Smoke and Mistletoe (Best Wishes Book 3)

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Smoke and Mistletoe (Best Wishes Book 3) Page 7

by A. J. Macey

  “It’s not that. I do want to help. I think I just got lost in thought about yesterday, about what Logan and Landon told me.” She shrugged. “Or why Nik doesn’t use his powers like he did more often, both of which brought up what you had told me before everything went to hell about being a predator and different standards… and yeah…” Her rambling trailed off, and she gave me a tiny grin.

  “I take it they finally told you their story?” I asked, not wanting to assume. Dante had said that was what they were doing yesterday morning, but I wasn’t sure if they had tried to weasel out of it by fudging the story. Based on Lucie’s sad gaze and the tight skin around her eyes, I didn’t think they had.

  “About Lance, and the gang, and the favor… uh, yeah,” she coughed out, her eyes watering. “Yesterday, I think I was too shocked to really process, but now that it’s been a day, it’s really settling in that they owe a favor to them. That’s not saying that we won’t handle it when it comes up, but I still worry about you guys. And I’m totally rambling.” She smashed her lips together, blushing as she laughed nervously. I loved her adorableness, and I couldn’t stop the swell of happiness from hearing her say ‘we’ would handle it, not just they will.

  She’s finally accepted she’s not alone. I beamed, keeping the excitement contained.

  “You’re right, we will handle it,” I reassured her, grabbing her hand gently, making sure to avoid the bruises on her wrists and hands from being restrained. “As for Nik and what I told you about, I would have to explain what I meant about different standards.“

  “Humans and supes, while seeming to be treated the same, aren’t,” I started, putting my pen down so I could focus on my explanation. “There are two usual outcomes that stem from the same train of thought—that supes are fundamentally different from humans. For me, as to why I’m not in prison? The defense aspect was certainly helpful, but the way things are handled for supernaturals is more lax than humans. FSID focuses on the most extreme offenders and threats who require the fullest extent of what the law can do to protect people, but in the grand scheme of things, humans are afraid of us. I walked, and the twins walked, because we’re scary. Obviously, it’s a lot more complex than that, and you would think that would actually make them treat us harsher, but a lot of supes hold a lot of power which has influenced how some things are handled.

  “Anyway, I digress, but that’s the basics. I could get into court cases and facts and all of that, but I don’t want to put you to sleep,” I joked. “On that same note though, because we’re different, supes as a species have been what most historians consider ‘humanized.’ While supes in positions of power have been able to assert some kind of change for us, we’re still outnumbered, and we’re taught from a very young age that being a supe isn’t something to flaunt. We need to fit in with humans, so we’re taught to be like them, but even with trying to do that, you’ll see a lot of conflicts between close-minded humans and supes. No matter how human we act on the surface, some humans will never be able to forget that, for many of us supes, something stronger, deadlier, and hungrier than them lies beneath that veneer. Either one is afraid of the other or one thinks they’re better than the other. It’s a vicious circle.”

  “So that’s why they seemed so put-off,” she murmured to herself, confusing me. When she saw my furrowed brow, she explained. “When Char and I were out with my mom a couple days ago, we ran into some old classmates from school. At first, when they started to act weird, I thought it may have been because they found out about what Noah did”—she waved to her face and neck—“but now I realize I was right in thinking it was because they found out I was a supe. I thought my red flag detector was broken.”

  “You’re from a pretty isolated area without many supes, so it’s not surprising they weren’t the most open-minded to you being different. Bigger cities are usually a lot more inclusive, and you’ll see magic and powers used a bit more readily, but in small towns or human-heavy areas, it’s rare. Take Tacoma or Seattle, for example, very mixed population in terms of species. Going there would be a bit like being at the small main street by the campus, supes and humans getting along, not unusual to see powers. You can see witch supply shops or coffee shops that have spell enhanced drinks and treats. Here or in the deep south, like middle of nowhere Arkansas? Very rare to see the two halves living in peace. But yeah… that’s what I meant by different standards,” I continued, feeling like I wasn’t explaining this very well. “On one hand, we seem to get away with things ‘easier’ because of what we are, but on the other, we’re meant to try and be something we’re not. It all comes back to that we’re different. We’ve all seen how humans have treated different in the past.”

