Sea's Sorceress

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Sea's Sorceress Page 6

by Brynna Curry

  “Pretend with me. We can stay here all day. Make love. Sweet and slow. Wild and hot. Anything you like.” Skye kissed her bare shoulder.

  “I wish we could. Kate wants to meet me at six. We’d better make ourselves presentable and get over to the pub. Can’t wear slinky green silk and black lace to work.”

  “A good thing that. I’d probably have to kill some poor soul. We still have time for steamy shower sex. Wear something of mine and we’ll have twenty more minutes.” He waggled his eyebrows at her, climbed out of bed and picked her up in his arms.

  She laughed. “I love the way you think!”

  Skye set her down on the heated tile floor. She leaned over the tub, turned the shower on hot, and stepped in under the hot spray. Water streamed through her hair. Taking the shampoo off the shower caddy, Skye squirted a generous amount of the liquid into his palm. She let him play, scrunching her curls until rich, bubbly lather began to sluice over her skin.

  Wherever he touched, she leaned into him, ached for him.

  “Rhiannon, you steal my breath.”

  “I wish we did have all day to lay in bed.”

  “We’ll have other days, every day until the last.”

  “Touch me, Skye. Take me.”

  He boosted her up, and Rhiannon wrapped around him even as he slid into her. He took her fast, hot. “Don’t stop. Don’t.” Rhiannon kissed him as she climbed higher. “I love you. With me.”

  “Always, love.”

  Both of them took all the other could give.

  * * * *

  Kate sat across from her, bright eyed, but looking a little green around the gills.

  “Could I get you some coffee? Tea? Soda crackers?”

  “No thanks. I feel a little under the weather. A lot has happened over the last few days. Skye told you?” Kate did look pale, almost nauseous.

  “About the wedding plans? Yes. But then he knew the day you and Ryan came in for brunch you two were heading back together. Congratulations. Sure you’re okay?” Rhiannon pushed the sleeve of the borrowed shirt she wore up above her elbows and shifted in her seat. His jeans were just a bit snug for her and molded to her curves, but after the shower, there hadn’t been time to change before opening up.

  “I’ll be fine. Thank you, but I did want to talk to you about your father. I wish you’d try to convince him to at least talk to the oncologist.”

  “Ah, and why would I do that?”

  “There may be something more another can do that I couldn’t.” Kate took a calling card out of her pocket and handed it to Rhiannon.

  “Here. Just call and talk to him yourself.”

  “Could Ryan heal Da? No. You can’t do anything more.”

  “Rhiannon, you have to know I’ve done all I can. The cancer has progressed to both his lungs, lymph nodes, and there are cancerous cells in his bloodstream. This is the only way I know to help.”

  “Just stand with us. Just be there. It’s enough, Kate. He doesn’t have long. I know that. I also know it’s his choice to die at home. Don’t you believe we should all leave this world in the place of our choosing, if not the time? I want to ask you a hard question.”

  “All right.”

  “If Ryan were dying and all he asked of you was to keep him comfortable, to let him die in his own bed, could you refuse him? Would Allie? Or any of us? No. The mind often complicates what the heart simply knows. Make no mistake, it’s killing me inside to watch him waste away like this.”

  “I’m worried about you.” Kate rested a hand on Rhiannon’s and squeezed. “You can’t let yourself get run down.”

  “I’m managing.”

  “Sure you are. Everything but your health. How long have you been having trouble sleeping? Eating? Skye didn’t tell me, I can see that much. You’re pale, habitually so, and I’d wager you’ve lost weight–” Kate’s eyes squinted at her when she shoved the sleeve up again. “Is that Skye’s shirt?”

  Rhiannon smiled. “Yes. And I’ve only lost fifteen pounds The dreams are the worst. There’s barely a few hours left for sleep anymore and even then it’s difficult to rest.” But she’d slept like a baby in Skye’s arms.

  Skye came out of the kitchen and set a plate of plain toast in front of Kate. “Good morning, Katie darling. Here you go. It will help with the queasiness. Promise.”

  “And a good morning to you, Skye. You’re here early.”

