Animal Instinct

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Animal Instinct Page 2

by Michelle M. Pillow

  Eve needed sex, release. She needed to be liberated of the tension that built inside her, pulling her body into a tight cord. With confident strokes he thrust, grinding his hips along hers in a primal rhythm that had her twitching beneath him. She called out in continuous pleasure, knowing no one would hear her.

  Sweat beaded on her flesh as he drove her towards the rapturous height of her passions. Her channel began to quiver, clenching violently around him. She cried out in ecstasy as an explosion sparked in her hips, traveling like a tidal wave over her whole body, rippling against her flesh, drowning out her voice.

  His hips only pushed harder, faster, deeper, slamming his shaft to the hilt, fitting so deep his balls seated themselves in the cleft of her ass. Eve jerked but he didn’t stop, pushing her until his body exploded with hers. He grunted his release, spurting hot waves of seed into her womb. Her body drank him up, milking him of every last drop of his essence.

  Too fast, he pulled himself from her. She blinked, trying to see in the dark as she searched for him. She was too weak to move more than a few inches. Her breath came ragged and she suddenly felt cold without his heat.

  Eve lay still for a long moment, listening to the silent bedroom. When she could finally stand, she pushed off the bed and stumbled across the floor. Hitting the light switch, she turned to look around. The room was empty, aside from Midnight on the bed. The cat yawned, looking at her with his knowing eyes for a brief moment before falling asleep.

  “You’ll never believe the dream I just had,” she whispered, grabbing her dizzy head. She wondered how a dream could leave her so sated and yet so incredibly sore. She headed into the bathroom, stumbling into the doorframe as she passed. Weakly shutting the door behind her, she whispered, “I think I need a shower.”

  * * * *

  Soon, thought Viktor, stretching out on the bed as he heard the shower turn on.

  Soon he would be well enough to show her who he really was. His body was just barely sated by their lovemaking. The one brief taste only made him want her again. And again he would have her. Once he was well enough to hold his human form, he would seduce her right. He’d make every single one of her torturous fantasies come true, for now her fantasies were his.

  Chapter Three

  Eve watched Midnight sprint out into the prairie, running in long strides over the grassy plain. The cat looked completely recovered. He didn’t even limp from his ordeal. She smiled, happy to see him running free. However, even as she was happy for him, she was sad too. She was going to miss his company. Suddenly, her little office trailer seemed small and lonely.

  “Dr. Matthews, phone call!”

  Eve frowned, turning to one of the many Jameson Preserve volunteers. She could never remember their names so didn’t even pretend to try. They were mostly college students helping out for a class credit. All of them had a noble sense of excitement being there, but Eve got tired of having to retrain them each semester. She sighed. It was all part of the job.

  “Yeah, thanks,” Eve mumbled. She turned back to watch Midnight only to discover he was gone. A phone was thrust at her and she took it. Turning her back on the volunteer, she began to walk away from him. “Dr. Matthews.”

  “Evelyn, darling!”

  “Oh, hi, mom,” Eve said. The phone dropped slightly from her ear.

  “Evelyn, darling, so glad to have gotten through to you! I’ve been trying every day for two weeks, ever since you ran out on the party,” Cynthia Matthews said.

  Darned volunteers! Eve flinched. She had a standing order that only business calls were supposed to get to her. Everyone else had messages taken.

  She blushed, remembering the vivid dream she’d had that night of the party. She didn’t realize she’d drunk so much champagne before being driven back to the office. At first she worried that it was real, but as none of the college boys working for them looked knowingly at her, she relaxed. The sex had been just a wild, albeit wonderfully erotic, dream. Or how her thighs were sore, as if she’d had a rough night of sex? Well, that could easily be explained away. She must have stumbled into something while feeling her way around the dark office.

  “Evelyn? Evelyn, are you there? Are you listening to me, dear?”

  “Uh, no mom, sorry, must be a bad connection. I am out in the field right now. Have you been trying to call?” Eve asked. She flinched, feeling bad for lying. “You know how it is with volunteers. They don’t always get me my messages.”

  Eve braced herself, knowing what was to come. She wasn’t disappointed.

