Sacked (To Love a Governess Regency Short)

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Sacked (To Love a Governess Regency Short) Page 4

by Jane Charles

  He lifted his head and kissed the top of hers that rested on his chest. Her small hand lay on his stomach. He couldn’t wait until those very hands explored him, though he wasn’t sure his body could take it after what it had just gone through. He never understood why the French called it the little death until now.

  Jared brought her hands to his lips and kissed her fingers, then kept it cradled with his when he rested it on his stomach. Slowly his pulse returned to normal and all he wanted to do was lay there and hold her.

  Elizabeth shivered at his side. The room had gotten a bit chilly, now that their bodies had cooled. He moved to pull the blanket from underneath to cover them. The spots of blood on the counterpane jerked him back to the present. He needed to see to Elizabeth before they slept.

  Jared pulled himself from the bed and walked to the foot tub and tested the water. “It is still warm. Come here.”

  Elizabeth pulled the blanket around her and wandered over. Jared didn’t try to take it from her. With the heat of passion cooled, her modesty returned. In time she would become comfortable being naked around him. Or, at least he hoped. Not that it made that much of a difference. Clothing could always be removed and sometimes it was half of the fun.

  He bent and dipped the cloth into the water before he parted her blanket.

  “What are you doing?”

  Jared didn’t want to explain. It would break the mood. Instead, he bathed her womanhood and washed away the evidence of her maidenhead from her inner thighs. When he dipped the cloth again he noticed the red streaks on his manhood, and cleansed himself and dropped the cloth back in the water. This time when he parted her blanket it was to step inside. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, luxuriating in the feel of her body against his. Heart pressed to heart. Savoring each moment in a way that was impossible when he was heated with passion earlier. Her arms wove around this waist and they stood there simply holding each other.

  Jared leaned down and kissed her. “Get into bed. I will add logs to the fire.”

  She was snuggled deep inside the covers when he finally crawled in beside her. Outside the blizzard continued and occasionally a limb scraped against the building. Inside this room, they were warm, cozy and in each other’s arms.

  * * *

  Elizabeth felt she should say something, but what does one say after making love. Did you enjoy yourself? Was it disappointing? Was it normal to fly as high as the birds before floating back to earth? Her biggest concern was that he would be sorry. She wasn’t and couldn’t imagine ever regretting this night.

  Though tired, Elizabeth knew sleep was impossible and she looked up to study him. “Lord Fairfield?” she began with hesitation.

  He abruptly looked at her. “Fairfield?”

  What had she said wrong? “That is your name. . . “

  “My name is Jared.” He smiled.

  “Yes, but . . .”

  “Hush. I am a man, not some title. And, I certainly hoped you were making love to the man.”

  “Of course.” She rested her head back on his chest and stared into the flames, content to be exactly where she was at this moment.

  “Oh, Elizabeth. I don’t think you have any idea how happy you have made me.”

  A smile pulled at her lips, but she said nothing. He made her very happy as well, though she was not comfortable enough to voice her thoughts.

  For the longest while he ran his hand up and down her upper arm, caressing her with actions, offering comfort without words. His hand slowed and stopped. A moment later, a light rumble in his chest. Elizabeth relaxed further. Lord Fairf. . . Jared was asleep. She wasn’t sure she would be lucky enough to find the same escape.

  At the moment, there were no regrets and she didn’t want the night to end, but with all things, she knew that this too would end. And even though he slept soundly, she was going to commit everything to memory.

  Her mind replayed the events of the evening. Even though he had seen all of her, she never looked lower than his chest. Well, except when he washed. Jared had his back to her, but she recalled every detail of his wide shoulders and strong back to the smooth buttocks, indents on either side. His legs were long and strong. Muscles bulged in his upper thighs when he bent to pick up pieces of wood to toss on the fire. When he walked back toward the bed, she focused on his face because he was looking at her. Her body heated with the memories of his and Elizabeth pulled away from his warmth. She braced herself up on one elbow and stared down at Jared.

  His chest was sculpted with flat dark nipples. She couldn’t resist the urge and traced her finger around one. It puckered at her touch. Perhaps he was cold, but how could he be in this room? Heat radiated from his body.

  Elizabeth considered covering him more fully so he would be more comfortable, but she wasn’t finished looking. His stomach was flat and she ran her hand over the planes. The blanket was drawn to his waist and covered the part of Jared’s anatomy she was most interested in. Though she had felt every inch of him, through his clothing when he held her and later inside, she still had no idea what it looked like.

  She risked a peek up at his face. His eyes were closed and his breathing still even. Did she dare look? What if he awakened? Still, was it fair that he saw everything of her but she still lacked knowledge of him?

  Elizabeth bit her lip, wondering what to do. She should probably lie back down and sleep as he was. But, she knew she couldn’t. Not now. Not with this opportunity.

  Very carefully she lifted the edge of the counterpane and strained to see underneath. Drat, it was too dark. She pushed it down just a bit, not enough that he would notice, she hoped, and tried again. Still not enough. What to do?

