The Short Stories of Edmond Hamilton: Volume I

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The Short Stories of Edmond Hamilton: Volume I Page 15

by Edmond Hamilton

  The laugh that greeted this lessened the tension. Kenniston turned as Ricky plucked at his arm.

  "What about ourselves, Lance?" Ricky asked quietly. "Dark still won't let us go, you know. He still needs me as a doctor."

  Hugh Murdock stepped forward. "Dark would let you both go, for a big enough ransom. I'd like to pay it for you."

  The handsomeness of Murdock's gesture moved Kenniston. He was only able to mutter his thanks.

  While Ricky was treating Captain Walls' burned arm, the officer kept looking fascinatedly at that square bottle of milky fluid.

  He said hesitantly, "I've a son, back on Earth. For five years he's lain in a cot from the gravitation-paralysis that hit him out on Jupiter. Do you suppose -"

  Ricky nodded. "Yes, Captain. I'm sure that we can cure him, now."

  There was an uproar out in the clearing. Kenniston went to the door and looked out.

  The electric wall had temporarily been dropped, and Kin Ibo and the main body of the pirates were hastily entering the camp with their improvised power-sledges that bore heavy loads of machinery and materials.

  Kenniston heard Kin Ibo reporting shrilly to John Dark, "We lost two men to the Vestans on the way here, and nearly lost two more! All this activity has drawn them from all over the asteroid! Look at that!"

  Outside the electric wall, which had been hastily re-raised, could be glimpsed the shapes of lurking asteroidal animals. Meteor-rats, big striped cats, flame-birds, and every one of those lurking animals bore attached to its neck one of the little gray Vestan parasites.

  John Dark was saying harshly, "We've got to have the rest of those materials to repair the Falcon."

  "I tell you, it'd be suicide to try another trip through those jungles!" expostulated the Martian. "Those Vestans are devils!"

  "Bah, you Martians are all alike, no good when your superstitions get aroused," snorted Dark contemptuously. "I'll take the men down myself. Come on, men, unload those sledges and we'll go back to the wreck."

  His indomitable personality drove the scared, unwilling pirates into the task. Again the electric wall was faded out for a moment to let them out.

  When they returned some time toward morning, Kenniston heard the crash of atom-guns heralding their approach. And when the wall was momentarily dropped, John Dark and his men stumbled into the camp with their loaded sledges in sweating haste.

  "Turn on the wall again, quick!" bellowed Dark's bull voice. "The jungle's swarming with the gray devils now, they got five of us on the way back!"

  Ricky, looking over Kenniston's shoulder, spoke appalledly. "Good God, Lance, look at them! I didn't know there were so many Vestans!"

  Outside the barrier of shimmering electricity, scores of animals and birds dominated by the dreaded little gray parasitical creatures were now swarming. And their number seemed growing every minute.

  "All this activity of the night has drawn the Vestans from far and wide," Kenniston muttered. "I don't like it. If that electric wall should fail, the creatures would be in on us in a moment."

  Dark himself seemed to feel something of the same apprehension, for he was shouting urgent orders. "Hook up those atomic welders, and start putting the new plates into the Falcon's tail. Kin Ibo, have your gang fit in the new rocket-tubes. I'll see to installing the new cycs. If we work, we can get the job done by tomorrow night and get out of here."

  Through the day, the pirates toiled with an energy that showed their earnest desire to leave the asteroid. That desire was reinforced by the ever-larger number of Vestans that now swarmed outside the wall.

  There were literally hundreds of the gray parasites now outside the barrier. To have tried going outside the wall now would have been sheer suicide. The creatures were apparently driven by unholy eagerness to possess themselves of human bodies.

  Gloria, looking out with Kenniston, shuddered deeply. "This horrible world! It's like a nightmare."

  "We'll soon be away from it," Kenniston reassured. "See, they've almost finished repairing the Falcon."

  The urgent toil of the pirates was showing results. By the time night came again, and the meteor-moonlets blazed forth with magic beauty in the dark heavens, the task of repair was almost done.

  Kenniston and his companions had not ventured forth from the hut. Pirates were everywhere in the clearing, and all had heard John Dark's strict order to blast down the captives if they left their prison.

  But from the hut, Kenniston and the others could see that the horde of Vestan-dominated animals around the camp had further increased. With ghastly avidity, they kept circling the shimmering, electric wall.

  Kenniston turned in alarm at a ripping sound from the back of the log hut. Two of the logs were being torn out bodily. The battered green face and giant shoulders of Holk Or came through the opening.

  "Kenniston, I came in this way because I didn't dare let Dark see me talking to you!" the Jovian exclaimed. His face was urgent in expression. "I've found out that Dark doesn't mean to let your friends here get away from Vesta alive."

