Under An Alaskan Moon: A Shifter Romance

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Under An Alaskan Moon: A Shifter Romance Page 8

by Scarlett McLeod

  His heat demanded attention, however, and he fought the desire to toss her over his shoulder and carry her off to bed and never let her leave.

  He glanced over at her. She stood in the kitchen, dicing up tomatoes for a salad, fixing supper, her ass looking delectable in her tight jeans. Such a domesticated chore shouldn't make him want her more, but it did.

  Hell, he would always want her.

  She was his Promise.

  CHAPTER nineteen

  Faye whistled softly as she searched for airplane tickets on her laptop. She giggled as Colin's beard tickled the back of her neck as he stared in wonder at the marvel called internet. His chin was propped on her shoulder.

  “How much does it cost to fly?” Colin asked, his voice soft.

  “I've found two tickets to Billings for $950 a piece,” she answered, spinning around in her chair and beaming up at him. “We leave on Monday.”

  “That's just a day away.”

  Colin's eyes widened at the price. That was a lot of money, wasn't it? He was not able to ask though as Faye threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him down to kiss her, the cabin sinking into a soft silence, punctuated only by the soft throaty sounds coming from their mouths.

  He knelt to caress her jean-clad legs and cursed the fabric denying him access to her skin. He had to admit though, she looked good in them. She kissed his nose before leaning back in her chair and smiling at him, her eyes bright. He smiled back, reached up, and tugged on one of her blond curls that escaped her messy bun.

  “Why don't you let Wolfie out for a while?” she suggested suddenly.

  At the mention of the name, Colin's eyes snapped to gold completely, and a whine left his mouth as he shuffled closer to her. Colin's eyes flickered between colors a few times before he shook his head roughly, backing away and scratching at his skin.

  Faye sat straight as she watched him struggle. Could he not control the shift? He whined again, and she said softly, “Colin.”

  His eyes snapped to hers, his voice gravelly as he strained, “Can't stop. It won't stop.”

  Faye slid out of her chair and went to him, touching his arm worriedly as he shook on the floor.

  “Why would you fight it?” she asked, not understanding. “Let it happen. I'll make you change back.”

  He shook his head in despair. “Heat.”

  Faye watched perplexed as, after the last word, he changed completely and lay in his fur form on the floor. He was panting, his tongue lolling out of the corner of his mouth. She caressed his fur for a moment as she marveled at the change in her wolf from when she first saw him. He was magnificent. Fur the color of the blackest night was no longer patchy and thin but long, luxurious, and silky to the touch. She rested her hand on his head before his eyes opened and molten gold stared up at her.

  She laughed and sighed as he curled around her, shoving his head in her stomach.

  “Colin.” She giggled before looking down to see the wounded expression on his wolfy countenance.

  “Oh,” she said seriously. “My apologies, Wolfie.”

  He didn't pick up on her all too apparent sarcasm, closing his golden eyes and appearing content to sleep on her lap the rest of the day. After a few moments, she shoved him off of her playfully, laughing as he stared up at her in disdain.

  “Got work to do,” she said, throwing on her jacket and shoes, and opened the front door.

  With a happy bark, he bounded out in front of her. He leaped high into the fresh snowfall from the night before and danced around her excitedly as she walked towards the woodshed.

  “You want to play?” she asked as as he went down on his front paws in front of her, prancing in the snow and whining.

  She giggled as she threw a handful of wet snow at him and it stuck to his fur. He turned and licked at it, trying to get it off his back, only succeeding in maneuvering in circles while Faye laughed so hard, she just about cried.

  “You're acting like you've never seen snow before, you silly goose. Come here, Wolfie.”

  He trotted up to her, grinning as only a wolf can and resembling an angry predator more than anything. She brushed the snow off of him, receiving a little lick on her cheek as a thank-you.

  She stroked his fur and chuckled before watching him bound off into the woods.

  “Don't go off my property,” she yelled, not certain he could hear her. “I don't feel like apologizing to Nikolai again.”

