Sea's Sorceress

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Sea's Sorceress Page 2

by Brynna Curry

  Rhia placed the receiver on the hook and shouted over the crowd.

  “Listen up, everyone.” The chaos died down until a hush fell over the room. “Okay, Good news. Our Skye has a new niece and nephew. In celebration, enjoy a round on the house in honor of Jack and Olivia Roarke on the birth of their twins Aiden and Raine.”

  Her announcement met with a host of shouts, woots, and happy laughter.

  She tucked a stray curl behind her ear, smiled, and went back to work.

  * * * *

  Skye ignored Liv’s curious stare and hung up the phone with an unsteady hand as the wave of Rhiannon’s emotions washed over him. Worry. Weariness, tinged with grief, but for a moment there had been more than the usual array he’d gotten used to tuning out. Desire, longing, love bright as a thousand candles radiating from her. She’s in love with me. I am an idiot. He felt a push against his thoughts and quickly blocked his twin’s prying with a firm blank wall. “Where are your manners, Liv? Do you want me to pry into all the naughty secrets you keep carefully hidden? I bet there are plenty.”

  “No. What are you up to?”

  “Not a thing. Look. She’s smiling at me. Who’s the most beautiful little lass in the whole world? Raine.” Skye tipped his head down to kiss his niece on the top of her downy black hair. The baby grabbed his pinky and squeezed, her dark blue eyes wide and completely trusting him to hold her safe.

  “She can’t smile yet.” Liv shook her head. “We’ve another month or so before she starts smiling.”

  “Nonsense. She is. You’ll be a heartbreaker, love.”

  “Hey now. She’s got a good thirty years before I’ll even consider letting her date. It won’t do any good to argue with him, baby. He’s too stubborn,” Jack shouted from down the hall.

  Liv refused to give up her point. “There’s truth in that, and both of you are doing your best to change the subject. You shouldn’t tease Rhiannon. Maegan won’t appreciate your flirting with other women.”

  “Maegan and I are no longer an issue and haven’t been for months.”

  “Not what she says.”

  “Well. She can deal with it. I don’t appreciate a cheat.”

  Skye looked into his niece’s eyes and knew the dark blue color would change to the same cocoa brown as Jack’s, while Aiden’s would stay blue like his mother’s. Some parts of the future were as easy to reveal as pulling back a curtain to look through a window. Others were as difficult as searching for a black snake in the dark. If he had seen how crazy Maegan would act when he broke it off, he’d never have gone out–or anything else–with her in the first place. “Let this go. I know what I’m doing. Are you sure you’re feeling okay? I mean, it’s only been three hours since the birth.”

  “Yes, I’m fine. So much energy in fact, I feel like I could run for miles.”

  “It took powerful magic to heal you, but I think we all got the backlash from it. I feel like I drank ten gallons of coffee. A little drunk, maybe.”

  Jack came in through the door off the living room that led into the new addition, with Aiden cradled against his shoulder. “We’re ready. Aren’t we, pal?”

  “Ready for what?” Liv asked.

  “Ready for your surprise.” Jack grinned and took his wife’s hand. “Come on. I can’t wait for you to see it.”

  Skye walked ahead of them and opened the door.

  Liv followed him inside the huge nursery.


  “Oh. Oh. Jack, it’s beautiful.” Tears streamed from Liv’s eyes as she took in the soft shades of the green walls, Jack’s choice. Two white cribs stood at the far end of the room lining the wall end-to-end. Skye had decorated them in pink and blue crib sets with mobiles hanging above each bed. Two matching white rocking chairs sat next to each other, facing shelving units with baskets lined up on them. A fairy tale mural complete with a beautiful princess waving from the tower window of a castle on Raine’s side of the room, and on Aiden’s side, a handsome prince riding a blue-scaled dragon whose bejeweled tail spread around the room against the green background. It had taken almost a month to finish the mural, spending an hour here and there, first drawing, then painting, always dividing his time between his art, his family and Rhiannon. Or helping her, he amended. She wasn’t his, not yet.

  “We finished it a couple of days ago but wanted to give the room time to air.”

