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by Roxy Wilson


  Roxy Wilson

  Erotic Romance

  Secret Cravings Publishing


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  A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

  Erotic Romance

  He’s So Into You

  Copyright © 2013 Roxy Wilson

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-717-0

  First E-book Publication: May 2013

  Cover design by Dawné Dominique

  Edited by Tamara Hoffa

  Proofread by Rene Flowers

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Secret Cravings Publishing

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Secret Cravings Publishing



  To Alison Eva Granado. You posted it, I read it, and this is the final product.

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  Roxy Wilson

  Copyright © 2013


  As far as Jordan Cooper was concerned, a man shouldn’t want anything more than this, to be with the woman he loved. Quite frankly, he couldn’t help himself. He was, figuratively speaking, on cloud nine and very soon he would be literally soaring in the clouds, at least in a plane. His fiancé, Shannen Jones, the love of his life, sat beside him on the Dash 8–300 series and they were about to leave sunny Antigua and head to the most southerly island in the Caribbean, Trinidad. Sometimes referred to as a rainbow island because of its ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. They were traveling there to enjoy what the natives fondly called carnival, the greatest show on earth. The plane was just about to take off.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Jordan gazed at Shannen because of his concern for her. Saying Shannen was scared of flying was an understatement. He wanted to make sure she was as comfortable as possible.

  “I’m just fine,” she replied, with what he knew was false bravado. After all, he and Shannen were college sweethearts and he knew just about everything there was to know about her. A tentative smile graced her lips.

  Jordan raised the hand rest which separated both seats. “C’mere, baby.” Shannen slid her body even closer to him and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Trust me, you’re totally safe,” he whispered in her ear. “There is a greater chance for a person to be involved in a car accident than for him or her to be in a plane crash.” Jordan planted a tender kiss on her cheek.

  Shannen raised her hand and rubbed his jaw, grazing his five o’clock shadow in the process. “As long as I’m with you, I know I’ll be safe,” she whispered. “I’m fine. I promise.” This time her smile was more genuine.

  Jordan watched as Shannen’s gaze riveted to the flight attendant standing a few paces ahead of them, as she did the customary safety demonstration. Her eyes followed the flight attendant’s hand when she indicated the location of the nearest emergency exits. Jordan noted the way Shannen’s eyes scrutinized the area around her and her obvious relief when she saw the exits just in front of them. “Don’t worry, baby, everything’s gonna be all right.” His reward was a slow, sweet kiss. Jordan made a show of checking to make sure their seat belts were fastened, even though the flight attendants had already secured the cabin. In spite of Shannen’s misgivings, he felt content, happy to be where he expected to be for the rest of his life, right by Shannen’s side.

  The airplane lined up on the runway. Shannen’s attention was fixed direc
tly in front of her. She was never one to enjoy the view from the small cabin windows. No, Siree! She much preferred an aisle seat. Jordan, like the other passengers, heard the engines rev up to their full power and felt the brakes release. Not long after, the plane started to build up speed. Shannen gripped his knee and he winced almost imperceptibly.

  “Relax, baby, just relax,” he whispered in her ear. He hugged her even tighter. “I love you.”

  Shannen looked up at him tenderly. “I love you too.” Then she grinned. “You think I haven’t already figured out what you’re trying to do?” Before he could muster a flimsy excuse, she supplied the answer herself. “I’ve got your number, buster. You’re just trying to distract me.” She wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

  “Am I doing a good job?”

  “You bet.”

  A few seconds later, the nose of the airplane lifted off the ground and the flaps and landing gear retracted.

  Trinidad, here we come.

  Chapter One

  Five years later

  This was definitely not one of Jordan’s better days. No matter how hard he tried, on this date for the last five years, the sadness and regret were unbearable. He was acutely reminded of what he had lost, what was never meant to be.

  He and Shannen would have been celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary sixth months from today. Years ago they’d envisioned that by their fifth anniversary they would have two kids and be working on their third. Their plan was to have their kids close together so all the bottle sterilizing, diaper changing, and night feeding would basically finish at around the same time. Also, the kids would be able to entertain each other and develop strong bonds, since they would enjoy each other’s company so much. This had been of particular concern to them, because they were both only children in their own families and remembered yearning for the companionship of kids their own age.

  “Those were only dreams, not reality,” Jordan muttered, raking his hand through his thick, ink black hair.

  “Having a senior moment, JC?” Caleb Morrow teased. “You’ve been having those way too often.”

  Damn. Jordan’s eyes narrowed as he considered his cousin. For a big guy Caleb sure knew how to sneak up on him when he least expected it. Hadn’t he just left him in the rec room to get them some water? Caleb always made sure to stick around and be there for him. He tried to distract him from the depression which overtook him some days, and got worse this time of year. They were not only cousins, but also best friends, even though they were raised in different states growing up. Fate led them both to Florida State University and upon graduation with their MBAs, they decided to establish a financial consultancy firm as partners. Jordan and Caleb were next door neighbors as well. They both took great pains to keep themselves in good physical shape and often spent their mornings at either Caleb’s or his home gym. They had just returned to Jordan’s place, after using Caleb’s gym and their T-shirts were soaked with perspiration, although they’d already cooled down by doing some stretches.

  “Planning to get on my nerves today?” Jordan held his hand up to silence Caleb. “If that’s the case you better head on home. After such a good workout, I’m not in the mood to entertain any shit this morning.”