  “Ugh, no kidding,” Lucie groaned. “But that makes sense, I guess. Kind of. Humans are weird.” I couldn’t stop the bright smile from spreading, my chest squeezing at her words. “What?” she asked, confused.

  “You said humans are weird; you’re starting to think of yourself as a supe,” I explained. “That’s a big thing, to change eighteen years of mentality.”

  “If only it had kicked in a couple weeks ago,” she grumbled. “I didn’t even try my powers, Cam. Not until what seemed like a day or two after Noah had taken me. I acted like a human, completely forgot I could have tried to reality warp the bindings or chair or house…” She trailed off, her eyes turning down to her page, a tear trailing down her cheek. “I couldn’t save myself because I was too busy drowning in fucking panic attacks and flashbacks. I wasn’t strong enough.”

  “Lucie,” I murmured, wiping the wet track from her battered skin. “You spent your entire life as a human. It wasn’t as if you knew you were a supe just pretending to be something else. Human was who you were for eighteen years, and you don’t just change that kind of thinking overnight. As for the PTSD responses, you were with Noah for what, four years? Three years where it was physically violent?” She nodded, refusing to look at me. “You said you left right before graduation, which was what? June?” Another nod. “Doll, it hadn’t even been six months since you left when he started stalking you. Your body may have healed from him by then, but healing your mind could take a long time, and that doesn’t make you weak. You are strong. You’ve walked through hell, and you’re still here, fighting, healing. And those flashbacks are going to happen, but in time, they’ll appear less and less. You’re not weak because of what you went through. You’re not just a victim of what happened to you. You’re a survivor.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, her words thick with emotion as her tears fell faster, but when Lucie looked at me, they were also filled with steel and fire despite the shadows and tears. “I love you, Cam.”

  “I love you too, Doll.” Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to hers, savoring the tender way that she moved her mouth against mine.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to derail your work. We can go back to it now,” she tried to apologize, but I shook my head, smiling at her as I brushed the last of her tears away.

  “Don’t be sorry, but if you want to keep working, we can. You don’t have to help me though.”

  “Cam,” she chastised, her eyes narrowing on me, “I already said I wanted to help you.”

  “I’m just checking.” I laughed, loving the grin she flashed me before her attention shifted from me back to the book she had been reading. This time when we got to work, Lucie’s pen scribbled across her paper, taking notes, both of us content to hang out and study.

  December 24th

  Monday Late Afternoon


  “How do I look?” I asked, tugging on the sleeves of my sweater.

  “You look great, sweetheart,” my mom praised, her head popping out of her bathroom as she put earrings in. “The deep burgundy color looks really pretty on you. Oh! Charlie, Lucas, and Gabrielle are here, can you go get the door? I have my last earring to put in.”

  “Yup.” Heading out of my mom’s room, I closed the door behind me, my eyes darting to the gu
ys who were all lounging around the room in their polos or button-up flannels. Aw, I mentally cooed, the twins even gelled their hair, how thoughtful.

  "Of course, we did," Logan huffed, his tanned cheeks tinting pink, "you said to look nice."

  "Did I say that out loud?" I asked, realizing I needed to watch what my mouth was doing while my mind was wandering. "Oops," I muttered to myself, walking away from their laughter to answer the door.

  "Lucie, chérie! Come here," Gabrielle practically shouted, wrapping me into a tight hug as soon as she was over the threshold. I ground my teeth to keep the groan of pain from escaping. Char's mom's arms were pressing into several of my tender bruises, but the hug stopped before it could become unbearable. A halo of curly black hair surrounded her thin face and bright smile. The rich red tint painted on her lips complemented her coffee colored skin. Her skirt was a shiny black satin and her tucked-in blouse was a soft cream. "We've missed you so dearly, and we're happy to have you home! Abigail! We come bringing wine," she sing-songed as Lucas held up a tote full of wine bottles. Dropping a quick kiss on both of my cheeks, Gabrielle moved farther into the house to where I heard my mom introducing her to my guys.