  She glanced back up at his face. He hadn’t moved nor had the rhythm of his breathing changed. Dare she risk it? She knew the answer before the question stopped forming in her brain. Elizabeth held her breath and lifted the blanket higher.

  There it was, lying against his belly. She knew there were many names for it having overheard conversations in London. So, this was Jared’s cock, manhood, sword, rod, or whatever he may wish to call it.

  Elizabeth sat up and gently laid the blanket across his thighs so that she could get a better look. It was rather impressive she supposed, thick and long, and certainly served its purpose. Excitement rushed through her veins remembering where it had been and what Jared had accomplished with his cock.

  Before her eyes it thickened, and grew longer. How was that possible? She would touch it, but didn’t want to wake him. Unless he was already awake and could make it do those things?

  Elizabeth looked up at Jared but nothing had changed in his face. When she glanced back, it was expanded and hard. Perhaps men didn’t have control over this portion of their anatomy. That would certainly be inconvenient. Especially in some of the tight britches she had seen the men wear in London.

  She scooted down the bed for further study, so she could see everything. It was only fair, she reminded herself. Beneath his cock were the sacks, or bullocks as she had heard them called. She would have to ask what their purpose was one day.

  His cock twitched. How very interesting. If only she could touch it, but that would surely wake Jared. As it was if she didn’t cover him soon he would become cold. Then he would awaken and how would she explain her study of his manhood? That would be most embarrassing.

  Very carefully she pulled the counterpane up to cover him to the chest then snuggled down next to Jared and breathed a sigh of relief. At least he hadn’t caught her.

  Chapter 8

  The moment she was settled, head on her shoulder and hand on his chest his came up to cover hers and slid it down his body. Oh dear, he was awake. He continued until it was over his rod. What should she do?

  “You were curious enough to look, why not touch.”

  She could have sworn he was still asleep.

  Jared sat up and pushed the covers away, revealing all of him to her. His cock moved again. Elizabeth ran her finger from the bas
e to the tip and back again. It did feel like there was a rod inside, though she knew that wasn’t possible. But the skin was so soft. She ran a finger around the darker head, it was like touching velvet. She didn’t think there was anything on her body that soft and velvety.

  “You may grasp it if you wish.”

  Elizabeth glanced up at Jared. He reclined back on a pillow watching her study his body. He didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed or uncomfortable, so she did as he suggested and wrapped her hand around his cock. Her fingers barely touched and she rubbed up and down the length of him.

  Jared moaned.

  He must like it. Then again, the movement was no different than the action he used inside of her. Would he burst if she continued? She would love to give him pleasure.

  Elizabeth continued the motion and occasionally skimmed over the tip. His hands were fisted around blankets so hard his knuckles turning white. If she were hurting him, wouldn’t he tell her?

  A bit of moisture pooled out at the tip and she smoothed it across the top with her thumb. Again he moaned and his breath became shallow and short. Elizabeth recognized these sounds and knew she was bringing him pleasure.

  Jared turned to face her, but Elizabeth didn’t let go and continued what she was doing. He brought his hand up to her breast, molded it and brushed a thumb over her nipple before he pinched it. His fingers trailed down her side, over her hip, across her buttocks than forward to her curls. He slipped his fingers between her legs and found the pleasure point he so expertly brought to life earlier. It already pulsated, eager for his touch. She grew damp and her womanhood ached to be filled by him. It was certainly possible given his current state. Would he take her again?

  Jared dipped and brought her juices forward, massaging them around that spot sending jolts of pleasure to her womb. The waves inside increased and she knew what was coming. Oh goodness, she couldn’t concentrate when he touched her like this. Over and over he rubbed and her hand fell away from his cock. She couldn’t do that when he was doing this.

  Elizabeth rolled on her back, legs falling open and she moved against his hand, tensing until that incredible pressure burst inside once again and she was crying out. Jared didn’t give her a moment to recover this time but was over her, probed, entering her in one quick thrust, filling her completely. She rose to meet him. He kept a slow, steady pace, drawing out their lovemaking. She looked up and met his eyes. He never broke contact and kept her mesmerized as he plunged in and out, slow and steady. Pressure inside began to build but she didn’t want it to happen yet. Not at this very dear moment. They were one. Connected in body and in mind. Or so it seemed as he continued to look at her.

  His tempo increased and he thickened even more and she didn’t think it was possible he could do that. He rubbed the right place and Elizabeth went soaring, arching her back, welcoming him deep inside as he reached his peek, filling her completely with his seed. When he collapsed Jared kissed her. It was the most soul searing kiss of her life. Lips melded, his breath mingled with hers, the way she always imagined a sensitive lover would kiss.

  * * *

  Jared settled once again with his arm around Elizabeth and her head on his chest. She was quiet, very quiet. Soon her body grew heavy against him, her breath even against his skin. Elizabeth slept.

  He had slept earlier but woke the moment she pulled away from his arms. When he realized what she was about it took every bit of his control to lie still, keep his breathing even while she explored. He couldn’t control himself enough not to become hard with her obvious interest. Especially when she moved down the bed and her mouth was so close. Maybe one day Elizabeth would taste him. He certainly intended to do the same to her again. Probably in the near future.