  “Mmm. I am. Rhia rode in with me.” His hand caught Rhiannon’s.

  “Thanks.” Kate said and pinched off a piece of the toast.

  “You didn’t sleep much, love.” Skye turned to Rhia and kissed her lightly on the hand he clasped in his.

  “I slept better than I have in days. Everything ready for the breakfast crowd?” She brushed a strand of hair out of his eyes, lingering on the tiny scar there.

  “Just. Five more minutes on the biscuits. Beef stew is going up as the special.”

  “It’s going to be a day for it. It’s still raining.” She knew her eyes were dreamy, that Kate watched her with stunned curiosity, but she didn’t care. He leaned down, she reached up and met his mouth for another quick kiss before the day kept them away from each other.

  Skye smiled and left them to their conversation.

  Kate cleared her throat. “I guess I don’t have to ask why you’re wearing his shirt.”

  Rhiannon sipped her coffee. “Mmm. I guess not.”

  “I think my hair was singed from the heat wave.”

  “I imagine it will be a surprise to a lot of people.” Rhiannon glanced at the door when the bell overhead signaled the arrival of a customer.

  She followed Kate’s line of sight as Skye came out of the kitchen to take the order. His eyes caught Rhiannon’s. There was no mistaking the heat in his gaze.

  Kate sighed. “Not for long, if they get a glimpse of the way he looks at you. I guess there’s no point in my coming here to nag you about taking care of yourself. Seems Skye’s got it covered.”

  “Last night was the first night in months where I slept. Really slept. He’s good for me.” And there goes the phone. “I have to catch that.”

  “Well, I’ll let you get back to work then. You’re good for each other. If you do need something, call me. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help if you need it.” Kate finished her toast.

  Rhiannon nodded. “I know, and I will.”

  * * * *

  Rhia wiped down the bar, checking under-counter stock as she went, starting the process of preparing for the evening shift. The lunch crowd had thinned out to the usual two or three stragglers. It had been so busy at lunch, she and Skye had barely spoken to each other except to pass along orders. She’d felt his gaze fall on her when he’d come out of the kitchen. The same intense heat she’d found in his kiss, his touch the night before burned in his eyes this morning.

  He found little excuses to touch her, tucking a stray curl behind her ear, a brush of his fingers against hers as he took an order ticket from her. She hadn’t been able to ignore the whispers and curious stares over his attention. Rhiannon looked toward the door as a bell chimed the arrival of customers.

  Skye’s niece Allaina, a dark haired girl with pixie green eyes, walked in holding the hand of a tall man with mahogany hair and dark amber eyes. His stride was easy and confident, but there was an underlying aura of power surrounding him. Even if she hadn’t known the wizard, she would have recognized his element. Fire. The pair took seats at the bar.

  “Hi.” Allaina greeted her with a glowing smile.

  “Hello. Shouldn’t you be at school today?” Rhia smiled, and then glowered at Devin.

  “Nah. Mom said I could have a free day.” The child made air quotes when she said the word free. “I’m supposed to be sick, but I’m really resting from the whopper spell Dad did Saturday. Except I didn’t need to, so Dev said I could practice flashing.”

  “Umm. That’s really a bad idea, Allie, not to mention illegal.”

  “Allie cat.” Devin warned
with a low growl that reminded Rhia of a lion warning off a cub from danger. “Not that kind of flashing. If there weren’t so many witnesses, I’d show you.” His laugh was warm and rich.

  “It’s cool, Dev. Uncle Skye already told her all about it. It’s like teleporting. One minute you’re here and then you’re somewhere else.”

  Rhiannon laughed. “I see. So the student surpasses her teacher?”

  Devin smiled. “Ages ago. It seems I owe Allie an ice cream sundae, if you have the makings on hand. A bet of sorts.”

  “I think we can manage that. What kind would you like?”

  “I want caramel without the nuts, but lots of whipped cream if you have it,” Allaina said.

  “And for you?”

  “Just coffee, and if you have any of Skye’s apple pastries left, I’ll have one of those. Is he around today?” He winked at her.

  Oh. He knows. He can probably read my face like a book.

