Mafia Boss's Fearless Lover (The Karzhov Crime Family series Book 1)

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Mafia Boss's Fearless Lover (The Karzhov Crime Family series Book 1) Page 7

by Leslie North

  “Look at me, Katya,” Nikolai urged, nudging her chin up with his mouth.

  Katya was mesmerized by what she saw in his eyes: desire, lust, and…there was something else, but she couldn’t put a word to it.

  Nikolai held her gaze as he slid into her body, watching for any signs that he was causing her discomfort, smiling when he finally seated himself fully within her. He began a gentle surge and retreat rhythm, gently building the passion back up in both of them.

  “Nik?” Katya asked, licking her lips and hearing him groan in response.

  “What?” he managed to say, focusing on maintaining his steady rhythm and not giving in to the need to pound her until they both fell headfirst over the cliff.

  “I…,” Katya stopped, unsure how to continue. Nikolai had touched a place in her heart, but having never felt this way before, she didn’t trust the emotion trying to get out.

  “Shush,” Nikolai told her, seeing her struggle to find the right words to express how she was feeling. “We’ll talk later. Right now, I want to hear you scream my name again.”

  Katya tightened her legs around him, eliciting a deep groan and bringing a smile to her lips. When he increased his tempo, she moved with him, the water flowing over them. The steam rose, and soon she could barely make out his face. Her sight was no longer her primary sense, now it was all touch and feel.

  The sensations within her spiraled out, like a mushroom cloud, expanding until she could no longer hold back her pleasure. She flew over the edge of bliss, screaming his name. She dimly heard him follow right after her, his harsh breathing mingling with hers several minutes later amidst the sound of the water hitting the tile.

  When Nikolai trusted his arms and legs to functional correctly once again, he gently eased out of her then let Kat slide down his body to gain her own feet. They took turns washing each other, and then drying each other off with towels. When he carried her to his bed, he tucked her in next to him, spooning his body around her before kissing her once and then drifting off to sleep.

  Katya tried to stay awake. It felt so good to be safe in his arms but minutes later she joined him in a peaceful nap.

  Nikolai woke several hours later, his stomach reminding him they’d not eaten dinner. He’d spied a casserole thawing in the fridge, with the cooking instructions taped to the top. Extracting himself from the bed, he grabbed a pair of lounge pants and headed for the kitchen.

  After putting the casserole in the oven and setting the timer, he retreated to the small porch and the journals once more. As pleasant as the last few hours had been, he knew that reality would intrude soon and something had to be done to make Danil pay for his crimes against his family. The man deserved to die for his betrayal, but first Nikolai needed to find out if he was actively working with the East Coast organizations, or if he’d simply been acting alone and it had backfired. Either way, at the end of the day Danil Yakimov was a dead man. He just didn’t know it yet.

  Chapter 15

  The next day and a half flew by as Nikolai showered Katya with pleasure, while at the same time helped her understand her place in this new world. Nikolai tried to impress upon her how tenuous her position was in terms of safety until Danil was taken care of, and he only hoped she had listened. Anymore solo trips could be her last.

  “Until I’ve figured out if there are any more loose ends, you must have an escort everywhere you go. No more skipping out on the bodyguards.” Nikolai knew his voice sounded harsh, but he needed to make her understand the seriousness of the situation.

  “You sound angry,” she commented.

  “No, just very concerned. Danil is a very smart man. He more than likely has already put two and two together and come up with six. With your appearance, he has no choice but to get rid of you as quickly as possible. But I will not allow that to happen.”

  “What would he gain by killing me?” Katya asked, amazed at how much had changed in a few days. Here she was, calmly discussing her potential murder, and she wasn’t totally freaked out.

  “Katya, think about everything I’ve told you. You are a Karzhov by birth. A direct descendant of Viktor. The only descendant of Viktor and Alexei.”

  “But I’m a female. I thought you all protected the females in your world?” she asked, sure she’d heard him mention something to that effect.

