Pushed (Billionaire romance): Pursued By The Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 2)

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Pushed (Billionaire romance): Pursued By The Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 2) Page 6

by Andria, Alexx

  Was she ready for this?

  Was she ready to take one for the team, so to speak?

  Her body was trembling and her belly was filled with psychotic butterflies but she couldn’t stop the excitement from propelling her forward.

  There was something about Reece that drew her, filled her with an unknown tension that threatened her ability to think rationally.

  She wasn’t stupid; she was attracted to him.

  But where did she draw the line between allowing that attraction and using it to further her goals?

  God, she felt like a whore just admitting such a thing.

  Okay, get it together. Stop overthink—

  The car had barely started rolling down the street when Reece was on her. His roving hands betrayed his hunger and she was helpless to stop him.

  Even if she’d been of sound enough mind to slow him down, she wouldn’t have wanted to.

  His touch was like fire against her skin, igniting a blaze deep inside her belly that spread to her groin, heating and slicking her insides until she was just as desperate as he to feel skin on skin.

  “You don’t know what you do to me,” Reece said, his voice a harsh rasp against the bare skin of her neck as his hand went up her dress to find her folds.

  Even as she gasped in shock at his bold touch, she reveled in the fact that he never hesitated, only took what he wanted.

  He was the antithesis of every thing she ever thought she wanted in a man.

  “You smell like strawberries and cinnamon,” he groaned, rising to pull her down against the seat, shimmying her dress up over her hips.

  “Reece,” she squeaked, trying to gather her wits and her dress before she lost the ability to reason. “The driver—”

  “Is paid well enough to keep his eyes on the road,” he answered, his eyes blazing with heat as he removed her panties and gazed down at her. “Fucking A, you’re hot.”

  A combination of embarrassment and desire warred within her as she fought the urge to cover herself but there was something so intense about the way Reece was looking at her — as if she were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen — that when he hooked her legs over his shoulders and buried his mouth against her, she didn’t resist.

  Not even in the slightest.

  Hell, she might’ve even lifted her hips to meet his hungry mouth.

  Good heavens.

  What had become of her dignity? Was she really being tongue-fucked in the backseat of a moving vehicle? Ohhhh, yesss!

  Tana thrashed helplessly but Reece’s tight grip held her in place, allowing her no escape from the mastery of his marauding tongue on her clit.

  Was it possible to feel so much pleasure all at once? She babbled some sort of litany of OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD, DEAR BABY JESUS, which seemed to encourage him to torture her further until she was mindless and unable to utter anything coherent.

  Gasps, moans, groans — was that a hiccup! — She was losing it.

  And then just when she thought she might die, everything in her body clenched hard and fast, and she cried out like a banshee, nearly ripping a handful of Reece’s hair from his head as she came, shuddering and crying, and yes, that was a damn hiccup, because it was happening again.

  It was several moments before she could focus her vision.

  Reece’s smug grin was only slightly strained but the hunger in his eyes felt like a sinful caress that promised heaven and hell all in one fell swoop and she knew nothing would ever be the same after this night.

  Not even a little bit.

  And that scared the ever-loving shit out of her.


  He could still taste the lingering spice of Tana’s delightful pussy on his lips.

  Truthfully, he could’ve remained between her legs all night.

  A first, for him.

  Don’t get him wrong, he loved pussy but he loved sinking balls deep into one far more.

  Except with Tana.

  Listening to her breathy moans escalate to full-out porn-star-worthy screams was like a drug going straight to his cock. Better than any male enhancement drug out there!

  Gathering her wits, smoothing her wild hair, Tana scooted up to pull her panties back on, her cheeks blazing with heat. “That was…um…well, I…”

  “Have I done the impossible and stolen Tana Brooks’ ability to fire off a snappy comeback?” he teased, which earned him a dark look that he found adorable.

  “It’s not as if I’ve never been…well, I’m just saying, it’s not like I’m a virgin or something so don’t strut your stuff so quickly.”

  He laughed at her outright lie. He knew without a doubt, no one had ever made her come so hard. The truth of it was written all over her expressive face — and he loved it.

  “Well, I guess I’ll just have to up my game,” he said with an easy grin but her look of alarm was worth the pain of his blue balls at the moment.

  “I didn’t say that you weren’t adequate—“

  “Adequate? Oh girl, you’ve just injured my pride. If you had any hope of leaving my apartment without the aid of a wheelchair, you’re sorely mistaken. I’m going to fuck you within an inch of your life, my sweet girl. By morning’s light, you’re going to need to be carried to the car.”

  She shuddered and forced a scowl, saying, “That sounds dreadful” even though he knew that his promise thrilled her senseless because her stare turned liquid and her tongue darted to wet her lips.

  He laughed and pulled her into his lap, ignoring her protests about seat belt safety and all that. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re quite disagreeable and difficult?”

  Tana gasped but he sealed his mouth to hers, swallowing her outrage.

  His tongue found hers and they danced, creating new heat between them as his hands cradled her face, drawing her close, thoroughly enjoying the feel of her in his arms.

  “Do you smell yourself on me?” he asked in a husky growl as he ground his cock against the heat of her pussy.

