Primal Claim

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Primal Claim Page 8

by Marie Johnston

  Two weeks passed in a relatively boring manner and Dani loved it. After her violent last few years, wondering if she’d survive and escape Sigma’s clutches, her future terribly uncertain, she reveled in the quiet days of research.

  The Guardians were researching all the information and details she gave them on Sigma’s compound, the Agents, and their training program. Commander Fitzsimmons took their concerns of Madame G’s baby tampering seriously and was trying to get details of how, how badly, and how the hell to fix it.

  Dani was currently combing through the latest pregnancy literature. Unfortunately, there was no manual for What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Different Species or What to Expect When Your Baby Might Be Possessed.

  She was given limited access to the internet and her web trail was carefully monitored by the asshole Mason and his derogatory human comments. She gave the most ashamedly girly squeal when Mercury showed her his e-reader and the books he’d downloaded for it.


  Even now watching him face-off in the training gym with Kaitlyn, whom she couldn’t help but soften toward, he made her heart stutter. Sweat dotted his brow and he was giving almost inaudible instructions to the female shifter during their sparring. The woman was fast and strong, but Mercury’s skills were completely “amazeballs,” using his own word. Dani suspected he loved messing with Bennett, picking up the trending vernacular and incorporating it into his daily language. The others probably thought it was part of the male’s troubles with socializing, but Dani suspected differently. He was painfully blunt at times, yes, but also subtly mischievous and more highly functioning than anyone, included himself, gave him credit for.

  Right now he had the female in a headlock that would have decapitated Dani. Kaitlyn was struggling, trying to maneuver her feet around his to yank them out from under him. No jealousy spiked at the contact and Dani was relieved. The rage-inducing jealously she experienced regarding Mercury’s past seemed to die away the more she got to know him.

  It was obvious he took Kaitlyn’s training seriously, as did all the other Guardians, and like the rest, he didn’t treat her any differently. They all rotated training with each other, sometimes fighting two or three against one. They kept her from Master Bellamy’s training, not trusting her with their secrets, but it was all good. Dani picked up quite a few of her own survival tips to file away for any future hand-to-hand combat.

  Kaitlyn’s face was turning a nasty shade of blue, her efforts dwindling. Dani stopped beating at the punching bag she was half-assing to watch the scene unfold, her heart in her throat. Finally, with one final exertion, Kaitlyn managed to drop Mercury before she passed out. It bothered Dani every time she witnessed their comebacks. Was it because they trained that hard that they nearly killed each other? Or was it because if it was her, she’d be dead and stay dead? Yes and yes. Unless she mated Mercury, then it would take decapitation or silver to end her life.

  The male still didn’t trust her. Hadn’t touched her since that morning after she arrived. She was in the most sexually frustrated state she ever thought possible, having to see him every day, all day, with little to no physical contact. Each night she went to bed alone, while he slept on the porch with his back to the door. And each morning he was waiting on the front steps, his arms resting on his knees waiting for her to wake up.

  After she’d confessed everything she was willing to, she was informed Mercury would be her keeper until further notice. It only took one day of shadowing him until she started making demands: reading and exercise, at the minimum. She would have volunteered to take a shift cooking, but knew better than to ask, as they’d fear her poisoning the food. Laundry duty was even forbidden to her and at this point, Mercury’s cabin was as clean it could possibly be.

  He watched her. She bet he thought she didn’t notice. Cassie had brought back workout clothes galore, from form fitting to loose and comfy. Leaving loose and comfy for the later trimesters, Dani ran in a running bra and capri leggings. The daily laps around the lodge were getting pretty tedious, but she wasn’t allowed anywhere else. Mercury trailed her and she felt the burn like Superman’s laser vision going right into her ass. Maybe she shook it just a little extra on the straight stretches.