  "Hey, boo!" Char greeted happily, her springy curls bounding around her peppy movements. "Merry Christmas Eve!"

  "Merry Christmas Eve to you," I said with a laugh, hugging her before giving Lucas a hug. "Hi, Lucas."

  "Hello, Lucie, how are you feeling?" he asked, studying my face closely. His familiar blue green gaze intense as he scanned my skin. While he inspected my injuries, I noted his usual black slacks and deep emerald button-up. His hair was gelled, but its waves seemed to defy the hold, flopping against his forehead. “You seem to be healing nicely. Did you want me to check the cuts on your face and neck to see if you're good to stop wearing the gauze?"

  "That would be awesome." I had grown tired of keeping the injuries covered over the last two weeks. Nodding, we headed into the kitchen, Lucas pulling out his little keychain flashlight and gently tugging on the medical tape. I tried to stand still while he scanned my injuries, but all I wanted to do was go and join in the conversation in the living room.

  "All right, everything looks good except this one on the side of your neck, but that should be good in another day or two," Lucas explained, re-covering the gash on the side of my neck. “Oh, thank you, Abigail,” he said as my mom handed him a glass of red wine.

  “Boo, come in here! We need to get some pictures!” Char hollered.

  “Charlotte Ava Hauser, where are your manners?” Gabrielle countered with a sassy brow raise. “There was no please in that statement whatsoever.”

  “Sorry, Mama! Please come in here.” Char emphasized the please as I walked the rest of the way into the room, her eyelashes fluttering as she clasped her hands in front of her dramatically.

  “Here, I can take them,” Mom offered, setting her glass of wine on the TV stand and grabbing Char’s phone from her. “A few of you go and stand behind the couch, while the rest of you sit on the sofa.”

  Everyone arranged in a way we would all fit on the screen, Dante, Cam, Nik, and Hudson standing in the back with Charlie to my left closest to the tree and the twins on my other side. After what seemed like twenty pictures and a bunch of different combinations of people in the photos, we finally stopped, sitting down to enjoy the finger foods and desserts my mom had set out.

  “How’s everything going with you, boo?” Char asked me when we stepped away from the group, grabbing sodas from the fridge and a bowl of snacks.

  “It’s good.” For once I was telling the truth when she asked. “It’s hard to think about, you know? That every time previously you’d ask that, I’d fake it, and now here I am, actually feeling that way.”

  “Good, that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you,” she told me. “You excited for your new semester?”

  “Yeah, I’m planning on going out back in a couple days and practicing. It’s been too long, and I want to try and spread my magical powers.” I wiggled my fingers as I talked, pulling a giggle from her.

  “You’re such a dork, but I love you. Weirdness and all.”

  “Who’s ready for gift telling time?” Gabrielle called out in a sing-songy voice above the lull of conversation filling the space.

  “Gift telling? What’s that?” I heard Logan ask as we made our way into the living room. Sinking next to him, I grabbed his hand and leaned into him.

  “Every year, we exchange gifts but don’t open them until tomorrow morning for Christmas,” I explained. “Tonight’s all about reflecting on the year and any of the joy it’s brought us by sharing a ‘gift’ this year has given us. Presents are for Christmas, family and friends are for Christmas Eve.”

  “That’s really sweet,” Dante said softly, his caramel skin a warm contrast to his wide, white-toothed smile.

  “So, as per our tradition, Lucas can start, and we’ll go through all the guests,” my mom instructed, looking at Lucas encouragingly.

  “This year’s gift was finally getting time to have a hot shower because someone,” he emphasized looking at Char, “didn’t hog all the hot water in the morning.”

  “Hey!” she shouted as everyone laughed.

  “I’m just teasing, sprite,” he continued. “This year’s gift was another year of successful operations with no deaths, and another year with my beautiful wife and little girl.”