  “Y-yes,” she breathed, gasping as he pushed against her sensitive clit.

  “Good.” He grinned, spanning his hands across her ass, squeezing the plump flesh, wishing they were both naked already. “I like the way you taste. It’s as sweet as I imagined it would be.”

  She blushed adorably, even as she tried to scowl. “Do you always talk like that?”

  “Like what?”


  Reece laughed and nuzzled her neck. “Baby, this is me holding back. Wait until I get you in my bed.”

  Tana gasped as his finger dipped into her panties and found her wet center. This was something he could come to crave.

  Of course, that was a problem but he’d deal with that later.

  Right now, he just wanted Tana, naked beneath him, crying out his name.

  Was there a more beautiful sound in the world than his lovely, difficult Tana gasping his name as she came?

  He was about to find out.

  bookmark: 8

  Chapter 8


  Was it possible to get drunk off endorphins? Tana tried to focus but it was damn near impossible with Reece’s greedy hands roaming, squeezing and demanding her attention.

  She gasped against his mouth as his fingers found her nipple over the tight material of her dress.

  “Oh, look what we have here,” he said with silky mischief. “Something new to play with. I wonder what would happen if I put my mouth right here,” he circled the sensitive skin, abrading it through the fabric and she squirmed, her heart rate quickening.

  He chuckled at her reaction, his voice warm with approval. “Such an expressive minx. You are a delight, Miss Brooks. I can’t wait to have you impaled on my cock.”

  “Shouldn’t we talk about this first?” she asked breathlessly, trying to cling to some semblance of rational thought.

  Was she really draped across Reece’s lap like a throw rug in the back of his Towncar?

  In what version of reality was she living?r />
  This had to be some twisted, incredibly hot, dream because right now the situation was insane.

  “Talk is overrated,” Reece said, more interested in the tenderness of her neck, his lips traveling along her skin, causing goosebumps to riot.

  “Y-yes, but this could be a huge mistake, don’t you think?” she asked, sucking in a wild breath as his sharp teeth nipped at her. “I mean, what are we doing, exactly?”

  “We are doing exactly what we want to do, what we’ve both wanted to do since setting eyes on each other.”

  That gave her pause as a silly warmth invaded her cheeks. “Really? Did you really want to…”

  He laughed at her insecurity and hungrily kissed her hard. When they broke apart, he said, “Any more dumb questions before I fuck you within an inch of your life?”

  What could she do but shake her head, still stunned and little bit in awe of the way Reece could turn her thoughts upside down and backwards with a single kiss.

  It was almost a super power.

  Like Captain America had his strength and whatnot.

  Reece Buchanan had a super tongue.

  Good Lord, if he could render her stupid with a kiss, what was going to happen when he started making good on his promise?

  What if she became a babbling idiot?

  Oh, wait, that already happened.

  A blush heated her cheeks but thankfully, it was too dark in the car for Reece to notice, plus he was too preoccupied with her body to notice that she was having a momentary crisis.

  It was the classic head vs libido thing.

  Her head was warning her to stay focused — that she was only seducing Reece to get him on her side for the Tamarack — but her lady parts were saying, HOT DAMN, let’s get it on!

  Yeah, classic.

  And either she was really good at seduction — not likely — or Reece was actually telling the truth, that he’d been wanting to peel her clothes like a grape since that first day in the boardroom, which frankly, she had a hard time believing, too.

  Why would—

  “Hey,” Reece interrupted her internal dialogue with a frown. “Are you here with me or somewhere else?”

  Caught. “Here, of course,” she answered, hating that she’d let her stubborn brain get in the way. “I mean, mostly here,” she amended, unable to lie completely.

  “My game must be slipping,” Reece growled, which she found ridiculously sexy. She bit her lip, trying to hold back the urge to seal her mouth to his.

  She assured him, “Your game is spot on.” That’s what worries me. But what happens when it’s impossible to tell who’s playing who?

  He chuckled and teased his lips across hers. “That’s a relief. I have a reputation to uphold.”

  Reality check, Tana. “Of that I have no doubt.”

  Reece sobered and pulled back to regard her with that piercing gaze that somehow had the power to render her completely gooey.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  “I’m sure they aren’t worth that much.”

  “I’d pay a fortune to get a peek into that head.”

  “You make me sound far more complicated than I am.”

  “False modesty isn’t your style,” he gently chided. “Besides, I’ve never met an intelligent woman who wasn’t, at her core, the most complicated creature on earth.”

  “Men aren’t complicated?” she teased.

  “Not a bit. We want what we want and some of us are trained to go after it without apology.”

  Tana shivered at the pure primal simplicity of his statement. She’d never been attracted to alpha guys – the jock type — but there was something about Reece that stole her breath.

  As if proving his point, Reece’s questing fingers returned to breach the short hem of her dress to slide closer to her wet core where his mouth had been only moments ago.

  Her heart threatened to stop with breathless anticipation as her stomach trembled at the thought of his touch.

  Heavens, why did he smell so good?

  “Why are you attracted to me?”

  Her bald, almost desperate question threw him off guard but his completely honest answer did the same to her.

