Burden to Bare

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Burden to Bare Page 22

by Felicia Leibenguth

  After the story of her mom being saved, K thanked Zach again. She had a question of her own. It’s a question that bugged me too. I figured I would wait for her to ask.

  “Before, when you said something about my heritage… what were you talking about?” She asked Zach.

  “It’s not really my place,” he said unsure.

  “I want you to tell me.”

  “Yeah, you should tell her. It’s going to drive her crazy, and for that matter, it will drive me nuts too. Right?” I looked at Katrina who smiled back nodding her head.

  “I guess there’s no point. You will just drag it out of me, anyway,” Zach said looking at me.

  “You got that right.” I grinned cockily, so did Katrina.

  Zach sighed.

  “Please?” Katrina begged.

  “Fine, but don’t get mad at me if you don’t like what you hear,” Zach said running his hand through his hair making it messy. Hmm… nice.

  Katrina and I stared at him waiting for him to begin.

  “Let me ask you something first.” He looked at Katrina. “What have you been told about your mark?”

  She thought for a minute. “I was told it ran in my family, but my mom doesn’t have it. My great-grandma had it though. That’s all I know.”

  “Well, part of that is right. It does run in your family, but only in a select few. Those who do have it possess abilities. Something un-natural you could say. Your family has been well known throughout the Supernatural World. Many people in your family have become famous in my world for their abilities. Your great-grandmother, she possessed an ability to channel spirits through her body, am I right?”

  I stared at Zach. Is he serious?

  Katrina looks scared, but not the scared I expected from someone who just learned her family is ‘special’. It took her a moment to answer.

  “It’s true, but no one knew about it except me. How did you…”

  “As I told you, many people in your family are famous in my world. They’re like celebrities are to you. Many have helped people of my world and fought alongside us when it was needed. You learned much from her, I am sure.” Zach smiled.

  “Yeah, I did…” Katrina paused before she went on. “She showed me things she could do. At first, it scared me a lot, but I soon got used to it. When a spirit would come to her body, her eyes would change color and she would speak in a different voice. Once I became used to it, it became natural to me. I was able to actually speak with my great, great, great grandma. She passed away long before I was born, but I got to know her. When my great grandma passed away, it was like losing two grandmothers at once. It was really hard on me.” Katrina has a tear running down her face.

  “I’m sure it was. I’m sorry about your great grandmother’s passing. She was an amazing woman.” Zach reached for Katrina’s hand and held it until Katina started to sign again.

  “She was, and she still is. She is never far from me though. Sometimes it’s like I never lost her.” Katrina smiled a little now.

  “What do you mean?” Zach asked softly.

  “Well… she visits me through my dreams sometimes. It’s like I’m really there with her, like when she was alive. She tells me to stay strong. She knew about… well, you know.”

  Zach and I nodded. We knew she was talking about the Vampire.

  “She told me I would find a great friend that would help me.” Katrina smiled at me and continued on. “She guides me and gives me advice all the time. She helped me learn how to paint. She told me to paint whatever comes to mind so that’s what I do. She told me that it was my talent and that I should keep using it, and I will get stronger.”

  “Well, I would say that’s very true. According to what I heard about a painting of me as a wolf. What else have you painted?” Zach is honestly curious.

  “Well, a lot of people. The weird thing about it is, mom once told me that every portrait I’ve done, are of people in my family who have passed away. What’s really weird is I never met any of them. They were dead before I was born.” Katrina shrugged.

  “Oh, don’t forget that painting of the woods. It was really realistic looking,” I added smiling.

  “Oh yeah. I did that one a long time ago. It was shortly after you moved here Lexi. It was really strange how I painted it though. Usually, I just see an image in my head, like a picture. When I painted the woods, it was like a movie. It was strange. I was walking through the woods alone and I was looking for something. It felt like someone was watching me. When I turned to the side, I saw two figures coming out from behind a tree. They didn’t look right. Their faces were off like their whole face was shifted off to one side. It was creepy, and I was terrified. When they started to approach me, I snapped out of it and that’s when I saw what I painted.” Katrina paused looking between Zach, and my horrified expression. “What’s wrong?”

  It took me a moment to answer. I never put that painting together with what happened to me the other day in the woods. Somehow, she knew it was going to happen. I finally choked out. “K, that… happened to me. It was the night of the bonfire. They almost… killed me.”

  Katrina looks horrified. “What-”

  Zach cut her off. “She can explain later, this is important. What else have you painted, other than the woods, wolf, and family, what else?” He looks stressed.

  “What’s going on?” I asked before Katrina could.

  “Her ability, that’s what. She has an ability to paint what’s to come. Now, what else have you painted?” He demanded.

  Katrina instantly looks terrified, and I’m sure I do too. We stared at each other with shock, not to mention fear… beyond fear. I don’t think I have ever been this terrified in my life. If she has an ability to paint what’s to come… what was that… monstrosity she painted? The thing she called sir-freaks-me-out-a-lot, what does that have to do with anything?

  I remember watching it burn in the flames, while the image burned, the flames turned black. Oh God, I was right in what I was thinking that night. We tried to find an explanation to explain away our fear but now we know…

  I feel sick.

