Naughty by Nature

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Naughty by Nature Page 13

by Judy Angelo

  No time to tackle that question. Not right now, anyway. Right now her focus had to be on her parents and getting them to last through the evening without taking jabs at each other. Sometimes she felt like wringing their necks. You’d think they were a couple of four year olds.

  To Tessa’s surprise and relief her parents and Wolf’s hit it off beautifully. As they ate, Lydia started a conversation about her travels to India, so fascinating her guests that Eleanor seemed to have forgotten to get on her husband's nerves. “I love Indian food,” she gushed. “There’s a wonderful restaurant close to our place in Florida. We’ve been there lots of times, haven’t we, Bob?” She gave him a little nudge but, thank goodness, he didn’t make a fuss about it. “We’ve had Pelau and curried chicken, escoveitched fish and even beef patties.”

  “No, Eleanor, that’s a West Indian restaurant.” Bob gave Lydia an apologetic smile. “Eleanor gets mixed up sometimes. It’s a restaurant run by a Trinidadian couple. They told me that their grandparents migrated from India to Trinidad several decades ago so although they’re of Indian descent the food they prepare is West Indian. Which really means Caribbean.” He emphasized the last word as he narrowed his gaze at his wife.

  Please, God, don’t let her answer him, not here, not now. Tessa dropped her eyes and feigned great interest in the piece of fish on her plate but she was holding her breath, waiting on her mother to lash out with her sharp tongue and rip into her dad.

  It never happened. Instead, Eleanor reached over and patted his arm. “You’re right. I can be such an airhead sometimes.” Then she turned her attention back to Lydia. “But do go on. Tell us all about India.”

  By the time Lydia was done praising that country Eleanor was ready to book a ticket to go. She wanted to see the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort, and eat tandoori chicken and samosas. Bob was not so enthused. He was more of a homebody and flights between Florida and Canada were enough for him. A seventeen hour flight to India was a whole other story.

  Tessa gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, Dad. We can talk some more when we get home.”

  He gave a nod and settled back in his seat, looking comfortable again. Apparently he was very comfortable around the Spencers because he engaged Ruben in a long conversation about the golf courses in Florida, causing the other man to turn wistful eyes toward his wife. She nipped that in the bud right away. “No, Ruben, we are not moving to Florida. We have perfectly good golf courses right here in Ontario.”

  The parents seemed to be having so much fun chatting among themselves that eventually they forgot about Tessa and Wolf. At least, that was how it seemed, because when the conversation turned to the music of the sixties Tessa had nothing to contribute. Neither, it seemed, did Wolf. They looked at each other across the table and smiled. He cocked an eyebrow at her then jerked his head toward the exit.

  Tessa frowned. What the heck was he up to?

  He did it again, then excused himself and got up from around the table. He gave her a knowing look then left the dining room.

  She finally caught on. She was supposed to follow him. She looked over at the older folks, all deep in conversation. She decided to make her move. She got up, sure she wouldn’t be missed, and hurried down the hallway behind Wolf.

  He stepped out of the shadows, almost making her scream.

  “Are you crazy?” she demanded in a fierce whisper. “You almost scared me to death.”

  He did not seem the least bit perturbed by her reprimand. He gave her a slow smile and pulled her into his arms. “I’ll make it up to you,” he said, and then he was kissing her, chasing all thoughts from her mind, leaving her with nothing more than the taste of his lips and the feel of his muscled torso pressed against her chest.

  When Wolf finally released her, Tess pulled away, panting. “Suppose they come out here and see us like this?”

  He shrugged. “So what? We’re adults. And besides,” he reached for her and pulled her back into his arms, “I’ve been wanting to do that all evening. I was praying all four of them would fall asleep at the table so I’d get the chance to ravish you.”

  Tessa’s mouth went dry at the thought. That sounded good. She was one maiden who would not mind being ravished by the handsome lord of the manor. On the contrary, this damsel would welcome it.