  Reece paused his sensual exploration but she was intensely aware of the feel of his fingertips resting on her bare skin.

  “You’re everything I try to avoid,” he admitted with a slight quirk of his sensual lips. “And yet…you’re all I can think about.”

  Oh damn.

  That was a pretty good answer. Her insides quivered and everything felt warm and squishy. She lifted her chin, searching his gaze in the dimly light backseat.

  “I shouldn’t trust anything that comes out of your mouth.” It was as much a declaration to him as a reminder to herself if she didn’t want to end up on the losing end.

  “You’re right,” he said in a dangerously soft tone as his hand resumed its ruthless quest. When his fingers found her wet center he murmured with a dangerous smile, “That’s advice you should follow.”

  Heaven help me.


  Reece opened the door to his loft and led Tana inside. If he took a little bit of pride in Tana’s reaction to his pad, it was well-deserved.

  His place was his sanctuary, a place where he was free to be himself, not just a Buchanan with a silver spoon lodged in his mouth.

  “What do you think?” he asked, tossing his wallet and keys in the marble bowl on top of the bookshelf.

  Tana, looking deliciously tousled from their make-out session in the Towncar, seemed appropriately impressed, which only made him more proud.

  “Not bad, eh?” he prompted with a smug grin.

  But he should’ve known that Tana couldn’t just fawn all over him like any other chick would.

  “Well, when money isn’t an obstacle, I imagine anyone could deck out their crib like a rockstar.” She glanced around one final time before admitting, “It’s very nice.”

  He laughed at her stingy compliment. “Would you like a drink?”

  “I probably shouldn’t,” she said, glancing at her watch as if she had someplace to be. “But I could use some liquid courage right now.”

  Reece frowned at her odd comment but went to his mini bar and pulled two beers.

  He cracked them open and after clinking the necks together, they both took a deep draught.

  After a moment, he placed his beer on the counter and then took hers, ready to get to the fun part. “I want you fully aware when I fuck you, darlin’,” he said with a grin when she protested.

  Before she could sass him with that sexy mouth, he claimed her lips as if he owned them, as if he owned her, his hands gripping her sweet ass and squeezing, pulling her tightly against him.

  Their tongues, dancing, plunging, sliding, were just a preview of what was to come and Reece didn’t think he could wait another minute longer.

  When they broke free, Reece grabbed her hand and drew her to his bed.

  The expansive California King would’ve dominated the room if not for the fact that he’d purchased the entire floor and knocked down every wall to create his crash pad.

  They tumbled to the bed and Reece couldn’t help but kiss her again.

  That was the thing, he couldn’t seem to stop kissing her.

  Her lips were like a drug that he couldn’t stop craving. He could smell her musk and it ignited his blood, reminding him with primal urgency how amazing she’d tasted and how sexy she’d sounded when she’d shattered beneath his tongue.

  If he could do that in the backseat of a car, he was shaking with the idea of what he could do to her in a bed.

  He wasted no time in stripping that ridiculously sexy dress from her body so that he could feast his gaze on every inch of her body.

  She was tall, with legs for days, and hips that flared into a womanly hourglass.

  Tana was sex incarnate as far as he was concerned and the sheer beauty laid out before him robbed him of speech.

  Reece tore his shirt off,
popping buttons in his haste but he didn’t care. He was consumed by a ravenous hunger that was eating him alive.

  “God, girl…you could make a man change his religion,” he breathed in awe, shocked that he’d ever thought her only mildly attractive in a plain Jane sort of way.

  Holy fuck, had he been completely blind?

  His mouth fell slack as he stared at her breasts, filling his hands with the pert, round globes of flesh before falling on them like a starving man, sucking the hardened nipples and squeezing, groaning when he couldn’t get enough of her into his mouth.

  He’d never in the entirety of his sexually active life wanted to completely consume another human being. He wanted to hold her so tightly against him that they merged into one.

  Yeah, that’s not weird at all.

  The little snarky voice dashed a cold bucket of reality into his face and he slowed his assault, forcing himself to calm down and get control.

  But Tana’s breathy moans were tearing into his ability to remain detached, cool. He wanted to pleasure her, to make her shake and quiver, but he wanted to be in control of his own reaction.

  Ha. Sure. Just tell that to the granite hard erection practically skewering her belly.

  And when her slim fingers wrapped around his turgid cock, he nearly lost it, as in nearly ejaculated right into her palm and if that wasn’t mortifying, Reece didn’t know what was.

  “Do you have a condom?” Tana asked in a breathy whisper that sent chills down his back.

  When she gave a tentative squeeze, his eyes crossed and he couldn’t remember who was in charge anymore.

  Criminy! He was so single-minded, he nearly forgot the most important detail. He reached across her to the nightstand and jerked the drawer open with too much force, sending the contents onto the floor but he was too focused on finding the foil wrappers to care.

  Tana giggled from beneath his armpit and he grinned down at her as he straightened to quickly sheath himself with shaking fingers.

  He prided himself on being a good lover, always taking great pains to make sure the woman came first — not because he was a gentleman, but because he wanted the woman singing his praises when she left — but he didn’t have an ounce of self-control at the moment.


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