Crocodile Dan D

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Crocodile Dan D Page 5

by Flora Ferrari

  “Yes,” I gasp.

  “You ready for me to look at you in a way that’s more powerful than a touch?”

  “You already are.”

  The pace of his words are increasing and in doing so they’re increasing my heartbeat to redline levels. I want him so, so bad.

  “Tell me you want it.”

  “I want it.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you to bury your face in my pussy until I come so hard my thighs lock onto the sides of your head and you can’t escape no matter how hard you tried, not that you’d want to.”

  “Yes,” he says. “That’s what I want.”

  “I want to come in your mouth and for you to drink every last drop and tell me how good it tastes. How it tastes like nothing you’ve ever tasted, sweeter and more elegant than the finest wine.”

  “I’m going to drink every last drop of you up and then come back for more. I won’t even need to eat or drink anything else. Just tasting you will be enough.”

  “Promise?” I say.


  And suddenly he squeezes my hips firm and slides his hands down my body bringing my jeans with them.

  He stares at my panties like they’re wrapping on a Christmas gift he wants so badly that he doesn’t even want to open it, knowing how long he’s waited for the moment to arrive.

  And that’s what I want too. I want to feel his tongue inside me. His cock inside me. His lips on mine. Everything, but this anticipation is so damn good. I’m so aroused and he’s said so many of the right things I don’t even know if the act will live up to it.

  But if anyone can do it he can. He’s already shown me that once in the last twenty-four hours. I have completely confidence in him and he doesn’t disappoint one bit when he slides down my panties and stares right at me. I’m exposed, there for him to see.

  “Look at me, beautiful.”

  I move my neck allowing me to see him. I can see his eyes above the top of my pussy, but his mouth is hidden. It’s blocked from view but I don’t have to see it. I can feel it.

  I feel his warm breath on my opening as it prepares for the gift of his tongue.

  I tighten my pussy as his breath grows stronger as his mouth moves closer.

  Those hazel eyes of his are directly on mine. Intense and unforgiving.

  And then gently I feel the tip of his tongue at the top of my folds. He slowly drags that tip down the outside of my folds and to the bottom before coming up the other side, completing the oval shape.

  I never could have imagined his touch could be so soft and so erotic.

  I close my eyes momentarily moaning from the pleasure.

  I feel one of his hands slide to my waist and up my shirt before setting on my breast. He grabs it hard, kneading it in-between those thick fingers of his as his tongue complete another circle around my pussy, this time in the opposite direction.

  When he reaches the top I’m trying to guess which direction he’ll go this time, but he surprises me. He slowly drags his tongue straight down the middle as his grip firms on my breast and my mouth opens.

  He’s not even inside me yet and I’m ready to explode.

  “Uhhh,” I say. “I don’t want to come yet.”

  He doesn’t reply.

  I open my eyes and look down at him only to see that stare of his looking right back up at me again.

  That intense, confident pussy-melting stare.

  I feel a slight flicking in-between my folds that’s increasing in depth and intensity every few seconds.

  Just when I think I’ve got it figured out his mouth crashes down onto my pussy as he engulfs my entire area and then moves his head up bringing his jaw right through my dripping wetness.

  The pressure of his jawbone is unexpected and intense and puts me right on the edge. I bite my lower lip and curl my toes trying to think about anything else other than how he’s giving me oral so good it should be illegal.

  But I can’t trick myself as he moves his head back down and slides his tongue into me looking for my soft squishy spot and finding it like he owns it.

  And damn if he doesn’t.

  I reach for the blanket and grab it so hard I can feel the sand come through the bottom.

  “I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come!” I repeat.

  My hands come off the blanket and my body shoots forward. I grab his hair with both hands pulling him into me trying to drive his tongue deeper inside as I erupt all over his face and my knees lock against his ears just like I knew they would.

  “Fuck! Oh fuck! Uh. Uh.” I yell, but there’s no way he can hear my words as they echo across the bay.

  My pussy tightens around his tongue promising not to let go until every drop has left me, rejuvenating me just as much as I want my juices to energize him.

  Seconds turn into nearly a minute as my body continues convulsing, aftershock after aftershock, until finally I fall back onto the blank every muscle in my body switching from tight and locked to loose and completely relaxed.