  “He was, but takes a bit of time off after lunch before the evening rush. He may be out painting on the cliffs. Be right back.”

  Even when Skye wasn’t there, the kitchen still felt like his. She opened the freezer, got out a tub of vanilla ice cream, set it on the counter and then pulled a jar of caramel topping, a pastry, and a can of whipped cream out of the fridge. Thirty seconds should be enough to warm the apples. After programming the microwave, she found the ice cream scoop in the drawer by the sink and began to build the sundae until she had three layers of caramel and ice cream, then she drowned it in whipped cream. For the top she added chocolate sprinkles. “Mmm. Looks like a sugar coma in a bowl.”

  She arranged the dishes on a tray and used her hip to open the swinging door.

  “Here we are. A caramel sundae for the lady.” Rhiannon set the ice cream in front of the giggling young girl. “And coffee with apple tarts for her handsome companion.” She gave Devin the coffee and pastry.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thanks, cousin.”

  “You’re very welcome. Enjoy.” She moved to continue setting up for the dinner rush, but Devin stopped her.

  “I wondered if you have a free moment. I’d like to speak to you in private.”

  “Sure. Follow me into the kitchen.”

  “You’ll be all right here for a bit, Allie cat?”

  “Yep. Go ahead. Ice cream is even better when it’s victory spoils.” Allaina waggled her eyebrows and stuck out her tongue at Devin.

  Rhiannon cocked her head in question. “Victory spoils are the best kind. So what was the bet about?”

  “I told Dev that mom was pregnant and he bet me a sundae it wasn’t possible. I won. Mom’s pregnant. Dev didn’t believe me until he saw the ribbons of blue in her aura.”

  “That’s wonderful. I saw her this morning. I’d say the morning sickness must be kicking in.”

  “Yeah, she was sick as a dog before I left for school, but she thinks she has a stomach bug, so it’s a big secret. Dev says she should find out her own way. That it will mean more. I want a brother.”

  “Well we’ll be right through there if you need us.” She motioned for Devin to follow her, and pushed open the swinging door.

  * * * *

  Pulling out a chair, she motioned for him to have a seat. “What can I do for you?”

  Devin joined her at the table. “You look happy, Rhiannon. Love suits you. I miss that sometimes. Having someone so close to you, I mean. Someone who understands you, knows your flaws and accepts you completely. He grieves with you, hurts for you.”

  “Daemon’s Fire. The spell must be hardest on you, to live for years and watch those you love fade and die. Lose the ones you come to cherish to time, while you never age. I’m sorry for you.”

  “It was hard on everyone. You have a kind heart. As Briella did.”

  “I have her memories, but I’m not sure why. Am I her? Is she still trapped?”

  “When each part unravels, another barrier comes down. She reached out to Liv in dreams. Daemon calls to Skye. It’s a stronger link between them because of his empathy and sight. But no. You aren’t a reincarnation of her.”

  “Why do you call me cousin, then?”

  “Curse of magic. Just as I see what was, I know what will be.”

  “So my future is set in stone, then?”

  “No. The future is always changing, evolving with our choices, but yours is tied to Skye’s. The vision of it changes, but that one link is constant, radiating heat. I’ll show you.”

  Devin took a bowl out of the dish drainer and filled it with water. He came back to the table and set it in the center. Reaching into his pocket, he drew a small pouch out of his pocket, pinched up a bit of sea salt, and spread it in a circle around the bowl.

  “The water is a simple looking glass. Place your hands on either side of the bowl.”

  Knowing better than to question Devin, she cupped the bowl and wasn’t surprised when his hands covered hers, but the jolt of power coursing through her was a shock.

  “The vision will be clearer if I add my skill to yours. Repeat after me. Show us those who are bound by three, Earth, Air, and Sea. As is our right, for we are their key. Hide us from their sight so only we may see what destiny has in store for she. As we will, so mote it be.”

  She followed his instruction, first repeating the words to be sure she had them right, and then both chanted the spell a third time. The surface of the water became still and turned blue before slowly fading into an image of a red-haired woman rocking a child in her arms.

  “Wow. Oh, wow. Is that me? Is she mine?”


