The Heat Is On (TREX Rookies Book 2)

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The Heat Is On (TREX Rookies Book 2) Page 5

by Allie K. Adams

  I’m still waiting for Ryan to strike when Jackson steps between us and corrects the position of my hands. “Elbows in. Hands up. Protect your strike zones.”

  “What’re my strike zones?”

  He slaps my temple. I cover it with my hand, giving him the open to smack my chin. With a smile, he says, “Those are. Hands up. I thought you said you had experience.”

  Son of a bitch. Way to make me look like a punk in front of the nerd. If TREX weren’t paying me good money to be in the internship program, if Jackson Banks wasn’t my superior, I’d tell him to kiss my ass. I get enough of this shit as a cadet for the fire department. It’s part of the hazing ritual. Hell, it’s part of the hazing ritual anywhere, to treat the new guy like a little bitch. What else about TREX will I at first hate, then tolerate, and finally learn to accept?

  That and about a million other questions have been bouncing around in my head since Bailey McKoy first approached me. At first I thought it was a joke. I’d never heard of TREX. Google returned zero hits. But then she told me more about my life story than I knew, about which prison my dad was currently in, which I didn’t even know, about all the jobs my mom has—both legit and under the table—and every single sport I played since little league.

  It was the agency’s to take care of their own that convinced me. I can take care of myself, but I worry about my mom. She works too hard. She deserves to be taken care of. If joining the ranks of TREX does nothing for me, it will at least do that for her. I made a promise to take care of her, a promise I plan to keep no matter the cost. Even if I hate being a TREX agent, knowing she’ll be set for the rest of her life is worth any cost.

  “Ready?” Jackson’s question refocuses my attention. I stare down Ryan, attempting to anticipate his move. My hands are in front of my chin, my elbows in. I mirror his footing. No way am I going to let the nerd get the upper hand. Why isn’t he attacking? What’s he waiting for?

  I’m tense as I brace myself for the first swing. I dance from foot to foot to stay loose. Is this guy ever going to attack? Then again, considering who it is, it’s a very real possibility he doesn’t know how to attack. Maybe I need to provoke him. “I know you. You’re the nerd who used to work at the computer center.”

  “I’m surprised you even know where the computer center is.”

  I laugh to cover up my irritation at his comment. Okay, so I’m not a straight A student. He doesn’t have to rub it in. “What’s with the makeover? You almost look normal now. Oh, wait. My buddy told me you and Emma had some deal. She turns you into less of a nerd if you take her to the DASH. Guess that didn’t work out so well.”

  “Who’s your buddy?”

  “Brad.” Though we no longer talk after what Britt told me he did. Still, it’s the only thing I have on this guy, so as much as it sucks, I have to use it against him. “He’s head of the Delta House.”

  “Figures you two would be friends.” Ryan’s ears turn red as he sets his jaw. My jabs are working. He’s definitely heating up. “Besides, I think it worked out just fine. Emma and I are together now.”

  “Is it real this time? Or another deal involving you bribing her to date you?”

  The red grows to his cheeks. “It’s real.”

  “You sure?”

  He stills and glares. “It’s real.”

  “Swanson,” Jackson warns. “You’re poking the bear.”

  “I’m just having a little fun.”

  “At my expense,” Ryan growls as he brings up his hands. “You dicks are all the same. You’re a bully, picking on those weaker than you to make you feel better.”

  I laugh despite his insult hitting me hard. “So, you admit you’re weaker.”

  “Maybe physically, but I’m not the one at risk of flunking out of college if I don’t pass my finals.”

  “How’d you know that?”

  “Why do you think TREX is partnering us up, Einstein?”

  I tighten my fists and brace my footing to strike. I’ll make him eat his goddamn words.

  “Jesus Christ, we’re going to be here all day if you two don’t stop yapping.” Jackson grabs a pair of sparring gloves and straps them on. “Swanson, take a seat. Ryan, front-and-center.”

  “Why me?” He pales as he bounces his gaze from Jackson’s hands to his face.

