Swept Off Her Feet

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Swept Off Her Feet Page 10

by Camille Anthony

  The viscous, slippery substance looked and smelled nothing like Human ejaculate. Hot and slick, it caused her hands to glide and slip as she ran them over his jutting manhood and down between his legs.

  “What is this stuff?” she asked, her fingers playing slip ‘n slide over his responsive cock.

  “It is…my zhi. It presages my seed. It will…ease my way…help me enter you without too much pain. “By Deth, Nippa!”

  He sucked in a loud breath. His eyes squeezed shut as his body danced beneath her busy mouth and fingers. The muscles in his lower belly visibly bunched and contracted in jerky spasms that caused his rock hard erection to thud against her cupped hands. His hips bucked frantically as he choked off a harsh, primal cry of ecstasy.

  “Enough of this!” He dragged her up, capturing her mouth in a desperate kiss.

  Lush. Wetly primal, the kiss incited her to partake. She twined her eager tongue with his, bent on shattering his last defenses, on giving as good as she got. Reaching down between them, she grabbed and squeezed his balls, adding the final touch to his defeat.

  He let out a lusty groan, then arched his bucking hips into her palms, a jet of cum spuming from his pulsating cherzda. He came a long time, flooding her hands and breasts, her thighs and her mons until he collapsed down beside her in spent ecstasy.

  The smell of his glistening seed was strongly evocative, reminding her of scent from her childhood. She could not bring to mind the exact aroma; the scent eluded her. Nnora could not resist swirling the tip of her pointer finger through the shimmering layer of cum decorating her right breast. Determined to know his taste, she brought the finger to the tip of her tongue—

  Anise stars danced behind her eyelids.

  Licorice novas exploded through her body.

  Her body bowed under a brutal orgasm. She jack-knifed up towards his crotch. His cock, still erect and firm, thudded hard against her clit. She howled like a bitch in heat, screaming as her hands, clenching and unclenching, pounded the mattress at her sides.

  Oh, god, what is happening to me?

  Her head thrashed from side to side, eyes wide open yet blinded by the maelstrom raging throughout her bucking body. She felt on fire, hotter than firecrackers on a July Fourth evening.

  “Help…me…help…oh, god!”

  Incoherent pleas poured from her lips as her body burned and sizzled, dark need and grinding completion battled within her, searing her flesh. She didn’t feel him moving her, rearranging her body.

  She knew nothing until Dev eased her thrashing thighs further apart, murmuring assurances and stroking calm into her taut flanks. Sinking his head between her thighs, he clamped his open mouth over her weeping cunt.

  Every flat-tongued swipe seemed designed to drive her higher; every swirling lick caused the flames to burn brighter.

  “Dev, I’m burning up…you’re…burning me up.”

  She wept as he relentlessly devoured her cunt, loudly gulping and slurping the flowing streams of her slick cream. Lapping, biting at her, he worked her pussy until once more she climaxed, climbing again, screaming again.

  Like a ravenous beast, he feasted in her cunt, seeming never to have enough. He tongue-fucked her, his driving tongue a fiery lash spearing into her churning depths.

  “Oh, yes, oh, yes…eat me! Ream me,” she shouted, climbing from plateau to plateau of pleasure, sobbing out her satisfaction through orgasm after orgasm.

  He fed on her quivering flesh until he had reduced her to a moaning heap, no longer capable of producing so much as a whimper out of her raw, abused throat. Took her to height after height, until she lay beneath him limp and satiated, unable to sustain another drop of pleasure.

  He lifted his head and met her dazed eyes, a measuring look in his own.

  “You can take more.” Relentlessly, he pinched and twisted her abraded nipples, reddening them more. Their spurt of erect growth only met with firmer handling. “I love to see you come, Nippa. Dance for me, again…”

  Giving her a wicked grin, he lowered his head once more to take her clit between his teeth.

  Chapter Nine

  He motioned for her to precede him through the open door. “How long will you be angry with me, fem?”

  “Until you can give me an acceptable explanation for making me pee with an audience, you high-handed, overbearing male.”

