A Blade So Black

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A Blade So Black Page 26

by L. L. McKinney

  She laughed. She didn’t mean to, it just came out. “Right. My dumbass idea. That you said I would screw up. And you were right.”


  “I mean, of course you were. I’ve done nothing but screw up. The Black Knight has kicked my ass twice, yeah?” Anger roiled through her, hot and unceasing. It pushed words out of her mouth, completely bypassing any filters or care for any damage they might do. “He tricked me, got me to poison you, fooled me into bringing Odabeth here. I’m just messing everything up.”


  “It’s fine. It’s fine! It’s fine.” Her voice broke a little, but she swallowed the sadness peeking through, burying it under the anger. Her hands screamed where she’d curled them into fists again. She opened her fingers, eyeing the small cuts in her palm.

  “When did this happen?” He took one of her hands.

  She snatched it away and tucked them between her thighs. “I’m fine. It’s just scratches.”

  “You should have Maddi take care of these. Or the Duchess.”

  “I said I’m fine.”

  Silence hung between them, swallowing everything they didn’t say. Alice’s heart beat so loud she swore they both could hear it in the thick emptiness.

  “I’m sorry.” Hatta shifted against the headboard and stared at the ceiling. “What I said before. I didn’t mean it that way, but it doesn’t matter. I hurt you. Which is the last thing I ever wanted.” He heaved a slow sigh. His eyes fell shut. “The night you were attacked, I was waiting for you, in the Glow. I heard you scream; I … haven’t been so afraid in such a long time. He could’ve killed you, nearly did, and I wasn’t there to stop it.” He pursed his lips, shaking his head. “If Xelon hadn’t—I almost lost you.”

  Alice’s breath caught in her throat. Her heart fluttered somewhere between her ears. Hatta had never talked like this before. She didn’t know what to say, didn’t think she could form the words if she tried. So she just stared at him, her heart in her throat now, trying to work its way back into her chest.

  “When Maddi told me you’d gone back, where you’d gone, and knowing I couldn’t follow, I panicked.” He lifted his shoulders. “How could you be so stupid, I thought. But that was my fear talking. We were wrong.”

  That fluttering feeling in Alice’s stomach returned full force. “I did it for you.”

  “I’m not worth it, Alice.” He shook his head, adamant. “The things I’ve done to my own people. The evils I’ve unleashed.”

  It wasn’t lost on Alice that Hatta had something to do with the Fiends from the war, since he was the Black Knight. Emphasis on was. “That’s not who you are.”

  “You have no idea who I am!” The ember glow filled his eyes. He pressed a hand over them, taking a slow breath as he turned away from her. “No idea who I was. What I was.” He chuckled. “Or maybe you do.”

  “You could have told me.” She twisted to face him. “About the Eye, the Heart, the truth about the Black Knight, all of it. You didn’t have to keep it secret. I wouldn’t—”

  “Is there nothing in your past you want to forget? Nothing you’d give almost anything to erase? To make it so it never happened?”

  The sharpness in his raised voice wavered at the end. He blinked rapidly, his eyes blazing, but beneath that Alice recognized the pain. A pain she knew all too well, of wanting to change what’s happened. Of trying to get past it and being unable to.

  Her shoulders lowered from where she’d hunched them. She gazed at him, lips pursed, brow pinched. She understood, more than he knew.

  Slowly, the fury faded from his face, melting away under a sudden wave of sadness that took her by surprise. He pressed a hand over his eyes, whispered something incoherent as he sunk against the pillows.

  Alice scooted in close, their thighs brushing. She wanted to help, wanted to let him know everything would be okay. With no idea what tormented him, she had no clue how she’d do it, but she had to try.

  His face buried in both hands, he didn’t see her reach out. He stopped muttering when she gripped one of his wrists, tensed when she pulled that hand away from his face. He looked up at her, a question clear in his eyes, so normal and still gorgeous.

