Perfectly Imperfect Mine

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Perfectly Imperfect Mine Page 16

by Amelia Shea

  “Fuck me, baby, please, harder, do it harder.” She panted and slammed her ass back into him.

  “Fuck, Sadie, I’m going to come. Ah fuck!” He pumped harder into her and put her over the edge. She screamed out his name the same time he groaned out hers as they came together. His thrusts slowed down, but he was still moving inside her and she trembled from her orgasm. Sadie collapsed on the bed, face first in the pillows. He softly fell onto her, kissing her head for a brief second before he got up and left the bed. She assumed he was cleaning up but she couldn’t even lift her head to look. She was exhausted. She could fall asleep right here and now.

  The bed moved and Stone pulled the covers over her. He lifted her up and maneuvered her next to him. He was on his back and she was tucked into his side. Her head rested on his chest and her arm draped over his stomach. Her fingers lingered on him, circling the lines of his abs. His heartbeat was slowing and his breaths became deep. He was relaxing into sleep.

  Sadie cuddled in deeper to him. “Tired, huh?”

  “Yeah.” He yawned while lightly rubbing her back.

  “A lot of work back in Houston?”

  “Yeah.” He offered nothing more.

  “Ethan said you and T run a security company. That must be interesting.” She hoped he opened up a bit. She wanted to know more about him.

  “Listen, babe, I’m beat. I don’t want to talk about work shit.” He gruffly shut the conversation down.

  “Okay.” Sadie pulled away slightly. She couldn’t help but feel a little hurt and disappointed. She wanted to know more about him.

  “Hey, get back here.” He pulled her back into the curve of his body. She moved into him without a struggle. He exhaled an exasperated breath. “Baby. Look, even if I wasn’t tired as hell, I can’t talk about my work. Part of being in private investigations is that it’s private. You get me?”

  She nodded. “I get it. Sorry.”

  “Sadie? Look at me,” he whispered back.

  Sadie turned toward him. The room was dark but being this close she could see his eyes. “Nothing for you to be sorry about, I just can’t discuss it.” His face came closer. “But, I like you caring enough to ask, I like it a whole lot.” He kissed her sweetly and embraced her deeper into his body.

  That was all she remembered before she passed out.

  * * * *

  Sadie was aware of a knocking sound. She opened her eyes and looked up at Stone. He was asleep. The room was dark, it was still night time. She heard the knocking again and looked to the door. She raised her head up and blinked a few times. The knob turned and the door slightly opened. She saw a head in the doorway. It was T.

  “Get him up, Sadie,” he snapped.

  Sadie sat up and pulled the sheet to her chest as she shook Stone. He stirred but didn’t wake. She leaned down and shook him again, harder this time.

  “Stone, wake up.”

  He shifted again, this time coming out of his sleep. He opened his eyes. “What’s wrong, babe?” he said groggily.

  “Stone, man, get up!” T barked from the door.

  Stone whipped his head toward the door. He looked surprised to see T there. They stared at one another before T spoke again.

  “Cavanaugh.” He walked out the door, saying nothing else.

  Stone immediately got out of bed and walked to his closet. He ran his hand through his hair. He seemed stressed and agitated. Sadie didn’t know what T meant by “Cavanaugh” but Stone must have known. She was sitting up in bed with the sheet over her chest in the dark. The only light was dim from the closet. He came out fully clothed. He didn’t even glance her way before he walked out the door.

  He was leaving? Sadie didn’t know because he never even acknowledged her before he walked out. Sadie searched the room looking for some kind of answer or validation that he was coming back. This was ridiculous, what was she supposed to do now? Did she go back to bed? Did she get dressed and leave?

  Sadie sat in silence in the dark for a few minutes.

  Feeling extremely awkward, she quickly got out of bed and gathered her clothes. She couldn’t find her panties and got dressed without them. She saw her overnight bag in the corner of the room. He must have brought it in last night before they went to bed. She put her shoes on and grabbed her bag, then walked out and down the hall.