  Her most satisfying moment to date as a young, single, attractive female was one day in front of the cabin when she busted out the yoga mat she borrowed from the training gym one. Sliding effortlessly through remembered vinyasas, enjoying the stretch of muscles she hadn’t felt in years, she became acutely aware of Mercury’s sudden stillness. He’d decided to clean gear while babysitting her sudden urge for yoga, but she hit the first downward dog and he was done. With no movement, his eyes swept her body as she flowed from position to position.

  She did yoga every damn day.

  “Daniella?” A voice interrupted her musings, causing her to jump. Then a shiver ran through her, like it always did when she heard her full name spoken by that deep voice.

  Kaitlyn had already left the gym and Mercury had removed his sweat-soaked shirt. Dani was almost afraid to look, afraid she wouldn’t quit ogling his chest, afraid she’d start tracing his muscles with her fingertips and get bolder from there.

  “Ready?” Mercury interrupted her musings again.

  “Yep,” she said, her thoughts returning to the present moment to take off the boxing gloves they let her use and follow him through the lodge to head back to the cabin.

  It was early evening but the gathering clouds made it seem later.

  “It’s going to storm?” she asked him.

  Mercury nodded and answered without a pause, “It’ll last all night.”

  Dani found she wasn’t surprised by the information. She suspected the little peanut in her body gave her intuition a boost. With normal human senses, she could tell a storm was building, but had no way to tell the duration or severity without special training. Shifters just knew what the weather was going to do they were so attuned to nature.

  Deciding to make notes of the unusual feelings and occurrences that had happened in the last month of pregnancy, Dani would add “better weather radar” to the list, along with her two wishes that came true, and homicidal rage and jealously regarding the tall, heavily muscled male walking in front of her.

  Holding the door to the cabin open for her, he said, “I’m just going to clean up before I turn in.”

  That was her cue to hang out in the kitchen while Mercury used the bathroom and dressed. This was their standard routine – awkwardly waiting while the other cleaned up. She knew they both felt the drive to join the other in the shower, and not bothering to towel off before making their way to the bed together.

  Maybe she’d have to note “increased sexual frustration” on her list. Her breasts were tender, probably a first trimester issue, but she longed for Mercury’s calloused hands to massage them. Not struggling much with nausea or fatigue since Mercury made sure she got as much rest as she needed, the only major pregnancy symptom Dani noted was the monster craving for bacon. The absence of common expectant mom woes left her body open to desire. A lot of desire. For the naked male in the shower.

  Getting a yogurt and thinking she’d kill for a greasy burger, Dani sat and waited. The sky opened up, dumping large, fat droplets of rain on the cabin. Was he still going to sleep out on the porch in this weather? The rain was steadily increasing and peals of thunder in the distance could be heard. This was the first overnight storm since she arrived and she wondered if the sleeping arrangements would change. She hoped they would.

  Mercury came around the corner wearing nothing but athletic shorts. No lights were on yet and shadows cast through the room from the flashes of lightening outside gave him a dark menacing air as silver flashed through his features.

  “Good night, Daniella.” He reached for the door.

  “Wait!” Daniella abandoned her yogurt and stood up. “You aren’t going to sleep out in that, are you?”

  “It’s not so bad. I’ll sleep a litt
le closer to the building, but there’s a big overhang. Even if it rains on me,” he shrugged, “it’s not a big deal. I’ve slept in worse.”

  She closed the distance to stand in front of him. “But you don’t have to. Why don’t you stay in here?”

  Lightening highlighted his features again. Silver swirled in his eyes, his jaw was clenched as he considered her, his hand tight on the door handle.

  “That wouldn’t be a good idea.”

  She moved even closer, looking up at him. He was so still, she wondered if he was even breathing.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I need the door between us to remind me to stay away from you.” His voice sounded strangled. She saw the conflict raging within. His body, judging from the heat radiating from him, wanted to stay. His brain was telling him to go out as fast as he could and let the rain cool him off.

