Animal Instinct

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Animal Instinct Page 4

by Michelle M. Pillow

  That evening, after hours of searching the forest, Eve had to admit defeat. She checked in with the security guys once again and even questioned all the volunteers. No one had seen the black panther. However, a few of the volunteers did confirm the report of a new tiger on the grounds. Eve frowned, realizing that it was quite possible some idiot had dropped off a cat on Preserve property and left it for them to take care of.

  Her stomach in knots with worry, she left instructions to cancel all morning activities while they went out in the jeeps to look for the new tiger. If there was a new cat on the loose, it was quite possible he’d attack the others--possibly even Midnight. Pushing into her office, completely spent and ready to take a shower, Eve shut the door behind her.

  “You’re out late,” Viktor’s voice came from behind her. “I was beginning to worry.”

  Eve jumped at the sound, even as her body responded. Her thighs began to throb with need, as moisture pooled between them. She whirled around, her face tense as she looked for him in the dim light. Going to a light switch, she flipped it on.

  When she found him, Viktor was in the process of standing from her couch. He smiled at her, almost shyly as he held out a bouquet of wildflowers. Eve eyed the flowers suspiciously and then him.

  “How did you get in here?” she asked, unsure if the shaking of her limbs was fear or excitement. Her heart pounded violently inside her chest.

  “You left it unlocked,” he admitted. “I would have waited outside, but I wasn’t sure you’d want your co-workers seeing me.”

  Eve slowly nodded, conceding the point. She paused, taking the time to look him over. He again wore jeans, a dark blue T-shirt, and a comfortable pair of sneakers. She much preferred the relaxed outfit compared to the tux she’d first seen him in. By the time her gaze made its way back up his very firm body, she was blushing.

  “You look lovely,” Viktor said.

  Eve realized his eyes had been giving her the same examination. Looking down, her blush turned to a look of horror. Her jeans were covered in dirt and mud, as was her button down Preserve uniform shirt. She could just imagine what her hair looked like--frizzed out about her head.

  “I spent most of the day in the forest looking for a missing cat.” Suddenly, she frowned in worry, forgetting her concern over her appearance. “I couldn’t find him. I’m worried.”

  “Which cat?” asked Viktor.

  “Midnight.” Eve turned slowly making her way towards the little refrigerator by her desk. She was starving. Seeing only an old sandwich and some cans of soda, she opted for the soda. She offered one to Viktor. He shook his head. Then, as she popped the top on her can, she watched him set the flowers down on the coffee table. “He’s been missing all day. I saw him last night on the....”

  Viktor grinned. Eve instantly forgot what she was talking about.

  “Ah, you should go, I have to take a shower,” she said, as if suddenly aware of how close he was to her in the small trailer. Every fiber in her being begged her to jump the distance between them and demand he give her a repeat performance. “I need to get some sleep if I’m going to get up early to start a search.”

  “All this for the panther?” he asked.

  Eve’s brow again furrowed in worry. She had no idea why she didn’t just throw him out of her office. Instead, she answered, “Yeah, but there were also reports of a new tiger on the grounds. I think someone might have dropped off an animal without telling us. It happens sometimes. There is no telling if the tiger is diseased or hurt, or if it’s even tame enough to be out in the open area. Some of them are really mean when we get them. It takes some time to rehabilitate them. I can’t risk him getting the other cats sick or attacking them.”

  “You really do love it here, don’t you?” he asked. His tone said he already knew the answer.

  “Yeah,” Eve admitted. “I do. I’m happy here--for the most part.”

  “The most part?”

  “It can get a little lonely talking to animals all the time. Usually, I don’t mind it, but sometimes it would be nice to have them answer back.” Eve shrugged. Coloring slightly, she changed the subject, “What are you doing here, anyway?”

  “I wanted to see you,” he admitted without embarrassment. “And I hoped you’d want to see me.”

  “Wait a minute,” Eve frowned. “I never said Midnight was a panther. How--?”

  “I thought about you all night,” Viktor interrupted, letting his voice dip seductively.

