Song of Resurgence (Ballads of Mae Book 2)

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Song of Resurgence (Ballads of Mae Book 2) Page 1

by Salem Cross

  Salem Cross

  Copyright © 2020 Salem Cross

  All Rights Reserved

  Please note that all characters in this story, and in all of my works, are fictional and not based on real people. Any similarities between real people and the characters are solely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  About the Author

  Dear Readers,

  If you enjoy the Ballads of Mae series I highly encourage you to sign up for my monthly newsletter. Here you will find an exclusive short story from Rylan’s point of view just before he meets Mae for the very first time. Also, you will be privy to exclusive sneak peeks at future books and series, hear about discounts, and learn about other authors in this same genre who have some amazing books they want to share with the world. Go online to to sign up for the newsletter today.

  I hope you enjoy Song of Resurgence!

  Salem Cross

  This book is dedicated to all of my friends whose overwhelming support means everything to me.

  Chapter One


  Distressed moans broke the silence of the room. I’d been expecting them. It had been two hours since Mae had fallen asleep which meant that any moment, she would be waking again. Her body tensed in my arms as she began to shake. I pulled her tight against my chest. A blazing heat flared through my veins and the darkness in our bedroom turned red.

  I wanted the blood of the witch and god who had done this to my mate. While I had no idea how to kill her father, the god Zyroe, I certainly had a few ideas of how to rid this world of Autumn, Mae’s mother and the witch who had made a deal with the enemy. It would be a joy to watch the life drain from Autumn’s eyes after I ripped her head off with my bare hands. Or I could use my fangs to behead the witch… It would be a clean cut that way. There was also the option to rip each limb from her body. If I did that, it would prolong her death. I could almost hear her screams of agony as I removed each appendage. A cruel smile tugged the corner of my lips as I thought about those agonized screams.

  Mae’s screams broke the silence and paused my murderous thoughts. The red in the room vanished as my heart twisted in agony at my mate’s distress.

  “Shh, you are safe,” I whispered into her wild curls. I could hear her heartbeat drumming rapidly in her chest.

  “Rylan.” My name on her lips sounded reverent. The half of my soul I carried reached out for her. I closed my eyes and breathed the sweet scent of her hair: a mix of vanilla and honey.

  “I am here, Mae.” My lips pressed against her forehead. I will always be here for you.

  The power coursing just underneath her skin surged forward, and her veins began to light up. Her power flashed like lightning across her arms, legs, and chest. I ran my hand over her arm trying to soothe her. I waited for her power to leak. Before her trip to the Pocket, her power would have come crashing out. I braced myself, ready to capture it, take it within me, and pull more away from her. It needed to happen; it would give her some peace before it began to build again.

  But the leak did not happen.

  She had not expelled any power since her return two days ago. Instead, it festered within her. That power inside of her was building in strength as it drew energy from her body and slowly killed her. My mate thought she was sparing me by not telling me about her pain. As if I would not notice the way she looked away with her brows drawn together, her hard swallows, or the way she absentmindedly felt over the thick scars around her wrists with her thumbs where cursed bracelets had once sat. How could she believe I would not notice how her breathing had become shallower or her ever-increasing, erratic heart rate?

  In my arms, Mae relaxed and let out a long sigh. Her hand slid down my chest slowly before stopping right below my navel. Her fingers teased the trail of hair there. Instantly, my dick stiffened. While we had made love three times that night my desire to bury myself in my mate again was overpowering. My arousal was so intense I almost rolled Mae onto her back and devoured her.

  But that was not what she needed right now.

  She needed restful sleep. More importantly she needed to let some of this energy go. Hopefully, we would be able to do that later today when we reached our destination. Her health and well-being were my utmost concern. My carnal needs could be put on the backburner.

  Mae’s breathing slowed. Her hand went limp on my stomach as she drifted back to sleep. I took her hand and held it. Her heartbeat never returned to its normal rhythm. Instead, it continued to flutter too fast in her chest. Fear that it would give out before we had a chance to truly be together caused my own heart to squeeze painfully in my chest. My throat tightened as did my grip on Mae’s hand. She shifted uncomfortably in her sleep. Immediately, I relaxed my hold on her, afraid she would awaken.

  I squeezed my eyes shut as I agonized over how to help her. I wanted to whisk Mae from here and hide her from everyone. I could easily buy a private island where it would only be the two of us and the sun. If I could, I would rip that power out of her, stripping her down until she was only a half-witch. I would satisfy her every need and want while keeping her all to myself and safe. I couldn’t lose her.

  Rage. Desire. Fear.

  Each emotion was so new, so raw… They consumed me, twisting my thoughts and making them irrational. Before Mae, I had no emotions. Every thought I had was logical, precise. The only reason I would ever second-guess myself would be if a better idea surfaced. Now, I questioned every move I made.