  “We do, but that doesn’t mean they don’t, and can’t, hold positions of leadership within the organization.”

  “Like my Aunt Tasha?”

  “Exactly like her. Tasha wielded great power within the organization, but she chose to use that power, and her resources, to help the poor, the sick, and the hurting. She was able to separate where the resources came from and instead focus on how they could help humanity.”

  “I could do that. Nik, I don’t think I could ever kill somebody,” Katya told him haltingly.

  “And you should never have to. There are a number of people out there that are very good at killing people, so you don’t have to. My mother and my aunt also learned to focus on the good things they were able to accomplish and ignore the bad things being perpetrated by their husbands. You can learn to do the same thing. Knowing everything that goes on in the organization would serve no purpose. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

  “I think so.” She was prevented from saying more when a knock sounded on the front door. Glancing in that direction, she asked Nikolai, “Were you expecting company?”

  “No,” Nikolai said, reaching into the side drawer and withdrawing a small handgun. “Stay here. Better yet, go lock yourself into the master bathroom. I’ll come for you when it’s safe.”

  “Do you know who it is?” Katya asked as she headed for the bedroom.

  “No. Vanya and Pyotr were instructed not to disturb us. They are not due to arrive for another two hours.”

  Nikolai waited until Katya was safely out of sight before he ventured towards the door, wishing he’d taken the time to activate the security cameras this morning.

  Glancing through the peephole, he stepped away from the door and then threw it open, “Grigori! What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t arriving until later this evening.”

  “Nik, I caught an earlier flight. When I spoke with Vanya, he said that you had run into a few complications and might be able to use my services to help correct them.”

  “Come in.” Nik grabbed his cousin around the neck, “It’s been what, eight years?”

  “Nine. But who’s counting?”

  “Obviously not me. Hold on a second, I need to tell Katya everything’s okay.”

  “Katya? You brought a woman out here?” Grigori knew that Nikolai used this place as his private retreat and never brought visitors with him.

  “You’ll understand once you get to know her.” Nik started down the hallway, hollering as he went, “Kat, it’s okay. Come out here, I want you to meet someone.”

  Kat heard Nik’s voice and grinned. She opened the door and stepped out just as he entered the bedroom. “Everything’s okay?”

  “Perfect. Grigori came early.”

  Katya looked at the smile on his face. “So this is a good thing?”

  “Very. Come, I want you to meet him.”

  Nikolai led Katya back into the living area, pulling her next to him as he made the introductions, “Grigori, this is Katya Osin. Katya, my cousin Grigori Tokarev.”

  Grigori bowed over the hand she extended him and then asked, “Osin?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Rumor reached the European groups three days ago that the threat Konstantin posed had been eliminated.”

  “Who claimed responsibility?” Nikolai asked.

  “There are rumors.”

  Katya stepped towards him, placing a hand on his massive arm. The man was huge. He was at least 6’6”, standing a few inches taller than Nikolai and easily outweighed him by 40 pounds. The man had muscle everywhere. His skin was a dark tan, as if he’d spent lots of time outdoors in the sunshine, his deep
blue eyes were alert and held secrets she really didn’t want to know. His head was completely shaved bald, and his face was clean-shaven.

  She could just make out the telltale signs of a tattoo beneath the collar of his t-shirt. His long-sleeved t-shirt was thin, and she could see tattoos adorning his forearms as well.

  Grigori watched the young woman peruse his body, amused when she tried to see his tattoos through his shirt.

  Nikolai knew what was going on and chuckled, informing his cousin, “She’s fascinated with tattoos. Be on your guard or she’ll have you stripping off your shirt so he can study them.”

  “Does she have any of her own?” Grigori asked.

  “Not a one.”

  “I can hear you, you know?” Katya said, annoyed at how these men continued to talk as if she wasn’t in the room.

  “I can fix that. I brought my kit with me.”