  “Katrina?” Zach said clearly worried. “What else? I can tell there’s something. I can see it not only on your face but on Lexi’s too. What is it?” He stressed.

  Katrina looked at me panicked, not sure what to do. I don’t know either. Zach should know even if it is just some freak thing, which I really hope is the case, but in the deep part of my stomach, I know it isn’t.

  I nodded to Katrina, telling her it’s okay to tell Zach, but she shook her head and said, “You tell.”

  So, I reluctantly began.

  “Katrina painted something about a week ago. I don’t know what it was, but it was terrifying to look at. It looked like a demon from Hell with dark red eyes that could suck out your soul. It was covered in a hooded robe that covered the things entire body except for its clawed hand that reached out in front of its body. Like, it was telling us to come closer. There was black like mist all around it…” I trailed off shivering as I seen Zack’s face. He’s pale and about to be sick himself. I can see the deep seeded horror in his eyes.

  “Damn,” he whispered.

  That one word told me all I need to know. That thing is real, and it’s coming. We just don’t know when.


  Katrina and I tried, it seemed like forever, to get Zach to tell us what was going on, but he adamantly refused. He kept changing the subject, but neither, Katrina nor I would go for it.

  Zach’s face changed from stress to relief, just a minute before Ms. Morrison - Katrina’s mom - walked through the door holding a foam container full of food. From what I can smell, it must be chicken.

  Zach and I left shortly after. It wasn’t like we were going to be able to keep badgering Zach or talking about anything that was important, anyway.

  Ms. Morrison seemed to be in a good mood tonight, less stressed. I was glad and I’m happy knowing she could go home and rest easy. Za
ch’s dad, Thatch, is guarding the house in case of the Vamps return and his mom, Garcia, is watching the hospital.

  Zach and I sat in the middle of my bed. His arms wrapped around me as my head lay against his warm, muscle hardened chest. It feels like this is how it’s always supposed to be, like we belong here with one another, forever. I love feeling like this. It’s comfortable and natural to me. I always thought to be with someone like this, would be awkward and embarrassing for a while. It never was with Zach. Everything seemed to flow naturally. Maybe that’s a part of being claimed, that everything would feel natural with the one you were meant to be with. I felt safe with Zach. I knew if I fell, he would catch me, if I hurt, he would comfort me, if I was in danger, he would save me. He has saved me. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Zach.

  At first, I thought being claimed would be scary because the bond between us wouldn’t be broken until one of us died. Also, Zach is the first one I ever fell in love with and to know I’m tied to him for the rest of my life, is scary. To be seventeen and know that this is the person I will be with for the rest of my life is a hard thing to wrap my head around. Almost every teen girl has multiple boyfriends before they find the one they want to be with forever. I never had anyone else, Zach is my first and last. I thought that would bother me, not being able to play the ‘boy field’ before settling, but sitting here in his arms, I knew I wanted to be with him forever. I belong here and I can never love someone else as much as I love Zach. I realized over the weeks he was gone, I loved him so entirely that I would never be the same without him. It felt like our souls were connected so completely that if one of us hurt, the other would feel the pain. I can’t stand to be without him, now or ever. He is mine and no one else will ever have him. Zach, I believe feels the same way.

  Maybe that’s why after he said goodnight to my parents and left in his car, that somehow, he ended back up on my balcony tapping on the window. He told me he parked his car down the road and came back because he couldn’t leave me. I had to admit when I saw him drive away my heart lurched, urging me to follow him, longing for him to come back, even to kiss me one more time.

  I smiled. I know it sounds crazy or ridiculous, but still true.

  Hopefully, mom, dad, and Bree, don’t know Zach is in my room and especially at 3 a.m. they should be sleeping. Besides, if they did know, they would be up here, I’m sure.

  We sat in silence for a while. It isn’t an awkward silence, it’s very comfortable and once I almost fell asleep. Zach tried to get me to lay down, but I refused. I didn’t want to go to sleep, especially if he’s in my room. It did sound nice that he was going to snuggle up with me. There’s another reason I didn’t want to go to sleep yet. I wanted to ask him about the way he acted in the hospital after we told him about Katrina’s sir-freaks-me-out-a-lot painting. What did it mean? I wasn’t sure, but Zach knew. I hesitated this long in asking him because I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. What I do know, is that it’s evil and something bad is coming. I can feel it.

  “Zach, can I ask you something?” I asked in a whisper, on the off-chance Bree would hear me.

  “What is it?” He whispered just as quietly.

  “Do you promise to answer?” I’m hoping I can trap him into answering.

  It took him a moment to answer. “Depends on what it is.” He’s wary now.

  I sighed. “Well… I wanted to find out what that painting means to you.”

  “Why do you want to know so badly?”

  “Because I’m scared something horrible is going to happen, I can feel it. If that thing is real…” I can’t finish.

  “Don’t worry about it now. It’s nothing.” I can hear the strain in his voice.

  “Zach, tell me, please?” I begged.

  “Not now. You look like you’re about to pass out and it’s a very involved story. That’s why,” he sounds exasperated.

