Bound by an Angel

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Bound by an Angel Page 4

by Mackenzie McKade

  Removing his Stetson, he gave the mid-forty-something woman a nod as he glanced at her nametag. “Sorry I’m late, Barbara.” When he received Jessie’s call to pick up her sister, he’d been twenty minutes away.

  “Mrs. Peterson called ahead. Trailer of sick cows or something like that.”

  Jessie Evans, now Peterson since she married Clancy’s best friend, Wade, had been his childhood friend and confidante. They shared a history of secrets. But she had been so much more than just a friend.

  “Yeah. Sick cows,” he murmured as his mind wandered.

  When Jessie and he were younger, after one of Clancy’s parents’ explosive fights, they had made a pact never to marry. Later on, he, Jessie and Wade became friends with benefits. They had made the perfect threesome. No ties. No commitments. It worked for them, until his friends had fallen in love, leaving him alone and adrift.

  “…Mr. Wiseman?”

  “I’m sorry.” He pulled his head out of his ass and focused on the woman before him. “You were saying?”

  “Shelby is in her classroom, room 203.”

  “Thank you.”

  Hat in his hand, he headed down the carpeted hallway. Two rowdy boys ran past, almost running into him.

  “Tyson and Jacob! Stop running,” Barbara yelled.

  Clancy didn’t look around to see if the children had slowed. Instead he fell into a nostalgic moment as the familiar scent of wet paste rose. He stopped before a bulletin board littered with colorful construction paper artwork. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Front and center was Shelby’s masterpiece.

  From the moment the young girl had come into his life, she had taken to horses. He wasn’t surprised to see a semblance of Digger in the middle of the picture. The big gray gelding had been a recent birthday gift from Tori, Wade’s youngest sibling and only sister. A new horse blanket and bridle had come from Ty, while their eldest brother, Clint Junior, had purchased Shelby a saddle. Clint Senior and Madeline, their parents, had given the child an exquisite porcelain doll, which was so not like Shelby. But Madeline said every girl should have a doll and who would know better than the trauma counselor who had not only assisted Shelby in adjusting to her mother’s tragic overdose and death, but her father’s abandonment.

  The padding of quick footsteps coming down the hall jerked Clancy out of his wanderings. He turned just in time for a small, dark-haired girl to fling herself into his arms. He swung her up, giving her a big hug.

  “Clancy!” Shelby wrapped her arms around his neck. “I won,” she squealed, breathless. “Do you love it?”

  He pivoted back to her picture of Digger and a big red barn. “I do. I love it more than life itself.”

  She squeezed him tighter, giggling. “Where’s Jessie? Wade?”

  “Your sister is working. Wade had to pick up a prize bull out of Denver. He should be back tomorrow.”

  “Oh!” Her eyelids splayed wide. She pushed her palms against his chest and cast a glance over her shoulder. “Miss Gilmore, come here.”

  Clancy’s heart skipped a beat, and then pounded with a staccato rhythm. He raised his gaze to meet the startled one of his next-door neighbor. Nervous perspiration budded on his forehead. Damn. Even his palms felt clammy.

  “Mr. Wiseman,” she said weakly.

  “Miss Gilmore,” he grunted, wishing he’d simply have nodded.

  Shelby’s eyebrows rose as her big blue eyes focused on him, and then on Tess. “You two know each other?” The seven-year-old was too perceptive for her own good. “You do,” she breathed.

  “Miss Gilmore and I are neighbors.”

  “Really?” A mischievous grin spread across Shelby’s petite face as she began to wiggle out of his arms. “Would it be okay to invite her for dinner? You’re gonna feed me, aren’t you?” When her feet touched the carpeted floor, she stared up at him. But before he could answer, she spun around and approached Tess. “Clancy is a great cook. Did he tell you that? I bet he didn’t.”

  “Shelby,” he growled, feeling his cheeks flush with heat. Yeah. He cooked. It was one of his passions.

  Shelby flashed him a duh expression. “Well you are.” Then she turned her girlish charm on Tess. “So will you come over? Join us? Please, Miss Gilmore? It will be so much fun.”