  "What?" exclaimed Kenniston. "That's impossible! Dark said he was going to hold Gloria and the others for ransom."

  Holk Or nodded hastily. "I know, and he meant it, then. But since then, he's found out something that's changed his plans. He found it out from me, like a big fool, I told him everything when he questioned me."

  The Jovian continued rapidly. "I told him that Murdock had sent that telaudio message back to Patrol headquarters, asking about my record. Now Dark figures that the Patrol will come out here to find out if that message meant that some of John Dark's outfit had actually escaped.

  "Dark wants the Patrol to keep thinking that he and his outfit were destroyed, so he can slip out to Pluto and prepare a new base. So Dark, when he leaves here, is going to drop Miss Loring and her friends by the wrecked Sunsprite, so the Patrol will find 'em dead by the wreck and will believe their cruiser crashed accidentally. That way, they won't go on searching as they would if Miss Loring's party was all missing. And Dark will have a chance to get out to Pluto without an alarm going out."

  Kenniston was suspicious. "Why do you tell us this, Holk? You're one of the pirates yourself."

  "I know, but I'm afraid Dark means to drop me with the others by the Sunsprite!" Holk Or exclaimed. "He didn't say so, but I believe he figures on doing it so that the telaudio inquiry about me would be explained when I was found dead with the others by the wreck."

  Murdock said swiftly, "The Jovian's right, Kenniston. All this is just what Dark would do, to hide his trail, now that he knows my telaudio message may have aroused the Patrol's suspicion."

  Holk Or said emphatically, "I'm with you if you can figure out any way to take the Falcon, Kenniston!"

  Kenniston paced to and fro. His whole mind was suddenly in a wild turmoil of stark fears. This meant death for Gloria and the others, and the ultimate responsibility for that death would be his.

  "There is one possible chance for us to take the Falcon," he muttered finally. "But my God, it seems like an insane idea."

  "Wait a minute!" Captain Walls interrupted. "Dark won't drop you and your brother to die, Kenniston. He still needs your brother as a physician. You two will be safe even if we are killed."

  "What of that? I can't let Gloria and the rest of you be murdered! I was willing to sacrifice you when I thought it was only a question of your being held for ransom, but this changes everything," Kenniston said wildly.

  "It doesn't change anything," the captain said firmly. "Your duty is to keep your brother alive at all costs, to save that formula that means life and hope for thousands of gravitation-paralysis victims like my son."

  "You mean, I should let you all be killed so Ricky and I can be saved?" Kenniston cried. "I'm damned if I will!"

  "We'll never do that!" Ricky Kenniston agreed warmly. "No formula in the world is worth that."

  "This formula is," Gloria said earnestly to Kenniston. "The captain is right."

  "I won't do it,
" Kenniston repeated. "I have an idea by which we might be able to take the Falcon. We're going to try it."

  "Be reasonable, Kenniston," pleaded Hugh Murdock. "None of us except Holk Or has a weapon. What chance would we have against half a hundred armed pirates?"

  Kenniston looked at his brother. "Ricky, your formula strengthens the nervous system against any form of shock or damage, doesn't it? You said it did it by sheathing the nerves themselves with an impenetrable coating."

  Ricky nodded puzzledly. "Yes, that's the principle. But how is that going to help us?"

  "The Vestans," Kenniston reminded, "seize control of their victims by inserting those tiny needle antennae of theirs into the victim's nerve-system to establish contact. Wouldn't your formula insulate the nerves against such contact? Wouldn't it make a man immune to Vestan attack?"

  "Why, it would!" Ricky declared wonderingly. "I never thought of it, yet it's entirely logical."

  "Then," Kenniston said swiftly, "I want you to give every one of us, including yourself, an injection of the formula right now."

  The driving purpose in his voice brushed aside all their bewildered questions and objections. Hastily, Ricky prepared his hypodermics and rapidly made an injection of the milky fluid into the big nerve-centers in the neck of each of them. Kenniston did the same for Ricky himself.

  "We should be immune now to Vestan attack," Kenniston said prayerfully.

  "But what good's that going to do us?" Holk Or demanded. "Are you figuring to try an escape into the jungle?"

  "No, I'm figuring on taking the Falcon, by using the Vestans," Kenniston replied. "Holk, can you get into the ship and turn off the power that keeps the electric wall going? Can you drop the wall?"

  The Jovian's jaw dropped. "Why, sure, I could do that, but if I did, all those hordes of Vestans outside the wall will burst in here."

  He stopped, his eyes bulging. "Good God, then that's your plan? To let the Vestans in?"

  "That's it," Kenniston said tightly, his face grim. "To let the Vestans in on the pirates. That'll give us a chance to take the ship, if the formula really makes us immune to the Vestans."

  The terrible nature of the proposal stunned them all. But in a moment a flame of purpose lit in the Jovian's eyes.