  That statement got Katya’s attention. “Kit?”

  “Sure, doll. Tattoo kit. You just point where and tell me what, and I can ink you up about that fast.”

  Katya took a stumbling step backwards, stammering her refusal, “No, really. I didn’t say I wanted one, I just like to look at other peoples.”

  “Maybe a little one, on your hip, or the lush flesh of your butt cheek?” Grigori grinned at her.

  Nikolai slapped his cousin lightly on the shoulder, “Knock it off. She’s off limits and totally immune to your charms.”

  Grigori looked at his cousin in shock, “You staking a claim.”

  “It’s been staked.”

  Katya stomped her foot, thoroughly annoyed with both men, “Hello! I am still standing right here!”

  Both men chuckled, and after a few seconds she joined them. The tension was broken, and it was time to get down to business.

  Chapter 16

  After getting each other caught up on organization news, Nikolai, Grigori, and Katya sat down to discuss the most pressing problem at the moment: Danil.

  “So, Danil isn’t going to want her around long. My guess is, he’s already contacted several contract men to work their magic.”

  “That’s what I would assume as well.”

  “I could just take him out and that would be the end of it,” Grigori offered, flexing his hands and making the knuckles pop ominously.

  Katya shivered. “No, what if he was the one who leaked the information to the hit men who killed my parents?”

  “I’d say he definitely needing killing then.”

  Nikolai shook his head. “I would rather know who he’s been talking to before he’s silenced. In the last six months, we’ve had a dozen or more shipments seized before the cargo could be off-loaded. Each time, the authorities were tipped off anonymously.”

  “You’re thinking Danil has been sabotaging the shipments? But what would he gain by doing so?”

  “My humiliation. If he can discredit me enough, he could petition the organization to take my spot at the helm.”

  “We cannot let that happen,” Katya said, her voice carrying a hint of danger. “If he’s done what we suspect he has, he needs to be taken out.”

  “Blood thirsty little gal, isn’t she?” Grigori commented, admiring Katya’s ability to state the harsh truth.

  “I wasn’t like this until I met him,” Katya nodded towards Nikolai.

  “Well, doll, you’ve taken to it like a pro. Truth is, there are some people that deserve to be taken out of this life. That’s where I come in. How can I help?”

  Nikolai spent the next hour discussing the plan he’d come up with in the wee hours of the morning. A plan that would not only identify those working alongside Danil, but one that would also ensure Katya’s safety in the process.

  It was almost noon when Katya asked about Vanya, “What time was he coming back for us?”

  “He’s not,” Grigori told her. “I’m your ride back to the city. I needed my own wheels and I was coming this here anyway.”

  “That works. Katya, why don’t you finish gathering whatever you need and we’ll head back.”

  “Don’t we need to clean up things first?” she asked, remembering their breakfast dishes were still stacked in the sink.

  “No, the woman down at the bait shop will come by after we leave and put everything to rights.”

  Katya nodded, amazed at how well organized Nikolai’s life was. She could definitely get used to this…

  “Alright, I only need to grab my backpack and I’m ready to go.”

  Nikolai handed Katya her mother’s journals and she tucked them away in her backpack once again for safe keeping.


  Danil waited for the phone to connect as he tossed back yet another drink. Nikolai and Katya were going to mess up everything!


  “We have a problem. A major one.”

  There was silence on the line for the space of several seconds and then a new voice came on the line, “What’s wrong?”

  “Your men botched the hit, that’s what’s wrong. They missed the daughter. She’s still alive.”

  “They are en route to complete—”

  “They will be completing nothing!” Danil spat into the phone. “I’ve already taken my vengeance for their ineptness out of their hides. She is here and she has information that could bring us all down.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Take care of it. Immediately.”

  “I will see to it. Shall I contact you when a plan is in place?”

  “Don’t bother. Just do your job!”