  “I— Well— I— Uhm…”

  Clancy almost felt sorry for the woman as she stuttered and physically stepped away in an attempt to gracefully back out of the invitation. Evidently she didn’t know Shelby. The girl was as stubborn as her sister. With each of Tess’s steps, Shelby followed, until she wrapped her arms around the woman’s waist.

  “Puhlezzee,” Shelby whined. Those familiar puppy-dog eyes glimmered with a plea that always morphed Clancy into a pile of manageable goo just before he gave her anything she wanted. The girl had him and Wade wrapped right around her little finger.

  “She’ll do this until she gets her way,” Clancy warned. He clamped his lips together to hide his grin. Tess didn’t stand a chance against the child. “It’s best to give in and go with it.” Stepping closer, he stopped before them and ruffled Shelby’s long, ebony hair. As she peered away from Tess, the she-devil winked at him.

  Lord, help them.

  He hoped she wasn’t up to matchmaking, because the boundaries had already been set between him and the schoolteacher. Even if his body heated and his pulse raced with desire every time he got near her, they were not meant to be.

  “Join us.” He swallowed hard, attempting to keep his voice strong and steady. “Perhaps you can keep the little urchin out of trouble while I tend to cooking.”

  “Thank you, but I can’t. The girls will be home.”

  “Girls?” Shelby perked up. “Can they come too?”

  Tess’s mouth parted in what Clancy assumed was another rejection, when he quickly added, “Sure. The more the merrier.” Inwardly he groaned. You’re playing with fire.

  “Great!” Shelby slid her hand into her teacher’s. “Can I ride with you?”

  Tess’s jaw dropped as a look of confusion raced across her pretty features. She shook her head and smiled as if she realized that a seven-year-old had just coerced her.

  “Uh. Okay.” Tess snapped her mouth closed. She did not allow a child to lead her right into a predicament she was trying to avoid—spending time with one certain cowboy. But by the gleam in Clancy’s eyes, she had done just that.

  “I tried to warn you.” He chuckled. “How about I take Shelby with me? You can stop by your house and…” he paused before continuing, “and change into something more comfortable.” His voice thickened as his gaze slid from her high heels up her bare legs. When his perusal stopped at her hips, his nostrils flared. He quickly raised his sight to meet hers.

  For a moment all time stood still. Flashes of their earlier encounter, when he caught her in nothing but her bra and thong, forced a shiver up her spine. Immediately, she broke eye connection, at the same time she released Shelby’s hand and took a step backward.

  “I— Uh—” She caught herself frowning and eased the tautness from her expression. It was too late to shun the invitation. She would just have to make do. “I’ll swing by the house and pick the girls up. Is four thirty okay?”

  “That would be great. C’mon, imp.” Clancy scooped Shelby up in his arms. “We’ve got work to do.” Snagging Tess’s attention again, he trapped her gaze in his heated one.

  Then he turned and walked away, leaving her with nothing but the very fine view of his derriere. She continued to stare at his jeans-clad ass until someone stepped up behind her.

  “Oh yeah,” the woman purred. “Have you ever seen a man who fills out a pair of jeans like that cowboy?”

  Tess glanced toward the third-grade teacher she’d met that morning in the office as the woman stopped beside her. Andrea Krueger had to be in her midthirties, but in top-notch condition, right down to her slender thighs.

  The tall brunette had yet to take her hungry eyes off of Clancy. “What I wouldn’
t give to be lost in that man’s arms.”

  Tess’s curiosity peeked. “You know Mr. Wiseman?”

  “Know him? No.” Andrea’s mouth turned into an appreciative grin. “But I know about him and his wild reputation.” She must have detected Tess’s surprise, because a burst of laughter pushed from Andrea’s full lips. “You can’t tell me you haven’t once thought of being spooned between two men, especially one that looks that good.”

  Without responding, Tess joined Andrea in watching Clancy and Shelby disappear beyond the door.

  “No. I haven’t,” she finally replied.

  The woman raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow in disbelief. “Then you must be dead from the waist down.” She studied Tess for longer than what was comfortable, before speaking again. “C’mon. Wouldn’t you want to experience two strong men cherishing your body?”