  I try and catch my breath, but I can’t.

  I look up and see him moving over the top of me.

  In the moonlight I can see my juices causing his lips to shine and I just stare, amazed at how much came out of me.

  Then I watch as he runs his tongue in a big circle around his mouth as if he knew exactly what I was thinking and that shine is gone.

  “There was no way I wasn’t going to drink in every last drop. And I did. But now I’m ready for more.”

  “That was the most intense experience I’ve ever had.”

  “And I’m ready for more,” he says.

  “I need a second first.”

  “Don’t worry. You can just lay back and relax. Leave the rest up to me. All you’ve got to do is enjoy what I do to you.”

  How can I refuse that deal? I can’t believe I finished so quickly and I know how badly I want to do it all over again. And the best part is I know I will.

  I know he can deliver the goods. And beyond good is exactly how I feel.

  This is the experience I wanted. This is the experience I’m getting.

  The only question is how will I ever let this go?

  Or will I even be able to when the time comes?



  The warmth of the morning sun greets us and I open my eyes.

  I look down and see here there resting peacefully on my chest.

  She fits perfectly there. Too perfectly just as I expected.

  I could get used to this. Really used to this.

  She opens her eyes and moves her head so she can look up at me.

  “Good morning,” she says.

  “Good morning, sunshine.”

  “Awww.” She hugs me tight. “You’re awake.”

  “And so are you.”

  “I’ve been awake.”

  “Sure didn’t look like it to me.”

  “I was just relaxing. Maybe I was in and out of sleep, but I didn’t want the night to end. I was still on cloud nine.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  After the beach we came back to the tent and continued exploring each other until we passed out from exhaustion.

  But we didn’t need much sleep to feel refreshed and ready to go. We still had that anticipation, that excitement, of something new. Something fresh. Something fun.

  Each other.

  “I think you’re still owed a surf session,” I say.

  “Yeah, my last one didn’t exactly finish up how I planned it would.”

  “Did you catch any waves?”

  “Not a single one.”

  “You didn’t stand up?”


  “Well we’re going to fix that today.”

  I move my neck so I can kiss her on the head.

  “Or we could just lay here all day.”

  “I’m seriously contemplating that too,” I say. “But I think that sun’s going to only get warmer and force us out
of this tent sooner or later.”

  “Good point. I think I’ll go head to the showers.”

  “I’ll get a towel for you from the combie.”

  We slowly ease our way into the day. I like this pace and I like knowing that we have the entire day with each other. Not just the entire day, but I’m guessing a whole lot more.

  While she’s still showering I catch myself daydreaming about last night.

  Her body was incredible. Soft in all the right places and curves in even more. I could run my finger along every inch of her skin until I had it memorized…and then do it all over again just because she’s so perfect.

  And when I get her out there on that surfboard today and get her standing and riding waves her day is going to be perfect too.

  I want to show her how much fun she can have in my country.

  Because I know I’m going to have so much fun with her.



  “And then we jumped out of the airplane together. It was amazing mom!”

  “Sound like you really like this guy. Like you’re growing attached to him.”

  “Very funny, mom. I mean, yeah it sure helped to be attached to him for the tandem skydive. He was just so relaxed it made me feel more comfortable with everything.”

  “Very exciting.”

  “I told him the only way it could have been more exciting is if he would have flown the plane too. I was joking of course and then I come to find out he’s got a pilot’s license.”

  “How in the world does he have a pilot’s license?”

  “It’s like he’s got everything. If there’s something adventurous that humans can do he’s done it. And done it well to boot.”

  “I’m glad you’re having so much fun, sweetheart. Please be safe.”

  “Thanks. It’s the best time I can ever remember.”

  “You’ve got that thrill seeker gene in you somehow. Must have gotten it from your father.”

  “I wish he was here so he could meet Dan. They’d get along perfectly.”

  My mom doesn’t say anything.


  “Ruby, are you sure this isn’t a rebound thing after what happened?”

  “No. I already thought about that. I wanted to play devil’s advocate, but this is real. I’m sure.”

  “Veronica called.”

  This time it’s my turn to say nothing.

  “She apologized. She seemed really sorry. Said you weren’t taking her calls.”

  “I’m not taking any calls right now. I’m having too much fun living life. Dan’s shown me that. I put my phone down and picked up the adventure bug.”

