Toy's Story

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Toy's Story Page 14

by Brenda Stokes Lee

  “Okay! I see what this bullshit is… Seven fuckin years, Toy? Seriously? That’s what you call a friend’s with benefits relationship? Huh Toy?”

  I was still stuck in Comaville, population of one dumb ass Toy and try as hard as I could to respond I simply couldn’t say a damn word.

  Logic continued to struggle against the grasp of Dorian.

  “You don’t have shit to say Huh? In the three months I’ve known you, you’ve never shut up. Now, you don’t have shit to say. Huh Zatoya? Ain’t that a fuckin bitch!”

  “She doesn’t have to say shit! Talk to me if you have something to say to my fiancé.” Tyson Challenged. “Can’t you see that this isn’t easy for her? Now, Counselor Swann, out of respect for Zatoya I’m going to give you bitches twenty minutes to get the fuck out of DC before I levy a shit storm of charges against you and have all of your asses locked up. And I hear that the DC, DA is a badass Mother Fucka with zero tolerance for monkey ass bullshit! So, you gentlemen have a good evening as you leave my fucking city. ”

  “Point taken, District Attorney Tyson. We’re leaving now.” Dorian conceded. “Let’s go L. This is not the time or the place to deal with this.”

  “He’s not talking about me too, is he Dorian?” Jamar’s dumbass asked confused. “Cause I live in DC and I don’t have nowhere else to go.”

  Yeah I know. I can’t believe that I fucked a complete imbecile for two damn years and didn’t realize it. Okay, you’re right… In retrospect I’m the damn imbecile. Please don’t judge me. In my defense the man is as fine as Arabian sand and hung like a damn donkey. So, I rest my case. Anyway back to the story.

  Suddenly Logic’s demeanor turned Antarctic, ice cold. His body completely relaxed as he shook Dorian’s hands off of his arm. His eyes did a quick head to toe laser scan of me before a sinister grin crept across his face. “My mistake District Attorney Tyson, your fiancé looks a lot like the woman that was sucking my dick a few hours ago. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.” He smiled and calmly replied.

  Naturally, Tyson swung on him and tried to knock his ass out, but Jamar jumped in just in time to deflect the blow that was aimed directly at Logic’s mouth.

  “I fuckin wish you would.” Logic smugly replied as he stood toe to toe and eye to eye with Tyson. “With your bitch ass self. What makes you think she can be satisfied with you after she’s had me?”

  “I don’t know. She seemed pretty satisfied in the car on the way here.” Tyson arrogantly countered.

  Logic’s jaws instantly became so tight I thought that his perfect white teeth were going to shatter from the pressure. Dorian spotted it too and instinctively realized that Logic had reached his boiling point.

  “Logic, let’s fuckin go man! Cut all the bullshit. Zatoya’s a grown ass woman. She’ll figure out who she wants to be with. Now, let’s go before this man throws both our asses in DC jail. You know you’re in Red Skins territory and I’m a Cowboys fan.” Dorian yelled as he snatched Logic back and forcefully pulled him away from Tyson. “I’m not going to let you fuck around and get my ass locked up on a Friday night in DC, with no possibly of posting bail before Monday morning. Fuck that shit! Let’s fuckin go!”

  Tyson, who continued to eyeball Logic, simply grinned and nodded in agreement with Dorian, though he didn’t say another word.

  “Chill, I’m ready.” Logic responded as he pulls a pair of expensive designer sunglasses out of his lapel pocket and wipes them clean with a soft black cloth as he methodically stares me up and down with total disdain, as if I was last’s month’s bloody maxi pad. “Have a nice life Ms. Zatoya Waters.” He said as he put on his sunglasses and abruptly turned and simply walked away, leaving me standing there looking like a damn dumb ass fool.

  Looking back one final time, he pulled his sunglasses down a bit so that I could see his eyes. He winked and then smooched his lips to give me a playful goodbye kiss. “Let’s go D. Get me the fuck out of DC quick, before I catch a mother fuckin charge!” I heard him say as they headed towards the stairs.