  We were on our way to a small, remote area just north of Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada. There we would station ourselves for the next two weeks while Arthur, Jasmine, and I patrolled the south end of the park. That was the location Zyroe and Autumn had shown Mae, where the gates that would allow the demi-gods to return to this realm would open. The place we were staying was far enough away to keep Mae from any danger that could be present in the south end of the park. She would be safe.

  Well… relatively safe.

  If there was someone out here trying to open the gates to bring the gods back, they would not be alone. They would have minions to help them. We could be outnumbered and easily defeated should our foe find out that we were here to thwart their plan. There could be traps set all around to make sure no one got close to their lair. If this person was twisted enough to bring the gods back, it could also be assumed they might tamper with dark magic, which was unpredictable and deadly. Worst case scenario, our foe could find out about Mae and her connection to the gods, which would make her a target.

  It was a risk bringing Mae here. I knew it, Arthur and Jasmine knew it, and deep down, despite her protests, Mae knew this, too. But what was the alternative? I could not leave
her behind. With her growing power, she was a beacon for spider demons, which had already risked attacking her twice while in my care. Other supernatural creatures were bound to find her eventually, and it would pull her into a spotlight none of us wanted for her. Worse yet, another Guardian could stumble upon Mae. The thought sent a chill of fear down my spine.

  More selfishly, I could not be apart from my mate. She was the air I breathed and the reason my heart kept beating. She was the only reason I cared what happened to the world. If she ceased to exist, then the world could burn. In any case, knowing how stubborn Mae was, she would find a way to make it here herself. Mae’s experience with Autumn and Zyroe had shaken her enough that she wanted to confirm for herself that nothing was going on here.

  I hated putting her safety at risk. If we stumbled upon any evidence that Autumn and Zyroe were right about their prediction, we would have to call in other Guardians. More Guardians meant there would be more wings in the air to help find our culprit, but it also meant we would be placing Mae in even more danger. They would see her as a child of a god, one of our mortal enemies. They might try to kill her. Or worse, they might covet her. With her ability to temporarily lift our curse, some of them would see her as the ultimate prize. Some would try to take her from me. Rage caused my gut to tighten at the thought.

  I took a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling. Emotions… They made things much more complicated. For the rest of the night, I stared up at the ceiling, adrift in the waves of these new feelings inside of me.

  Hours later, sunrays from the early morning light broke through the curtains just as Mae’s screams started up again. I held her as her fear subsided. Instead of falling back to sleep, she sat up. Her curly hair tumbled around her face and down past her shoulders as she turned her violet gaze upon me. Before her kidnapping, her power only lit up under her skin and in her eyes when it slipped out. But for the past two days now, the glow remained. She hated and feared it. Violet light streaked through her face, down her neck, and throughout her body. She thought she was a monster. I did not think anyone could be more wrong about themselves.

  I had lived thousands of lives, seen hundreds upon thousands of women across the world. I had seen the richest of women in the finest of clothes. I had witnessed the poorest of women in rags covered in filth. There had been thick, thin, fragile, old, and young women in my life. I had met what most had called beautiful, and maybe they had been. But none compared to the woman sitting next to me. Even tired and underweight, she was gorgeous.

  “I’m sorry, I probably kept you up all night,” she said softly with a frown.

  I sighed. Of course she was upset that she thought she had disturbed me. Her well-being was never her first thought. She did not know that I could go weeks without sleep.

  “You should have let me help you.”

  Mae’s frown deepened. She clearly hated the idea. The Guardians’ ability to compel someone seemed to unnerve her. Mae had allowed me to compel her to sleep when she had returned from the Pocket, but that had only been on the condition that I fed. Now, she wanted to overcome the nightmares on her own.

  Suddenly, Mae’s frown flipped upwards. Her salacious smile and bright violet eyes made my body hardened. My erection came to stand at attention and Mae noticed.

  “How about I make it up to you?” she offered.

  Mae reached down and tugged my borrowed shirt over her head. She was a petite woman; her frame was too thin from not being able to eat often but even underweight she maintained full breasts and fantastic buttocks. Her flawless skin was naturally sun-kissed and soft, and her lips…They were perfect, just like the rest of her.

  I was a lucky Guardian.

  When her hands came down onto my chest, I could feel our souls reach out, craving the connection they needed. Her touch sent electrical pulses of pleasure throughout my body, and I closed my eyes to savor the feeling. How could something so simple, like the touch of one’s mate, feel so incredible?

  By the time Mae had finished with her sensual apology for keeping me awake all night, we were both quivering as we basked in our releases. Mae rolled onto her side and her lips skimmed across my jaw. The contact was delightful. I turned my head so mine pressed against hers. Her moan sent my body on fire all over again. She pulled away first. Her eyes scanned my body hungrily. By the time her eyes returned to my face, I was ready for another round. But then I noted the worry in her gaze.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  Whenever Mae found her release, her power erupted from her, and I absorbed it. The first time it had happened the scorching energy had stunned me. Now, whenever she came, and her power rushed into me, I felt invigorated and alive. It lingered in my veins even hours after we made love. I became faster, stronger, and my abilities increased tenfold. Her worry was unnecessary.