  “I think you should go,” Eve said. Her stomach growled, loudly rumbling.

  “Come to dinner with me,” he said, easily changing the subject. “You have to be starving and I’ve got a car parked out back.”

  “No, I don’t think--”

  “What? You aren’t scared of me, are you?” he asked, his eyes glimmering with mischief.

  Eve slowly shook her head. No, she was definitely not scared of him. But, she was scared of how she felt about him. Already, her body was wet and ready. Her head was busy sending her images she’d rather not remember of his oh-too-delicious hips thrusting into hers. She ached for the feel of his cock buried deep inside her.

  “No, it’s just I’m not dressed to go out and I need a shower.” Eve gave a meaningful look down at her muddied outfit.

  Viktor smiled a truly charming smile. His fingers reached out to touch her face. His accented voice dipped to a husky murmur. “I’d be more than willing to lend a hand.”

  Eve’s cheeks pinkened. “I … I....”

  Viktor cut her words off with a heated kiss, slanting his mouth boldly against hers until her knees weakened. When he pulled back, he whispered, “I’ll wait in here for you. If you wish for me to join you, just yell.”

  With a gentle swat of her backside, he turned her towards the bedroom door. Eve gulped, walking through her office to the back. Shutting the door behind her, she nearly swooned onto the bed. She lay there for a long moment, debating whether or not to open the door and invite him in.

  “Is everything all right in there?” Viktor called.

  Eve jumped up from the bed. “Yeah, just fine!”

  Hurrying to the bathroom, she shut that door too. Then, without further contemplation, she jumped into the shower--alone.

  Chapter Six

  Eve was surprised to find that Viktor drove a jeep, much like those she used on the Preserve. She smiled. She had figured him for a flashy sports car type of guy. Most doctors were.

  “So, do you work for Mercy?” she asked, lightly. She’d slipped on a casual outfit to match his--blue jeans and a white button down shirt.

  Viktor blinked in confusion, glancing over to her. “Mercy?”

  “Mercy Hospital,” Eve said. “I assumed you were a doctor. You were at their banquet dinner last night.”

  “I went there to find you,” he said easily.

  “Careful,” Eve teased, not knowing what was coming over her that she could joke with him. But, she couldn’t help it. His very nearness put her at ease as if they were old friends. “You’re starting to sound like a stalker.”

  “Mmmm.” Viktor grinned. “Well, if I’m a stalker, there is no one else I’d wish to stalk.”

  “I’m sorry, but something has been bugging me. Have we met before last night? I mean, you seem really familiar--your eyes mostly--but I can’t place you.”

  Viktor chuckled. “Are you saying I am forgettable?”

  “Well, no,” Eve rushed before she realized he teased her.

  Viktor laughed, a deep, rich sound, as he turned into a parking lot. “Glad to hear it.”

  * * * *

  Viktor was the perfect gentleman during dinner, all except his gaze, which seemed to devour her every move. Eve found she quite enjoyed his company and they had several things in common. He wasn’t a doctor, which she kind of liked. He had a quick wit, an easy smile, and eyes that seemed to stare into her soul. He was laid-back, spoke to her with respect, and treated her like a lady. And, to her amazement, he seemed to know mor
e about big cats than she did.

  After dinner, he drove her back to the Preserve. Eve wasn’t quite ready for the night to end, but she was too nervous to invite him inside, knowing all too well what she’d be asking for. After the night before, it seemed silly that she would be nervous about it, but she was.

  “Are you tired?” he asked, pulling open her door for her.

  Eve shook her head. “Not really. I don’t sleep too well at night.”

  Viktor gave her a look that seemed to say, I know. “Want me to come in? We could play cards.”

  “Cards?” Eve giggled, though she did play solitaire on many occasions to pass the time and to sort her thoughts out.

  “Yeah.” Viktor grinned. His eyes dipped over her. “Strip poker?”

  “How about just poker?” Eve asked, stepping back.

  Viktor sighed, looking properly disappointed, but he nodded in agreement. “Poker it is.”