  "I'll do it!" he swore. "It's better than waiting for Dark to kill me like he's planning. You be ready!"

  The Jovian slipped out of the opening in the back of the hut. They saw him presently, casually approaching the door of the Falcon.

  John Dark stood, a tall, dominant figure in the moonslight, barking orders to the scores of pirates who were bolting in the last of the new rocket-tubes. Kenniston's eyes swung toward the shimmering electric wall, and the horde of Vestan-dominated animals outside it.

  The wall suddenly died! And as the electric barrier vanished, into the clearing came rushing the swarm of asteroidal animals.

  "The wall's down!" John Dark yelled, his atom-gun leaping into his hand. "Get back into the ship, get back."

  The crash of his atom-gun drowned his own shout. Other pirates were firing wildly at the hideous creatures assailing them.

  For the little gray Vestans had detached themselves from their animal victims and were swarming upon the pirates, clambering with blurring speed up their legs and backs, sinking into their necks the tiny antennae.

  Kenniston glimpsed John Dark, with a hideous little gray bunch now fastened to the back of his neck, drop his gun and stalk stiffly away toward the jungle. His face was an unhuman, lifeless mask, he was a human automaton, dominated utterly by the alien creature.

  "Come on!" Kenniston yelled to his friends. "Now's our chance to get into the ship!"

  They plunged out of the hut into the gruesome melee. Screaming pirates were now running into the jungle in vain effort to escape the hordes of Vestans. More than half the corsairs were now overcome.

  Kenniston heard a scream from Gloria as they ran, felt a swift scurrying up his back, then the needle-like stab of antennae sinking into his neck.

  But the parasitic creature did not overpower his will! He reached around, grasped and tore loose the hideous little thing, and with strong revulsion flung it to the ground.

  "Your formula works, Ricky, we're immune to them!" he gasped. "But hurry!"

  Other Vestans were clambering up on them like ghastly gray spiders as they ran, but were powerless to overcome them. They tore away the creatures and plunged on.

  Holk Or appeared in the door of the Falcon, his green face blazing as his atom-pistol pumped crashing fire into pirates inside the ship.

  "I've got the ship cleared of them!" the Jovian shouted to Kenniston. "Let's get out of here!"

  It was time they did so. Almost the last of John Dark's pirates had been possessed by Vestans and had become parasite-dominated robots stumbling off into the jungle. The remaining swarms of gray creatures were scurrying toward Kenniston's group.

  They tumbled into the Falcon and slammed shut the space-door. The ship, completely if roughly repaired, was ready for take-off. Captain Walls and the men of the Sunsprite crew hastily started the newly-installed cyclotrons while Kenniston and the others raced up to the bridge.

  Kenniston took the controls. He sent the big black pirate ship leaping up into the darkness upon flaming keel and tail-jets, and then it climbed steeply toward the wonderful sky of countless rushing moonlets.

  By the time an hour had passed, the Falcon had groped out through the periodic break in the meteor-swarm around the asteroid. And it was throbbing at steadily increasing speed out into the vault of space, away from the World with a Thousand Moons.

  "We'll head for Mars," Kenniston told the others. "We can report there to the Patrol."

  "If you don't mind," Holk Or put in hastily, "I'd just as soon you dropped me at some asteroid before then. I've no desire to meet the Patrol."

  Captain Walls told the Jovian, "Nonsense! After what you've done, you'll get a full pardon from the Patrol."

  "You can count on it," Hugh Murdock told the doubtful Jovian. "We have some influence, back at Earth."

  "Well, I guess I'll have to go honest, then," sighed Holk Or. "All the real pirate outfits are gone now, anyway." He shook his head heavily as he walked away. "The System sure isn't what it used to be."

  Captain Walls was asking Ricky earnestly, "You're quite sure your formula will cure my son? All these years, I've hoped and prayed."

  "I'm certain," Ricky smiled. "Within a few weeks after we get back to Earth, gravitation-paralysis will be a thing of the past."

  They moved off with the others. But Gloria lingered in the bridge with Kenniston.

  "Where will you be going, after we get back?" she asked him quietly.

  "Oh, back to space," he answered, a little uncomfortably. "There's nothing to hold me on Earth now that Ricky's work has succeeded."

  "Nothing to hold you on Earth?" Gloria repeated. "That, I would say, is about the most ungallant speech on record."

  He flushed. "You don't mean, that night on the Sunsprite, you weren't in earnest, surely."

  "Your passionate proposal is accepted," Gloria said calmly.

  Kenniston was aghast. "But I didn't propose! I mean, I do love you, and you know it, but you're an heiress, and I -"

  "We'll have all the way back to Mars to argue that out," she told him. "And I have an idea you'll lose."

  Kenniston had the same idea.




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