  She smelled the coffee and she was about to walk out from the hall when she heard voices coming from the kitchen. She stopped and listened when she heard her name.


  “What are you going to tell Sadie?’

  “Shut the fuck up, T. Let me worry about Sadie, stay out of my shit.” Stone’s tone was sharp. This Cavanaugh job had him on edge. They had to find this guy and end it. The thought of discussing the job with Sadie in his bed angered him. He didn’t want this part of his life to touch her.

  “Your shit is my shit so you shut the fuck up, Stone.”

  “I’ll handle it,” he rumbled in anger.

  “You fucking better! Don’t fuck this up, man.”

  “I’ve never fucked up a job and you know it.” Stone stalked to T. They were inches away from each other, neither one standing down.

  “I’m not talking about the job. Don’t fuck this thing up that you got with Sadie,” T said in a low tone.

  Stone stared at T. He was so frustrated at the situation and he was taking it out on all the wrong people. He just wanted the Cavanaugh job done so he could be with Sadie

  The front door opened. Roxanne was dressed in lounge pants and her old Maddison High School sweatshirt. That thing had seen better days but Roxanne refused to part with it for reasons unknown. Her presence had T and Stone separating from each other.

  “You guys heading out?” asked Roxanne.

  “Yeah. Bogs have everything ready?” T answered.

  “Yeah, it’s all set. The truck is packed.” She looked around. “Where’s Sadie?”

  “Sleeping,” Stone curtly answered.

  Stone lifted his coffee to finish it when he heard a faint cough coming from the hallway. He turned to see Sadie walking into the kitchen. She stopped a few steps in and gave a shy wave. Stone wondered how much of the conversation with T she had heard. She hoisted her bag over her shoulder and smiled. Stone eyed her bag and scowled.

  “Where the hell are you going?” Sadie flinched at his tone. He knew he sounded like an asshole but he didn’t really care right now. The conversation with T had him on edge. Now seeing her ready to leave only amplified his tension. Why was she leaving? She should stay here, his place was nicer and a shitload safer than her place.

  “I’m just going to call a cab and go home. It sounds like you have business to take care of. I’m going to get out of your way.” She responded with a small bite in her own voice.

  Get out of his way? She did not just say that. The air in the room intensified. Stone knew deep inside Sadie thought she was doing the right thing but he saw red with her words. How could she get in his way? He was making her part of his life. Sadie remained in her spot. Stone knew she was waiting for him to say something but he just glared at her.

  Roxanne hopped in front of Sadie. “Don’t go. Stay. Stay here, they don’t mind. Right, guys?” She looked back at T and Stone. They both appeared tense and harsh.

  “Uh no. I’ll just head home.”

  Stone stalked to Sadie and grasped her hand. He dragged her back to his bedroom. He would not do this in front of an audience but there was no way she was leaving without a good reason. He pulled her into his bedroom, turned on the light, and slammed the door.

  “What the fuck, babe?” His face was red and his fists were clenched. He needed to calm down.

  “What? You’re leaving so I am going home.” Sadie was firm and Stone could hear the slight anger in her voice.

  “Are you kidding me?” He ran his fingers through his hair and pulled at it. “Are we back to this shit again? Yes, I’m leaving but I’m coming back!”

  Sadie glared at him and straightened h
er back.

  “I know, but you don’t expect me to stay here,” Sadie replied with irritation.

  “That’s exactly what I expect.” He shouted louder and threw his hands out to his sides. Sadie was motionless in her spot. He released a heavy aggravated sigh and scowled at her.

  Throwing up her hands, Sadie yelled, “Well, how am I supposed to know that? You didn’t ask me to stay.” She marched in front of him, pointed at him and shouted, “You just got up, got dressed and walked out.”

  “I thought you went back to sleep,” he said through gritted teeth. He hadn’t checked back on her, she was right, but he just assumed she went back to sleep.

  “Well I wasn’t and you’d know that if you bothered to say something to me before you walked out, asshole!”