  She leaned into him and gave a groan. “Stop torturing me with promises you can’t keep.”

  He gave a low growl. “I can keep it right here, right now, parents or no parents.”

  She feigned a gasp. “You wouldn’t.”

  He chuckled. “You’re right, I wouldn’t. Not with them in the next room. But just prepare yourself. I plan to make good on my word.”

  Tessa sucked in her breath and this time her little gasp was for real. She didn’t know when and she didn’t know where but when Wolf made his move she would be more than ready.


  Wolf yawned then reached over and turned off the lamp. The darkness fell over him like a blanket of midnight fleece. He had a smile on his face as he folded his arms under his head and stared up at the ceiling. He’d had a good time tonight but next time he had Tessa over there would be no parents – just him, the woman he desired, and his king-sized bed.

  Tessa had been warm and willing in his arms and he knew she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. The staccato beat of her heart against his chest, the tiny tremor that shook her body when he caressed her, the way she sucked in her breath each time they touched, they were all evidence of her desire.

  And next time he saw her he would put that desire to even greater test. He would invite her over for dinner, charm her with romantic music and candlelight, and seduce her with his undivided attention, leaving her with no doubt that he wanted her. Then he would take her in his arms and kiss her till-

  The shrill ringing of the phone broke into his thoughts. Dang it, who was calling at this hour? Then his face cleared. It must be Tessa. She was probably lying in bed, doing the same thing he was –anticipating the inevitable, and what an earth shaking inevitable it would be.

  He grabbed the receiver, “Hello,” he said, and waited for Tessa’s girlish giggle.

  “Why are you avoiding me? I need to see you, Wolf.”

  He froze. That wasn’t Tessa on the line. It was Vanessa.

  Still holding the receiver to his ear he sat up in the bed, the sheet falling from his bare torso, leaving him cold. As cold as he felt inside, hearing Vanessa on the phone. He’d been so sure it was Tessa, his body had grown hot and he’d hardened instantly. But the shock of hearing Vanessa’s voice had been like a splash of ice cold water.

  “Vanessa, what do you want from me?” His voice was cold. This was not a conversation he wished to have.

  “I want you, Wolf. I want you back.” She drew in her breath with a little sob. “I made a big mistake in leaving you. The biggest mistake of my life. But I know that now.”

  For a moment Wolf did not respond. What the hell was Vanessa up to? He’d loved her, opened his heart and made himself vulnerable to her, had even asked her to be his wife...and she’d walked out on him without so much as a glance over her shoulder. She didn’t love him, she said, not enough to marry him. She needed her space, she needed room to explore.

  “Vanessa,” he said, his tone cool, “it’s been over a year. You moved on with your life and so did I. Why dig up the past now?”

  “I was young,” she cried into the phone, “so young and stupid. I was only twenty-four. I didn’t know what I wanted. I thought…I wasn’t ready to settle down, and that I needed to…see other men to know for sure. But now I know, you were the real thing. And I want that again, Wolf. I want you. Please,” she began to sob, “give us a chance.”

  Wolf frowned. This was getting weirder by the minute. This wasn’t the Vanessa he’d known. She’d been full of confidence, haughty and even aloof at times. And she was the one who’d decided to end the relationship. He was not enough for her. She needed to see other people. So what now? Hadn’
t it worked out? Was that why she was now running back to him? And who was this weeping, clingy person on the phone?

  “I want to see you, Wolf,” Vanessa continued. “We need to talk. Where can we meet tomorrow? At your office?”

  Wolf almost hung up the phone. The woman was crazy. What? Did she expect them to pick up where they’d left off?

  “Forget it, Vanessa.” His voice was clipped, curt. “We’re not getting back together so let’s not waste each other’s time.” She couldn’t commit to their relationship then, and she expected him to believe she’d be committed now? Not bloody likely.

  “But why? You still love me, don’t you?”