  What are you doing? she could imagine him thinking. She didn’t know. She just wanted …

  He straightened slowly, angled his body to face her as she drew his hands around to hold in her own. She gazed at him, teeth pressed to her lower lip. He watched her, eyes flickering over her face, which flamed under his gaze. When it settled on her lips, that heat traveled through the rest of her.

  She leaned forward. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a frightened part of her said this was stupid. If he was interested, he’d make a move. But she’d done it, and he probably thought she was some fast little—

  He caught her lips with his in the same instant he did this tiny scoot across the bed. The contact sent a shiver through her, and she flung his hands aside to lift her arms and curl them around his neck. He tasted like she expected he would, sweet and tangy. Had she thought about how he tasted? She couldn’t remember, couldn’t think about anything outside of holding on to him, of having him hold her.

  His hands smoothed against her sides, his touch warm and firm. She wanted to feel more of him and pressed closer, nearly sliding into his lap. He finished the job for her, pulling her against himself, their bodies held tight together. Her focus went to his lips with the sudden urge to nip at them. She drank him in with every breath lost between them, the rushed pants and faint sighs. And his hands were everywhere, drawing on feelings she hadn’t known were there, eliciting soft shivers, and when she couldn’t swallow the faint groan that rose in her throat—

  “No.” The word was muffled, her mouth over his, but she made it out as he pushed her away. It was like pulling the plug on an energy source she needed to keep running. Her arms fell useless to her sides, and for a few seconds neither her mind nor her mouth worked.

  Her fears from before came rushing in, taking advantage of her paralyzed state. Oh god … this was a mistake … I went too far, he hates me now.

  He must’ve seen it in her face before he looked away, chest heaving, his face flushed, his fingers gripping her shoulders hard enough to hurt where he held her at arm’s length. He shook his head, his throat working in a thick swallow. “No, I—I can’t … this isn’t…” His quiet words lacked surety, as if he was trying to convince himself and not her. “We can’t … I’m not…”

  Alice sat there while Hatta fumbled over whatever he was trying to say. In the end he only managed a frustrated sound that pulled at something inside her when she realized the negativity flowing off him wasn’t aimed at her, but at himself.

  “No,” she whispered, a mirror of his previous declaration, but with vastly different meaning.

  He met her gaze finally, his self-loathing crystal clear in his eyes, along with confusion, and fear. She took his face in her hands and leaned in, her brow touching his, like when she’d comforted him while Maddi gave him potions during that first episode. He shut his eyes with a shudder and sank forward so his head fell to her chest. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.

  “No,” she repeated, more forceful this time.

  Again he drew back, and Alice was afraid he’d pull away altogether. Instead he held her gaze, his eyes clearer now, the fear gone, replaced by a flicker of desire that called to her own. He closed off the distance between them, renewing the kiss with fervor. She matched it, pulling at him as he moved in over her. Her fingers raked through his hair. She tugged soft strands in her enthusiasm, swallowing the faint hiss he gave in response.

  It was happening. She couldn’t believe it, and at the same time wanted more, but the jiggle of the doorknob sent a jolt of panic through her so powerful it flung them apart. She yanked away the same time he let her go. They sat there, separated by feet that felt like miles, chests heaving.

  The door opened.

  Alice silently cursed whoever
chose this moment to come check on Hatta, as the Duchess appeared. She arched an eyebrow, her gaze bouncing back and forth between Alice and Hatta, finally resting on him.

  “Everything all right?” the Duchess asked.

  “Fine.” Hatta licked his lips.

  Alice cleared her throat, trying to concentrate on anything but the need to kiss him again. “Was just checking on him.”

  “Well, let’s have a look, then.” The Duchess crossed the room and set one hand to Hatta’s forehead, the other to his chest. “How’re you feeling?”

  “I’ve been better.” He grinned. “But I’ll live.”

  “Of course you will.” The Duchess removed her hand, but not before stroking the side of his face.

  Alice’s entire body went rigid.

  “I’ve been working with Madeline on an elixir that should slow the progression of the Madness. Hopefully. If it works for you, we’ll take some to the White Queen, try to buy more time to figure out this Heart situation.”