  She grumbled under her breath before continuing her treck through the snow to the woodshed. Colin had her well stocked for firewood, and Faye was hit with sudden thankfulness that there was a man around the house again. She could chop wood with the best of them. Her father ensured she knew how to do a lot of things most girls would consider hard work. But it was nice that she didn't have to for once. She could get used to having Colin around. She grinned as she loaded up her wheelbarrow and trundled it to the house.

  She guessed soulmates was a pretty permanent thing. Nervously, she wondered about his family. Would they like her? She hoped so. It's not like she was meeting them under normal circumstances anyway. They had just lost a father and a husband.

  And according to Colin, also an alpha.

  She had a feeling that alphas were an even bigger deal than she imagined. She headed back to the woodshed to put up the wheelbarrow and stopped dead in her tracks.

  “Nikolai,” she said uneasily, looking around for Colin. “So nice to see you.”

  He chuckled as he moved closer, his brown boots crunching through the snow.

  “I can tell when you are lying,” he said darkly before grinning at her.

  Faye kept the wheelbarrow between them as she asked, “Do you get a kick out of showing up unannounced on my land?”

  He froze and Faye smirked. “That's right,” she said. “You know I'm not a shifter, so I don't understand howl, but there's this little gadget called a cellphone. You pick it up and you call people on it. Let them know you're dropping by?”

  Nikolai waved his hand dismissively. “I know what a cellphone is,” he said grumpily.

  “Then use it,” Faye said sharply. “I don't appreciate you just showing up whenever you feel like it. I like my privacy.”

  Nikolai nodded once and then asked, “Where's that troublesome Wolfie of yours?”

  Faye frowned before retorting, “Why do you want to know?”

  He appeared aggravated, and Faye felt smug, glad to know she was getting under his skin. He was as arrogant as an alpha male could be, and he got on her nerves. He looked towards the house and asked, “Are we going to stand out in the snow arguing or are you going to invite me inside.”

  “Invite the big bad wolf into my house?” Faye snorted in a not-at-all-lady-like way. “Yeah, how about no? We all know how that story ends. Little red riding hood, anyone?”

  Nikolai stroked his chin as he mused. “I think it was the wolf inviting the little girl into the house, no?”

  Faye rolled her eyes as he frowned confusedly.

  “But I definitely see the similarities,” he added. “Let me get to the original reason I came today.”

  “There's a reason?” she asked, sarcasm dripping in her voice like honey.

  He frowned darkly and said, “Colin Byrd.”

  Faye froze, and she was pretty sure her heart stopped beating for a second before it restarted with a painful jolt. He knew. Now, Faye regarded him warily.

  “I thought it strange for a lone wolf to come bouncing through my territory and terrorize a moose and not take her down.”

  “That's strange?” asked Faye.

  “It is if there was no kill,” said Nikolai gravely. “There was no kill because he was too weak to take down the moose.”

  Faye felt the cold bite through her coat and wished Colin would come back from wherever he ran off to.

  “So I asked myself,” said Nikolai thoughtfully. “Why would a wolf be too weak to kill? Why would a wolf try to hide his identity? And why would he lie? Unless, of course
, he had no pack and was declared rogue. So then I decided to start looking through the list of wolves declared rogue by the council. He was not there. But then I glanced through the list of wolves that were supposed to be dead; killed under order of the council. And Colin Byrd stared back at me from the page, his face the spitting image of the man I saw outside and inside your cabin.”

  Faye willed herself to not be afraid, knowing his wolf senses could probably pick up on her fear as he stared at her.

  “It is true, is it not?” he asked.

  Faye took a deep breath, releasing it in a frosty cloud as she answered, “Yes.” She sagged as the weight of her words hung between them in the air.

  “He is supposed to be dead,” said Nikolai quietly.

  “I know,” muttered Faye. “He told me. He told me what happened.”

  “I don't know what the council will say about this,” warned Nikolai.

  “You will not tell them,” Faye said fiercely.

