Unravel You: A Hot Billionaire Romance (Cole Brothers Series Book 1)

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Unravel You: A Hot Billionaire Romance (Cole Brothers Series Book 1) Page 13

by Diana A. Hicks

  “I talked to Mom too. She apologized to me. Imagine that?” He shook his head.

  I placed my hand on his cheek. “I think she’s ready to let go and move on. She’ll be happy in this house.”

  “Thank you for sticking it out with me.”

  “I love you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I love you too.” He kissed me—a long, warm kiss that made my heart swell with happiness.

  When he pulled away, I stood and grabbed a towel off the towel warmer on the wall next to the tub. I dried my hair as Derek rinsed suds off my body, pouring several handfuls of warm water on my sex. I playfully slapped his arm away.

  “We have until morning. Just one kiss.”

  I braced my hand on the wall and cried out his name when he leaned forward and pressed his lips on my clit.

  Anabelle sat in the foyer, clutching her purse to her chest. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been waiting an hour.”

  I glanced upstairs toward the master bedroom, where I’d left a very naked Derek sleeping on our bed. If I didn’t owe Anabelle big time, I would have stayed in bed wrapped in Derek’s arms for a few days.

  “I’m sorry. Derek and I had a lot to talk about after the incident with Bridget.”

  She tittered. “I bet you did.”

  I laughed and pushed her out the door. “Come on. We have to hurry if we’re going to make it back before dinnertime.”

  “Oh, did Derek tell you Matt called and said he would make the engagement party?”

  “He did. I’m looking forward to meeting Matt.”

  “Lilly is beside herself. She’s been worried sick about him. Especially after Wesley showed up a few months ago looking like he’d been to hell and back.”

  “What happened?” I stepped down the front stoop and climbed into the waiting car. I scooted over to make room for Anabelle.

  “No idea. You know Wesley doesn’t talk to me.”

  “Maybe I can ask Matt.”

  “Don’t. Omigod, Valentina. Not everything is a puzzle for you to solve.” She chuckled.

  I shrugged. “I don’t like secrets.”

  Within twenty minutes, our driver pulled into the Lenox Mall. We climbed out of the car and headed toward Saks. A girls’ day was exactly what I needed to forget about Bridget and all her crazy. I let out a breath and focused on Anabelle instead. She’d already gone through a rack of dresses and picked out a few to add to the pile of gowns the sales assistant had pulled out for her. She’d helped Anabelle buy a dress before.

  I winced when I picked up the first number. It was pink with a cute ruffle that v-lined across the waist. Cute, but not for a twenty-four-year-old woman who wanted to be seen as a...well...a twenty-four-year-old woman.

  “Nope.” I handed it back to the saleswoman. I repeated the process until there were no more dresses left.

  “Really? That blue dress was kind of cute. Don’t you think?” Anabelle went back to the rack, pulled it out, and pressed it against her body. “Let me try it on.”

  “I’m sure it fits you. But it’s not what we talked about. This dress says, ‘Hey. Sweet Ana just arrived.’”

  “We don’t want that.” She puffed out air.

  Making people see a different side of her wasn’t easy, especially when everyone back at the house worked so hard to recreate what they had when they were little. Part of that past included Sweet Ana. They didn’t want to let go of that.

  “Good.” I turned to the saleswoman. “Do you have anything soft to the touch, maybe low cut?”

  “I do.” She beamed at us and disappeared into the sea of racks full of evening dresses.

  “Low cut? I don’t think so.”

  “Just try it.”

  “Maybe if I looked like Jessica Rabbit over there.” She pointed her chin at a woman sauntering our way, all long legs and perfect posture. She reminded me of my friend Nikki, so full of confidence and sex appeal. I had to agree with Anabelle on this one. Jessica Rabbit could wear any dress she wanted.

  We both sat there and ogled her as she glided across the sales floor, going from rack to rack. Nothing was good enough for her. She moved designer dresses out of the way as if they were cheap clothes that didn’t belong in the store. She picked up a black dress and put it at arm’s length, turning it in place. When she glanced up, she made eye contact with me. The bright smile she flashed me made my cheeks hot.