  “I thought your days of looking out for me were over. Something about my ignorance not being worth the trouble.”

  “You’d be dead without me, we both know that.” The Duchess leaned in and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Besides, you’re just the guinea pig.”

  It’s nothing, Alice told herself when she shut her eyes to avoid seeing red. Just one friend caring for another. It’s nothing.

  “Have you told him about your friend?” the Duchess asked. “The one the Black Knight took hostage?”

  Alice’s eyes flew open at the mention of Chess. Worry for him swelled all over again, along with a sliver of guilt she tried her best to ignore. He was being held captive by that bastard while she was here … doing … things.

  Hatta frowned, glancing between the two of them. “What?”

  It was Alice’s turn to massage her temples, pushing at the pounding that was starting to pick up. “Things have gotten complicated.”

  * * *

  Out in the bar, everyone gathered to come up with a plan to address the latest development in the debacle that was Alice’s life, namely the recent kidnapping of one of her friends by a dark minion that wanted to resurrect the entity of evil he served. Alice explained what happened at the school and the Black Knight’s ultimatum. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, fighting the burn that closed off her throat and muddled her vision. She was not going to cry. She was Not. Going. To. Cry.

  She was going to fix this.

  Wiping discreetly at her eyes, she kept glancing at the clock on the wall. Only an hour until sunrise.

  “I didn’t know humans could be affected in such ways.” The Duchess paced near the bar. The rhythmic thumping of her boots was like sandpaper against Alice’s nerves.

  “It’s never happened before,” Hatta said. “And we can’t let it happen now. A human Fiend? A creature of both worlds; it could tear the Veil to shreds, just to start.”

  “But we can’t just hand over the Eye,” the Duchess countered. “And even if we did, how do we know this Black Knight can reverse what he’s done? Could you?” She looked to Hatta.

  So did Alice, every inch of her praying, hoping the answer was yes.

  “I don’t know.” He shook his head. “As the Black Knight, I was only able to unleash darkness. The power to undo it lay with the Queen.”

  “And the Heart,” Alice murmured. Which they didn’t have. Yet. “How long before the transformation becomes permanent?”

  Hatta and the Duchess exchanged a glance.

  “A few days.” Hatta gestured. “A week. Depends on how strong-willed the victim is.”

  A few days. That wasn’t a lot of time. What if Chess turned before then? What if they couldn’t find the Heart? Dammit, this was all her fault. Every step, every action she took to try to stop the Black Knight only furthered his plans and put people she cared about in danger.

  So what you gone do, Baby Moon? Dad’s voice washed over her, through her.

  Alice shut her eyes and took a slow breath. Then another. And another.

  That’s my girl.

  “A few days.” She nodded. “W-we can work with that.”

  “What did you have in mind, luv?”

  Suddenly aware of all the eyes on her, Alice tugged at the hem of her shirt. “We don’t have to give the Black Knight a damn thing—just let him think we are long enough to get close and grab Chess. Everything else stays the same: use the Eye, find the Heart, get the cure.” She looked to Hatta. “I know you think that’s a bad idea, but we have to now. For Chess. And not just because he’s my friend. You said it yourself: He could rip the Veil apart.”

  Hatta watched her with something she couldn’t really identify in his gaze. “That I did.”

  The warmth that spread through Alice threatened to consume her. “Okay then. No bargains. No deals. We take this asshole down.”

  The Duchess smacked the bar top. “Agreed. We’d best get to it.” She gestured for the twins to follow her. “Mal’chiki.”

  “Get ready.” Hatta wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “We’ve got a helluva fight in front of us.”

  * * *

  Alice paced near the bar, along the same path the Duchess had earlier. Her gaze flickering to the cat clock every few seconds. Forty-five minutes to sunrise, give or take. She slid her hands over the sword at her back. Dee had insisted she keep it, what with her daggers still in disrepair. Her thoughts traveled to the last time she’d used it, the strange way the blade had glowed, and the arcs of light she’d fired from it. She hadn’t told anyone about that and was certain Xelon hadn’t, either. If she had, there would have been questions for sure. Besides, it wasn’t important, not in the grand scheme of things. She could figure out what it was all about later.

