Defiance (Rise of the Iliri Book 3)

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Defiance (Rise of the Iliri Book 3) Page 23

by Auryn Hadley

  "Ricown, she's hurt," Sal whispered.

  "Is she breathing?" he asked.

  "I think so."

  "Then rub. Rub until she yelps. Let me cut them free." Then he reached for string to tie off the umbilical cords before gently snipping each.

  Take them out, Rragri said, standing to protect the human. Hwa does not need to see them yet, or he may act out of grief.

  Sal tossed a glance at Jase, and together they slipped from the room. Her heart pounded heavily at the sight of her friend's body crumpled across the bed, panting but unconscious. But she couldn't help. She couldn't heal. All she could do was care for her sister's children.

  In the main room of the pavilion, she found a chair, and sat, laying the pup – Rhyx, she recalled Roo naming her – on her lap. "Jase, that's Raast," Sal whispered, "and this is Rhyx. Roo told me their names before she lost consciousness."

  He nodded, wiping gently at the pup's face while tears streamed across his cheeks.

  A small noise made Sal look down. Her pup moved, squeaking softly, so she rubbed again, harder, and Rhyx growled in response. She was still alive! Sal smiled and kept rubbing until the pup cried out, screaming her anger for the world to hear. Across from her, Raast yelped once. The youthful voices sounded more like dogs than Sal had expected.

  Slowly, as the baby grauori dried, they started to murmur. The noises were random but comforting, proving that at least something had gone right. Jase wrapped his cloth tightly around Raast, then moved to Sal's side, showing her how to do the same. With both pups swaddled, they held them close, the small bodies shivering without the heat of their dam.

  "Do you think they'll live?" Sal asked.

  "We can only try, kitten," Jase said, pulling his chair beside hers and kissing Sal's blood stained head gently. Together, they sat in silence, both staring at the cloth separating the main room from the King's bedchamber where their friend lay dying. A few moments later, Ricown slipped out. Blood stained his arms, bite marks marred his shoulder, and tears had washed lines clean in the grime across his face. The Orassae passed through the canvas flap behind him and nudged Ricown forward. He headed directly to them.

  "Please tell me they're breathing?" he begged, unable to stop crying.

  "Both of them," Sal assured him.

  He sniffed. "At least there's that. If they can breathe, there's a good chance they'll make it – if they are anything like any other animal I've worked on." He ducked his head for a long moment. Again, he sniffed, wiping at his nose with his forearm, then looking back to Sal. "I can't save her Kaisae. I don't think the grauori can either."

  Sal nodded, swallowing against the lump in her throat. "They told me. They also said you wouldn't leave even as they bit you. Thank you, Ricown. Thank you for trying." Her voice wavered, but her iliri eyes stayed dry. "Now go with the Orassae and get fixed up. The pups may need you, and your wounds aren't clean."

  He just stood there until the nacione female reached up a paw-like hand to his hip, waiting patiently for him to look at her before she moved. Together they slipped from the tent. Sal sighed deeply and leaned her head back, holding Rhyx to her chest. A brush against her thoughts made her look down. Pulling the cloth away from the little grauori's face, she saw pale eyes looking back at her, a contented murmur tickling at her mind. There were no words, only confusion. Sal smiled down at the child and caressed her face, careful to avoid the damaged ear.

  "I'll take care of you," she whispered. "You and your sister. Jase and I won't let anything happen to either of you."

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him nod. "I allus wanted ta be a dava, but na like this."

  "I know." She was about to continue when the rustle of canvas made her ears flick back. A second later, armor clanked together as men entered the tent, and Sal felt her anger flare. "I don't care what it is, see Colonel Vayu if it's important," she snapped without looking.

  "Sal?" The voice was so familiar.

  Her eyes widened as she stood. "Blaec?"

  Stunned, Sal turned to find the Black Blades piling into the small reception space of the King's pavilion. Beside her, Jase rose to his feet. His tear streaked face said more than words could.

  "I thought pups were a good thing?" Shift asked.

  Sal shook her head. "Roo was injured. She took a bad hit, and the pups are early. We're not even sure they'll live, and this one was hurt pretty bad. The healers – neither human nor grauori – can help Roo," she explained.

  Risk pushed himself forward, shoving Blaec aside to grab her shoulders, shaking gently as he met her eyes. "Show me, Sal." His voice was insistent, cutting through her grief.