  “Jack, a nursery? You built a nursery? What about all that talk about your own space to work?”

  “I lied. I love you, Olivia Corrigan Roarke. You three are my heart, my soul, my life. I want you surrounding me every moment of the day.” Jack slid his free arm around his wife’s waist and pulled her to him.

  “I love you so much. You’re forgiven this time, but if you ever lie to me again, I’ll flog you on the spot.”

  His sister leaned up and kissed her husband, with their son and daughter cradled between them. Love, strong and pure, poured from the couple, washing into him with a sweet wave of longing and utter faith. The magnitude of their emotions left him shaking, and feeling more than a little like a third wheel. He cleared his throat. “Ah now, that’s a lovely sight.”

  “The room is beautiful, Skye. Thank you.” Liv walked to where he stood in the doorway and kissed his cheek. “You do such wonderful work, the building and painting of things.”

  “It was a pleasure. Now, I’ll to leave you to enjoy it. I have to get back to the pub. Rhiannon sends her congratulations to both of you.”

  Jack cocked a dark eyebrow and smirked. “You’re spending a lot of time there lately, Skye. One wonders if something more than the atmosphere has caught your attention.”

  “Maybe. Lots of pretty lasses try to catch my eye.”

  “A feisty redhead with emerald eyes?”

  “A gentleman never tells.”

  Liv snorted. “Rake is more like it. Rhiannon’s a good five years younger than him. She’s out of his age bracket.”

  “Honey, age has nothing to do with love.” Jack waggled his eyebrows. “Or steamy phone conversations with said lass, or should I call her, love, darling, honey, Rhia. And my favorite, ‘little minx’. I’m going to have to remember that one. You’ve got it bad, my friend.”

  Skye laughed at the pair. “I’ve known her all my life, of course I love her. Rhia’s my best friend and she needs me. So, I’m off to rescue my lovely damsel in distress.”

  “Rhiannon isn’t the sort of woman who needs rescuing,” Jack muttered. “Except maybe from you.”

  Liv just shook her head.

  “If you need anything…”

  “We’ll call.”

  Chapter 2

  Riding a high no drug or liquor could compete with, Skye opened the back door of the pub and walked into the kitchen. Hands tingling with latent magic from the healing earlier, his skin felt hot and hummed with an odd energy. He wasn’t quite sure how to get rid of it, since he’d never actually performed magic. Maybe he could go for a run along the beach later, though he doubted it would help. There was a hitch in the air, as if the world had skipped a beat and waited for the next pulse of rhythm.

  Siobhan was lifting chips out of the fryer.

  “Hello, darling. When are you going to throw over Sean and run away with me?”

  She smiled, and set the chips on the counter to drain. “Never, handsome. Oh, but you are a sight for sore feet. Mine have had it for one night. It’s a madhouse out there.”

  “I’m sorry you had to stay so long. I hope you found the chance to get off your feet for a bit.”

  “Boss demanded it. Well, I’m headed home. See you later.”

  “Be careful.”

  The screen door smacked shut behind her.

  He left the door open to the cool, damp evening air and tied a white apron around his waist over low-slung faded jeans. Rolling up his sleeves, he began peeling the potatoes he’d set in the sink to soak before running off to Liv’s. He hadn’t told Rhia he was back. Setting the peeling knife in the sink, Skye ri
nsed his hands and dried them on the dish towel lying on the counter, and picked up a tray of clean glasses.

  Pushing open the swinging door to the dining room, he let his eyes roam until they found her. Rhia stood behind the bar, moving in time to song while she pulled a draft from the tap. She didn’t sing along, but her full lips curved up in one corner with a faint smile. Her expression was soft, a little sad.

  With a smack on the butt, the door popped back and almost knocked the tray he carried out of his hands. The backlash of love she’d kept hidden from him was so much stronger now that he was aware of her feelings. Why hadn’t he felt this from her before? Rhia always kept her heart carefully guarded. He stood there a moment, just watching her movements and easy way with the customers.