  “Okay, this is it.” Hatta emerged from the hallway. He’d changed to something more battle appropriate that mirrored the twins’ leathers. This was the first time Alice had ever seen Hatta armored up. Not like Xelon, but definitely ready to throw hands. It was weird but … sorta sexy.

  The Duchess, now dressed similarly, reached to stop him with a hand planted firmly on his chest.

  He grunted. “What?”

  She pointed at the hilt of the sword visible over his back. “What is that?” Irritation sharpened her accent.

  Hatta heaved a sigh. “Better get this over with.” He drew the weapon and held it out. The black blade swallowed the pale light in the room, almost dimming the bulbs.

  Dee loosed a low whistle.

  The Duchess gave a sort of strangled gasp. “You kept it?”

  “I had permission.” Hatta turned the sword over in his hand. “Needed to be able to protect the Eye.”

  “What is it?” Dem asked.

  Alice had only seen that blade twice since he used it to slay a Fiend the night they met, but she had a pretty good idea.

  “The Vorpal Blade,” the Duchess said, glaring at Hatta and confirming Alice’s suspicions.

  “The original one, anyway.” Hatta slipped the blade back into the sheath. The room brightened again. “I’m not sure what the imposter wields, but it is not this.”

  Alice couldn’t remember if the Black Knight’s sword had such an effect, but it had been night when she’d seen it so she wouldn’t have been able to tell either way.

  “You two ready?” Hatta looked between Alice and the White Knight.

  “Hell yes,” Alice said. The three of them would face the Black Knight while the Duchess and the Tweedles stayed behind to guard Odabeth. Maddi was busy mixing potions and preparing healing salves. No one expected this to be an easy fight.

  Odabeth twisted the collar of her sweater where the necklace once rested. Xelon stood beside her in her full suit of armor. It had been cleaned and repaired a little, but the damage was still clear.

  Court stepped forward and squeezed Alice, who returned the hug.

  “I’ll be okay,” Alice murmured.

  “Damn right you will. And so will Chess. That Black Knig
ht asshole has no idea who he’s messing with.” Court swiped at her cheeks. “I’ll be here helping Maddi mix some celebratory drinks for when you all get back. Definitely gonna use the hard stuff. Turn up!”

  Alice rolled her eyes but chuckled, shaking her head. “Love you, girl.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “Worry not, milady.” Xelon bowed to Odabeth, whose tight expression looked as uneasy about all of this as Alice felt. “You will be well protected in my absence.”

  “I worry for you.” The princess clutched at the empty space near the center of her chest, likely missing the necklace she used to fidget with. “I order you to return to me.”

  Xelon deepened her bow. “As you wi—mmph!” As she came out of the bow, Odabeth latched onto her and pressed their lips together.

  A few whoops from Courtney and the twins filled the air.

  Xelon stood arms frozen where they were lifted on either side of her, eyes wide as windows. When Odabeth pulled away, the knight blinked rapidly as red crept up her neck. “I—I … of course, Your Majesty. Always.”

  “This way, Your Highness.” The Duchess, a knowing smile in place, led the princess around the corner and down the hall, no doubt to one of the many rooms hidden in the back of the pub.

  Xelon cleared her throat and refused to look at either Alice or the grinning Hatta as the three of them made their way out into the chilly Atlanta night. Court was a gem and let them borrow her car. Alice drove, with Hatta poured into the passenger seat and Xelon in the back, looking more than a little on edge.

  “Pre-battle jitters, Xelon?” Alice asked, trying to ignore her own shaking as the break of day encroached on the edge of the horizon. Light steadily filled the darkness. “I mean, that’s a thing, right?”

  “I’m not concerned with the battle ahead, more for what I leave behind.” Xelon gazed out the window, watching the human world float by. “I already failed my Queen. It cannot be the same with the princess.”

  “You know Anastasia as well as I do,” Hatta said. “Anyone foolish enough to go to that pub looking for trouble will most definitely find it. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”


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