  Danil shut the phone and then tossed it onto the small table by the couch. He didn’t want minute-by-minute updates. He wanted action. He’d give them one more chance, and then he’d take care of the problem himself.

  Chapter 17

  When they arrived back at the casino they were greeted by Danil, Vanya, and Pyotr. Nikolai had texted his bodyguards on the way back to the city, letting them know he wanted one of them with eyes on Danil until he ordered otherwise.

  Danil hugged Katya. “I’m glad you’re back. I’ve had my housekeeper ready the guest room for you and I thought we could get to know each other better and have a quiet dinner, just the two of us,” he said with a pointed look in Nikolai’s direction.

  Katya barely contained the urge to hurl vile accusations at the man pretending to care for her. “I’m sorry to have put you to so much trouble—”

  “No, no trouble at all. Grab your things and we’ll be off. Do we need to stop by your hotel and check you out?”

  “Danil, Katya is not going anywhere but upstairs to my penthouse to ready herself for dinner.”

  “Now wait a minute, Nik. You’ve had her all to yourself for the last few days. Why, I haven’t even gotten to spend five minutes alone with her.”

  Grigori stepped in and saved Nik from smashing the man’s lying face, “Danil, I’ve come across some intelligence that suggests Katya is not safe.”

  “That’s nonsense. The two men who were following her showed up at the airport, we collected them and disposed of their worthless carcasses. Why, I watched them die myself. There is no new threat to her. I would have heard about it.”

  Yeah, because you would have been the one plotting it.

  Katya pressed her lips together to hold back the angry accusations. It had been decided that they would try to beat Danil at his own game. Make it seem as if there was another player vying for Nikolai’s position by getting to Katya.

  She watched as her uncle’s face turned purple with rage at having his plans thwarted. “Sorry uncle, but after being told of this information, I choose to stay with Nikolai where I can be assured I have adequate protection.”

  The realization hit Danil and he felt his plans start to crumble. Facing Nikolai, he asked, “You told her?”

  “Yes. She knows she is the only direct descendant to the Karzhov line and what that means.”

  Danil sighed in defeat. “Well, I guess I should probably give my housekeeper a call and tell he
r not to bother with dinner.” Giving Nikolai one last look, he said, “It was my right to tell her about our family. Not yours. But what’s done, is done. Katya, I will see you tomorrow.”

  Danil walked towards the casino and Nikolai sent Pyotr to shadow him. “Well, he’s taken the bait. Now all we have to do is wait to see what he tries next.”

  “He’s an impatient man; it won’t be long,” Vanya offered, never having cared much for Danil Yakimov.

  “That’s what we’re hoping for,” Nikolai smiled.

  “Could we find some lunch while we do that?” Katya asked, her nose telling her there was a restaurant or buffet nearby.

  “Of course,” Nikolai laughed. “But upstairs where I can eat without having to look over my shoulder at the same time. Vanya?”

  “I’ll take care of it.” The bodyguard headed off in the opposite direction, as Nikolai led her towards the elevators.

  “So, Nikolai tells me you dance,” Grigori said with a grin.

  Katya looked at Nikolai in shock, “You didn’t?”

  “I saw a sign at the airport advertising a Russian Ballet Troupe that is currently performing this week and next.” Grigori saw the relief flood her eyes and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “And before you let him completely off the hook, he told me about the other dancing as well.”

  Katya narrowed her eyes at Nikolai’s back. The man needed to learn to keep his mouth shut about certain things. When he turned to see what she and Grigori were discussing, she smiled sweetly at him and began planning his downfall. By the time she was done with him, he’d be the one begging her.

  She looked back at Grigori, laughing when he winked at her and offered, “I have a long piece of rope in my bag if you should find a use for it.”

  That thought brought all sorts of ideas to Katya’s imagination, and Nikolai decided that whatever was being discussed between the two of them definitely wasn’t in his favor. The gleam in Katya’s eyes spoke of mischief and the naughtiness he’d first seen in her.


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