  Once inside, Eve got out the deck of cards and sat on the floor across from the couch. Viktor sat on the couch facing her. Every time he looked at her and grinned, Eve felt her heart skip a beat.

  “I have to confess, I really don’t know how to play poker.” Eve giggled, feeling light-headed. Her eyes began to travel over his handsome body as they had all night. Suddenly, she didn’t feel like cards.

  “Hum,” Viktor mused. “Well, I don’t know about America, but in Russia it’s much better with your clothes off.”

  “Yeah, right.” Eve chuckled. “Isn’t this the same country that has a bunch of people jumping naked into icy lakes to swim?”

  “Have you ever tried it?” he countered.

  “What? Ice swimming? No. I like being warm too much for that.” Eve busied herself shuffling the deck.

  Viktor lifted his arms and placed them over the edge of the couch. “In Russia, we have many ways for staying warm.”

  “How long have you been gone?” Eve asked. “From Russia, I mean. You seem like you miss it.”

  Viktor’s eyes dipped down and he looked uncomfortable. “Ah, it has been many years.”

  “Oh,” Eve detected that he was uncomfortable talking about it so changed the subject. “Well, you know, in America, we have ways of keeping warm too.”

  Viktor glanced up, meeting her eyes. His brow arched on his handsome face.

  Eve set the unused deck of cards aside and began crawling around the table on all fours. She couldn’t stop herself. She just loved being with him. He was comfortable and for some reason being around him made her confident.

  She pushed the light coffee table out of her way and crawled between his knees. Then, running her fingers over his calves, she pressed along the inside of his thighs spreading them open. Her eyes boldly met his, watching for a sign of approval. His smile faded, replaced by passionate intensity.

  Dragging her nails lightly, she met with his waistband and pulled the button free. She could feel the hard heat of his arousal through the denim. She’d noticed his large erection most of the evening. She’d have had to have been blind not to. It had been there since she’d first walked into the trailer to find him on her couch.

  After spending the evening with him, she found that he was indeed reasonably sane and not the crazy stalker she first feared him to be. Since they were both adults, they could do whatever they wanted and right now she wanted nothing more than to make love to him in every way imaginable--starting with his tempting cock in her mouth.

  Eve’s mouth watered just thinking about it. Watching his eyes, she unzipped his pants. Then, glancing down his hard body as he adjusted his hips, she smiled to see he wore no underwear.

  Her fingers caressed him, rubbing along his thighs, as she leaned over to kiss the smooth mushroom-shaped head. Viktor’s breath hitched in his throat and his hands gripped tightly to the back of the couch. Eve licked him several times, flicking her tongue over his flesh as she sampled a taste. Viktor moaned and his hips jerked ever so lightly. Parting her lips, she kissed the head. Viktor’s moans turned to pants. Eve chuckled with power, taking him deeper with each passing kiss of her lips.

  As she sucked him deep, her hands moved over his taut stomach to his thighs. She pulled the jeans from his hips, before settling her fingers on his thick shaft. His cock was too big to take all the way in her mouth, so she stroked him with her hand, cupping his balls underneath.

  Viktor fingers shot forward to stop her. “Enough, a man can only take so much of that and I would not come so quickly.”

  Eve pulled back at his insistence and grinned up at him, licking her lips.

  “My turn,” he growled. Before she knew what he was up to, he grabbed her waist and flung her over to lie on the couch. With deft fingers, he freed her of her jeans and red lace panties with one swift pull. “Mmmm, much better.”

  Viktor trailed kisses down her parted thighs, moving his tongue in lazy circles as he neared her wet slit. Eve watched him in fascination. His dark gaze bore into her. As his mouth latched onto her clit, she cried out in pleasure.

  Viktor’s long tongue caressed her, licking her in long strokes. His fingers delved into her wet passage, massaging her until her cream covered his fingers. Then, slowly, he edged down the cleft of her ass, parting her cheeks as he rimmed his finger around the tight rosette. Eve bucked, never having been touched there. She panted, her eyes wide as she discovered the pleasure he could give her.