  “TREX up.” He stands at the ready. “Throw a punch.”

  “I don’t want to throw a punch.”

  “Throw a punch, cadet. That’s an order.”

  He does, and it’s like in slow motion. Jackson easily deflects it by swinging to the side and pushing Ryan’s arm with the butt of his hand. “Again.” Ryan does, and once again Jackson dodges the blow. “Again.”

  They go through the motions several times before Ryan finally drops his hands to his sides. “What’s the point of this? It’s obvious I don’t know how to fight.”

  Without warning, Jackson grabs him and puts him in a chokehold. Ryan barely has time to struggle before Jackson throws him to the ground. “A TREX agent never gives up. Have a seat. Swanson, take the mat.”

  Oh, shit. I don’t look at Ryan as he pulls himself up and over to the bench. I stand and walk onto the mat, mirroring Jackson’s stance. Jesus, this guy is huge. I swallow my nerves and nod. “Ready, sir.”


  Since he easily avoided Ryan’s straight punches, I try for an undercut. Jackson swings his arm down and connects his forearm with mine, sending my fist off to the side. He nods, and I try again, this time a straight punch like Ryan. Again, Jackson blocks it. When he advances, I hold my ground, knowing retreat puts me at the disadvantage. He reaches for me. I roll out of his grasp before he can take hold and reverse, putting him in a chokehold. I grin triumphantly at Ryan.

  And immediately lose it when Jackson slips out of my grip and has me on the ground in a split second. Damn it. He knocked the wind out of me. I cough and gasp for air as he glances down at me. “A TREX agent doesn’t get too cocky. Join your partner.”

  I finally pull in a breath after standing and sit next to Ryan on the bench. We exchange glances and are clearly thinking the same thing—we both suck.

  Jackson stands before us as he unstraps the gloves. “Can either of you tell me the purpose of this exercise?”

  To make fools of us. I keep my comment to myself. Something tells me it was a rhetorical question.

  “To prove you are both equal. Right now, it’s how you are both equally incompetent. Swanson, you may have the advantage on the mat, but Ryan has the advantage at the books. That’s why you’re here. Ryan, tutor him and get his grades up. Swanson, show him how to hold his own on the mat. Work together, not against each other. Use each other’s strengths to your advantage. Lesson over. Hit the books.”

  Books? I didn’t agree to this internship to add more homework. I can’t even keep up with the schoolwork I have now. I check my watch. Kayla will be home from her shift at the diner by now. If I don’t get going, I may miss her. It’s Saturday. She usually goes to the library and stays there until it closes. I don’t know if the fact I know that much about her routine is a good thing or not. Regardless, I want to be a man of my word and fix her balcony. I check my watch again.

  “Do you have somewhere more important to be?”

  “Sir, my neighbor is waiting for me to look at her balcony.”

  “And that’s my problem, how?”

  “I made a promise.”

  “It’ll still be there when you’re done. Ryan, he’s all yours.” Jackson walks out of the room, leaving us staring at the door.

  Ryan finally nods at the table where there’s a stack of books from my classes. How’d they get these? I don’t even have all the books. Reluctantly, I take a seat and grab one off the top, opening it to the chapter we’ve been working on in class. “This is stupid. I don’t need your help. Who’s TREX to force this on me?”

  “The agency paying you to pass your classes.”

  I can’t argue that one. Still, I don’t want
to give him the last word, so I add, “And paying you to get me to pass my classes.”

  “I’m here to help you pass. It’s up to you to actually do it. If you can’t pass a class after however many years you’ve been in college, that’s your problem. Not mine.”

  I slam the book shut, immediately pissed at this guy’s attitude. He’s ordered to tutor me, not be a complete asshole—even though I’ve given him no reason to act any other way than he’s acting now. “What’s your problem with me?”

  “Right now? Or in general?” He doesn’t bother looking up from the pages he’s turning.

  “Seriously, dude. What’s up your ass?”

  He finally looks at me. “I don’t like you.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “Fine.” He returns his attention to the book in front of him and turns another page. “I don’t like people like you.”