  Nikolai raised his eyebrow at her.

  “You will not tell them,” said Faye again, this time in a softer voice. “We will tell the council but after we see his family.”

  “He is returning?” Nikolai expressed genuine surprise.

  “His father is dead,” informed Faye.

  “William Byrd?” Nikolai was incredulous. “But how? I should have been informed.”

  He pinched his brow, and noticing Faye's puzzled look, explained, “When an alpha dies, the other alphas are to be informed, and the pack of the dead alpha goes to another alpha of their choosing. The council is supposed to tell us.”

  Faye raised her eyebrows and said, “Well, from what I know so far, I don't think too highly of this council of yours.”

  Nikolai turned his head sharply to the woods and said, “He returns. And his Heat is near.”

  “Colin?” questioned Faye, turning to look into the trees as well. “What's heat?”

  Nikolai did not answer as Colin stumbled out of the trees. Faye gasped and ran towards him, nearly tripping over her own feet. He was in his skin, stark naked with his teeth chattering.

  “Colin!” Faye yelled, yanking off her coat and wrapping it around him, suddenly worried he would lose his appendages. “We have to get you inside right now.”

  He was freezing. It was easy enough to see that, but when she touched his cheek with her bare hand, his skin was hot and he moaned, leaning into her palm.

  “You're burning up,” said Faye worriedly.

  Nikolai was beside them in an instant, slinging Colin over his back and trotting towards the house quickly. “It's his Heat,” he said over his shoulder. “Now, will you get the door?”

  Faye quickly opened the door and watched as Nikolai deposited Colin on the bed and asked seriously, “How soon are you traveling to Montana?”

  “Monday,” answered Faye. “We’ve got to get him a fake ID. Why?”

  “He has time,” mused Nikolai as he looked down at a barely conscious Colin. “But it will be close. I’ll get you the ID. Spend as much time with him as possible. His family will know what to do once you reach them.”

  “What is going on?” asked Faye, exasperated. “Can you please explain?”

  “I think he should have the honors,” answered Nikolai with a malicious grin. “I will be on my way.”

  He let himself out the door. Faye sighed before looking down at Colin and then blushing. Quickly, she looked away, getting a pair of his boxers out of the drawer and helping him put them on. Then she covered him with the blankets, shed her coat, and crawled into bed with him.

  He cuddled closer, shivering nonstop as his now ice-cold hands were shoved under her sweater to rest on her bare stomach. She gasped at the sensation and counted to ten to stop herself from cringing. Soon, her body heat warmed them, enough that she was able to relax somewhat. Gently, she wrapped her arms around him and pushed his head to rest in the crook of her neck.

  “Sorry,” he whispered, sliding his hands around her back and leaving goosebumps in their wake.

  “Shhh. Save your energy. You're going to need it for the explaining you'll be doing later,” she hissed, poking his nose.

  He smiled lazily before dropping off to sleep. Faye gently pressed her lips to his before letting the concern she felt swamp her. She held him tighter as thoughts of the uncertain future danced across her mind.

  She would not lose him.

  CHAPTER twenty

  Colin felt like his skin was on fire. That was the first sensation that assaulted his senses the next morning. He groaned as he tossed on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position. It was useless, he knew. Nothing but Faye's touch could calm the raging inferno inside him. He moaned before calling out for her in desperation, needing relief. His eyes cracked open as her scent washed over him; her soothing voice reaching him through the haze.

  “Hey, shhh. It's alright, I'm here.”

  Her hand slid up his arm before she slid into bed next to him in nothing but a pair of shorts and a sports bra. If he wasn't ready for her before, he definitely was now as all that bare skin met his bleary gaze. Yet as her skin touched his, the Heat calmed. It was still there, but her cool skin against his made it more manageable.

  He took an uneasy breath before turning and practically laying on top of her in an attempt to get as close as possible. He shoved her hair out of his face. She laughed at him as he snuggled into her like he was a little boy instead of a full-grown man.

  “Colin!” She giggled breathlessly as his legs tangled with hers.

