

  “I’m so happy for you both,” Meredith said brightly as if she hadn’t already known.

  “May I extend my own congratulations?” Fulton said.

  Warwick nodded. “Thank you. As you can imagine, I’m most pleased.”

  A smile lit Clara’s face. She’d never believed her life could be filled with such happiness—an incredibly handsome and loving husband and now a babe on the way. It was everything she’d ever dreamed of. Sometimes, fairy tales do come true.


  Dear Reader:

  Thank you for taking the time to read THE DUKE’S FORBIDDEN LOVE. If you enjoyed it, please consider posting a short review. A sentence or two about what you like about the books and characters is sufficient. Also, word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated. Thank you, again.

  Other Titles by Debra Elizabeth


  Regency Romance Series

  Love by Secrets, Book 1

  Love by Deception, Book 2

  Dare to Love a Spy, Book 3

  The Duke’s Forbidden Love, Book 4

  A Viscounts Heart for Christmas, A Novella (forthcoming)



  Contemporary Romance Series

  The Accidental Wedding, Book 1

  The Unexpected Wedding, Book 2

  The Surprising Wedding, Book 3 (forthcoming)


  Love by Chance (Contemporary Romance Short Story)

  Second Chances (Contemporary Romance Novella)

  Second Chance Christmas (Contemporary Romance Short Story)



  Contemporary Romances

  Summer of Love (Book 1)

  Christmas Wedding Wishes (Book 2)

  Waiting for Love (Book 3)

  An Unexpected Love (Book 4)

  His Christmas Spirit (Book 5)

  Mistletoe Kisses (Book 6)

  About the Author

  DEBRA WRITES SWEET ROMANCE in both contemporary and historical romance. She enjoys telling stories and has been pouring out her passion for romance since her teenage years. When she’s not writing, she enjoys working in her garden, motorcycle rides throughout New England with her husband and playtime with her granddaughter.

  She enjoys hearing from fans and you can contact her at: [email protected]. She is also the author of the blog, Two Ends of the Pen. The blog features all things books—author interviews, new releases, guest posts and reviews. Be first to know about new releases and contests and sign up for her newsletter at




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