  Graceful, attentive. She’d pulled her long auburn hair up and back into a loose knot, but the curls wouldn’t be contained and spilled out in ringlets here and there. If he took out the pins, it would fall to her waist. How many pins did she use to hold it up? Her eyes would match her emerald blouse if she looked at him, but he was certain Rhia hadn’t planned to use the feminine trick. She’d left the top two buttons undone, just enough to be stylish without losing modesty. Every man in the room watched her, but she was an untouchable gem unaware of her appeal.

  Skye set the tray on the bar. Flipping up the pass-through, he sidled behind Rhiannon and rested a hand on her shoulder. She jumped at the spark of electricity that zinged between them and almost dropped the mug in her hand. That’s new. He let his hand slide down along her arm to her waist, breathed in her scent–always lemony–and smiled. She might have missed half the eyes in the room following the movement, but he didn’t. Good. Let them see.

  Leaning closer, he spoke into her ear so she’d hear him over the racket. “Miss me?” To the room of onlookers who were desperately trying to hide the fact they were watching, it would look like he kissed her ear. “I missed you.”

  Rhia set down the mug, turned in his arms and almost bumped into his mouth. Even with the recovery, she was very close, barely a couple of inches from him. Her chest rose and fell in sharp, fast movements under his hands as Rhia’s breath quickened. The only safe place for her hands was flat on his chest. The touch of them burned through his shirt into his skin.

  “God, you scared me half to death. Don’t you know better than to sneak up on a body like that? I thought I gave you the evening off.”

  “You did. Liv’s well tended and I’m needed here. Siobhan is already gone.”

  She sighed and he ached to close the few inches between them, to taste her mouth.

  “Well, that’s the truth of it. It’s been crazy. I had one girl quit, just up and walked out. No reason. Maegan is being her usual self and acting like a stone cold bitch, glaring at me every chance she gets. I have no idea why. I’d like to smack her, but I don’t care to face assault charges. It’s been like this since you left.”

  Hmm. No wonder she was tending the bar instead of working on the books as she usually did in the evening. There were smudges under her eyes. Rhia wasn’t sleeping well. “Honey, I broke it off with her a couple of months ago. She’s mad at me and taking it out on you.”

  “Why would she do that? It’s not like I’m competition.”

  “Why don’t you just fire her?”

  “If I could spare the extra hands, I would in a heartbeat. But I can’t, at least not tonight. Looks like I’m going to have to hire someone. And I’m not your honey.”

  “Love, then.”

  Her eyes sparkled with temper. “I’m not your love either, Skye.”

  “You might like it, Rhia.” He lifted one of the loose curls and twirled the tip around his finger before tucking it behind her ear.

  “Would you stop touching me? People are watching.”

  “I’m only teasing you, sweetheart.”

  “Do you like playing with fire?”

  “Darling, I love the heat.”

  “I’d tell you to go to the devil, but I don’t think he’d have you. You’d give him a run for his money.”


  She sighed. “I wish you wouldn’t say my name like that.”

  “Like what?” The hand on her waist was joined by its twin, which slid around to the other side so he could hold her in place.

  “Like chocolate covered sin. You ought to be illegal. Go back to the kitchen, sex god. You’re making my barmaids drool, and I can’t afford to lose another one tonight.”

  He laughed and turned her loose. “Okay, okay. Did you take the time for lunch? You’re pale.”

  “No, but I’m fine. I’ll take supper when I can, but not for a while yet. Too much to do.”

  “Make time. You’re no good to anyone if you run yourself down. I expect to see you in my kitchen in ten minutes. The world can bloody well wait on you for a change.”

  When she opened her mouth to protest, he simply pressed a fingertip to her lips to close them.

  “We need to talk. Alone, love.”

  “It will have to wait, Skye. We’re busy.”

  “It’s waited long enough. Ten minutes, or I’ll come back out here, kiss you brainless in front of God and everybody, pick you up and carry you back there myself. Everyone will think we’re having a wild, torrid affair. Don’t argue.” Skye let the thought of doing just that tease him, torment him. Maybe he should. Just lay all the cards out in the open and tell her what he’d been hiding for months. He’d been entertaining fantasies of Rhiannon for a while now. Nothing he’d tried had been able to drown them out. He hadn’t lied to Jack–she was his best friend, but there was more between them than friendship. More than playful banter. He wanted those molten kisses in the dark…heated skin, her sigh whispering into his ear as he sank deep into her warmth.