  “Evelyn, dear, that’s why I keep telling you to get a real job.” Cynthia sighed, a truly wistful sound that drove her daughter to distraction. “Or even better would be to get a husband with a real job! Oh, which reminds me, the reason I called. After you left Dr.--”

  “Mom?” Eve yelled into the phone. A mischievous smile curled onto her lips. “Mom, are you there? I can’t hear you!”

  “Evelyn? Evelyn?” her mother called, clear as day.

  “Oh, I hate these phones. Mom, if you can hear me, I’ll call you tonight!” Eve yelled, trying not to laugh.

  “No, Evelyn, no, you can’t tonight. We’ve got the Mercy Hospital Banquet. That’s why I’m calling. I want you to go with us!”

  Eve grimaced. “Mom? I can’t hear you. Huh, guess it’s dead.”

  Pulling the phone back, she hung up on her mother. She’d seen the Mercy Hospital Banquet in the paper and knew her mother thought it an excellent place to meet eligible doctors. Really, if she wanted to be some man’s piece of eye candy, she’d have become a cover model.

  Eve again looked over the beautiful landscape of the north field. A wide-open area stretched into the distance, covering nearly fifty acres of land. A forest nestled in the valley of some hills. She knew a creek flowed through the long line of trees. This was just one of the many fenced in areas the Jameson Preserve owned--all thanks to her.

  The phone started ringing, getting her attention. She knew it was her mother. Taking a deep breath, she said, “You know, I’ve worked hard. I deserve a little break and it’s not like I’m going to meet anyone hanging out here.”

  Lifting the phone, she said into it, “Mom, I’ll go. Send the car at seven.”

  Cynthia Matthews gasped in stunned excitement. “Oh, I’m so glad. Wear the red dress I bought you! I’ll send over some shoes and jewelry to go with it. In fact, let me just come to get you right now. You can go to the spa with me and later we can go to the house and change. I just know Edwardo will get you in. He owes me a big favor....”

  Eve sighed, letting her mother ramble on for a few more minutes. She shaded her eyes, looking for Midnight against the horizon. She couldn’t see him. Tonight might very well turn out to be a boring disaster, but anything was better than spending it alone, missing a cat. Breaking into her mother’s long-winded excitement, she agreed to be ready in an hour for the spa. Then, hanging up, she began to make the long walk back to her empty trailer.

  * * * *

  “Why did I ever agree to this?”

  Eve swore under her breath, looking for an escape route from the crush of people. The Mercy Hospital Banquet was held each year in a small castle some eccentric rich man had built in the 1890’s. The long marble front hall was beautiful, decorated with floral vines and white banners emblazoned with the burgundy dove of the hospital’s logo. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but doctors and the plastic dolls they called wives.

  Whatever made her think she would find one decent person to talk to at a function like this? She’d have been better off at the office playing solitaire.

  Artfully placing her champagne glass down as a tray passed, Eve lifted the skirt of her long red dress and maneuvered her way through the crowd. Seeing her mother in the crowd, she ducked in the opposite direction. Cynthia’s laughter trilled perfectly over the long hall in the completely fake way Eve hated.

  Eve made her way out a side door, rushed down a long empty hall, and turned through
a long corridor before anyone could come looking for her--not that she thought they would. Soon she was outside, standing alone on a high balcony.

  The rough stone rail beneath her fingers was thick and cold as she gripped it. A deep breath forced its way into her lungs, as she looked up at the starry night. It was truly lovely out and for a moment she lost herself in the vague memories of a dream, a dream of dark eyes and a silken voice. His words were hazy, but the feeling they gave her still lingered. She was hopelessly haunted by it.

  Below her were the gardens, lit by the yellow glow of artificial torches. Paths wove around the manicured lawn in perfect symmetry. It was beautiful, but she much preferred the wild, untamed look of the prairie at the Preserve.

  “A beautiful lady all alone tonight, how can this be?”

  Eve gasped, spinning around. The voice was low, edged with an accent she couldn’t make out. A rush of feeling overcame her, making her excited and fearful at the same time. Her round eyes darted to a shadowed corner. She saw a brief flicker of movement.