  “People like me?” I’m ready to jump across the table and shove the book down his throat. “You mean people who don’t have to make a deal with a pretty girl to get her to sleep with him?”

  He slams the book so hard the table shakes. I have to admit, I didn’t think he had it in him. When he rivets me with a lethal glare, I’m shocked he has that in him as well. “Insult me all you want. I don’t care, because I don’t care what you think. Of me. Of yourself. I. Don’t. Care.” He leans toward me and lowers his voice, both in volume and tone. “But if you say one more word about Emma, I will launch over this table and break as many of your bones as I can until you knock me out. Trust me. That’s the only way I’ll stop.”

  I’m stunned. I can only blink as I stare. I have no doubt he’d carry through with his threat.

  “Let’s just get back to work,” I say after a tense silence.

  “Actually.” He stands and grabs his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. “I’ve had about as much as I can take for one day. Kayla’s waiting for you, I’m sure.”

  He’s almost to the door when I call out, “Hey.” He stops but keeps his back to me. For whatever reason, I feel the need to offer him something so we don’t leave this session hating each other. We don’t have to like each other, but we do have to work together. After all, we’re partners. “Thanks for letting me out early.”

  “I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for Kayla.” He pushes the door open and walks out.

  I sigh and close my eyes. This is going to be harder than I thought. I can’t have a partner who hates me. I wonder if I have the right ask for a different one. Considering Ryan is the only other person I’ve seen in the program, chances are he’s it.

  “Looks like you two need couple’s counseling.”

  I open my eyes as Bailey walks into the room and sits across the table. She’s watching me with those deep cobalt eyes, accented by her dark hair. I’ve always been a sucker for brunettes. If she weren’t older. And my boss. And a little scary herself.

  I snap out of seeing her as anyone other than a senior agent. “He’s got issues.”

  “He’s just really protective over Emma.” She grabs one of the books and flips through it. “You’d be just as protective over Kayla if you were a thing.”

  My heart skips a few beats at the mention of her name, which I don’t much appreciate. I shouldn’t be excited to see her again. I definitely shouldn’t react to the sound of her name. Not wanting to stick around and get into a deep conversation I won’t be able to walk away from, I stand and reach for my book bag.

  “If I may offer some advice.”

  Here we go. I don’t want to insult Bailey by shutting her down, but I really don’t care what she has to say. She doesn’t know me. The real me. She knows the me I let her see, the one she’s been able to dig up the intel on. I decide to humor her. “Yeah, sure.”

  “Does insulting Kayla work?”

  I stop filling my bag with books and look at her. “Huh?”

  “The way you dug at Ryan, insulting him to get him to fight you… Does that ever work?”

  All the time. I’m sure that’s not where she’s going with this. “What’s that got to do with Kayla?”

  “Handle Ryan the way you handle Kayla.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks.” I’m so not going to do that. The way I handle Kayla is personal. Aside from the obvious sexual side of my relationship with her, I also do things to make her smile. Laugh. She has the greatest laugh. It makes me happy, like conjuring up my greatest memory and adding to it. It’s better than the best drug.

  “What is it that draws you to her?”

  I zip my bag closed and hesitate. Bailey isn’t going to stop until she gets something. I know women like her. My mother is like that. She can go on for days, digging at me until I finally break. I don’t want to break with a senior agent. Maybe if I give her something, she’ll let me leave before I do.

  “She’s nothing like me.” My comment surprises me. I don’t realize that’s how I feel until I say it.

  “Neither is Ryan.” She stands and moves away from the table to lean against the wall. “You found something in common with her. Find something in common with him.”

  “What I have in common with Kayla is…” I hesitate again, not wanting to admit that much. The only thing we have in common is sex. I definitely won’t have that with Ryan. “It’s complicated.”

  “Uncomplicate it. Opposites work better together. Could you imagine pairing up with someone just like you?”

  I immediately think of Britt and shudder. We’d kill each other if we paired up in any sense of the word. “No.”