  I returned the gesture. “That’s a beautiful dress.”

  “I know. It would look great on your friend.” Her tone of voice was smooth and sexy. At the end of friend, I detected an accent, but I wasn’t sure.

  “No.” Anabelle dismissed her with a wave. “There’s barely any dress in the front.”

  “Okay. If it’s not your thing, it’s not your thing.” She turned her attention back to me and furrowed her brows. “Don’t I know you?”

  “I’m pretty sure I would remember. No.”

  “I’ve seen you somewhere.” She glanced up for a beat, cocking her head. “You’re Derek’s fiancée. Valentina.”

  Oh shit. This monument of a women knew Derek. “That’s me. How do you know him?”

  She smiled at her hands. “Through a mutual friend at the country club. I recognized you from the social media announcement. The paper posted a few pictures of you.”

  I groaned. I hadn’t realized they would post pictures so soon on social media. The announcement wasn’t coming out until next week. But I should have known. The local billionaire getting married was big news. “Right.”

  “Well, let me say, you’re more beautiful in person. The picture didn’t do you justice.” She raised a perfectly waxed eyebrow. “I’m Rebecca Smith, by the way.” She offered me a hand.

  How did she manage to look as if she’d just stepped out of a day at the spa?

  “Nice to meet you.”

  The saleswoman returned with some decent options for Anabelle and ushered her to the dressing room.

  “I should go with her.”

  “Yes, of course. I have a few things I want to try on myself.”

  I followed Anabelle to the back of the store. She had a pink dress clutched to her chest. “You’re still set on a pink dress.”

  “I like that color.”

  “You feel comfortable in that color. But that’s not why we’re here. We’re here to bust you out of the box.”

  She laughed. “Are you okay? I’d be worried if someone like that knew about me and my fiancée. It was a little creepy, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah. A little. Go get the dress on. Derek’s already texting me.”

  “Okay.” She slapped the curtain out of the way and went into her dressing room.

  I sat on the sofa set against the wall facing the trifold mirror. Rebecca waved at me as she took the dressing room next to Anabelle’s. I had nothing to worry about with her. I couldn’t let Anabelle put silly ideas in my head. Not to mention she hadn’t said she knew knew Derek. “She’s not you.” His words echoed in my head. After having sex in the woods and then in our room, I believed him. Not every hot woman was after Derek.

  Movement in Rebecca’s direction caught my eye. When I peered at her through the sliver between the curtain and the dividing wall, the long red-and-purple bruises on her back made me gasp. I covered my mouth and scooted over on the seat, away from her line of sight.

  What the hell? What happened to her? I shot to my feet and went into Anabelle’s dressing room before Rebecca came out of hers.

  “What do you think?” She met my gaze in the full-length mirror.

  “We need more skin.” I leaned my head toward her and whispered, “Rebecca’s back is covered in really nasty bruises.”

  “Oh my God. Who’s Rebecca?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Jessica Rabbit.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, obviously not. But what do we say? How do we help her?”

  Anabelle gripped both my shoulders. “Valentina, unless she says something to us,
I don’t think we should pry. You can’t help everyone you meet.”

  She was right. Rebecca could have just taken a fall while doing a million different things. Why did my mind go there right away? I touched the side of my face. I’d been there before, putting up with the abuse from someone I thought loved me.

  “Hey. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. It just took me by surprise. I wasn’t expecting that. You know.” I wiped my hands on my pants and plastered on a grin. “You should try on the dress she recommended.”

  “Fine. My brother’s not even here. Who’s going to tell me I can’t show a bit of skin?”

  “That’s the spirit. I’ll go get it.”

  I darted back to the showroom. Rebecca stood by a register with a red dress draped over her arm. I stalked toward her and stopped to browse the rack closest to the register. When she glanced my way, I smiled at her. “The dress looks amazing. I love that color.”

  “Thank you. I wasn’t even shopping for an evening gown. I guess I just needed some cheering up.” She offered a sad smile that twisted my insides.