  “I’m sorry, I … I didn’t know someone was out here.” Eve tried to skirt past, but the man stepped forward into the blue moonlight. She froze, unable to move.

  Dark eyes met hers, sending a chill over her flesh in instant awareness. Her body quaked, growing so weak she was afraid she’d fall to the hard balcony floor. She blamed her obsession with the dream man for her reaction to the stranger.

  The man wasn’t exactly smiling at her, but he wasn’t frowning either. His firm lips curled ever so slightly, as if he knew her. He stared boldly, as if he had her already memorized. Whoever this man was, he was gorgeous in a dark and dangerous sort of way. He didn’t look like a typical doctor and yet here he was at a benefit, wearing a tux. Suddenly, Eve’s knees buckled and she stumbled forward.

  A strong hand shot out to steady her, curling boldly on her arm. Shock waves of heat washed over her from his hold. Her mouth fell open and she couldn’t even manage to whisper her thanks. A long moment passed and they didn’t move. His hand stayed on her bare flesh, not moving, just holding.

  Eve, realizing she held her breath, panted and forced her eyes away from his dark ones. Already the penetrating gaze was emblazoned in her mind. Her heart raced, pounding uncontrollably in her chest. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. She wanted to run away in fright, but she couldn’t move.

  “Are you well?” he asked her, his lips pulling up as his jaw lowered.

  Russian, Eve thought, too insensible to move. He’s Russian.

  “Doctor?” he asked, concerned.

  “You … you think I’m a doctor?” Eve asked, still staring in amazement. His words washed over her. He thought she was a doctor, not some piece of eye candy dating a doctor?

  “Aren’t you?” His smile widened.

  “I … I drank too much champagne I think … I did,” she mumbled, swallowing. Then, trying to blink herself back to awareness, she hastened, “I have to go.”

  Eve tried to rush past, but his hand tightened on her arm to stop her. A weak sound whispered past her lips.

  “No, you don’t,” he said. “You must stay.”

  “Here?” Eve asked. She felt like a fool, but she couldn’t think. There was something familiar about this man, as if she knew him intimately--which was impossible. She shivered, her body straining to be closer even as her mind begged her to move further away.

  * * * *

  Viktor looked down at Eve, taking in the fine structure of her face. It was all he could do not to kiss her full lips. Already he had tasted her body and he wanted it again. It was agonizing torture to stand so close to her, and yet be unable to do anything about the burning need in his body.

  He’d never seen her as striking as she had been caressed by blue moonlight. Silk clung to her curves in a way that would surely drive him mad if he didn’t feel it for himself. The open back of her dress fell low to her hips, baring her spine. He wanted to kiss the long length of it, tender and slow. He wanted to touch her until she squirmed and called out his name, begging him to end their torment.

  She wore makeup, something she rarely did. Her hair was swept up off her shoulders with delicate blonde wisps blowing in the breeze. Her lips trembled and, to his carnal delight, she licked them. Her uneasiness made him smile. It was quite endearing to watch. He’d seen her on the job. She was normally cool and collected. He liked that his nearness unnerved her.

  “You want me to stay here?” Eve asked weakly, again licking her lips.

  “Yes.” Viktor nearly groaned, wanting to suck her tongue between his teeth. He took a step closer, pulling her forward at the same time. His hands became caressing, moving up and over her arms.

  “With you?”

  “Yes,” Viktor said. “With me.”

  * * * *

  Eve didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t think as the strong masculine smell of his body came over her. She shivered beneath his warm hands, liking the way they felt against her skin. It was insanity. He was a stranger and all she could think about was how much she wanted him to kiss her.

  His eyes dipped down to her lips as he drew forward, seeming to understand what she wanted from him. She stiffened, pulling instantly away. “I have to go.”

  Eve ran through the door and left the banquet as gracefully as she could without drawing notice. Her heart raced in her chest, lodging in her throat until she could barely breathe. Her parents’ car took her back to the Preserve. She didn’t want to go back to her lonely apartment, she wanted to go home.

