Swept Off Her Feet

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Swept Off Her Feet Page 6

by Camille Anthony

  As soon as he turned his back on her, she hurriedly snatched up her towel, retreating back to the bed where she sat down, clutching it over her heaving breasts with both hands.

  He took the ampoule from his captain and closed the door behind him, then proceeded to engage the lock with a deliberateness that started her pulse pounding and her cunt juicing. He turned. When he saw what she had done his lips twitched up in an amused smile.

  She straightened her back and firmed her jaw. Her heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and dread as she watched him approach, his bold eyes drilling into hers, silently challenging her to admit the mutual desire sparking between them.

  His face was arrantly beautiful, his body a graceful rhapsody in motion. Though massively built, he moved lightly, silently on nimble feet. The defined ridges of his muscular chest, unmarred by hair, rippled and contracted under his smooth dark skin with his every movement. For the first time, she noticed a slight indentation about three or four inches below each flat, wide masculine nipple. The circular, smooth depressions looked like scar tissue, a little darker than the skin around them. What could have caused the circular scarring?

  His voice interrupted her musing. “Nnora, tis no disgrace to be bested by a more able foe. The fighting ends now. Or…” he grinned, “…must I have my men in here to assist your surrender?”

  Even as he spoke the threat, she knew he did not mean it. The locked door testified against him. She was convinced she need not worry on that account.

  “You will remove your covering and submit to me, now.”

  She knew he would brook no further resistance.

  The growing heat in her loins compelled her to admit she wanted, no needed what the prince offered. Her curiosity grown enormous, she desperately wanted to explore this erotic landscape with the prince—the most intriguing man she had ever met. Still, she had questions regarding her father’s plans and his involvement in this situation.

  Silently, provocatively, hoping her tremors of fearful lust were not visible to him, she let the towel pool about her waist. Her skin pinkened under his focused gaze. Her nipples crested in blatant arousal and she fought back the urge to shelter her breasts behind her hands. She wanted him to see her, to desire her. She wanted him to find her breasts alluring and irresistible. She had one more question, however.

  “Surely you do not intend to mate me with your men listening in the next room?”

  He came up to her, smoothed his hands over her bare arms. He ran his fingers across the top of her chest, skimming the yearning flesh of her swollen breasts. “Were our situation different, I would consider waiting until after the Acceptance Ceremony on Rb’qarm for full mating, however—”

  “Will you wait if I promise to accept this marriage?” She would bargain, willingly offer anything that would buy her some much-needed time to think. To plan.

  “No, Nnora, I will not.” He shook his head. “You bargain falsely. You mean to placate me now, while you plot your later escape. I admire your tenacity, fem, as it will serve you well in your new role as my mate and consort.” He sighed.

  “I know you are as attracted to me as I am to you. The flowering does not lie. I truly regret having to snatch you away against your will. If only I could spend more time courting you, if only I were not so desperately needed back home—” He shook his head again.

  “I do not care to see you unhappy, my fem. I vow I will make everything up to you. I will shower you with the gift of my affections and will grant you whatsoever else you desire, up to the half of my kingdom.” He smoothed back her hair, gaze lingering on her face.

  What was he looking for? What did he want from her? She tipped her head back to lock gazes with his fascinating eyes and felt him capture her left arm in a firm grip. He pressed something into her forearm.

  The ampoule he had received from his henchman—she had forgotten in her fear and scheming. It dissolved quickly and painlessly into her skin. She recoiled away from him in terror, staring at her arm.

  God, was she poisoned? Had he drugged her to ease his kidnapping plans?

  “What did you do to me? What did you give me?”

  Dare I trust your answer?

  “Be calm, Nippa. It is merely a nanotech learning device.” He sought to soothe her by allowing her to place distance between them. “It is a miniature translator which will not only allow us to communicate more effectively with each other by attaching a node to your cerebral cortex—it will gradually give you a complete database of the emotional context of the words and phrases, as well as the grammatical usage. You will soon be speaking and understanding our language as if you were born to it, which, in fact, you were.