  “So, you are going to tell me?” I asked with triumph in my voice.

  “Yes. Are you happy now? You win,” he sighed.

  “Yes,” I grinned. I’m good at this dragging thing.

  “Now will you go to sleep?” He asked.

  “When are you gonna tell me?” I urged on.

  “Tomorrow. Now sleep.” He started to lay me down, and it was no use trying to fight it, he’s too strong and I’m really tried. My head hit the pillow, and I yawned.

  Zach laughed quietly.


  “Sleep,” he commanded cutting me off.

  I pouted and Zach shook his head with a smile. “You’re stubborn, aren’t you?”

  “Yep,” I grinned and yawned again.

  “Go to sleep my lovely Lexi. I love you.” He leaned over my head and kissed my forehead.

  “Love you more.” My eyes are getting blurry. I’m getting close to passing out, but I tried to fight it. It’s a useless battle.

  Zach laid down next to me on top of my blanket, in case he needs to make a quick run for it should someone come in my room. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest. I’ve never been so comfortable in all my life than I am right now. I closed my eyes and started drifting to sleep. I thought about this being the first night Zach would sleep in my bed. Heat flooded my cheeks but quickly faded. I didn’t realize how tired I was until Zach made me lay down.

  The last thing that registered with my mind was Zach’s voice.

  “I love you more.” He whispered in my ear.

  I tried to protest, but it all came out as a sigh. Zach shook lightly with laughter.

  My mind went blank as I fell asleep in seconds.


  I woke up to my alarm clock blaring, realizing I’m alone. Zach must have left a few moments ago. I felt the bed where he was laying and it’s still warm. My balcony doors are closed and I’m sure he wouldn’t have used the front door. I sluggishly sat up turning my alarm clock off and stretched. It’s time to go back to school. I’ve missed a few days and I’m sure I have a lot to catch up on. I’ll probably drive to school so I can get Katrina’s homework for her and take it to the hospital. I don’t want her perfect record to go down the toilet.

  Walking out of my room, Bree is heading down the hall and almost bumped into me. I want to ask her, I really do, but I’m afraid at the same time. She looked at me a bit funny, probably because I’m looking at her with a bit of fear in my eyes.

  “Lexi? You okay?” She asked unsure.

  I bit my lower lip. With everything going on, can I handle what she may say to me? I breathed a little heavily as I looked into her eyes, wanting to watch her reaction to my question.

  “Bree…” I swallowed hard and continued, “Are… are you… human?” I choked out the last word.

  Her eyes suddenly darkened and sadness overcame her features. “What did Zach tell you?” She asked quietly.

  Tears sprang from my eyes. A sob broke through my chest and I ran downstairs with Bree following behind me.

  She grabbed my shoulder before I could open the door to the garage.

  “Lexi please, hear me out,” she spoke softly with a deep sadness.

  “I… I can’t Bree,” I shook my head with tears still streaming down my cheeks.

  She dropped her hand from my shoulder, and I heard a sob break through her words as she spoke. “I understand… I love you, Lexi. No matter what… you are my sister.”

  Another sob broke through my chest as I opened the door, getting away from her as fast as possible and into my car.

  I started the car and drove down the road a mile before I pulled over to have a mental breakdown. I have handled everything else rather well, but having my own sister… lie to me our entire life… to know now that she isn’t even human… this I cannot handle.

  I don’t know what to think about her anymore. Thinking about everything we have been through, and to think it’s all been a lie… Do I even want to know the full truth?


  Due to my mental state, I skipped my first three classes
of school. I had to calm myself down and breathe before I could even function. I seemed to fall into a catatonic state the rest of the morning. In English, people asked how Katrina was doing and it distracted me from my problem to the realization that Katrina is dealing with way more than me and that I need to suck it up… for her sake.

  Mr. Pitman asked how Katrina was doing and even apologized for yelling at me the day I ran out of class. Of course, he waited until the lunch bell rang. Mr. Pitman is nice, just don’t interrupt his class. He gave me Katrina’s homework and mine of course. He gave us both a pass on the video critique that they did yesterday, which is nice. At least that’s one assignment I’m not gonna have to make up.

  Lunch was tense. Mya was talking about seeing Katrina and asked how she was. She must not have talked to anyone since Monday because she was like a whippoorwill. She just kept talking, but that wasn’t the tense part. It was when Zach went over and talked with Rashel. I tried to avoid looking over my shoulder at them, but I couldn’t help myself. Zach was leaning on the table next to Rashel trying to look casual, but I could tell he was tense in the way he was looking at her. It was like he was willing her to believe him. He was telling her that he didn’t claim me and he only said it because he was mad.

  I seriously hope she believes him because I don’t know what we would do. Maybe a fake brake-up was in order. I think that would about kill me though I don’t think Rashel would mind. She probably hopes I will drop dead.

  “Wonder what that’s all about,” Mya said gesturing toward Zach and Rashel.

  “I don’t know,” I said as casually as possible.

  “You’re not worried about it, are you?” She asked looking at me.

  “No. Why would I be? They’re just talking.”


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