  Oh, hell yes. But Tess had the good sense to keep her mouth shut, while she shook her head.

  “Your loss.” Andrea sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. “I think I’ll catch up with him. See you tomorrow.” Without hesitation, she skirted down the hall.

  An ache in Tess’s cheeks made her realize she’d locked her jaws together and her face was flush with heat. Just seeing the woman hot on Clancy’s heels had brought out the green-eyed monster.


  “Nooo.” Tess chuckled, nervously.

  Splaying her fingers and then fisting them, she attempted to shake off the tension that had tightened every muscle in her body. Jealousy wasn’t possible. She hardly knew the man. But envy? Now that was possible.

  Tess inhaled a deep, steady breath. Andrea didn’t give a flying fuck about her reputation or what would be said if she hooked up with Clancy. Several years ago that would have been Tess, but not now.

  She blew out a long, even breath, raising her chin slightly. “Enough,” she whispered.

  A second ticked by, before she pivoted on the balls of her feet. Quick footsteps carried her back to her classroom. She scanned the room, finding everything in its place, and then she snatched her purse from the desk and left, pulling the door closed behind her.

  As she moved down the hall she kept her mind blank. Someone calling her name pulled Tess back to reality. She halted, focusing on what the administrator before her was saying.

  Concern burned in Barbara’s eyes. “Is everything all right?”

  Tess forced a tight smile. “Yes. Of course. Just thinking about tomorrow’s schedule.”

  The woman must have bought Tess’s lie, because she cocked her head thoughtfully as her gaze softened.

  “Tough being the newbie, but you’ll do fine. Go home, put your feet up and have a glass of wine.” The abrupt ringing of a cell phone that played a child’s ditty snatched Barbara’s attention. As she reached for the telephone, she waved good-bye.

  Returning the gesture, Tess took that moment to escape. She hurried out of the building and into the half-empty parking lot, noting neither Clancy, Shelby nor Andrea were anywhere in sight.

  Climbing into her car, Tess found her thoughts wandering back to one sexy cowboy. She needed a plan, one that would get her through this evening unscathed.

  The drive home was uneventful, but as she maneuvered the vehicle down the driveway, she could see Rose and Rachel standing before their destroyed garden. When her sisters heard her approach, they turned, tears shimmering in their eyes.

  Braking, she turned off the car, opened the door and got out. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What happened?” Rose asked.

  Rachel sniffled, running a tissue beneath her reddened nose.

  Tess cast a quick glance toward the Spanish-style house next door that was visible through tall, willowy trees. “Lightning took down the fence between our properties. One of Wiseman’s calves had its way with your vegetables.”

  “But who did this?” Rachel turned toward the garden.

  Following her sister’s line of sight, Tess’s eyes widened.

  Green leafy plants perfectly spaced budded up from neatly groomed rows of rich soil. The memory of Clancy working in the garden as she left this morning rose. It had to have taken money and time to reconstruct the garden. Of course, the plants weren’t the mature ones that had once sprouted from the ground. All the same, it must have taken him half the morning, and she was sure he had better things to do than gardening.

  “Clancy. I mean Mr. Wiseman,” she corrected.

  The man’s consideration and thoughtfulness had completely thrown her for a loop. Add the loving and caring way he treated Shelby, and Tess was left more perplexed than ever.

  “How sweet,” Rose cooed, at the same time Rachel released a sappy, “Ahhh…”

  Man. Her sisters had it bad for the cowboy. The fact that their neighbor’s calf had destroyed their garden didn’t seem to matter anymore.

  “You’ll get to thank him at dinner. He’s asked us to join him.”

  “Dinner!” both girls chimed together as their eyelids widened with pleasant surprise. Huge smiles slipped across their faces.

  Tightening the grip on her purse, she pivoted toward their house. “Yes. Just let me change my clothes and we can go—”

  “Oh my God. What am I going to wear?” Rachel blurted just before both girls bolted.

  Tess had never seen the girls move so quickly as they nearly bowled her over trying to get past her. The screen door creaked open and then slammed shut.

  As Tess stepped upon the porch, she released a wary breath.

  Which would be worse? Keeping her sisters at arm’s length from the charming rogue or keeping her own body from betraying her?