  Putting her hands on his chest, he sucked in a breath, she stood on her tiptoes, her lips inches from his own. She shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t tempt this beast that was her mate. But she wanted him, her body burned for him.

  “Stay with me tonight, Mercury.”

  The growl rumbled through her fingertips and he captured her mouth with his own. Dani leaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his thick neck, pressing her body against the length of him, twined her tongue around his. At last. For weeks, she felt empty, bereft, though he was always with her. Her body needed him.

  Mercury ran his hands down her body, lifted her against him, and walked to the bed. Not needing to open his eyes or break contact with her mouth, he sat on the edge of the bed with Dani straddling him. She could feel his hard arousal under her, pressing into her, its heat teasing her body where she wanted him most.

  Dani wasn’t like this, chalk it up to pregnancy hormones. For years, she hadn’t dated – not even kissed during her quest for vengeance. Before that, she was gladly what one would call a tease, only granting a few the status of boyfriend, but always they were the pursuer and she’d made them work for it. Life had been lived on her terms, the privileged daughter of a doting father and a super intelligent mother.

  But this? This was different. And there were too many clothes in the way. Her shirt had to go. Wishing she could rip it off so she didn’t have to break contact with her male, she quickly pulled it over her head. Mercury stilled, his eyes roaming her torso, the silver gleam didn’t need to be highlighted by flashes of lightening, reflecting instead like a predator locked onto his prey.


  She barely heard the word float the short distance to her. She gave him a small smile, almost shy now under his wondrous perusal.

  “But this has to go.” Running his fingers under the straps of her bra, they skimmed the tops of her breasts. Willing herself to be patient, soon she would have his hands on her, cupping and massaging her tender swells, she let him explore.

  His fingers burned a trail over her sensitized skin around to her back and attempted to undo the clasp. A crease formed on his brow as he concentrated on his task. A low, frustrated growl rumbled through him as his fingers fumbled with the hooks. Dani let out a burst of laughter

  “Here, let me.” Reaching back, she had her bra unhooked and off in less than two seconds. Letting it fall to the ground, she watched his reaction.

  He let out a whoosh of air, the silver fire swirling through his dark eyes, focused on her breasts. His hands around her ribcage slid up to cup her tender breasts. Moaning she arched into him, the heat of his hands easing the tenderness. His thumb and forefinger caressed her taut nipples and she let out a little moan. At last.

  Her moan deepened when he dipped his head down, closing his mouth over one tip. As if he sensed exactly what her body wanted him to do, he gently kneaded each breast while his tongue explored each curve.

  The thunder outside barely masked her pounding heart. She’d been wanting this shifter’s touch since she first laid eyes on him. Their first morning together wasn’t nearly enough. She wanted to taste him.

  Pushing against his shoulders, he brought his head up to look questioningly at her, afraid he’d done something wrong.

  Putting both hands on the side of his face, she said, “My turn.”

  Giving him a slow sensuous kiss, she trailed kisses down his neck, reveling in the shivers she felt ripple through him. Sliding off his lap, down to her knees before him, she kept burning a path over his rippled chest and stomach with her mouth. When she reached under the waistband of his shorts, he stopped her hands with his own and froze.

  “What are you doing?” He sounded almost horrified.

  “I want to taste you.”

  “No. You’re not like them. You’re not a jelly girl.” He was shaking his head emphatically.

  “A what?”

  “That’s what Cassie called the girls we were with at the club. Because they walked like their legs were made of jelly after they were done with us.”

  Seriously? Dani gave a snort of derision, that was actually kinda funny.

  “This isn’t the club. I’m not a random girl. I want you in my mouth, Mercury.” With that, she slid his waistband down over his impressive size and down his long length. When it sprang free, her eyes widened a little, a bit apprehensive about the task she intended to take on. He was a large man, thick and long.