  “Find something in common and build on that. You’ll be amazed at what you just may learn from each other.” She offers a smile before walking out, leaving me alone to wrap my brain around her advice.

  Was she talking about Ryan? Or Kayla?



  “To never dating again.” I lift my glass high to call a toast. Thank God for best friends. Mine think they’re here to help me get over Ian. That’s only because they don’t know about Jake. Well, at least the most recent accident. I call it an accident since I didn’t go out that night looking to come home with someone like Jake Swanson.

  My brilliant idea of having rebound sex with a player, especially when I haven’t recovered from our first hookup, only made things worse. It’s been a week, and I’m even more of a hot mess. I only leave my apartment for work or school for fear I’ll see him and end up with my legs wrapped around him again. I don’t trust myself when we share the same airspace. He has some sort of power over me, one that makes me lose all reason in a rush to get naked and do wicked things worthy of a porn.

  That’s why I didn’t answer my door when he showed up last Saturday. I still don’t know if he wanted a repeat of the night before or what. He had what looked like a set of tools with him, and he did offer to look at my balcony. Knowing him, the case that typically held screwdrivers and socket sets was actually filled with sex toys. That’s more Jake’s speed.

  He claims to be good with his hands. I know firsthand how good he really is. Still, I’ve never seen him fix anything other than my desire to take a guy like Jake home and not come up for air until daybreak. That, he definitely cured me from ever doing again.

  If my friends only knew. There’s no way I’m going to tell them, not this time. They still give me shit after I told them about the first time. At least they’re always here for me. It’s utterly shocking how we, none of us yet a quarter of a century old, can screw up our lives so monumentally it requires a support group.

  “To never dating again,” the three of them repeat. We clink our glasses and take a drink.

  Melanie rests her head on my shoulder and pets my hair. She always gets overly friendly when she drinks this much, but she’s nursing her own breakup, so it’s warranted. I’ve already taken her keys and hid them in my purse. After we call it a night, I’ll take her home so she can sleep it off. She lives across the island and I don’t want her driving.

She breaks into a giggle. I can’t wait to hear what she finds so funny. “You have the prettiest hair. It’s just like chocolate with caramel inside. Your hair makes me want a Rolo. Does anyone have any emergency chocolate?”

  We all whip out our candy. Ever since meeting at a study group four years ago and huddling together as we struggled with subject matter that made no sense, at least one of us has a supply of emergency chocolate to administer if needed. And with four girls in our group, it’s always needed.

  Like now, as we mourn the loss of yet another relationship.

  “Men suck,” Mel declares as she bites into her chocolate.

  Hell yeah, they do. It’s why we’re all here, to have a girls’ night out and commiserate over how men really do suck. Our GNOs are the only thing that pulls my nose out of my textbooks. Well, that and taking hot firemen home from the bar, but let’s not go there. “When did you and Steve break up?”

  “Yesterday. No, today. No. What day is it?”

  I laugh and kiss her on the forehead. Mel is definitely the blonde of the group.

  “Y’know what we need t’do? We need t’get these bastards out of our systems.” Shannon brings up her index finger. She’s slurring almost as much as Mel. Our dark beauty, Shannon has the power to make a man beg with nothing more than a flash of her beautiful smile. She throws an arm around Ciara, the quiet one. She goes along with whatever everyone else wants to do, but I’ve seen her break out of her shell every once in a while. When she lets her red hair down, she’s pretty wild. “A boyfriend burning.”

  “That sounds awesome,” Ciara agrees with an enthusiastic nod. “Do we get to burn real boyfriends?” And her wild side is out. To demonstrate, she whips out a clicker lighter. Where’d that come from?

  “We are not witches.” I shake my head to close the subject. Besides, if my man-whore neighbor catches wind of this, he’ll find some way to hold it against me the next time we see each other. Knowing Jake—the king of bad timing—it’ll be tonight, since he likes to constantly remind me of my bad decisions whenever I do something stupid. Like having sex with him. Twice. A boyfriend burning may even top that in my ever-growing list of stupid things.


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