  “Aww, Lucas darling, c’était magnifique,” Gabrielle cooed, giving her husband a peck on the cheek. “My gift this year is definitely my family and my best friend. That Lucie is safe and happy and her and Charlotte can finally spread their wings.”

  “Mama,” Char mumbled, discreetly wiping her eyes. “You’re going to make me cry.”

  “I love you,” Gabrielle exclaimed brightly, wrapping her daughter in her arms. “I just want you two to be happy.” Gabrielle’s gaze centered on me as she spoke, my own eyes starting to burn with the urge to cry.

  “My gift this year is an amazing best friend and family, and all straight A’s so far,” Charlie announced excitedly. “I made the Dean’s List for the first two quarters of the year.” Everyone congratulated her, my anxiety slowly building as everyone went around the group, coming closer to my turn.

  “Being able to connect with others,” Landon started quietly.

  “To finally being understood and, especially, connecting with my brother,” Logan continued without missing a beat. “That’s our gift” was stated in unison with smiles. A fluttering filled my stomach when I realized they were talking about their past and mine.

  The rest of the guys continued, all somehow related to each other or me and our growing relationship. By the time they were finished, I actively had to push down the tears that threatened to spill. I knew they had helped me tremendously over the last few months, but I had always thought it was one-sided with them helping me and very little of the other way around, so hearing that I had helped each of them even in a small manner was one of the best Christmas presents I could ask for.

  “The gift this year gave me was my daughter, and her safety,” my mom shared, keeping her answer short while hugging me and leaving a kiss on top of my head. And just like that, it was my turn.

  You got this, Lucie, I tried to tell myself, taking a deep breath.

  “This year’s gift,” I said, trying to figure out how to explain what I wanted, “is too big to put into words. But for every single thing, I’m grateful for, because I know I wouldn’t be where I am now, without it.” Tears filled everyone’s eyes, smiles brightening their faces as we held up our drinks and cheered for this year’s gifts.

  My family.


  December 25th

  Tuesday Midday


  The Washington landscape whipping by outside the car window. Nerves rattled me, my leg bouncing as I twisted my fingers into my soft sweater Charlie had gotten me last night for Christmas. The car ride was quiet, Dante, Cam, and Nik all lost in their own wor
lds like I was. I can’t believe I’m going to be meeting Hudson’s and the twins’ families, on Christmas no less.

  Taking a steadying breath, I held the worrisome ‘what ifs’ at bay and focused on the positives. I got to spend Christmas with my boys after having a really amazing morning with my mom where we opened our presents and ate lots of pancakes that the boys made for us as a thank you.

  The longer we drove, the more my mind wandered until my thoughts were filled with the odd dream I had had the night before. I had been sitting on the ground, enjoying the quiet space of my spot on campus when a little kitty came up to me. He didn’t look like a normal cat though; his ears were abnormally large, and his neck was thicker. His gold spotted and striped fur was a warm contrast to the dead grass and white snow. Whatever my brain was trying to tell me though was a mystery. I don’t have a cat, nor have I ever seen one on campus.

  “Where are we going?” I asked abruptly when I realized we were pulling off into a small, empty circular parking lot. This can’t be Hudson’s house, I thought.

  “Hudson’s house is down the road about another few miles, and the neighborhood we all live in is right outside the forest’s entrance which is perfect since his dad’s a ranger, but we have something for you. Come on, Firecracker.” Dante tilted his head toward the door he was opening, hopping out immediately after. My curiosity was piqued as I followed my guys out of the car. Hudson and the twins got out of their vehicle, meeting in the middle.

  “So, what’s with the secret meeting?” I asked, my brow raising as they all looked between themselves.

  “Well,” Hudson said, stepping forward and grabbing my hands, “we were wondering if you would like to be added into our group telepathic link? We thought it could be another Christmas gift from us to you.”

  “For real?” I questioned. “I didn’t know you guys even had a link, but I would love that!”


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