  The disappointment punched through her gut.

  “That would be your daughter Meara, and your grandchild.”

  The young woman lifted her head and seemed to look out of the water. Her eyes were lightning blue. Skye’s eyes. His child and hers. Oh, hers.

  “She’s beautiful, so lovely.” Reaching out, she touched the face on the surface and the image disappeared. “I wish Da could see her.” She pressed a hand to her flat belly and ached to hold that child who was yet to be. Meara.

  “I’ll make sure he does.”

  “It will mean so much to him. You’ve given me such a gift. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Don’t be afraid to let your heart lead.”

  Devin gently touched her jaw. She felt heat and then pain lifted away from the bruise left by Maegan’s temper. “No sense in marring a face such as yours.”


  “On to business. Skye mentioned you could use a hand until you can hire permanent help. I’m offering mine.”

  “I appreciate them. I could use help later tonight, if you’ve got the evening free. I’m down two waitresses, but if you can manage the bar, I can cover the floor.”

  “Sure. What time should I be back?”

  “Around four if you can, that will give you a chance to get acquainted with everything.”

  “I’ll be here.” Devin patted her hand. “Don’t worry so much. Things have a way of working out the way they are supposed to.”

  Chapter 9

  “That was an experience to remember,” Devin said as he stretched out like a cat in the corner booth. “I will never take my waitress for granted again, even if the service is awful.”

  “You get used to it after awhile,” Skye said from across the room as he flipped the sign and locked the door after the last customers. Clean-up was almost finished.

  “I’ll be ready to leave in a few minutes. I’ll get packed while you count the deposit, Skye.” The swinging door closed behind Rhiannon and a cold, clammy hand covered her mouth, stifling the scream, jerking her into the cool, dark room. Vanilla and jasmine scented the space around her and she knew who held her prisoner. Maegan.

  “I hear congratulations are in order. Did he propose while still inside you?” Maegan hissed in her ear and pressed something cold and hard to her temple. A gun? “Nice little trick, that. Don’t bet your soul on the ring.”

  Something hard struck the side of her face across her cheekbone. She whimpered as pain bloomed behind her eyes. Crying out, she struggled to wriggle free of the other woman’s grasp. Blood trickled sticky and warm down her neck into the collar of her shirt.

  “Bet you enjoyed that? Hmm?”

  Rhia’s head jerked backwards as Maegan yanked her hair. She tried to focus. Stay alive. Stay alert until Skye comes looking. She tried to scream and kicked back with her booted feet, but hit only air.

  “Clever girl, but you’ll be dead before he can save you.”

  Rhia whimpered and shouted out with her mind. Help me! Skye! Have to stay alive.

  “How does it feel to know I had him first? He still wants me.”

  No. Terrified, Rhiannon closed her eyes and held on to the vision of her child and grandchild, Meara with the ruby hair and lightning eyes. She would survive this.

  “Say goodbye.” The resounding click of the hammer chinked through the air.

  “A shield I cast with this cry, heat the air, fill the sky.” Devin’s spell preceded his flash into the room. “Protect what is dear to me. As I will, so mote it be.”

  Maegan pulled the trigger. The bullet bounced off the shield Devin created around Rhiannon, rolled harmlessly across the floor and bumped into his boot. A finger twitch, nothing more, and the bullet was in his hand. “You okay, cousin?”


  “What are you?” Maegan snarled.

  “Fire.” The unspent cartridge disintegrated in his hand.

  Something tugged at the ropes binding her hands. Skye, and he pulled her away into the stairwell.

  “Don’t believe her,” he said. “I’ve never asked another. You became my wife in my heart that moment with your pledge. No ceremony is going to change that.”

  “Funny. That’s what I was going to say.”

  Maegan’s eyes went huge and dark as she swung the gun in Devin’s direction.

  “You do realize how pointless this is, right? I can kill you with a breath, if so inclined. Drop the gun.” Devin’s smile was blade thin.


  He chanted under his breath.

  The gun sprang from Maegan’s hands, dropped and clattered across the floor. Maegan’s eyes rolled back in her head and she slumped to the floor.


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