  Caleb raised his hands in mock surrender. “Whoa, hold your horses, partner,” he replied.

  “I’m only saying lately you’re having lots of conversations with yourself.”

  He grew serious.

  “I know you only get like this when you’re thinking about her. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now, because I wasn’t the one who lost the woman of my dreams, you did. But today is the fifth anniversary. I was sure by now you would’ve stopped blaming yourself for what happened.”

  “Aren’t you going to be late for your nine o’clock appointment?” Jordan’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

  “Hey, don’t try to change the subject.”

  Jordan began to pace the length of his kitchen.

  “Did you hear me? I said, don’t try to change the subject.”


  Was it possible to completely blank out and not remember a single word said? Jordan stopped abruptly in front the cabinets and blindly opened the doors. Shit. This couldn’t be for real. He’d completely forgotten where he kept the glasses. Finally, he located them and then the search began for the whiskey. Of course, he couldn’t remember where he kept it either. But he did eventually. With a trembling hand, he poured himself a shot and swallowed it in one gulp. All of a sudden, he began to feel light-headed. Serves me right for consuming alcohol on an empty stomach. With deliberate carefulness he set the glass on the counter.

  Caleb eyed his cousin cautiously then looked pointedly at Jordan’s discarded glass. “You’re having too many of those too, and they’re not the best way to deal with your issues.”

  Jordan threw his head back and laughed mirthlessly. “And you thought the shitty idea you suggested yesterday was a better one?”

  “It’s better than the shit you’ve been doing,” Caleb tossed back, looking pointedly at the glass Jordan had discarded a few moments ago. “My idea wouldn’t cost you your health or your sanity.”

  Jordan’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “So, you’re telling me going on a blind date will help me in ways my therapist couldn’t?” he sneered.


  “Why on this day of all days?”

  Caleb ignored the question. “Jayce’s best friend is quite a catch.” Caleb’s eyes brightened with hope.

  “Jayce?Our employee? The woman you’ve had the hots for since the beginning of time?” Jordan cast an exasperated look at Caleb. When he saw the guilt written on Caleb’s face he growled, “You sure seem to be trying to use me to get to Jayce. Why don’t you just ask her out on a date, and leave me the hell alone? It’s not like we have a policy against dating people in our firm.”

  Caleb didn’t seem the least bit perturbed. “No can do. This is about you—not me—in spite of what you may be thinking.”

  “Well, number one, I don’t think Jayce’s friend, or any woman for that matter, will be interested in a blind date with someone like me.”

  Jordan looked down at himself and then back at his cousin.

  “And number two, I’ve had it with every Tom, Dick and Harry telling me what to do. You got that? I had my chance with Shannen and I messed it up. I don’t think I deserve anyone right now.”

  Jordan turned away and faced the kitchen cabinets. It was easier to do than to face the frustration and empathy warring on his cousin’s face.

  “Look JC, I don’t want you to think I’m making light of what happened to Shannen,” Caleb explained. “Hell. I miss her too. A lot. I know it’s nothing in comparison to how much you miss her. But, it’s time to move on.”

  Caleb placed a comforting hand on Jordan’s shoulder.

  “Shannen loved you, man. Do you think she would want you to just exist and not live, love and laugh out loud? To find someone else who rocks your world? Someone who makes you burn … with passion?”

  Jordan didn’t respond. His body was rigid. He continued to glare at the cabinets. The only noticeable sign he was upset was the way the muscle in his jaw ticked as he ground his teeth.

  No, she wouldn’t have. But, how can I dare to find happiness, when hers ended so prematurely, and I’m the one to blame?

  “Okay, so I see I’m being a pain in your ass, again.”

  “You think?”

  “There’s no need for you to be like this, but I’ll leave.” Caleb swiped his smart phone from the kitchen counter, where he’d placed it when they had arrived earlier, and started punching the keys. “I’m sending you Raina’s contact details.” He glanced warily at Jordan. “By the way, she’s your date, and from what I’ve seen she’s very attractive –”

  “Wait a minute,” Jordan interrupted with a growl, “you’ve seen her before?”

  “Of course, I have,” Caleb bragged. “But, since you enjoy dri
nking from the cup of sorrow every damn day, you wouldn’t have seen Raina on Fridays, when she and Jayce have lunch together.

  His cousin’s arrogance was getting on his last nerve. “I guess you know just about everything about her.”

  “Enough to know she has a wonderful personality and is very, very single.” Caleb laughed ruefully and barreled on, “I’m warning you to be on your best behavior on this date. I don’t want you to scare her off with your dim view of just about everything.”

  “Since when have I got a dim view about life?”

  “Since five years ago,” Caleb retorted.

  Jordan didn’t respond.

  Caleb stared at his cousin for a moment longer, and then he gave his shoulder a light squeeze and left.

  God, his chest ached. And to make matters worse he found himself gulping air like a drowning man clinging to driftwood just to stay afloat. What was wrong with him? The last time he felt like this was the day he found out about Shannen. It was only when he glanced down he noticed his closed fist was pressed against his ribcage. Hell. Jordan was so overwhelmed, he did something he hadn’t done since the day he lost Shannen. He wept.

  * * * *

  “C’mon, Miss Abbott,” Jayce Hudson urged her friend. “Don’t be afraid. It won’t hurt you. You know what it’s like, it’s smooth and it’s hard—just the way you know it will be.”

  Raina looked at the contraption, the bane of her existence, with trepidation.

  “Ugh, I so don’t want to do this.”


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