  “Daryl called too.”

  “I hope you didn’t answer it.”

  “I didn’t know at the time. You hadn’t called remember.”


  “He also apologized profusely. He wants you back. He realizes he made a mistake and wants a second chance.”

  “Tell him good luck with that. Maybe he can get a trial run with someone else.”

  “Trial run?”

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  “I’m just passing on the word. I wouldn’t take him back either.”


  I’m ready to change the subject.

  “Mom, I’m thinking about staying longer.”

  “What about getting a job?”

  “It can wait. I’m young and having fun. I feel like this is an opportunity I may not get again.”

  “The fun or the guy.”


  “Ruby, I’ve got to ask. Is there a chance that this guy might be filling the role of a father figure?”

  I want to avoid the subject, but I might as well address it now. At least somewhat.

  My mom’s thousands of miles away and who know what she’s thinking. She’s never even met Dan. If I can at least give her some peace of mind maybe she won’t worry about me too much.”

  “I would say no, but after all the books I’ve read in my life and the few psychology classes I’ve taken in high school in college…I’d say maybe.”

  “Well, at least your honest and brave enough to admit it.”

  “But I have a question for you. Does that make it a bad thing?”

  “No. Not necessarily. I just want to make sure you’re thinking rationally. A lot has happened in your life in such a short period of time. I just don’t want you to get involved in something that might fade after a while. Especially if you find yourself in a situation you can’t easily get yourself out of.”

  “I know mom. Thanks for looking out. I’m not going to do anything crazy.”

  “Like jumping out of a perfectly good airplane or getting attacked by a crocodile.”

  “Accept that, I mean those things. And maybe a few more.”

  “It’s just that I worry about you. You’re all I’ve got left, honey.”

  “I know, mom. And you’re all that I’ve got left.”

  “Randal girls cowgirl up!” my mom says.

  “Randal girls cowgirl up!” I say.

  I don’t think my mom’s ever seen a horse let alone ridden one, but since my dad passed she’s been using that as our kind of battle cry. It makes sense.

  My dad was a military lifer. He was a year from retirement when the Humvee he was in rolled over the top of an IED. Unfortunately he didn’t make it.

  Fortunately for my mom the government stepped in and did the right thing. My dad already had enough years to qualify for a pension and he died in the line of duty. It wasn’t a lot, but my mom would get enough money each month for the rest of her life that she wouldn’t have to stress out about whether she was going to eat or not.

  Plus my dad was really good about sending a large majority of his paycheck back home each month. My mom was putting it away for their round the world trip. The one that very tragically and unfortunately never came.

  Maybe that’s why my mom encouraged me to go to Australia with Veronica. And when Veronica backed out my mom insisted I still go through with it.

  She sounded just like my dad. Telling me all the good values that doing something like this all by myself would build within me.

  She was right.

  And I also think my traveling allowed her to live vicariously a bit through me. But it wasn’t going to be that way for long.

  Once I got a job and started making money I was determined to take her on that round the world trip she had dreamed of for years.

  But I wasn’t about to tell her. And right now she wasn’t about to let me forget that I was all she had left. She was still my mom after all, and no matter how fun my adventures sounded to me I needed to make sure they sounded safe enough to her. I kind of forgot that important point during our call.

  I just go so excited thinking about everything Dan and I have been doing, and how much more we had left to do.

  Now that we’d made it all the way up to Cairns we get a chance to do it all over again, just in reverse fashion and maybe checking out some of the cities we missed the first time like Brisvegas...a nickname the Aussies gave to Brisbane because they roll up the sidewalks and everything shuts down so early in the evening leaving limited nightlife options. I love the way they poke fun at it by comparing it to Las Vegas with a heavy dose or irony.

  It’s like our journey was only half way complete. I couldn’t wait to see what the next half brought.

  “I love you. Be safe.”

  “I will mom. Love you too.”

  “Ciao for now.”

  “Ciao for now,” I say.

  And then the dial tone. I make a mental note to include Italy on the list of places for that round the world trip for my mom and me. She’s sending me subconscious signals.

  I drink the last of my coffee and look out into the parking lot.

  Dan is standing there leaning against the combie looking in at me like he’s seeing me for the first time all over again.


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