  Viktor’s expert mouth brought her to the brink of release. He pushed and probed in just the right way until she twitched and panted beneath him. When she pushed at his shoulder, he only sucked her deeper, thrusting his tongue into the moist cavern of her body. With a cry, she came hard against him, spasming her release into his mouth.

  Viktor pulled up and gave her a cat-like grin. Crawling above her, he gently leaned over to kiss the racing pulse at her neck. “I will give you a small break to recover, but I am nowhere near finished with you.”

  “Who said anything about recovering?” Eve grinned. “All I want to know is, do you want to stay here or do you want to move to the bed?”

  “Mmmm. Definitely the bed--more room to move around,” Viktor murmured between kisses. He pulled up and gave her buttoned shirt a meaningful look. “And this time I want you completely naked.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” Eve giggled, thoroughly enjoying herself.

  Viktor growled as he swept her up and threw her over his shoulder. He gave her ass a light smack and she kicked her feet in pleasure. Striding across to the bedroom, he deposited her on the bed. Eve stood on the mattress looking down at him.

  “Well?” he demanded, hands on hips. “What are you waiting for? Strip.”

  Eve purred a low moan, slowly unbuttoning her shirt as she swayed before him on the bed. Viktor grabbed his dark T-shirt, gracefully tore it from his shoulders, and threw it to the floor. By the time he worked out of his jeans and stood naked before her, she’d managed to unbutton the shirt, but nothing else.

  “Let me help you with that,” he growled, leaping up on the bed.

  Eve watched his body. Her eyes were mesmerized by his athletic form and sculpted grace. He was a man who knew how to use his body and did so to perfection.

  Pulling the shirt off her shoulders, he tossed it over his head. She stood before him, clad in only her white lace bra. Eve leaned forward, grinding her mouth to his in a searing kiss. Their tongues battled as his fingers tested the weight of her breasts, pushing them over the lacy barrier.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good, baby,” he groaned into her mouth.

  Eve shivered in pleasure at his words. Moisture dripped from her, coating her slit in anticipation. Her hands left his body only long enough to undo the strap behind her back. Her breasts fell free and she let the bra drop to the bed. She grabbed his thick cock and stroked it hard.

  “I want you on your hands and knees,” he instructed. His accented words were hoarse. “Ah, please Eve. I want to watch myself ride you.”

  Eve kissed a trail down his body as sh
e sunk to the bed, stopping briefly to suck his cock into her mouth. Then, turning around, she waited for him on her hands and knees, wiggling her hips in his direction.

  Viktor groaned and she felt his weight shift on the bed behind her. First his hand found her, massaging her clit in agonizingly slow circles. His fingers slid over the cleft of her ass as his other hand moved forward to probe her wet pussy.

  “Ah, yeah, you’re so wet for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

  “Yes!” Eve cried pushing back at his fingers, wanting him deep inside.

  Viktor played with her awhile longer. “What do you want, sweetheart?”

  “I want you to fuck me,” Eve demanded. All her inhibitions flew out the window. It was like Viktor knew all her secret fantasies and was intent on giving them to her. She’d never told anyone about them--well, no one but Midnight. “I want your cock inside me now! I want to ride your hard cock until it comes and then I want to ride it again.”

  “Mmmm, yeah, baby, keep talking,” he urged. “Tell me how good I make you feel.”

  Eve moaned as his cockhead probed her slick opening. She almost couldn’t think as he began to press into her. “Ah! You’re so big!”

  Viktor chuckled.

  Eve felt a momentary wave of embarrassment at the generic statement. But, as he pressed deeper, she forgot all about it. “Yes, you feel so good. Your body makes me hot. I’m so wet for you. I want you to take me, Viktor. Please!”

  Eve thrust her hips back to swallow him inside her. She couldn’t speak, as he filled her up completely. Eager, he began to move, thrusting wildly in her silken depths, pounding hard against her core with an almost bruising force. She didn’t care. She loved the feel of him, the power of his untamed movements. His hands grabbed her hips, pulling and pushing her body on his, faster, harder, deeper, gliding in the juices of her slick pussy. The tension built between them, echoed in the harsh pants of their breaths.


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