  Chapter Four

  Eve looked out over the moonlit prairie for Midnight. She knew it would be nearly impossible to see the black panther in the dark, but she tried to find him anyway. She still wore the red silk gown, having walked out to the prairie pathways instead of going to her office. Her hair had fallen loose as she rode in the limo to the Preserve and now hung about her shoulders and back.

  She was on a wood plank bridge with rope sides. Before her the wild grasses grew, rolling like ocean waves in the blue moonlight. The bridge led to a path in the woods. She knew the area well, but it wasn’t wise for even the seasoned staff members to go in there at night. No one had ever been hurt at the Preserve, but she didn’t want to risk it.

  Eve looked down at the creek flowing gently beneath the bridge from the woods. A nervous smile came to her lips, as she thought of the handsome Russian. Her heartbeat sped in her chest. He was a stranger and yet she’d felt connected to him.

  She really needed to stop drinking. It was making her loopy. All she could think about was her wild dream, only this time, Mr. Dark and Dangerous was the unknown face above hers and his was the silken accent that gave her chills. On a basic, primal level, she had wanted him to kiss her, to keep kissing her until they were both hot and feverish with need. Then, she’d wanted him to make love to her right there on the balcony. Only, she’d chickened out and had run away like a coward.

  Hearing a noise, Eve jumped slightly. She turned and smiled to see Midnight. She had hoped he’d find her. Leaning down, she held her hand out to the cat. His powerful body moved, perfectly healed, as he stalked forward to her. His golden gaze watched her with his silent intensity.

  “Hey, how was your first day out in the wild?” she asked in a soft whisper. Automatically, her fingers ran over him to make sure he was unharmed. Satisfied that he’d not gotten into any scrapes with the other cats, she let him go. He looked at her and she shivered. Without knowing why she confessed it, she said, “I met someone tonight.”

  Midnight watched her.

  “He … he was gorgeous,” Eve said. She again reached to stroke the cat’s fur. A secret smile came to her lips. “He tried to kiss me and I ran away from him. I didn’t even learn his name.”

  Midnight didn’t move. Eve’s smile faded.

  “I did just what I always thought I would in a situation like that. I ran away like a coward. I should have … oh, Midnight! I should have just done what I wanted. But, I started to worr
y. Was he married? Did he know my parents? Would he think I was a whore? Who was he? Why was he interested in kissing me? Why would he be interested in me at all? Before I knew it, I had talked myself out of any adventure by analyzing it to death. And now I’ll never see him again.”

  Suddenly, Midnight stiffened and sprinted off into the nearby woods. Eve started to follow after him and then hesitated. She couldn’t break her own rule. The cats weren’t used to humans being in their forest at night. Even though she’d nursed them all back to health, they were still wild animals and she respected that.

  She craned her neck, looking for Midnight for several long minutes, hoping he would come back. He didn’t. He was gone. Sighing, she turned to go back to her office. Suddenly, Eve froze. The handsome stranger was there. She couldn’t see his face and yet she knew who it was.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, nervous.

  “I came to find you,” he answered in his low, sultry tone, sending chills over her entire being.

  “Me?” Eve asked. It was like a dream come true and that scared her. “Why?”

  “You ran away before I could introduce myself.” The handsome man came towards her, stalking with liquid grace to reach her. He no longer wore the tux, but a pair of tight blue jeans that molded to his hips and strong thighs. A black T-shirt hugged his well-built stomach, hugging delectably large biceps and a thick chest, bending with each flex of his perfect muscles. His body moved with effortless charm. “I am Viktor.”

  “Just Viktor?” Eve asked with a nervous laugh. She couldn’t move. The bridge beneath her feet shifted slightly with his weight. Dark hair spilled over his shoulders in brilliant waves of blue-black. His dark eyes penetrated, like a wild beast. She shivered, her body heating at the look. She grew damp between her thighs. It was the same instant attraction she’d felt on the balcony and it again took her by surprise.

  “Yes, just Viktor.”

  Eve shivered. His voice was silk, gliding through the air to caress her. “Evelyn Matthews. I’m in charge of the Jameson Preserve.”


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