  “What happened?” I put the hanger back, then realized she didn’t know I’d seen her. “I mean, why did you need cheering up?”

  “Don’t mind me.” She waved her hand in dismissal. “What are you ladies shopping for? Your friend needs a lot of help.”

  I hesitated because my plan was crazy. Not to mention Derek would definitely not be okay with it. “We’re having an engagement party in three weeks.”

  “That’s great. I bet it’ll be lovely. Congratulations.” She stepped toward the cashier. Something about her felt sad to me. “I really do think your friend would look great in that black little number. I left it in the dressing room for her, if she wants to take a chance on it.” She winked.

  The saleswoman, who insisted on dressing Anabelle like a little girl, scanned the dress. “That’ll be six thousand two hundred and thirty-two dollars.” If it were possible, her grin would have wrapped around her head.

  Rebecca nodded, pulling out her wallet, which was thick with bills. She quickly counted the money and handed it to her. The saleswoman raised her eyebrows but recovered in the same breath. Money was money. I fisted my hands, conjuring all kinds of bad scenarios for Rebecca. Bruises and cash couldn’t add up to anything good.

  “Thank you. I had actually come out here to find it.” I took in a breath. “Hey, this might sound crazy, but if you’re available, um, maybe you can join us on Saturday, the twenty-fourth.”

  “You mean, attend your engagement party? I don’t know.” She took her change back and put it away neatly in her wallet. “I mean I would love to, if you’re okay with that. If Derek doesn’t mind. I haven’t been to the country club in ages.”

  Derek would probably mind. He’d been trying to keep the guest list to less than two hundred people. Would he notice one more? Too bad. I’d already extended the invitation, and I could tell Rebecca wanted to say yes. Anabelle was right we shouldn’t pry, but Rebecca looked like she needed a friend.

  “I’m sure he won’t. He’d love to see you. Do you have the address?”

  “I do.” She beamed at me. “I’ll see you Saturday. Thank you.” She grabbed her package and left the way she came.

  I went back to the dressing room feeling better about Rebecca. When I walked in, Anabelle stood on the small platform facing the trifold mirror, her mouth slightly opened as she stared at herself. She’d found Rebecca’s choice, and it looked so freaking hot on her. “Omigod, Anabelle. That’s the dress.”

  “I know. I love it.” She ran her fingers down her cleavage. The cut of the dress ended in a V just above her belly button. “How do I keep my boobs contained in this dress?”

  “Don’t worry about that. I have tape.”

  Her eyes watered. “Thank you. I don’t even know why this was so hard for me.”

  “You’re welcome. Mission accomplished.” I bounced a little in place, and we laughed together.

  Anabelle turned her attention to the mirror and smoothed out the long skirt of the dress. The contrast of black against her pale skin was beautiful, like the painting she’d chosen for our bedroom: light and dark.

  “I saw you talking to Rebecca. Did you find out what happened?”


  “You know, I’m starting to recognize that look on your face. You’re onto something. What is it? I want in.” She braced her hands on her hips. That dress was a bad influence on her.

  “I invited her to the engagement party.”

  “What? Why?”

  “She needs a friend. Maybe she’ll open up at the party.” I raised a shoulder, biting my lip. “Do you have room for one more on the list?”

  My plan was simple. Get Rebecca drunk and find out how she hurt her back. I’d be willing to bet there was a who behind all those bruises. Men could be so nasty sometimes. I knew that from experience.


  You've Never Done This Before?


  I rolled on my side and stared at my phone, which was flashing six o’clock while blaring the usual alarm tone at me. When I agreed to a bachelor party today, I hadn’t realized it’d be a whole-day affair. All I wanted was to stay in bed with Valentina. Leaving her to play golf with my brothers felt wrong. Golf and drinks were all they’d been able to get me to agree to.

  Valentina and I had made some progress the night of our big fight. And a lot more progress the nights after that. In the past three weeks, our time in Atlanta had been exactly what I’d hoped it would be. I got to reconnect with my family, and my family got to meet the love of my life. Valentina, in turn, was also opening up to them. After our first week, she’d even agreed to let Max come over and hang out for five nights.