  “Desperate for my mate again,” I told her, giving her a wide smile.

  Her husky laugh caused my heart to soar. “You’re insatiable.”

  “It is because you are addictive.”

  Mae rolled her eyes, still smiling. “Are you hungry?” She lifted her wrist and pretended to sniff it. “Breakfast smells amazing.”

  I laughed. Ah, amusement, the feeling caused me to feel so light and carefree. I loved how she evoked the feeling in me. I rolled myself on top of her, my hands braced on either side of her face.

  “Not now, my Mayflower.”

  “Mayflower?” She giggled. “Where’d that come from? Because you docked your colonial ship in my port?”

  I threw my head back and laughed. I shook my head. “No. It is because you are as beautiful as a flower that blooms in May.” She laughed and pushed at my chest. I rolled off her and climbed out of bed. “We need to leave soon. Can you be ready to go in an hour?”

  She nodded. With that I turned and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. By the time I walked into the kitchen I found Mae was just finishing up breakfast. Though she tried to hide it behind a smile, her evident pain was worrisome. Concerned, I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. Before I could say anything, she cut me off, “Good, you’re out of the shower. Now it’s my turn.”

  She jumped up and disappeared down the hallway. I stared after her. Mae was hurting, and I could do nothing to help her. My hands curled into fists at my sides. This afternoon when we had the space and privacy, I hoped we could find a way to force that power out of her system. Angry that I could do nothing for her for the time being, I snatched my phone from off the counter.

  Several messages flashed on the screen from Arthur House. The area around our lodging was secure, the preparations for my surprise for Mae tonight were made, and there was no more news from Gabriel about Zein’s murder. My jaw clenched as anguish washed over me. Zein had been a good man, and to be murdered in such a horrific manner… Whoever was behind it was going to pay.


  It was not long until we were on the road. Mae sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window admiring the scenery. It was beautiful in Alberta, Canada. The air was cleaner here, and nature seemed greener. I wished there was a different reason we were here. If we had been here on vacation, I would have taken Mae hiking to explore our surroundings. But we weren’t here for pleasure. Autumn and Zyroe’s warning echoed in my mind and chilled the blood that ran through my veins.

  I had a feeling that Zyroe would not have stepped in to help a witch if there was no merit to her story. His concerns about his fellow gods left a bitter taste in my mouth. What made the situation worse was, according to Mae’s biological parents, if their warning was true, she was the only person who could stop the end of the world.

  Why would anyone want the gods to return? Their anger and vengeance would destroy the world leaving nothing in their wake. There had to be some ulterior motive. Autumn and Zyroe seemed certain that the gates would open within two months. Would we be able to figure out who was scheming to bring back the gods in time?

  Would Mae’s body la
st long enough to stop whatever sinister plot was afoot?

  I reached over and took her hand in mine. I welcomed the contact. A glance in her direction told me she enjoyed it too. A smile played around the corner of her lips.

  Mae turned her whole body in her seat to face me, her expression thoughtful, and asked, “Did Arthur and Jazz go out last night to check out the area? Did they find anything suspicious?”

  I shook my head. “They only secured the property. They marked the territory and contacted the Alpha of the nearby wolf pack to let them know about our presence. They will go out today and do some scouting before we arrive.”

  Mae’s eyes widened, “Wait… Alpha of a wolf pack? Are you talking about… werewolves?”

  I frowned and said, “No, the pack in Jasper National Park are shifters, not werewolves. They were born able to shift into their wolf form. Shifters come in all shapes and sizes… and species. Werewolves are humans that were bitten by sick shifter wolves. They are considered dangerous mutants. Those bitten don’t realize they turn into crazed beasts during every full moon.”

  Thank goodness werewolves did not run in packs. The havoc they would cause in their wake would be devastating.

  Mae fell silent as she processed this information. “So… Is the Alpha okay with us hanging out here for a while?”

  “We are Guardians. Should we wish to take up residence within a pack’s territory, we will do so. Arthur and Jasmine let them know we arrived out of respect.”

  “That doesn’t, you know, piss shifters off?” she asked, confused.

  I tried to follow her train of thought. Why would shifters be annoyed at our presence? Did she think we were overstepping some type of boundary?

  “The respect and power that we have gained comes from trust. Everyone knows that a Guardian's role is to be a moderator, a peacekeeper, and a protector not a ruler. Our word is regarded highly, and should our advice be needed, it is taken. Because there is trust, we are given more freedom than most species. As long as we do not disrupt their way of life, the pack does not mind our presence.”


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