  Sadie was seething. His sweet little Sadie had fire. Stone continued to glare at her for a second before realizing she was right. He fucked up. Before Stone could think to apologize, Sadie charged to the door, grabbed the knob and opened it. Stone could see her hand shaking. Stone rushed to the door just as it opened slightly before he slammed it shut by the force of his hand. Stone caged her between the door and his body.

  “I want to go home so you better back off!” Sadie shouted at the door, her voice trembling.

  Stone whispered in her ear. “Stay.”

  “No,” she snapped.

  “Stay, Sadie.” He rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “No,” she muttered.

  “I fucked up, babe. Just stay!”

  Sadie shook her head.

  Stone was angry at himself. He was being a stubborn hothead and driving his woman away. He let his frustration and anger fall on the wrong shoulders and now she was angry, upset, and if he wasn’t mistaken from the sounds she was making, she was crying. Fuck! He made her cry.

  Stone brought down his arms from the door and gently took Sadie’s hand. He led her to his bed. He sat down and placed her between his legs while holding both her hands. Their eyes met and he released one hand and wiped her tears.

  “I’m doing this all wrong. I’m sorry. This thing, you and me, it’s new to me. I just want you here. I want you safe when I’m gone. It sucks I’ve got to leave right now but I’ll be back and I want to know you are in my bed waiting for me.” Stone knew he was being a bit of a caveman about this but he was very protective of her. It was an instinct he hadn’t had with the women he slept with in the past. But Sadie was different, she was his.

  “Then why not just say that at the beginning?” She sniffled.

  Stone pulled her down into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “Well, because, as you pointed out earlier, I’m an asshole.”

  Sadie started to laugh. He kissed her softly and leaned back to meet her eyes.

  “You’ll stay?’ Stone asked.

  Sadie nodded.

  Chapter 13

  After Stone and T left, Roxanne announced they were spending the day together. She wanted to do a day of shopping, manicures, and end with a slumber party. This was new territory for Sadie but she went along with it. Roxanne really didn’t give her much of a choice. She couldn’t decline because technically, she wasn’t asked, she was told. At nine a.m. Roxanne showed up raring to go.

  They went for breakfast at Harlow’s Café. Sadie had never been there but she had heard about it. Harlow’s was gourmet and very expensive. Roxanne insisted they had the most amazing omelets. She was right, they were fantastic. During their meal, Sadie quickly realized that Roxanne loved to talk. The girl was an open book. She talked about her friends in Houston and how she missed them. Her best friend, Emory, was planning a big girl’s night out when she got home.

  Roxanne talked about school and getting her Associate’s Degree in business six months ago. Now, she was currently working on getting her Bachelor’s degree through online courses. She handled the office work for both Garrison companies and loved being a part of the family business. She told Sadie about Stone’s first apprehension and capture which included a naked man.

  “They had been looking for this guy for a while when they got a lead he was seen in a local park. It was really late at night when Stone and T caught up with this guy. He was high on something and buck naked, prancing around through the trees claiming to be Robin Hood.” She snorted. “He actually tried to hug Stone because he said he thought Stone was one of his band of merry men.” They laughed so loud everyone in the café turned and stared at them.

  “And then the guy turns to T and asks him why he’s not wearing tights!” They simultaneously burst out laughing and Sadie almost choked on her coffee.

  Roxanne talked about the businesses and their success. Pride poured through her voice when she spoke about how her dad started the securities company thirty-five years ago. He dreamed one day it would be a family business. He even changed the name to Garrison & Sons, although everyone still called it Garrison’s.

  When she talked about her dad and mom, Sadie could feel the love through her words.

  “They adopted us when I was five. My biological parents had been killed in a car accident. We were placed in foster care when our grandparents refused to take us in. I don’t remember much about foster care though, we were only there for three months, and I was so young.” Roxanne stated matter of fact shrugging.

  It was sad to think of Roxanne and Ethan abandoned by their only family and with no one in the world except for each other.