  She rubbed at her arm, frowning. She narrowed her eyes, glared at him. “I don’t like that you did that without asking me. I have a right to make my own decisions, Glendevtorvas.”

  I will give you all the choices I can—all but the choice to deny me, now.”

  “That is no choice, at all,” she snapped.

  “I realize this situation is not fair to you, Nnora. Again, I regret I do not have the time or the self-control to withhold myself from you, to court you as I wish to. It has been many years since my terat have softened for a fem. I had thought myself resigned, used to the lack, and then I peeked into your cleansing room. I saw you touch yourself, smelled the flowering of your sweet pussy. I tell you…” He gathered her close as he stared into her eyes. “You will never know how close you came to being taken against the reflecting wall. I have yet to regain that lost control, and for that I give you my apologies. I make no apologies for anything else.”

  He bent to press a soft kiss against her lips.

  Nnora turned her head away.

  His fingers snagged her chin, turned her face up to his.

  “Resign yourself, Nippa. As sure as the stars burn, we shall share sex…and soon. I dare not allow you to remain unmated the length of the journey home. My men are as cruelly deprived as myself, and you present a heady temptation. I will not chance having to kill a friend over you. I want you too desperately to delay for long, but I will give you the choice of when and where we seal our bond…here and now? Or tomorrow, on board the ship?”

  “I choose tomorrow,” she said quickly, thankful for any reprieve, marveling at how open he was being with her.

  “You do truly mean me for yourself? You do not plan to share me with your men?”

  “Share a life-mate?” He drew back, his face contorted in a horrified scowl. “By the stars, fem, where came you by this blasphemy? What perversions have been spawned on this Rojas-forsaken planet?”

  His shock seemed so unfeigned and deep, it convinced her of his sincerity. She slumped in relief. “It is not the practice among my father’s people, as far as I know, though it has been known to happen here on Earth. I was unsure of your intentions.”

  “My intentions, this day, are to influence your pava and flowering towards me. I will seat your nipples, and if you are cooperative with that, I will grant you the day’s delay of our full joining.” He shrugged. “More than that I cannot do.”

  “Seating…not just sitting down. I seem to know that it is something sexual, something important to do with a couple becoming mates.” Her gaze went without thought to the circular indentions in the prince’s chest. “What does seating have to do with your scars?”

  His thick brows drew together. “I was told you were raised among Humans, but I cannot believe you were allowed to grow to maturity uneducated about your own sexuality and biological legacy.”

  She didn’t especially care for that note of pity she heard in his voice. “I wasn’t found until after my first pava. But since you seem to enjoy using seating to threaten me, I’ll let you do the explaining, Prince.”

  “That you can label it a threat tells me how woefully ignorant you are. I have issued you no threats. I have only made the very real promise to make you my cherzda’va.

  “As for the seating, I’ll gladly explain if you’ll sto
p trying to convince yourself you are in danger. Come. Sit here, beside me.” He patted the mattress.

  “I’d rather stand, thank you!”

  He gave her a level stare from beneath down-drawn brows, silently waiting.

  Sighing audibly, trailing her towel, she flounced over to the bed and flopped down. “All right, I’m here. So talk!”

  He didn’t say a word. Instead, taking her hand and placing it brazenly in his lap, Devtorvas forcibly folded her hand around his hot, mammoth, and still expanding sex, anchoring her fingers under his own. Directing her hand in a slow glide, he drew their linked fingers over the rough denim, slowly tracing the changing contours of his stiff, pulsating cock. “This,” he instructed calmly, “is my cherzda.” He pressed her palm into the soft mass of his balls, “And these are my sirat. You shall be my cherzda’va—the only woman my cherzda rises for.”

  “The biology lesson would have been fine as a verbal tour, you know.” She yanked her hand free. “You could have instructed me without the tactile assistance.” She was embarrassed and at the same time unbearably aroused by his bold words and bolder gestures. Her fingers and the palm of her hand tingled with the remembered heft of the Prince’s arousal, the weightiness of his balls. She had never felt anything so huge in her life. Ron-the-”Rocket’s” firecracker member was an ice cream stick in comparison…no, a toothpick. She smothered a guilty laugh by covering her blushing cheeks and mouth with both hands.