  That little boy was sunshine in a tiny body. Both my parents were beside themselves to have Max around. Mom spent a great deal of time cooking and baking with him. Of the five of us, only Zack liked spending time in the kitchen with her. So having Max as her little helper now felt like old times for her. When Max wasn’t with Mom or Valentina, he and I got to hang out and play baseball.

  Valentina had been sad to see him go the following Tuesday morning, but she had to let him go back to school. Plus, the engagement party was this Saturday, and she didn’t want him to have to sit through that. At least that was what she’d said to me when we drove Max and Em to the airport. My guess was the mama bear in her wanted to vet all the guests before she let them meet Max. Baby steps.

  Valentina was here with me. She loved me as much as I loved her, and I couldn’t wait to marry her next month. I shifted my weight to lie on my side, facing her. She hadn’t even bothered to get her nightclothes back on after our last round of sex. The sheets tangled around her legs, leaving the rest of her exposed. Her hair wrapped itself around her pillow in thick curls. I reached for it but stopped midway when she stirred in her sleep.

  As if she could sense me staring, her nipples tightened. Jesus, I wanted her again. I glanced at my screen. We were out of time. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I got up and headed for the shower. Maybe one day it’d stop feeling as if I were leaving her all the time, as if she were leaving me.

  The guys had agreed to let me work this morning. Bridget’s bullshit contracts had all been void, but my team still needed plenty of direction. If anything, they needed to see me and know I hadn’t bailed on them. I’d committed to make things right, and that was exactly what I planned to do.

  I donned dark slacks and a white dress shirt, then went into the closet and packed my golf clothes. Valentina’s clothes hung on the opposite side of the closet. Knowing she was ready and willing to be part of my life here made me stupid with happiness. Honestly, stupid was the right word.

  When I left the bathroom, she sat on our bed with the white sheets barely covering her hips, hair sprawled over her shoulders. “You’re leaving?” she asked in a sleepy voice.

  “I’m sorry. I promised the guys I’d golf with them today. And I
have to work for a couple of hours before tee time. We’ll be back early. The engagement party is tomorrow, and I can’t be hungover for that.”

  Her gaze snapped up at me. She’d obviously forgotten the party was tomorrow. “Please don’t make me go through that on my own.”

  I chuckled. “Of course not. I wouldn’t do that. Golf and drinks. That’s it.”

  “But why today?”

  “Matt’s leaving after the party. Remember?” My brothers Matt and Tyler had flown in last night. After a night of heavy drinking, Matt and I got talking about relationships and second chances. Our conversation made him realize he’d been an asshole to this woman he’d just met. Matt had never been one to take women seriously. If fact, he stayed away from most of them. Somehow this woman, Ela, got under his skin. Happened to be the best of us.

  “Oh right.” She rubbed her eyes, and then her expression changed. And fuck if I didn’t recognize that look. “I like you in work clothes. You look so hot.”

  I barked out a laugh. “Is that so?” I stalked to the bed and sat at the edge of the mattress. My cock throbbed for her, tenting my pants. I’d resisted the urge to feel her skin before because I didn’t want to wake her up. But she was wide awake now, her cheeks pink, her lips swollen from kissing last night. She was so fucking irresistible. “I will hurry back I—” I stood to leave.

  She grabbed my hand and pressed it against her breasts as she grabbed my erection. “Just one kiss.” She echoed my words from before, when I made her late to her shopping date with Ana. Sitting on her heels, she let go of my hand and made quick work of my belt and pants. How the hell could I refuse when she sat there butt naked, rubbing me?

  When I sprung out of my boxer briefs, her eyes widened, brows slightly raised. And then it occurred to me. For all the times we’d had sex, she’d never really taken the time to explore me. I, on the other hand, could draw her pretty pussy on paper with incredible detail. I squeezed her breast, tugging at her taut nipples while she figured out what to do with the cock in her hands. I had a few ideas. I ached to see her warm and wet mouth around me.


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