  The words made Wolf pause. You still love me, don’t you, she’d asked? He didn’t hate her, he was sure of that. But love her? No, not anymore. If he’d still loved her his heart would have leaped at the knowledge that she wanted him back. But he felt nothing like that. Instead, her declaration left him cold.

  “No, Vanessa, I don’t love you so let’s not go down that road, okay?”

  “But…but you asked me to marry you. I know you love me. You can’t just turn it off like that.”

  Wolf almost said, but you did. But then he remained silent. He was not about to start an argument about who was at fault.

  When he didn’t respond Vanessa piped up again. “You love me, Wolf. And I’m ready now. There’s nothing to stop us from getting back together. Unless…you have another woman in your life.”

  Wolf almost said yes. But did he, really? He knew he wanted Tessa and he had no doubt that she was attracted to him. But was physical attraction enough? Tessa was growing on him with each passing day and he could feel himself on the verge of falling for her. But, the question was, what would Tessa want out of all this?

  He gave a snort. “That’s irrelevant. What’s important is that you and I are over and we’re not getting back together.”

  “But I realize now what I had. I want you back.”

  “It’s too late for that. Just forget about what we had and move on.”

  “I’m not giving up that easily,” she said, her voice taking on a new hardness. “I’m not giving up without a fight.”

  Wolf had had enough. Arguing would be useless. “Goodbye, Vanessa.” He hung up the phone.

  Thirty minutes later he still lay in bed wide awake. He hoped the phone call was the end but he had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last he’d hear from Vanessa Smythe.


  Tessa hopped out of her car and turned her face up to the sun. It was a bright and sunny spring morning and although it was Saturday, almost the end of her spring break, she was in a heck of a good mood. And she knew why. Today, she’d be seeing Wolf again.

  It was only three days since she’d last seen him, when she and her parents had had dinner at his house, but it felt like three weeks. It was like she needed to see him every day. She knew she was treading on dangerous ground but Lord knew she couldn’t help herself.

  She almost skipped to the front door of Wolf’s building and pressed the buzzer. He’d invited her back to the office to review the project now that they had additional insight from their visit to Peterborough. At least that was what he’d said. Fine excuse, but Tessa knew better. He wanted to see her just as badly as she wanted to see him.

  She’d been glad for the excuse to leave her parents at the house. Surprisingly, since their visit with the Spencers, they’d been a whole lot more loving to each other. Maybe the serenity of the Spencers had rubbed off on her crazy family? Whatever it was, she was happy for the change.

  But at the moment her parents were the least of her concern. Right now she had a man to seduce.

  She grinned to herself. Wicked Tessa. You’re supposed to be here to collaborate on a project, remember? Yeah, tell that to her screaming hormones.

  When Wolf came down to get her, her heart jerked when she saw how sexy he looked. He was dressed simply, in jeans and a black turtleneck sweater, but his hair was all messed up like he’d just run his fingers through it and he had a five o’clock shadow that made him look dark, handsome and rugged. She could hardly wait to get her hands on him. God help her if she'd read him wrong and he’d really invited her to work and not to make out. She didn’t think her system would be able to take it.

  But, she soon found out, she needn’t have worried. As soon as they stepped out of the elevator and into his office he locked the door behind them. Then he took her wrist in his strong grip and not saying a word, practically marched her down the hallway to his private office. You’d think she was under arrest…not that she minded.

  As soon as they were inside Wolf slammed the door shut and pressed her back against the door. “What took you so long?” he growled. “I’ve been dying to do this all day.”

  “But I’m only ten minutes late-” Tessa got no further.

  Wolf’s mouth descended on hers, cutting off her air, making her breathless from the force of his kiss. His tongue slid between her lips and then he was plundering her mouth like a man who’d been starving for a week. As he kissed her he laced his fingers into hers and raised her hands above her head, pinning them against the hardness of the door, trapping her between him and the solid mass at her back. She could not move. All she could do was moan as he took his pleasure.

