An Heir Made in the Marriage Bed

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An Heir Made in the Marriage Bed Page 6

by Anne Mather

  It was weakness, pure and simple, she assured herself, but she was very much afraid he might feel the dampness at her crotch and know she was lying now.

  She’d known the attraction she’d always had for him hadn’t gone away. That was why she’d fought against coming to the United States in the first place. But God help her, she’d never actually thought she might find herself in a position where she wanted to give in to it again.

  Matt’s eyes darkened, and instead of lowering his mouth to hers, his expression took on a mocking slant. ‘You know,’ he said consideringly, ‘I think you would love me to seduce you, if only to prove how desperate I am.’ He paused. ‘I am right, aren’t I?’

  Joanna didn’t answer, but he could feel the softening of her body, could smell the arousal of her sex. Yet, in spite of the anticipation of her soft flesh yielding to his invasion, Matt managed to push her away.

  Forcing the sexual images from his mind, he said harshly, ‘You’d love me to make a fool of myself, wouldn’t you? To get down on my knees and beg you to change your mind?’


  The word was practically wrung from her lips, but he didn’t believe her.

  For a moment, he felt some sympathy, but only for a moment. ‘Well, I still have some pride.’ His lips twisted. ‘I’m out of here, Joanna. If you still want to talk in the morning, I’ll meet you for breakfast. Your choice. Goodnight.’

  Joanna caught her lower lip between her teeth as he strode towards the door.

  ‘I didn’t want to talk to begin with,’ she shouted after him, needing to defend herself. ‘You’ve got a whole different scenario going on here and you’re making me take the blame for your mistakes.’

  His smile was mocking. ‘Yeah, you go on believing that. Personally, I don’t give a damn.’

  Joanna pursed her lips. ‘I don’t know why you’re saying these things,’ she persisted. ‘I didn’t ask you to get this suite. I didn’t ask you to come up here.’

  ‘No.’ He conceded the point. ‘I was stupid enough to think you might thank me for making life easier for you. But, I should have known better.’


  He’d reached the door when she called his name, and although he glanced back over his shoulder, his lean dark face was hard and unforgiving.

  ‘Matt.’ She couldn’t believe she was going to say the words, but she couldn’t let him leave without some words of justification. ‘Don’t go. Not like this.’

  Matt’s brows ascended. ‘Are you saying I was right?’

  ‘No—’ Joanna licked dry lips. ‘I mean, you can’t honestly believe that I want you to seduce me? I simply thought...’ She shrugged. ‘Can’t we still be friends?’

  ‘Friends!’ Matt gave a disbelieving laugh as he turned and pressed his back against the door. ‘You’re not serious?’

  Joanna had the feeling that she’d had too many glasses of wine. She wasn’t thinking clearly. She’d wanted him to go, for heaven’s sake. So why was she delaying him now?

  When she didn’t answer, Matt got impatient. ‘I don’t have time for this,’ he said roughly. ‘I suggest you go to bed. I’ll meet you in the coffee bar in the morning.’

  Joanna licked her lips. ‘What if I don’t want to go to bed?’ There was so much adrenalin coursing through her veins, she doubted she’d ever sleep again. Instead, she walked towards the windows Matt had opened earlier. ‘The pool’s floodlit, isn’t it? I might go for a swim.’

  Matt stared at her as if she’d taken leave of her senses.

  But Joanna was suddenly so warm her skin was prickling with heat. Hardly thinking what she was about to do, she unbuttoned her tunic and peeled it off. Then she tipped the straps of her bra down over her arms, feeling the blessed relief of air from the air-conditioning system cooling her overheated flesh.

  Matt swore. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ he demanded, and she heard the revealing thickening of his tone. His voice was both harsh and raw with emotion, and Joanna lifted a nervous hand to her throat.

  ‘I’m going for a swim,’ she said lightly. ‘The water will be beautifully cool at this time of the evening.’

  Matt’s teeth ground together. ‘If you think I might come with you—’

  ‘I don’t expect anything of you, Matt.’ Yet despite her words desire was suddenly shimmering throughout her body. Her blood was racing like liquid fire, and she moistened dry lips with a pink tongue. ‘You can stay or go. It’s up to you.’

  ‘I made my decision five minutes ago,’ Matt reminded her, stifling a curse, but his face suddenly blazed with colour. Didn’t she realise what seeing her in only half a bra and a skimpy pair of panties was doing to him?

  Of course, she did. He scowled. ‘If this is some sick game you’re playing—’

  ‘It’s no game.’ She took a deep breath, stretching her arms above her head. ‘I don’t play games, Matt. I’m going swimming. What’s wrong with that?’

  ‘It’s after eleven o’clock.’


  Matt swore and turned towards the door again and she realised he was really leaving this time. Which was probably just as well, she assured herself unsteadily, grabbing her overnight bag and heading for the bathroom. That way he need never know she’d only been bluffing.

  She didn’t wait to hear the door slam behind him. There was a closed door to her left, which she guessed led into the bathroom, and she couldn’t wait to take off the rest of her clothes and step into a cool shower. She had no illusions now that Matt really cared what happened to her, and she found her eyes were stupidly brimming with tears.

  She was reaching for the handle when a lean brown wrist came over her shoulder. Matt’s hand flattened against the door, successfully preventing her from opening it.

  ‘You planning on getting changed in the closet?’ he asked, his taut body imprisoning hers against the door. ‘Not a good plan, Jo.’

  Joanna gulped. ‘I thought you were leaving.’