  Nnora was still fuming over the fact that Dev had refused her request for privacy. After their amazing love-play and shared shower, she had been feeling in harmony with him until he had issued his high-handed edict that she was not to leave his sight until they reached his ship.

  Disregarding her frantic pleas for a few moments alone, he had pointed out their earlier intimacy, reminding her he had already seen everything she had.

  She gritted her teeth at the memory of his typical male response, becoming angry all over again. Men! Why couldn’t they seem to realize that some things were just more intimate than sex? In her humble opinion, using the bathroom definitely fell in that category.

  The irritating lout had rejected all her well-reasoned, logical points. He had lounged against the mirrored wall, arms crossed over his wide chest, his large presence stealing the very air, filling the extra space in her small bathroom. Under his gimlet eye, she had made several abortive attempts to empty her bladder. Frustrated, teeth floating, she had begged him to turn around, to allow her, at least, the illusion of privacy. He’d agreed to her request and she’d been so thankful, she had failed to notice his trickery.

  She’d watched anxiously as he turned his back. With a long, relieved sigh, her tense muscles relaxed enough for her to take care of business. Her ire forgotten, she happily contemplated their recent sexual indulgences, excited about where their relationship might be going…until, in the midst of her happy thoughts, she glanced up and met his watchful gaze in the mirrored wall. The tricky dog had been watching her all along. With an angry cry of embarrassment, she’d thrown the roll of toilet tissue at his head.

  After that humiliating interlude, she knew she should have no problems facing down his soldiers, though she definitely did not look forward to running the gauntlet of alien warriors milling about her living room. In actual fact, she still dreaded becoming the focus for the knowing eyes of his personal guard, every one of them privy to what had been occurring in her bedroom. Even if nothing could be worse than Dev watching her pee.

  Damn him, anyhow. After that explosive series of climaxes engendered by her tasting his sperm, he had brought her to completion several times more during the course of the afternoon, twice with his mouth and hands and once with his terat. Until she’d become too hoarse and too exhausted to make a peep, her screams of ecstasy had probably penetrated all the way out to the street, let alone into the next room.

  How could she have known she was a “screamer”? Her lips turned up in an unwilling smile.

  Oh, she’d gasped and moaned her way through many Jumbo-induced climaxes, but hand fucks required a certain level of control. She’d never before had the opportunity to find out how giving up control to another during orgasm would affect her—before Dev’s whirlwind entrance into her life, she’d never had an orgasm with anyone else.

  Now, standing in the doorway of her crowded living room, head bowed, cheeks burning hotly, she prepared to pass through the congregated men. At her side, Dev whispered encouragement, taking her upper arm in a broad palm.

  She started out, eyes lowered, yet she fancied she could feel the intent gaze of each soldier burning through her layers of clothing. Were they envisioning the shape of her nipples, the roundness of her buttocks?

  From what her quick, furtive glances garnered, every single member of the prince’s personal cadre of guards exceeded the standard—hers anyway!—of masculine beauty. Each epitomized the height of manly strength and form.

  The thought of being the focus of these men’s sexual fantasies caused a wicked spurt of hot excitement to blossom in her breasts and in her cunt. Her nipples perke
d up and preened for their audience, pushing boldly against their thin covering of silk. Horrified, she snatched her arm out of Dev’s grip and rushed past his men, intent on getting on the other side without them smelling the heated flow of her arousal.

  In her wake, she vaguely heard several of the warriors making comments in the melodious sounding Rb’qarmli tongue, but the loud pounding of her heart, the ringing in her ears, prevented her from comprehending what they said.

  Catching up with her just before she reached the door, Dev recaptured her arm, whispering reassuringly, “No need to feel discomfited, Nippa. They only remark on your regal bearing and uncommon beauty, knowing I would allow nothing more personal—”

  “You claim to know what I’m feeling, Dev?” she asked scornfully, using the informal diminutive of his name as he had requested. Considering the intimate activities they had shared, it would be hypocritical to balk at familiarity now. “You think you can read my thoughts?”