  “I could have, yes,” Devtorvas agreed. “But you need to learn how to handle me, grow accustomed to me.”

  How unbelievably arrogant of him. As if his huge cock was enough to convince her to give in to him totally. She fully anticipated enjoying their foreplay, and had no intention of forgetting her plans to call a halt before the actual lovemaking, no matter how her insides were screaming for a chance to be filled with something other than her “Jumbo.”

  Her thoughts disintegrated, blasted into nothingness by the feel of his hand upon hers. Her heart tripped in renewed excitement when she heard him say, “There is much to teach you during our journey home. I believe we will begin here.”

  Chapter Six

  Leaning forward, Devtorvas touched his forefingers to Nnora’s nipples, pressing and releasing the buds, circling smoothly. When they responded by tightening and lifting, he cupped a breast in each hand, creating a masculine frame for her feminine flesh. “Look at how beautiful you are,” he invited, his voice rich and deep, his hands tightening around her breasts, fingers pinching hard on her beaded crests.

  She shuddered, a sudden rush of hot fluid filling her cunt and oozing out to glisten on the hairless lips of her pussy.

  The feel of his long, elegant, very masculine fingers, the warmth of his callused palms enclosing her aching flesh made her wild, invoking another pungent flowering. She groaned in concert with him as her sharp scent flooded the air. Squeezing her thighs together, she shifted restlessly in a futile attempt to ease the growing emptiness between her legs.

  “You have long, pouty nipples.” He carefully squeezed her sensitive tips. “Stiff little delights, just the way I like them. I want them in my mouth. I want to suck them up like hard treats.”

  At the heavy, hungry look of sensual greed in his all-seeing eyes, she wished she wore a pair of panties to hide her growing dampness.

  “You are in for a surprise if you have truly never been seated.” His lips turned up in a slight smile that bore a hint of sexual teasing.

  “So when are you going to get around to introducing me to this surprise?” She did some teasing of her own, and walked her fingertips up the broad, naked chest before her. She dipped her nails into the shallow depressions below his masculine nipples and thrilled with the enjoyment of her feminine power when he shuddered under her hands. So much masculine power under her control.

  He drew back from her, trying to ease her fingers away from his chest. The tightness of his grip almost crushed her fingers. Curling her hands about his and rubbing them against his taut skin, she avidly tracked his response to her playful touches.

  His lips drew back in a hiss of barely controlled lust and he growled from between clenched teeth, his words harsh with need. “You play with fire, fem. I am very near the brink of my control. Let me, I beg you, lead this dance—”

  “If I don’t, what will you do?” she asked archly, reluctant to give up the heady feeling of controlling their play.

  He paused, gazing down at her beneath hooded lids, his expression thoughtful. “I keep forgetting you were not raised on the colony, so you have very little idea of what you are putting me through.” His mouth widened into a rakish smile. “I rejoice that I will be the first to give you a good nipple-suckling.”

  She swallowed hard, had to try twice before managing to force the words from her constricted throat. “I have had my nipples sucked, before. I have been married, you know. I—”

  “To a Human!” His disparaging tones made plain his low opinion of the breed. “I consider you untouched—a canvas waiting for the artist’s hand, a wild, open field that I shall enjoy frolicking in. Moreover, I shall make sure you enjoy our romp, also,” he bragged. “You have never been attended to the way I shall care for you, my own.”

  Sliding his large hands under her breasts, he hefted their heavy weight. His broad palms made her Dolly Parton wannabes appear, if not dainty, then certainly smaller and lighter than she was wont to think of them. In his hands, she felt small, feminine, and…desired.

  “You sure don’t need a town crier to blow your horn.” She battled to subdue the fluttering butterflies in her belly. Stars above, how she loved the feel of his big hands on her flesh.