  She stared at him for a moment, uncomprehending, before realizing how unique Risk's healing was. In all her time with the grauori, she'd become used to the shifting healers, but Risk's skill was different. He always said he could heal anyone, so long as they were still breathing and just moments ago, Roo's body lay panting on the King's bed. Sal shoved the pup at Blaec and snagged Risk's arm, dragging him with her into the back room.

  When they barged inside, Hwa looked up and snarled over Roo's still panting body. Sal met his eyes and held them. "This is your packmate, Hwa. He can help," she said.

  "Hwa," Risk added, "this will hurt, but I really can help."

  "Nee," Hwa howled, looking from Risk to Sal. "Nee!"

  Sal nodded at him. "Let go of her mind first. You can't be linked while he does this."

  Hwa shook his head, unwilling to speak.

  "Arctic!" Sal yelled, and the First Officer hurried inside. "Link me and pull his damned mind away from hers," she demanded and felt the familiar taste of Arctic's link offered without hesitation.

  She took it and reached for Hwa, watching his grauori eyes widen when she smothered Roo from his head. He gasped as if in pain when Arctic severed the link between them. For a split second, Roo's mate considered challenging his Kaisae. She could see it flicker across his face before he gave in.

  "And someone get me a belt or Roo will tear Risk apart. She's barely with us."

  Arctic pulled at the buckle of his and slid it free of his pants, passing it to her. She made a loop, and slid it around Roo's muzzle, passing the end over her sister's ears and back through the ring, making a halter to hold the bitch.

  "Ok, Arctic, grab her legs. Those claws are deadly, and she can rip through leather with them," Sal said, as another man snuck into the room. It was the King.

  "They said..." he started, confused.

  "They were wrong," Sal cut him off, easily taking charge. "Dom, get back. This isn't fun, but if anything can save her, it's Risk."

  He nodded and secured Roo's hind legs, holding them tightly. Sal looked up in shock, but he whispered, "She's my friend, too."

  Sal gave him an understanding nod. "Ok, Risk. This is as good as we can get it."

  The lean, gold-haired iliri stepped close to the panting beast and looked over Roo's body, muttering, "Skin, skin," as he sought a place to lay his hands. Glancing at her head, he placed his right hand inside her ear, and he ran his left across her body, feeling for skin below the dense fur.

  "Armpit," Dominik said. Risk bobbed his head in thanks as he reached below Roo's arm. Then he took a deep breath.

  "I'm sorry, little one," he whispered before he exhaled – and Roo's body lurched against them. A scream burst from her throat, sounding more like a human than the grauori ever had before. It was pure pain given a voice, and Sal knew exactly what that felt like. Hwa stood, his ears pinned, but Sal caught his eyes using her dominance to thwart his desire to attack.

  "Look at her wound, man," Arctic groaned as he struggled to hold Roo's claws away from Risk's body. "She's healing, just look at her wound. It hurts, but she'll live."

  Hwa's mouth opened, and he panted in amazement, looking between the faces around him. Sal could see the sense returning to his eyes. When he looked at her, his ears sagged low against his head, and his eyes dropped to the ground before returning to Roo's face. />
  Risk gasped for air. "Again," he said between breaths. This time, Hwa lay against Roo's shoulder, helping to restrain her. Like before, she lurched, writhing from the pain while her teeth snapped against the belt, seeking to destroy the cause of her suffering. Just when Sal thought she was going to lose her hold on the bitch, Risk released, breathing hard.

  "Again," he said.

  Hwa moved his hand to his mate's face, holding Roo's head against the bed when the next wave hit. This time, it seemed to last longer, and Risk's eyes rolled in his head, as he exhaled every drop of air he had. When he leaned back and struggled to fill his lungs, Sal saw Roo's side. The hair was gone, but the skin was closed. It wasn't finished, but she'd live. Her friend would live!

  "I have no more," Risk gasped – and crumpled toward the ground. Arctic caught him as he lost consciousness.

  Sal jerked her head at Hwa, who moved his hand away. Carefully, she slid the belt from her friend's face, aware that her tongue was once again bright, and her breathing came easily, if fast. "Dom, it's time for you to go. Arctic, let Hwa out of the link and get Risk out of here. They're in the lust."

  "Gotcha, demon," Arctic said, grasping the unconscious iliri by his armpits. The King grabbed his legs, and together, they shuffled through the door, leaving Sal alone with her grauori packmates.