  “What need have I to read your thoughts, Nippa, when I have only to read your expressive face—” he opened the front door , letting in the sights and sounds of the busy San Francisco street she lived on “—or smell your pava’s sweet release of juices.”

  She wanted to slap that smug smile off his too-handsome face.

  So much for her aroused state escaping the men’s detection…

  She made no excuses for her body’s responses. She would have had to be dead not to react to all the testosterone floating free in her living room. Any normal woman—and Dev had proven her just that, this afternoon—would have responded in the same manner.

  “Keep your nose out of my business, Your Highness,” she snapped. Immediately, she wished the sentence back, sure he would take offense at her unthinking words. “Devtorvas, I—”

  “Sh’tai, craal i nohtan’ka!”

  The living room emptied as the warriors instantly headed for the bedroom in obedience to their prince’s irate command.

  Her mouth worked soundlessly, unable to articulate an apology as Dev advanced on her with eyes narrowed and lips drawn tight in anger. Before he could speak, she rushed into words. “Please don’t send them in there, Dev! I didn’t strip the sheets—”

  He took hold of her, his pectorals flexing as he lifted her up against the wall, the strength of his arms easily holding her in place. He growled, “Fuck the sheets! You dare flower in the presence of my men and declare it not my business? Know this, Glennora, my cherzda’va…when you are ready to dance, I will be your only partner.”

  “I didn’t mean it like—”

  Dev’s mouth crashed down on hers, cutting off the rest of her sentence. His tongue stabbed at hers, swiping the walls of her mouth, skimming the edges of her teeth. He thrust his tongue in her repeatedly, mimicking how he had thrust it into her cunt earlier, demanding her response.

  She helplessly gave him what she knew he wanted, entangling her tongue with his. She suckled on his marauding flesh, losing herself in his spicy, erotic taste.

  Why did he, how could he, cause her to forget everything in his arms…even her justified anger?

  He leaned into her, his considerable bulk holding her still while he snaked one bold hand up under the hem of her dress, snarling a word her implanted translator couldn’t or wouldn’t handle. Holding her gaze, he shredded her panties as if they were paper. His hand returned to plunder her wet folds.

  He flicked her clit with a heavy swipe of his thumb while he sank two digits into her contracting pussy. She tensed, fighting the response, but pleasure washed through her, darkening her sight. Against her will, her clenched muscles loosened. Her clit throbbed beneath his rough handling. Her cream flowed heavy and thick around his fingers, easing their path. He shoved them in and out of her until her hips were thrusting back at him, wordlessly begging for more.

  She was addicted, a junkie for his sexual expertise. He knew just what she wanted, what would turn her on, burn her up. For a moment, she hated him, hated that he had such control over her. The next moment her arms were encircling his shoulders, her legs rising to clasp his waist as she rode his thrusting hand, her thoughts disjointed and chaotic.

  She forgot the open door and the men huddled in the bedroom, forgot everything but the lust zinging through her. Dev worked her clit with merciless pressure, driving her higher and higher as his fingers shuttled in and out of her weeping sex.

  She needed him, needed this. With each grinding, shattering climax, her pussy felt emptier and hungrier. He was conditioning her. Soon, she knew, he would have her begging for his cock, not caring how its size would stretch her, hurt her. She shuddered, muscles trembling as fire swept through her, building and burning as the first convulsions of a massive orgasm took her.

  He yanked his fingers from her cunt. Dread washed over her, icing her womb and freezing her flesh. A river of cream gushed out no longer contained by his fingers. Her thighs were coated in rapidly cooling liquid, adding to her discomfort.

  “Noooooo!” She moaned and wailed, bereft, lost, her culmination fading as if it had never been. She wanted those fingers back, wanted them buried in her throbbing cunt, needed them. “Please, Dev,” she begged. “Please don’t stop…not now, when I need you so much. Please finish me.”

  “‘Finish me’ isn’t what I wanted to hear,” he growled. “I’ll give you a hint. The word starts with the same letter.”