  He remained frozen. Dani was determined. She had a drive to not only please him, but wipe out any memory remaining of anyone else who might have done this for him. Call it pride, jealousy, whatever – she was going to blow his mind, regardless that she had little practice at this specific task. Going down on a guy had been one of those things that she wanted to experience and once done, never had the urge to do again. Her m.o. had been to string her boyfriends along while they waited on her every whim until she got bored and cut them loose. Dani would admit shallow would have been a good word to describe her before her parents were killed.

  Keeping eye contact, she reached for him. His hot length soothed the raging need coursing through her. He was like velvet-covered steel, the smooth skin felt good under her fingers. Stroking him up and down, she broke eye contact and leaned forward, first licking the tip before wrapping her lips around the broad head. Her eyes dropped closed, loving the intimacy this act brought to their tentative, budding relationship.

  The breath Mercury had been holding whooshed out. Air got sucked back in just as quickly when she began a languid rhythm, up and down, liiiicckkk, up and down, repeat. She felt him tense and relax, as if he didn’t know what to do with her. He was afraid she’d keep going, but terrified she’d quit. Dani kept up her suckling rhythm, stroking the base of his shaft with one hand, and cupping and massaging his sack with the other.

  Mercury tunneled his hands carefully through her hair, allowing himself small thrusts into her, but careful not to tug or pull at her. His breathing was rougher and quicker, and somehow she knew he hadn’t taken his eyes off her for one second.

  Low groans and grunts filled any silence between thunderclaps and his hands tightened on her hair.

  “Sweet Mother Earth, Daniella. I’m going to come,” he rasped.

  She locked on tighter, creating more suction with each movement. The hands abruptly left her hair and gripped the side of the bed. Mercury’s roar echoed through the cabin; she felt him pulse within her mouth, under her hands, and hot jets hit the back of her throat before she swallowed him down.

  Left shaking and panting, Mercury was almost slumped over her when she let him go and sat back on her knees. Recovering quickly, he slid down to his knees in front of her, wrapped her up in his strong embrace and kissed the ever-loving hell out of her. Dani didn’t have any time to react before he picked her up and laid her back.

  The cool wood floor was a nice contrast to his burning body above her. As soon as he settled her on the floor, he moved with kisses down her body stopping at each breast to lick and nuzzle only long enough for him to work her yoga pants down her legs and off her body.

ling in between her knees, he kissed and moved his way down until his face was level with her core. Then...nothing.

  Frowning slightly, Dani propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at him. His covetous look of reverence made her feel like the most special present that had ever been offered to the male. It was like he had never seen a woman like this, and she remembered he probably hadn’t, and what he saw he was in absolute awe of.

  His dark, gleaming eyes flicked up to her. “This. Is. Mine.”

  He pulled her against his mouth and gave her a long stroke with his tongue. Dani’s arms almost gave out, she dropped her head back and moaned. His inexperienced, yet extremely talented tongue found her pleasure center quickly and locked on.

  Dani’s arms finally gave way and she was laid out flat on the floor while Mercury worked her center. Writhing against him, she let out a cry when he inserted one thick finger into her. The slide of his digit and the strokes from his tongue, were a superb combination building the need inside of her until she thought she would explode. Each cry she let out, in hope it would dull the impending heart-stopping release.

  Then he quirked his finger within and she was done. Her cry turned into a wail, she shook and shuddered against Mercury but he didn’t let up. Pleasured overtook her mind, her body already surrendered to the exotic shifter; waves of ecstasy rolled over her, rendering her nearly catatonic.

  “Enough,” she finally gasped, pushing at his mercury-tinted hair.

  Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he reared over her. Shadows danced off his tanned skin, highlighting the ridges of his heavily muscled torso. He was still hard, even after what Dani had done for him. Not contained by his athletic shorts, he appeared even harder and bigger than before.

  This was it. She would finally be joined with the father of her baby. Finally feel like there was meaning, a connection to support the conception, to bring her healing for how it had happened.

  She reached her arms out to beckon him into her embrace, when a panicked look crossed his face.


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