  Chapter 25

  To say that I was complete devastated would be a gross assessment of the truth. I could not wrap my mind around the events of the day. I mean I woke up this morning with a clear vision of my future and I don’t recall Tyson being anywhere remotely in it. I could not stop my brain from screaming, “What the fuck just happened?”

  As we rode in silence to God knows where it suddenly occurred to me that I had nothing. I mean sure, I had quite a bit of cash stashed away in various bank accounts, but I had none of the basics. I walked away from everything to be with Logic. I had no job. I quit that to move to Vegas. I had no car. I totaled my Lexus in the accident. I had no apartment condo. I sent the keys back to Tyson and told him to sell it or rent it out. Hell, I didn’t even have a damn change of clothes. All of my things were between Baltimore and Vegas at Logic’s home.

  It was at that very second that I realized that I must have lost my damn mind the second I met Logic. I broke every damn rule that I ever made. It’s times just like this that you understand the importance of setting rules and boundaries when it comes to dealing with men. There is absolutely no way the old Toy would have found herself in such an ass completely out situation like this one. “OMG, what the fuck was I thinking?” I thought.

  “Where are we going?” I somehow managed to ask without getting emotional.

  “Home.” Tyson simply said as he kissed me on my forehead and held me tighter.

  “I need to stop at the Wal-Mart or somewhere. I have absolute nothing.” I said as I choked back tears.

  “Yeah you do. You have me. Don’t worry I have this.” He said as he gently rubbed my back and held me close.

  As the chauffeured Lincoln Town Car pulled in front of my apartment, reminding me of the life I used to have I simply loss it. I burst into tears and I held on to Tyson with a GI Joe Kung Fu grip. “What are we stopping here for? Please take me home. I can’t do this.” I sobbed. “I loss everything fuckin thing I owned.”

  “Calm down and just come with me. I told you I have this. Trust me; everything is going to be okay.”

  To my other surprise and amazement, five minutes later I was standing inside my old condo. All my things were exactly where I had left them. My furniture, electronics, appliances, house wares, clothes and shoes were all still there. Hell, even my fish were still swimming aimlessly around in the aquarium.

  “What the hell? I thought you gave all this stuff to charity like I asked you to.” I said as I ran from room to room.

  “I couldn’t do it. Something just wouldn’t let me do it.”

  I stood in the living room just blown away. “You’ve been paying the mortgage and the utilities on this place all this time?”

  Tyson chuckled. “I was paying them when you lived here. Why would I stop because you took a little break? Nothing has changed. All of your things are just where you left them. Except the Lexus you totaled. I bought you a new one. It’s parked in the garage at my house.”

  That was it. I ran across those polished hardwood floors and jumped into that magnificent man’s arms and kissed him deep in the mouth. Wrapping my chocolate legs around his waist I smothered his face with kisses before sampling his lips. They were sweeter than I ever remembered and I craved more. “Thank you, so much.” I managed as I tasted him again.

  Tyson squeezed my ass and groaned, “Toy you don’t have to thank me. God I never thought that I’d get to hold you like this again.”

  My hungry mouth sought his just as his launched a search for mine. Seconds later they were reunited and oh did it feel so good. As I quickly untied Tyson’s tie he immediately headed for the bedroom with me in his arms. He kissed me hard and deep as I tossed his tie on the floor and started to unbutton his shirt.

  By the time we reached my bedroom he was half naked and I was still fully clothed. He threw me down on the bed, dived between my legs and ripped a hole in my pantyhose all in one fluid motion. Before I could even conce
ive of protesting he shoved two of his long thick fingers into the sides of my lace thong in search of my wetness. He found my thrill spot and methodically begun to play an old familiar melody on the walls of my VJ as his fingers slowly slid in and out at a precise rhythmic pace. Mesmerized by how good his hands made me feel I melted back onto the bed and let him have his way.

  His eyes watched me as he took his time to pleasure me. We had been lovers for over seven years and he knew exactly how I liked it. His eyes locked on mine and his gaze held me captive as he lowered his head to get a taste of my sweetness.

  I gasped as I felt his breath blow softly on my clit before licking it like it was an ice cream cone on a hot summer’s day. I moaned and groaned and wiggled as he sucked it deep into his mouth and toyed with it with his tongue. He knew what he was doing to me would drive me insane. Hell, that was all part of the plan.