  He rubbed his soaked fingers across her lips, bathing her in her juices. She gasped in affronted shock, and he pressed his fingers past her lips and teeth to wipe them on her tongue, giving her a taste of her own essence. He lowered his head beside hers, his tongue outlining the rim of her earlobe before he thrust deeply into the sensitive chamber, fucking her ear as he had her mouth, her pussy.

  “Suck on my fingers,” he demanded in a harsh whisper. “Taste yourself on my flesh. Have you ever tasted such sweetness?”

  She could only moan as her lips closed over his fingers. Her tongue swirled around and between the two thick digits crowding her mouth, exploring her own unique flavor. All the while, a steady stream of tears fell from her closed eyes, wetting her face and the front of his shirt.

  Abruptly, he stilled. A heavy, masculine groan brought her eyes open in question. His eyes met hers and he shook his head. “I should leave you aching for completion,” he told her. “But as angry as you have made me, I still cannot bear to see you sorrowful or hurting.” He sighed deeply. “Do not cry, Nippa. I will make it feel better.”

  He eased his hand away from her mouth, replacing his fingers with his tongue. While he explored her lips and the area behind her teeth, he worked his hand under her skirt and located her dripping pussy. Plunging his fingers inside her, he pumped them in and out of her with a forceful, rapid cadence that soon had her climbing toward orgasm again.

  She flung her head back, reveling in the sensations of heated pleasure swamping her body, drawing up her nipples and tightening the muscles of her abdomen.

  “Yes!” She clamped her fingers in the hard flesh of his shoulders, holding on for dear life as he rocked her lower body with the movements of his hand. “Please, Dev! I’m sorry. Don’t stop. Harder…more!”

  “Oh, Nippa.” Dev dipped his head to lave her swollen lips, increasing the lustful rhythm of his fingers. He leaned back to watch her face as she thrashed in the beginnings of her climax. “I love to see you come for me. You melt all my anger when you call my name so sweetly.”

  His thumb rasped over her distended clit. She screamed out his name, overcome with ecstasy.

  Wave after wave of pleasure rushed over her, drenching her inside and out, with the liquid joy she had found with no other.

  * * * * *

  Slamming the living room door, Dev stalked over to where Nnora sat perched on the edge of her couch. They waited for word the shuttle had arrived. Hands on hips, he glowered down at her.

  “Silence will get you the same treatment I dished out earlier—only this time, there will be no relief,” he warned her.
  She continued to ignore him, knowing his empty threat to be an attempt at goading her into speech. After his so-called lesson, she’d made no more remarks about him minding his own business. In fact, she’d made no further remarks at all…though her curiosity was eating her up on one particular subject.

  “Why are you dressed in normal earth attire—jeans and such—when your men are all dressed so differently.”

  “That is easily explained.” He smiled tentatively, looking thankful she was talking to him again. “Originally, I was the only one disembarking to meet with you. When word reached us of a possible attack launched by your father’s enemies, I thought it wise to have several of my men accompany me. There was no time to set the replicator to produce costumes for the others.”

  “This is news to me.” She fought a rising tide of panic “I haven’t heard anything about a pending attack. I should have been notified. My guards usually keep me well informed. So what happened? Did…anyone get injured during the attack? Is my father all right?”

  “Be calm, fem.” He turned away from her to gaze out the window. After a long pause he glanced at her over his shoulder. “All is well. The malefactors are merely a group of unorganized rowdies. They will be easily captured. I doubt they are part of any real rebel force.”

  For some reason, his answer sounded stilted, studied. She narrowed her eyes at him. “You were silent a long time. What are you not telling me?” Suspicion ran rampant through her.

  “You read too much into the situation, Nippa.” He chuckled, reaching for her arm on the pretense that he was helping her up.

  She knew better. The truth was the man couldn’t keep his hands off her. He’d had them on her one way or another all the long afternoon. What bothered her most about that situation was the increasing pleasure she found in his addiction to her. Forbearing to mention that aloud, she pushed his hand away, “No, thank you. I prefer to sit. But you can tell me something… Nippa, what does it mean? You called me that before. For some reason, it’s not translating.”


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