ArcKnight (The ArcKnight Chronicles #1)

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ArcKnight (The ArcKnight Chronicles #1) Page 36

by Alexia Purdy


  I stood before the Royal Court, my head held high and my eyes focused ahead. Alec stood beside me and did the same. We both avoided meeting Gil’s angry eyes as the magistrate banged his gavel over and over. The crowd was on fire, hollering out encouraging shouts and maddening chants. I’d just presented my challenge to Gil, and he wasn’t taking it well.

  His response of, “You can’t do this, I won’t allow it,” had earned him a sour welcoming from the crowd, and they had shot him down. It didn’t help that he’d brought his new concubine to the proceedings. She cowered in her seat next to him, trembling as she kept her head down. She had no idea what she’d gotten herself into, and it pained me none to not care.

  “I can challenge you for the throne as can anyone in the pack. It’s an old law, but it is a law. I see you as unfit to rule and, therefore, challenge you for the throne of the ArcKnight pack.”

  His eyes burned with a violent hatred I’d never had the pleasure of having directed my way. He reserved such disdain for his underlings, but I was no soldier or peon to step all over anymore. My challenge for the throne required a prompt response or he’d forfeit his reign.

  “I will never step down. You’re a woman. Women are forbidden to challenge a male counterpart for the throne.”

  “That is true unless they have a male champion to fight for them.”

  The purple-red color blossoming on his face along with the bulging veins along his temples made me wonder if Gil was going to have a coronary. He was far too young to be so stressed out. I almost wanted to back away in case he exploded.

  “Queen Rafaela,” the magistrate said, “who have you chosen to fight as your champion for the title of Alpha?”

  I held my arm out to Alec, who edged closer, with his back straight as a board. Never had I felt surer of my decisions than I did now. He had agreed to defend me, whereas Gil had failed me in the worst possible way. The pain of his betrayal lingered beneath my surface, but I shoved it so far down, I hoped it might never break through again. He was something I had to get rid of, like a thorn, a parasite eating away at my life, my pride, my love. This was going to hurt him more than me, but nothing ever went the way I wanted it to. He’d tried to cast me aside, and I would relish this payback with every savory bite.

  I waited for the crowd to quiet down before announcing my champion. “Alec of the StaNover bloodline has accepted to undertake this challenge in my name.”

  Another wave of gasps, shocked expressions, and curious chatter flurried about the room, making the magistrate more annoyed than before as he slammed the gavel down, over and over.

  “Silence! I will have the crowd removed if need be.” The mass of people fell mute, too invested in the outcome to risk being kicked out. “Very well, Queen Rafaela,” he said when he was satisfied. “When do you propose this will happen?”

  “Tonight. They fight until there is only one champion left standing in the midcourt arena.”

  “To the death?”

  I eyed Gil, whose expression now bordered on catatonic. He’d sat down, speechless, and was staring at the hardwood floor before him. Was he so resigned already? Had he no fight left in him? It made no difference to me, but a small part of me still ached with hurt for him.

  Still, it served him right.

  “No. Only until one champion is down for more than ten seconds. Then the loser may choose to stay on, demoted, or leave the ArcKnight stronghold with his new bride.” I snickered slightly, trying to hide my defiance.

  I’d meant the last part for either Gil or Alec. I couldn’t predict the future, and even with the utmost confidence in my new fiancé, I had to contemplate the very real possibility that we could lose. I’d not watched Gil in combat for a long time, but Alec had. He’d assured me it would be quite a fight, but he was certain he could beat the Alpha. I prayed he was right, for I’d have to leave my home forever if we lost.

  “Does the Alpha accept the challenge?” The magistrate waited, along with the impatient crowd. It would be the fight of the century, and everyone was sure to want to be there.

  “Yes.” Gil looked up at the magistrate. “I accept, but with one condition.”

  “What is that?”

  Gil turned toward me. “If the queen’s champion loses, she stays as my second mate, and Alec will be banished forever.”

  I clenched my fists together and drilled an acidy look into him. How dare he? If the magistrate agreed, I’d be left there to rot as a lowly secondary wife. The worst part would be that Alec would have to leave his home and his beloved army.

  “Impossible,” I snapped.

  “That is not your decision,” The magistrate said, smirking. He obviously favored Gil, and I made a mental note to have him demoted when this was all over. I could tell he believed Alec and I would lose. I would see to it that he begged for our forgiveness. “I concur with the King. If he wins, the challenger will be banished from the ArcKnight stronghold forever and Queen Rafaela will remain as second mate. If Queen Rafaela’s champion wins, the former Alpha must leave with his new bride. The challenge will be held at dusk, in the arena.”

  The gavel slammed, and I jumped slightly. The rush of chattering began once more, and Alec slipped his hands over my shoulders.

  “It’ll be over soon. Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”

  I reached up to touch his fingers, feeling the loving warmth radiate from them. “I know.”

  “There’s no way I would leave you here, you know that, right?” He pulled me in, his lips brushing against mine. Each touch sent sparks down my core.

  “I know. There’s no way I would ever stay here with him. A lowly second wife? How dare he? After everything I went through to help him. I always made sure everything was in order, and he pays me back by discarding me for another because I haven’t gotten pregnant yet? No one treats me like that and gets away with it.” I hugged Alec tighter and felt safe and secure. “I’m glad this happened, or I’d still be at his side, unhappy and used up without ever knowing true love. I have you now, and that’s all that matters.”

  Alec beamed and took my hand, leading me out into the corridors reserved for the royals so they could leave court safely. The challenge was at dusk, and there was so much to do beforehand. It was easy to break a vow in our pack. One just had to renounce their spouse. For those with royal blood, the process was the same except when challenging for a position, such as Alpha. I had to be married to be Alpha, and since I was a woman, I couldn’t challenge Gil directly. If the Alpha was a woman, I could. It just kept things fairly matched. Instead, Alec would fight for me, and if he won, he would technically take over as Alpha even though I would be the one in power.

  Sharing the throne with Alec would be so much more agreeable. He had grown up treating the women in his family with the utmost love, respect and equality. Gil’s childhood had involved spoiling him and conditioning him to be like his chauvinistic father, who had suppressed his mother in ways I would never impose on anyone. No wonder she’d lost her mind living here. Who could blame the poor woman?

  And what of the frail former queen? What would become of her when I won?

  I gulped down a twinge of panic. I’d been taking care of Gil’s mother. I made sure her servants treated her well, kept her clean and presentable, even when she wasn’t all there. I wouldn’t be seeing her much anymore, and I prayed my replacement was half as kind as I’d been to her.

  Every action, no matter how well intended, rippled across our lives like a pebble thrown into a pond, affecting everyone we loved. Despite the potential heartache, I knew that when this was all over, it would be for the best, for everyone.

  Everyone except Gil.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


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