  “Take my clothes off.” I begged.

  “In a minute.” He murmured as he buried his face between my thighs and went to work in Ladytown.

  Craving more I resisted the urge to grab him by the back of his head and grind my soaking wet Pretty Kitty all over his perfect smile. “Tyson please, you’re driving me crazy.”

  Ignoring my pleas he continued to show my engorged clit absolutely no damn mercy. Spreading my legs even wider and pushing them back further he continued to gobble my goodies like a ravenous wolf that hadn’t had a bite to eat in weeks. His tongue appeared to be writing some type of dissertation on the walls of my pussy as it began flickering in and out and at record speed. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it another second, Tyson took one more giant lick across my clit before sucking it hard and deep into the depths of his mouth savoring its chocolate flavor.

  Suddenly I heard someone screaming loud enough to frighten the Zombie Dead. It took a few seconds before I realized that it was me. Tyson grinned an evil grin as he resurfaced from between my thighs. Ripping his wife beater tee shirt off he wiped his mouth and tossed it to the floor. He continued to eye me as my body convulsed from my brain numbing climax. Taking his time he pulled out his wallet and retrieved a condom before dropping his trousers. Immediately a furious, one eyed dragon was released. And apparently I was its next prey. Tyson’s eyes never left me as he rolled the condom onto that vicious monster and crawled onto the bed towards me.

  My legs were like jelly as I tried to back pedal on the bed away from it and him. His dick was bigger, thicker and harder than I remembered and quite frankly it was frightening the hell out of. Tyson grinned as he quickly grabbed my ankles and pulled me back to him. “Don’t even think about it.” He chuckled.

  “Ah shit!” I groaned. I instinctively knew that my ass was about to get it.

  Tyson effortlessly flipped me over onto my belly and ripped the remainder of my pantyhose and my thong off. Grabbing my round ass he lifted me off the bed and pulled me hard against him as he thrust himself hard into me. I gasped as he went balls deep in one stroke. Pulling my ass high in the air and pushing my head down onto the bed, he went to work and tore Ladytown the fuck down.

  Tyson had set the tone for the night and I knew instantly that this man was about to drill a hole in my damn pussy. Stroke after long stroke, that raging hot dragon penetrated deeper and deeper, simply wrecking shit with each entrance. With each stroke Tyson picked up the pace as he pulled me harder and harder back onto his rock solid dick. At one point I thought that he was trying to break his dick off inside of me.

  Now I know that I was as wrong as a diabetic in a candy kitchen to even consider fucking this man tonight after the previous events of the day. And I understand that he had some shit to prove to me and himself. It was obvious that Logic’s insinuation that Tyson could never satisfy me again had struck a raw nerve. So I understand that he had to lay down the gauntlet and prove to me that he was man enough to handle me. But Damn! This man tried to straight up, no holds barred, gorilla fuck me.

  Needless to say when his release finally pressed in on him and overtook him as quick as a raging bull, I was relieved. He screamed loudly like a warring Gladiator before collapsing on top of me. Relieved, I thought that it was finally over. Little did I know that the night had really just begun. Tyson continued to ride my ass like I was a damn merry go around throughout the night until we both were exhausted and sore.

  By morning he had both broken and tamed this arrogant shrew. Tyson let me know that he was the man in this relationship and that I was his woman. And as of today he would no longer allow me to make all the rules and call all of the shots. He also conveyed to me in no uncertain terms that the shit I pulled on him with Logic was ridiculously fowl, unmerited and totally uncalled for.

  Honestly, I must admit that he was right. In retrospect he had been nothing but good to me in every way. Yes, I’ll have to even admit that I suspected that his feelings for me were a lot stronger than I cared to believe. I was just too damaged to really care. Hurt too many times before, I refused to be bruised and misused by another man just pretending to give a shit about me. Still, when I took careful inventory of our pre Logic relationship I could not recall one incident where Tyson let me down. I now had a new found respect for him and his authority and position in our new relationship. I was now willing to allow him to be the man and for the first time in seven years I conceded that he was my man.