  He groaned against her breasts, snuggling unnecessarily closer, his hot breath making Faye tingle with desire. “Colin?” she squeaked, her hands holding his head. Whether she wanted to pull him closer or push him away, she was not sure.

  He grinned.

  She felt him smile and slapped the back of his head, muttering curse words under her breath. He pressed a searing hot kiss to her breast and then sighed, mumbling sleepily.

  Faye stared up at the ceiling and prayed for divine intervention before she pushed both of them further than they were ready to go. He lifted his head and stared at her, gazing at her with adoring eyes. She quickly covered his mouth with her hand when he bent to kiss her.

  “Bad breath,” she warned, nudging her nose against his.

  He frowned, pouting with his lips red and kissable, before licking her hand mischievously.

  “Eww, Colin.”

  He moved back to his previous position of lying on her chest and nearly suffocating the life out of her. “You don't mind when Wolfie licks you,” he said sadly.

  “Yeah, but you . . .” Faye's face flamed.

  She paused, flustered as her mind went there. When did she turn into such a pervert? Might have something to do with that book she borrowed from Heidi. Her face burned. Colin looked up at her and chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Stop!” shrieked Faye as she hid her face behind her hands.

  “You're such a dirty person,” he teased.

  “I am not,” she protested. “You started it!”

  Colin laughed while she shoved him off of her and got up, nearly tripping over the suitcase she was packing earlier. Their fun quickly ended when Colin wheezed in pain, sweat beading on his forehead at the sudden loss of her touch. He felt like he had been slammed by a train as his breath whooshed from his chest.

  Faye looked at him worriedly as she placed the suitcase on the bed so she could finish packing. He waved her off when she started to crawl back in bed with him.

  “I'm fine,” he managed, trying to hold back Wolfie's whine for his mate.

  “Clearly,” said Faye dryly as she folded a pair of his pajama pants. “What's all this heat business about anyway?”

  “It's to ensure a future for wolf shifters,” he said through gritted teeth. He lay on his side so he could watch her. “The heat will get so painful, nothing but intercourse will stop it.”

  Faye blanched. “You mean like sex?”

  Colin nodd

  “What happens if you know . . . we don't . . .” She paused and Colin whimpered involuntarily as his toes curled in agony.

  “I become completely wolf in every way except my body,” he answered. “But it won't be the Wolfie you're used to. That won't happen until we're in Montana. I will have to be locked up in the cellar for a few days until it passes.”

  “So it will stop on its own.”


  But Faye had no idea of the excruciating pain he would endure. It was worth it, however; he would never pressure her into something she wasn't ready for. She stood lost in thought for a moment and Colin writhed before gasping, “Faye, please.”

  He moaned, snapping her out of her trance. She moved the suitcase she had finished packing and pulled him into her arms, shushing him softly and rocking them back and forth like she was comforting a child. It felt good to be cared for. It felt good to know she was worried about him.

  He sighed as she cradled his body between her legs, leaning back against the headboard of the bed while he caught his breath. “I'm sorry,” he murmured, his head pressed into her neck.

  “No,” she said. “Don't be sorry.”

  She shifted slightly on the bed and then stopped to stare at him as his body went rigid. A strangled sound left his mouth. His mouth formed a little oval, and his eyes were squeezed closed as he rocked slightly before he stopped himself, pressing himself into her and staying perfectly still.

  “Faye.” His voice was hoarse.

  She bit her lip as she realized what was wrong, her face flaming. “Colin,” she whispered. She hesitated and pressed her lips to his forehead and leaned her head against his to comfort him.

  He shook his head and said, “Just don't let go. It doesn't hurt as much when you touch me.”

  “Okay,” she said softly, running her hand soothingly up and down his back in sweeping motions. “I've got you.”

  Faye's cellphone buzzed on the nightstand. She reached for it, stretching uncomfortably to grab it.

  “Who is it?” asked Colin groggily, sliding down her body to lay in her lap with his arms wrapped around her waist.


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