  Roxanne smiled at Sadie. “But I do remember meeting my mom and dad for the first time. My mom brought me this stuffed monkey and she told me whenever I felt scared, I should squeeze him as tight as I could and he would take all the fear away.”

  She talked about how excited she was when she met Stone and Bogs who they had adopted six months earlier.

  “I thought Stone and Bogs had the coolest names.” She giggled.

  They went for manicures at Ginny’s on Main Street. Just like breakfast, Roxanne insisted on paying.

  “Sadie, it’s my birthday pampering day and I decide how I’m going to spend my money,” she said, walking over to the nail polishes.

  “I know, but I feel weird about you spending your money on me. I’d really like to pay,” Sadie insisted. It wasn’t right for Roxanne to spend her money on Sadie.

  Roxanne huffed and turned around to face Sadie.

  “Don’t make me kick your ass in the middle of the spa,” she threatened. “Now stop arguing with me and get over her and pick out a color.”

  All the clients and employees stared in horror at them. Again, Sadie burst out laughing, Roxanne had that effect on her.

  By the time they got to the mall, she felt as though she had known Roxanne for years. Sadie embraced her endless stories. She talked about growing up with four brothers and her lack of dates in high school.

  “Damn those boys, I love ’em but they made it almost impossible for me to get any in high school.” She winked at Sadie. “Almost.” That made Sadie chuckle.

  She talked about the arrival of T into their family, six months after she was adopted.

  “I was so intrigued by T. He was quiet and tough. He scared the boys I think at first but not me. I quickly introduced him to what life was like with a pesky sister.”

  “I don’t think he likes me.” Sadie snorted.

  Roxanne looked up from the rack of shirts. “T?”

  Sadie nodded.

  “Sadie, let me tell you something about T. If he didn’t like you, he wouldn’t have freaked out on that bitch, which was awesome by the way.”

  “He did that for Stone.”

  Roxanne shook her head. “No, I know T and he didn’t do that just for Stone. He did it for you, too!”

  She shared stories from childhood about all of them. They had a wonderful childhood once John and Darla came into their lives.

  They were in a shoe store browsing when she told her about losing her mom, Darla, three years ago to breast cancer.

  “The cancer was real aggressive. By the time we found ou
t, there wasn’t much that could be done.” Roxanne sniffled trying to hold back her tears. “But she never gave up, she fought it. Even on her bad days, she never lost her smile and hugged us every chance she got. Dad said she fought to get as much time with us as she could. ’Til her last day.” Sadie walked over to her and put her arm around Roxanne.

  “She sounds amazing, Rox, I’m sure you made her very proud. I bet she loved you and the guys very much,” Sadie whispered while she rubbed her arm.

  Roxanne looked over at Sadie with a sad smile and tears welled in her eyes. She nodded. “She was the most incredible person. I wish you could have met her, Sadie, you would have loved her.”

  They shopped a bit more before heading back to the apartment. After Roxanne’s sad breakdown, she quickly pulled herself together and bought four pairs of shoes. She called shopping her therapy. They made two more stops before pulling into the gates at the apartment. Sadie helped Roxanne with her bags and they headed upstairs.

  “I’ll just drop this stuff off and come over. Pizza and movies, sound good?” she asked.

  “Sounds great!”

  Sadie unlocked the door and walked into Stone’s place. She turned on the lights and glanced around. Sadie wished Stone was here. She wanted to talk to him. She wanted to know him, really know him. After hearing Roxanne talk all day, Sadie realized there was so little that she actually knew. Sadie asked a few questions about their company and bounty hunting. Roxanne told her some but it was all so vague. She didn’t mention their current job, “Cavanaugh,” and Sadie didn’t ask.

  Sadie pulled out her phone and hit Stone’s name in her contact list. She dropped down in a recliner. After two rings, he picked up.

  “Babe.” His voice was low.

  “Hi! Is this a bad time?” she asked, biting her lip.

  “Yeah, sorry, I can’t really talk now.” His voice sounded rushed.

  “Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll uh…talk to you later. Bye.” She felt stupid for calling. Before she could click the end button she heard his voice again.


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