  “I intend to prove my every word upon your luscious flesh,” he purred, bending his head and carefully lapping at a diamond-hard point. His rough tongue sent splinters of jagged sensation arrowing straight to her cunt. “And I shall show you what you have been missing.”

  “You think your mouth so talented, then?”

  He laughed aloud before pulling the nipple right into his mouth, pressing the tip between the roof of his palate and tongue and suckling hard.

  Her back bowed under the stream of fire burning her from the inside out. Mewling, she buried the fingers of one hand in his thick hair and tugged his head closer to her full breast. By the time he released her reddened nipple with an audible pop, she was panting.

  “Actually, yes, my mouth is that talented. But I won’t be using my mouth when I suck you raw,” he informed her. “I am going to insert these luscious berries into my terat!”

  Bending his head, he took the other nipple in and treated it to the same fixed attention, sucking it deeply into the humid cavern of his mouth and pulling strongly. His fingers twisted and tugged her free breast, rubbing her areole with the palm of his hand.

  The strong tugging called both her nipples and her pussy to strict attention. The muscles in her belly tightened then fluttered as her cunt throbbed, begging for his touch. Her clit was swollen and aching, as were her pussy lips, the entire area awash in her spilling juices. She wanted him to stroke her there…but she was too shy to take the initiative and move his hand to where she needed it the most.

  Between the intense stimulation and her own heavy breathing, she could hardly articulate her next question. “You say terat and I hear suction holes or breast cups. Why am I hearing this at the same time I hear you say something else? I wish you would speak English.”

  He lifted his head and laughed at her. “Little Princess, I haven’t been talking English since I gave you the injection of nanofyles. You are hearing the translation of our language through your new implant.”

  His casual attitude exasperated her. “So I can expect no let-up of this confusion, huh?”

  Another laugh rumbled from his throat before he bent back down to lick and nip at her erect nipples, interspersing each word with a heated swipe of his tongue. “To answer your question, Rb’qarmshi men have terat to milk their mate’s tlinis.”
/>   Ceasing his tongue play, Dev gave a last lingering swipe to each pebbled crest before slowly releasing her damp flesh. “By Deth, I hate to stop, but I think you’re ready now.”

  His fingers still plumped and tugged on her breasts as if he could not get enough of the feel of her beneath his hands. Finally, he ceased his heated caresses, drawing back, sliding his hand down her arms until he reached her hands. He curled his fingers around her hands, lifted them to his mouth and planted a kiss in each palm.

  “Watch and feel.” He took her hands and brought them to the indented circles below his flat male nipples, then touched her pointer fingers to his chest. Her fingers sank into a shallow dip about three quarters of an inch deep, where strong inner muscles caught and held them. She jerked in shock, instinctively moving to pull away. He countered, his hands holding hers firmly to his body.

  Her eyes opened wide and she gasped. “What—? How—?”

  “When the Rb’qarmshi male is aroused, these soften and a mouth is created. This is how we seat our woman’s tlinis, drawing her essence, her gift, into our bodies. The seating is the second point of joining, intensely pleasurable for the fem. The gods’ gift to both parties.”

  The rhythmic pull on the tips of her fingers set her mind racing. What would that strong pull feel like with her nipples buried areole-deep in his chest? Clamped around her swollen clit? She bit back a moan at the wild thought.

  His hands returned to her breasts and she moaned aloud. His fingers meandered over her swollen, hot curves in maddening patterns that etched erotic magic, worked upon her flesh until she cried out at the spiraling need he awoke. Her breathing quickened, shortened, making her words a jumble of sounds. “Wh—what is the…ahh…the first point of…joining?”

  “This.” Releasing her captive fingers, Glendevtorvas brought her lips to his. His kiss was neither mild nor tentative, but bold and audacious. Adventurous, inviting her participation in the open-mouthed feast, he bit at her, nibbled her lips, surprising her into a gasp. He took quick advantage of her startled reaction to thrust his tongue deep into the recesses of her mouth, brazenly laying claim to the territory behind her teeth.


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