  With another sigh of resignation, she entered the house. Without pause she headed toward her bedroom, stopping when she stood before her open closet. What the hell was she going to wear? She chuckled, shaking her head.

  “Now I sound like Rachel.” Resting her palm upon a small black dress, she growled, “Nah.” The silky material had a way of caressing her body, making her feel feminine and sexy.

  Metal scraped wood as she pushed one garment after another out of the way. No way did she want to look like she was trying too hard. Then again, she didn’t want to look like she wasn’t trying, either. Jeans and a soft brown, marble-washed, long-sleeved shirt won out in the end.

  After Tess dressed, she exited her room and stepped into the living room only to come face-to-face with Levi. She hadn’t expected him home until later that evening. Arms crossed over his broad chest, he scowled beneath his black Stetson pulled low over his eyes.

  “What’s this about dinner at Wiseman’s?”

  Eeek! She was not in the mood to be questioned or reprimanded for accepting an innocent dinner invitation or what she hoped to be nothing more than—

  “I believe it’s called southern hospitality.” Before he could respond, she interjected, “Did you know anything about Mr. Peterson purchasing a prize bull out of Denver, Colorado?” His intense expression said she’d successfully managed to change the subject.

  Levi unfolded his arms and tipped his hat back with a knuckle. “He must have attended the National Western Stock Show. They’re having a huge Angus bull sale in Denver. Did you hear when Peterson was returning?”

  She suppressed a small smile. “I think tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow…” His hum turned into a spark of excitement. “Well, we shouldn’t keep our neighbor waiting. Rose! Rachel! Let’s go.”

  Releasing a heavy sigh, Tess felt the tension riding her shoulders and neck relax. Tonight would be just another night.

  Yeah. Right, her subconscious hummed.

  Chapter Five

  Chopped rosemary, thyme, basil and garlic simmered in a thick tomato paste above a flickering blue flame. On the stainless stove beside the aromatic sauce sat a large, oven-proof skillet. Clancy adjusted the fire beneath the browning cutlets, startling when the doorbell chimed. As he dropped the spaghetti into the boiling water, his pulse began to race and his heart did a little flip-flop. T
he woman who had consumed his thoughts was here.

  The sound of Shelby’s rapid footsteps echoed across the Mexican-tiled floor in the living room. “I’ll get it.”

  Since they left the school, she had talked excessively about her new teacher, while his mind had whirled with having Tess in his home—on his turf. Why it meant so much to him, he had no idea. It’s not like other women hadn’t entered his domain, but for some odd reason it felt different, and he didn’t like it one iota.

  Clancy rolled his head from shoulder to shoulder in an attempt to halt the building tension. The act of stretching released a series of popping muscles, but did nothing to ease the unwanted stress that lingered.

  After Shelby learned Tess’s sisters were teenagers, she had been disappointed, but it hadn’t dampened her excitement that she would see her new teacher again. Judging by the way Clancy’s palms grew clammy, he felt the same way.

  Snatching a towel off the counter, he quickly wiped his hands and tossed the cloth over his shoulder, before he headed toward the arched entrance that lead into the living room.

  What would she think of his house? Would she enjoy his veal parmesan? Maybe he should have cooked steaks.

  “What the hell’s wrong with you?” he muttered beneath his breath.

  Even as he berated himself for his behavior, he couldn’t stop his hand from slipping beyond the waistband of his jeans, ensuring his freshly donned burgundy twill shirt was neatly tucked in. Damn. He wished he’d thought of wearing his Stetson. The stupid thought garnered an uneasy chuckle that immediately died when he set eyes on his next-door neighbor.

  Dressed in a pair of jeans that hugged her slim figure like a second skin, she glanced quickly around the room until their eyes met. Neither spoke as he slowly approached, although Shelby’s chatter never ceased. Caught within the woman’s web of enchantment, he didn’t hear a thing the little girl jabbered on about. All he could think about was drowning in the bluest eyes he had ever seen, until a man cleared his throat.

  Tess blinked, breaking their connection. “Oh. Uh. I’d like to introduce my brother. Levi this is Mr. Wiseman.”


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