  "Roo?" she whispered, and heard a faint noise in response. "Roo, the pain is over now. You can open your eyes."

  Gold lashes flicked a couple of times, and then Roo's eyes cracked open. She sat up, dazed, looking for Hwa, and Sal moved away.

  "We have the pups," she said, and Hwa nodded at her as he reached for his mate.

  Chapter 31

  Sal tied the flap to the door and sighed before turning to face the room. The Black Blades lounged on almost every available surface. The King had used his own cloak as a pillow for Risk's head, and Shift held a small bundle before him, smiling down at it as he sat on the floor. Razor held the other, cooing softly with a strange grin on his face. Sal closed her eyes and felt able to smile for the first time all day – and then the wind was pushed from her lungs as massive arms engulfed her.

  "Damn, I missed you, kid!" Zep said. Sal laughed as she turned and threw her arms around his neck.

  "Your timing is perfect, you all know that?" She asked before turning to see the rest of her family. "I've missed all of you so much. Is Risk going to be ok?"

  "Yeah," Shift said, "He just used everything he had. We rode pretty damned hard to get here. Let him have the nap."

  She nodded and kissed Zep on the cheek, rumpled Shift's hair, smiled at Razor, then made her way to hug Arctic. "Thank you," she whispered, handing him the belt before pulling away. She smiled at the new guys, Geo and Audgan, then glanced at Jase. He looked up at her and nodded, warmth filling his eyes. Sal turned to Blaec.

  He stood as she came close. Without a word between them, Sal kissed him. His arms wrapped around her back, and her fingers twined in his hair. As their tongues met, Sal moaned softly, submitting to him with her body and her mind.

  "Ooh," Dominik muttered, making Sal pull away from her commander.

  Jase laughed. "King Dominik Jens, let me introduce ya ta Major Blaec Doll, the commander of the Black Blades, and Sal's other man."

  Dom chuckled and looked at Sal. "I thought you didn't do humans?"

  "Trust me," Blaec told him, "I'm iliri enough to keep her in line." He kissed Sal again quickly, then pulled away, moving to the King. "Not very often that I meet a king, let alone like this. Congratulations, sire, on the victory."

  Blaec held out his hand. Without rising, Dom grasped it. "I don't care for all the pompous shit, Major. It's Dom or Dominik, and I owe you my country for the use of your soldier."

  "You're more than welcome, Dom. And it's Blaec or LT."

  "LT?" Dom asked, confused.

  "He was a lieutenant for nine years, so the name stuck," Zep answered reclining casually in the King's chair. "And before you ask, yes, I'm as human as I look. No, Sal doesn't do me, either."

  They all laughed at that, but Shift waved Sal over. "Hey, demon? I think I got her better, but double check me. I haven't exactly seen one of these before," he said holding up the pup.

  She slid to the floor beside him and peered inside the cloth. Rhyx's arm was straight and only a small line marred her soft coat, but the tip of her ear was still gone. "You couldn't help the ear?"

  "No. Her body doesn't know itself enough yet, and it didn't know how to come back. I can't get the fur in that line either, but I think everything beneath it's intact."

  "I think she'll be fine with a scar. It is a story to tell the males when she's older," Sal joked, and Shift smiled.

  "So, we get to keep them?" Zep asked, beaming down at the pup. "And Sal, you're right, she's more iliri than you, but you're wrong in that I'll change my tastes. I'm not into dog, cat, weasel things."

  Ilija stepped inside the tent at that moment, looking around confused at the happy faces. Sal realized he didn't know. "Ayati, Ilija. She's going to be ok. We get to watch the pups a bit, but Roo will be fine."

  The big man's face broke into a grin, and he sighed in relief. "Ok, that made my day, but Kaisae, I need you. The grauori are trying to explain something to me, and they speak Glish worse than Hwa. Jase, you'll work too, if you can translate?"

  "Blaec, sir?" Sal asked, pulling herself to her feet.

  "Oh don't ask me," he laughed. "You're Kaisae here. Things will be weird for a bit, but when it comes to Anglia, I'm just your adviser."

  "Shit," Ilija breathed. "Blaec? As in, Blaec Doll?" The big man's eyes were wide as he stared at LT in awe.

  Blaec shrugged. "Yeah, I guess the stories traveled this far?"

  Sal giggled, bobbing her head in a yes. "Oh and got worse the further they went. Blaec, this is Colonel Ilija Vayu, leader of the Verdant Shields."