  Chapter 26

  Prayer really does change things. Less than a week later the victim in Jamar’s carjacking case was healthy enough to identify his assailant. Dorian and I held our breath as we anxiously awaited the results of the picture lineup given to him in his hospital bed. Tyson texted me the moment that it was official, Jamar was not the assailant. Apparently the picture lineup included photos of Jamar and five other African American males. The victim immediately waved the pictures away and stated that he was not in any of the pictures. Turns out, the assailant was a middle aged white male. Thank God for small blessings.

  The District Attorney’s office promptly dropped all charges against Jamar and he was ecstatic. Still, he wasn’t as happy as I was when I discovered that Jamar had registered for online college courses. He was serious about opening a Footlocker franchise. Jamar and I had a deal. I had more than enough resources to help Jamar secure a franchise, but Dorian spoke to Logic who insisted upon paying for the franchise and Jamar’s education to assure that Jamar had a fighting chance at a new start.

  Overwhelmed and left speechless again by Logic’s unselfish generosity I could only ask Dorian to thank Logic for me. I knew he did it for me. Hell he barely even knew Jamar. I felt like a total ass for not calling him and thanking him myself, but I couldn’t. I didn’t trust myself to resist him. My heart still beat in synchrony with Logic’s heart. Every time I closed my eyes images of our brief but intense affair haunted my spirit. Try as hard as I could I just couldn’t make it stop and unfortunately neither could my love for Tyson.

  With Jamar now in the clear Tyson saw no reason to postpone setting a date for our wedding. Tyson immediately took charge of planning the wedding and hired an expensive wedding planner. Within seventy two hours of my astonishing break up with Logic I was scheduled to be married in three months. My head was swimming and I was having a very difficult time grasping the fact that I was actually getting married, let alone the fact that I was getting married in ninety days.

  I watched spellbound as Tyson, the wedding planner, her assistant and a caterer discussed wedding themes, colors, locales, food and music. Stunned like a deer caught in headlights I was powerless to stop them. Within less than two hours all was settled and the only thing I apparently had to do was show up. Oh my God! This shit is real. I’m going to be Mrs. William Branford Tyson.

  It was only when I heard that they planned to invite the Obamas that I came out of my emotionally induced coma. “I’m sorry, but did you just say that you were adding the Obamas to the guest list? As in President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, are you serious?” I asked absolutely dumbfounded.

“Why, yes. Your fiancé is a major political figure in DC with national political aspirations. It would just be rude not to invite President and Mrs. Obama. I mean they are right here in DC.” Shannon the wedding planner quickly responded. “Why is there a problem?”

  I looked at Tyson who hands down was one of the most handsome men on the planet and I couldn’t believe that we were engaged. I looked at my gorgeous engagement ring, yet I couldn’t wrap my mind around any of this wedding bullshit. Apparently he knew instantly that I was becoming overwhelmed.

  “Look, why don’t we finalize the guest list next week when we meet?”

  “Sure, but there’s still so much to do with so little time to get it done…”

  “Yes, I realize that. Do what needs to be done. Money’s not an issue.” Tyson said as he took my hand in his and gently kissed it.

  “Zatoya do you think we can touch bases about your dress and your bridal party in the next day or two?” Shannon asked.

  I looked at Tyson whose stunning steel blue eyes pleaded with me to simply say yes. “Of course. How about Wednesday? That will give me a chance to talk with my friends and pick my bridesmaids.” I smiled although I’d rather eat dead crabs on a hot summer day than to meet with her condescending ass again. “And please do get an invitation out to the Obamas right away, so that they will have time to consider our request.”

  “Perfect! The Mayor and the Governors of Maryland and Virginia are on the guest list as well. This will definitely be a wedding to remember.” She beamed, while the caterer and her assistant nodded in agreement.

  Tyson was ecstatic that I was onboard without a fight. “I love you. Tell me that this is what you want.” He said as his eyes wildly searched mine to see if I had somehow had a change of heart.

  “I love you too.” I said as I reached out and hugged his neck tightly. “If this is what you want then this is what I want. I’ll do whatever you want, because I love you.” I whispered in his ears.


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