  When she touched him it was pure magic. He had dreamed of her hands on him, caressing, loving him, and it was better than any fantasy he could conjure. When she came, he could no longer hold back and had to be in her. Deep inside and love her the only way he knew how. He hoped she understood the words he had been afraid to say, and wondered when he would have the nerve to tell her that he loved her, and had for a very long time.

  Even though Elizabeth had shared her body with him, given him the thing that can only be gifted to one man, did not mean she was in love with him. Perhaps passion simply over-ruled reason.

  No, he couldn’t think it was only passion. Elizabeth was a lady and they did not simply give their virginity without emotion. She had to care. He wouldn’t accept anything else. But the question was, how much?

  Elizabeth shifted in her sleep and brought a thigh up over his legs, brushing his bullocks. He started to grow hard again, eager to make love to her, but he would not. For now he would let her rest. Tomorrow, if they were lucky enough to be snowed in, he would show her the many other ways they could find pleasure.

  * * *

  Sunlight streamed through the window and Elizabeth rolled to her side so that it was no longer in her eyes. Her room was never sunny. Where was that light coming from?

  As the fog of sleep lifted from her mind Elizabeth began to recall exactly where she was, and with whom!

  She pulled the counterpane up to her chin and looked over her shoulder. Jared lay on his back, arm over his head, snoring. His chest was bare and visions from the night before came back to haunt her.

  What had she done?

  Elizabeth willed the panic away. She did exactly what she wanted and there was no point in being sorry now. Besides, now that her moment of panic had passed, she didn’t regret anything and was grateful it had happened. Isn’t this what she had wanted, for months? He was the one she thought about in her lonely bed, wondering what his kiss would be like, his touch, his skin. Now she knew in great detail, and so much more. And, she would never forget.

  It was also over. She could never go back to teaching his nieces after what they had done. Even if he wished to put it behind then, she never could. How could she stand in his library, report on their progress and pretend he hadn’t made love to her, or made her cry out with pleasure.

  Nor would she be his mistress. That was the only option after what she allowed him to do to her body. She may no longer be a virgin, or marriageable, but she refused to become a kept woman. Soon she would come into her inheritance and would be able to live quite comfortably on her own.

  To make all this happen however, she needed to be away before he awoke. She anticipated arguments from him on both points and if he looked at her with those blue eyes and cocked a smile, she knew she would agree to anything, and be sorry for it later. It was best to leave now.

  Chapter 9

  Jared woke to an empty bed. He stretched and reached for Elizabeth but her side of the bed was cold. Sitting up, he looked around the small room. It was empty of her, and her clothing. Perhaps she had gone downstairs for a bite to eat. He wished she wouldn’t have. He would have been more than happy to have a tray delivered and then she would have never had to leave this warm bed.

  He rolled out of bed and located his clothing on the opposite side on the floor and quickly dressed. There was a clean, unwrinkled set in the room he was supposed to have shared with John, but he didn’t think to grab it before he knocked on her door. There was also a bag with two days’ worth clothing the nurse had seen packed. “If you get snowed in, Miss Claywell will be glad to have something else to wear,” the woman had insisted. Jared didn’t dare tell the nurse he planned to strip Miss Claywell naked and not let her dress again until it was time to leave. Instead, he took the bag. It was also in the room with John.

  He scanned the common room for Elizabeth but she was not among the crowd. Doors to the private dining rooms were open, and filled. With so many people staying at the inn, nobody was allowed privacy to eat, unless they wished to return to their room. And from the looks of the blankets and pillows stacked on a bench along the back wall, it appeared some patrons didn’t even have a room to hide in.

  John was sitting at a small table at the back and Jared made was wa
y to him and sat down in a vacant chair. “Have you seen Miss Claywell?”

  “She left.” John picked up his cup of coffee and drank.

  “Left?” The volume of his voice drew the attention of several people and he quickly lowered it. “Where did she go?”

  John shrugged. “She just left. Said something about Scotland.”

  “Scotland?” Why . . .? He stopped the question in mid-thought. Elizabeth would not have explained to John why she was going to Scotland.

  “She left this.” John slid a sealed piece of paper across the table.

  Jared tore it open and read the contents.

  Lord Fairfield,

  I will never forget last night and hold it close as a dear memory. Cleary it is not possible for me to continue on as your governess after what transpired between us. Though you did not voice the words, or even if you are considering me for another position, and I don’t wish to be presumptuous, I will not be your mistress either. Please have my things sent to Monique at her shop. She will see that they are delivered to me.


  Miss Elizabeth Claywell.

  Jared crumpled the note. Governess? Mistress? Was the woman mad? After last night it should be perfectly clear where she belonged in his life.

  Cold dread slid down his spine. He had meant to tell her so many things last night, explain how he felt, ask her to be with him forever. But, he saw her in that damp robe and could think of nothing else besides bedding her.

  Jared raked his fingers through his hair. He hadn’t even told her how much he loved her.

  Where could she have gone? He stood to look out the window. Deep snow covered the roads and wind blew from the north. She certainly didn’t attempt to walk back to the manor..


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