  Blaec tipped his head at the man. "Ilija, call me LT. I've heard a lot about you."

  Ilija's brow creased slightly. "Explain that to me one day, would ya Sal?"

  Risk chose that moment to moan, coming back to consciousness.

  "Shift," he groaned, "Give me some love, man."

  "Fine," Shift sighed in jest. "Since you ask so sweetly. Close your eyes, bro."

  Risk nodded, and Shift grabbed his hands while Ilija stared at them strangely. For a few breaths, Shift looked longingly at Risk like he would a lover, and then Risk cursed softly. "Fuck I hate the way you heal."

  "Sorry, man, it's all I got," Shift said, patting Risk's shoulder. Risk just held his eyes closed and breathed deeply.

  "Ok," Ilija said. "Is that what the grauori have been doing?"

  "Yep," Sal answered. "It causes a bad case of vertigo but cures a lot of ills. Oddly, I haven't seen any like Risk yet."

  He opened his gold eyes and looked up at Sal. "Me either. Why do you think I was chained in a tavern when LT found me?"

  "Ok, there's some serious stories here, but Kaisae, I do need you. You too, Ahnor," Ilija reminded them.

  Sal pointed at the two bundles. "Guys, keep the pups warm and don't pass them around too much." With that, she slipped out of the tent, Jase on her left, and Ilija trailing behind. "You ok with this, killer?"

  "Yeh, Sal, I am. I missed 'em too, ya know."

  They rounded a corner and came to a large open area with hundreds of grauori lying around. "See?" Ilija said, stepping closer. "I need some help."

  It took a moment for Sal to take it all in. White, grey, and gold, the pale colors mixed into a tapestry of bodies. There were hundreds of them – at least!

  She reached out with her mind. Arctic, I need the King. Nevermind, all of you come here. You won't believe this.

  Can do, demon, Arctic said.

  And we'll need a link or half of you won't follow this, I think, Sal said, and felt both her and Jase's minds merge with their true family.

  It only took a few minutes before her own pack gathered behind her, the King with them. Sal heard them all gasp at
the sight, and she smiled. Seeing hundreds of grauori in the same place was impressive. The clearing looked like it was covered in living snow.

  "Dom," Sal said, "Jase will translate for you, but let me speak to them first."

  "Oh yeah," he agreed. "That's a good idea."

  Sal took one step forward and called out in the best Iliran she could manage, "Kaizen, Gerus, and grauori. Anglia thanks you for all you've done today. I thank you for your aid and your sacrifice, both in blood and in the secrecy you've kept for so long. Times are finally changing, and Kaisor Dominik is making those changes. He calls the grauori Roo and Hwa, his friends. The iliri and part-iliri behind me have saved my Gerus, and I am proud to present our newest packmates, born from this battle."

  Jase whispered, "Hold the pups up, guys," and the Blades did, pulling the swaddling away from their faces.

  An aufrio female stood, looking closely at the pups, and yipped in Grauoran at those behind her, "The rafrezzi and aufrio produced nacione. Two nacione!" Other grauori stood, panting in their excitement.

  "They are mine," Sal growled softly, and the female nodded, backing away. Sal gestured to the Blades, and they pulled the pups close to them again.

  She kept going. "The Terran army came to cleanse the world of us, and you showed them that it will not happen. We've seen histories, written by an early iliri, that say you were here first. The humans made us – the iliri – from you. This is your place, your land. The humans borrow it from you, but no longer will they try to take it. Kaisor Dominik will not allow that."

  The grauori howled in their excitement, and humans began to push toward the edges, watching with awe. Sal gestured to them. "Look, they do not fear you. How many of you healed humans today, and were thanked and greeted with love?" Grauori nodded in excitement while Jase translated it all into Glish.

  Dominik moved beside her. "Sal, can I speak?"

  She stepped behind him, knowing her body language mattered to the grauori. Dom called out in Glish, but Jase translated, his eyes on the King. "My friends, we know so little about you. Until Kaisae Sal brought her pack to my court, I knew nothing of you except stories. We thought you were no different from other wildlife! But I owe my life to the Gerus Hwa and Aroora, and Kaisae Sal is my equal or better in all things, so humans can learn. While we have a very different culture from yours, I would like you to be a part of our lives. It is now illegal to harm any of you. I would ask that you all respect that and reciprocate it. Grauori are welcome in the capital city, and I hope that we can find a way to blend our people together, but it will take time."


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