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He leveled a look at her and let his gaze drift down to her mouth. “Oh, I would. Want to find out?”

  “You don’t think of me that way.” Rhia’s pink tongue darted out to lick her lips.

  “What if I do? Do you think of me?”

  “Skye. People are starting to stare.”

  “Are they? I hadn’t noticed. I want to know. Do you?”


  Her hand shook in his when he pressed a soft kiss to her ring finger. “Ten minutes, love.” As he walked back to the kitchen, Skye heard her mumble under her breath.

  “I’m not your love.”

  “We’ll see, Rhia. We’ll see.”

  * * * *

  Rhia took her time going back to the kitchen, mainly to aggravate Skye, but partly to see if he’d make good on his promise. Maybe she should take the offensive in their little war. She stopped to check on the Finney brothers. “Good day to you Sean, Seamus.” She inclined her head in a polite nod. “And how is your meal? Need anything?”

  The elder brother blushed and muttered, “Fine, ma’am,” and tucked into his potato soup.

  “My life would be complete if you’d promise your to heart to me, lovely Rhiannon.” Sean waggled his eyebrows, eliciting a laugh from her. He was thirty years her senior if a day.

  “Ah, I’ve already promised it to another, but I can offer you a pint to cure your heartache.”

  “Maybe dessert instead. What’s your Skye got on the menu today?”

  “Apple tarts.”

  “My favorite.”

  “I’ll be back in a minute.” Walking to the end of the bar, Rhia flipped up the pass-through, glanced toward the sound of raised voices coming from the corner table. Thinking of the meal waiting for her, she sighed and walked over to do damage control. First chance she could get, Maegan was so fired.

  “Good evening. Is there a problem?”

  “Yes. This food is cold and your staff is arguing with me about it.” The older woman, clearly a tourist, glared past Rhia’s shoulder at the woman behind her.

  Rhia turned to the waitress. “I’ll handle this, Maegan, but I want to talk to you after your shift.”

  The bl
onde curled her fist around the ticket book in her pocket, but she didn’t put up a fight as Rhiannon had expected. “You’re the boss,” she growled.

  “I’ll have my cook prepare another meal for you. Please enjoy it on the house. I apologize for the rudeness of my staff.” She’d send them dessert to sweeten their opinion.

  With her customers mollified, she pushed open the swinging door into the kitchen.

  Skye turned to her, smiled and pulled out a chair at the small table he used for breaks.

  She sat and sort of melted into the chair and rested her forehead on the table. The pub belonged to her family, but this was his space, his territory, no matter whose hands prepared food here.

  “I must repeat myself. Your ex-girlfriend is a bitch.” She mumbled into the tabletop and didn’t protest when his long artist fingers began rubbing circles into her aching shoulders and neck. His touch was steady, soothing. The stress eked away.

  “Yes, she is. Better?”

  “Mmm.” Had that purring sound actually come from her lips? His hands felt like heaven. “Much.”

  “Then eat your soup, love, and keep me company while I work.” He patted her shoulder and walked back to the sink. Tension bounced off him like waves.

  “Ah, we need three orders of apple tarts. Two for the Finneys and the other for the table in the back. A peace offering.” She sipped the soup and watched him take four saucers off a stack and fill the order.

  He’d tied up his black hair with a leather band and now it fell in a thick rope of silk between his shoulder blades. What would it feel like if she ran her fingers down its length? Better not to think about that too much. Damn him for threatening to kiss her. Then again, she had called him a sex god, even though she’d been teasing. What she knew about sex wouldn’t fill a tea cup. Turnabout’s fair play.

  Skye gave her a dazzling smile and handed her one of the saucers.

  “Be right back.” He gathered the other plates onto a tray and took them out to the waitress. When he came back to the kitchen, Skye sat next to her at the table. “Try one.”


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