  Wolf's kiss deepened and as he leaned into her Tessa could feel his rock-solid hardness pressing into her leg. Oh, how she wanted to reach down and rest her hand over his throbbing member. But she could not. Her hands pinned to the door, her body immobilized by his, all she could do was writhe against the front of his jeans.

  That seemed to do the trick. With a groan, something sounding like frustration, Wolf released her hands just long enough to slide his arm behind her back and peel her off the door. With that one arm he lifted her off her feet and carried her across the room to his desk where, with a sweep of his free hand, he sent everything flying.

  Wolf laid her on her back on the broad, bare desktop and then he leaned over and was kissing her again and she was kissing back, just as ravenous for his lips. She gasped when he pressed his thigh into her groin, sending sparks shooting through her body. God, she wanted him so much. If he wanted to take her right there on top of the desk she’d let him, she was that turned on.

  Wolf pulled back, pushed her leather jacket open and began to unbutton her blouse. When he pulled down the top of her bra and his hand covered her right breast, she arched her back at the sweetness of that sensation. His palm, so rough against her nipple, was sending thrills throughout her body and she wanted more.

  She groaned when he lowered his head and covered the nipple with his mouth. Then he was sucking on it, stoking the glowing embers between her legs.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Oh, yes.”

  He groaned and was shifting his mouth to her other breast when a loud buzz made them both jump.

  Wolf straightened. Quickly, he pulled her blouse together then went to answer the intercom. He pressed the button. “Yes?”


  “I’ll be right down.” Wolf released the button then looked over at her. “Don’t go anywhere,” he said, and Tessa could see that he was still breathing hard. “I’ll be right back.”

  When he left, pulling the door shut behind him, Tessa blinked and sat up. She felt like she’d just been in a whirlwind. If they hadn’t been interrupted she was almost certain that in the next couple of minutes they’d be way past just petting. Goodness. It was like, with Wolf, she’d lost all sense of self-control.

  Still, she couldn’t just sit there waiting for him to come back. She looked around. The place was a mess, with papers and folders scattered all over the floor. Although unlikely, what if the FedEx guy came back upstairs with Wolf? Quickly, she buttoned her blouse and slid off the desk. She stooped down and began gathering the papers strewn on the floor. She was stacking them on the desk when one of them, about half of a letter size sheet of paper, caught her eye. The paper was thick and smooth and on
ly had two words, ‘Forever lovers’.

  Tessa felt her heart tighten. This was not good. She flipped the paper over and on the other side was the picture of a woman so perfect she looked almost too good to be true. Jet-black hair hung over her shoulders and down her back. Hazel eyes were fringed with thick, black lashes and her crimson lips curled in a haughty smile.

  But that wasn’t the most striking thing about the picture. The thing that had Tessa’s eyes wide, her chest heaving as the anger rose inside her, was the fact that the woman was naked.

  She was sitting on a bed, the whole length of her back visible, her lower half hidden in the sheet and she’d turned to look over her shoulder at the camera. The most intimate areas were covered with the sheet she clutched to her chest but still, she was naked.

  Tessa’s eyes filled with sudden tears. She blinked then wiped them away with the back of her hand. How could Wolf do this to her? He’d led her on, all the while knowing he already had a lover. The jerk.

  When Wolf walked back into his office carrying a FedEx box she was standing in the middle of the room and his eyes immediately went to the photo in her hand. A guilty look flashed across his face.

  “Who is this?” Tessa demanded as she held it up so he had a good look.

  Wolf frowned and his lips tightened then he walked past her and rested the box on the desk. He turned and took the photo from her stiff fingers. “My ex,” he said, then threw it onto the desk.

  “Vanessa?” Tessa’s eyes narrowed as she watched his face, trying to read the emotions there.

  He nodded.

  “But why do you still have her photograph in your office? You still…love her?”

  He shook his head, his face grim. “No. She sent it here. We hadn’t been in touch for over a year then out of the blue she sent me that.”


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