  ‘I was. I should be.’ Matt’s voice was hoarse. ‘But I’m crazy. Didn’t you know?’

  Aware that her heart was palpitating in her breast, Joanna rested her hot face against the panels of the door. ‘Why are you still here?’ she whispered brokenly. ‘What do you want from me?’

  ‘Don’t you know?’ Matt demanded savagely. His hand slid beneath her bra, his palm rubbing sensuously over her burgeoning nipple. ‘Go on, tell me to go now. Or are you having too much fun at my expense?’

  ‘I’m not having fun at your expense,’ protested Joanna, her breath hitching as he lowered his free hand to her stomach. ‘I didn’t want you to go.’

  ‘You know what, I find that hard to believe.’

  ‘It’s true,’ she panted, leaning her head back against his shoulder. ‘You’re still the only man I’ve ever loved.’

  Matt’s breath caught in his throat and he allowed his fingers to slide down over the flimsy lace of her panties. Joanna’s stomach contracted, and she shuddered in anticipation when his hand continued down until it was trapped between her legs.

  Then he pressed her back against his throbbing shaft and muttered in an undertone, ‘Now I guess you know why I’m still here,’ as he swung her round to face him. Then he bent his head and took possession of her mouth.

  And Joanna knew that ever since she’d seen Matt again, she’d been fighting this battle over and over in her mind. Now she didn’t hesitate, giving herself up to the demands of her senses, winding her arms around his neck and parting her lips for his tongue.

  Her lacy bra was discarded, and his tongue tugging on her nipples was a forbidden delight. Tiny rivulets of fire invaded every pore of her body, and she dragged his mouth back to hers with an urgency too long denied.

  Her fingers sought the button at the waist of his pants and she caressed
his taut stomach with her knuckles as she pulled it free. Then his zip slid smoothly down to his crotch and exposed the bulging outline of his shaft.

  His erection swelled against the silk of his boxers. She half expected him to take her there, pressed against the door. She wouldn’t have objected, she thought wildly. But he inhaled a tortuous breath and swung her up into his arms.

  ‘The bed, I think,’ he said thickly, and, stepping over his pants, he carried her into the room next door.

  Between lowering her onto the bed and following her down he managed to dispose of his boxers. Then, straddling her yielding form, he cupped her face between his hands. ‘If you change your mind now, I’ll never forgive you,’ he muttered hoarsely, but Joanna’s fingers were already seeking the swollen stiffness of his shaft.

  ‘I need to be inside you. God, why did you make me wait so long?’ he choked, almost strangled by his emotions.

  Just for a brief moment, as Matt’s tongue traced a sensuous path from her breasts to her navel and beyond, Joanna wondered if it was she who was crazy and not him. How would she feel about this in the morning? Would she remember it as the biggest mistake of her life? But when his fingers slipped between her legs again and entered her, she arched to meet them. Then shuddered as a wave of sexual pleasure sent her hurtling over the brink.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and he didn’t hesitate. With an urgency born of need, he moved between her thighs and buried his length inside her.

  Their lovemaking was hot and passionate. Matt had forgotten how good it felt to be with her, to have her muscles tightening around him, her body tensing again, ready for what was to come. When he felt the spasms of excitement rippling through her, he pushed ever more deeply into her core.

  Joanna’s head was spinning. She’d missed Matt’s lovemaking more than she could ever say. Their rhythms matched, so smooth, so natural. Her body arched to meet his thrusts, perfectly in tune with his demands.

  When he moved faster, so did she. She felt as if her senses were on overload, spiralling out of control. The darkness of his passion surrounded her, the pulse of his excitement causing her to climax again and again. And when his release came, she clung to him, feeling him filling her with his seed.

  * * *

  Joanna opened her eyes to daylight.

  It was still very early. Barely six o’clock according to her watch. But attuned as she was to British time, the fact that the sun was not yet up meant nothing. Miami was five hours behind London and in consequence she was instantly wide awake.

  She blinked as her brain kicked in, recognising the suite at the hotel the manager had shown them into the night before. She and Matt, she remembered, with a sudden feeling of apprehension.

  Dear God!

  Propping herself up on her elbows, she turned her head, half expecting to find herself alone. Surely what she’d thought had happened had been just a dream; a sensual hallucination; brought about by overwrought senses and too many glasses of wine.

  But she was not alone. There was a warm body beside hers in the bed. Matt’s body, she realised a little incredulously, as her breathing quickened in disbelief. He’d evidently fallen asleep, as she had. So what price now her earlier conviction that she’d imagined the whole thing?

  Easing back against the pillows, not wanting to disturb him until she’d assessed the situation, she felt a headache probing at her temples. Evidently, she’d had too many glasses of wine and too little sustenance the night before. Why else, in the name of all that was holy, would she have allowed this to happen? After everything she’d said about her husband, how had she got herself into this mess?

  The awareness of her own nakedness briefly diverted her. She hadn’t slept in the nude since the last time she and Matt had shared a bed. She certainly hadn’t expected to share one with him again. Not on this trip. Nor any other. What about her demands for a divorce?

  The ache between her thighs was a reminder of what had actually occurred. They’d made love several times, she remembered, her skin prickling in response. They’d both seemed insatiable, she recalled, unable to deny it. She’d wanted him, quite desperately as it had turned out. So what did that say about her?

  She might hate Matt for the way she believed he’d betrayed her father, but he’d now know it hadn’t entirely erased the feelings they’d once shared. If only she’d taken David’s advice and conducted this negotiation from a distance. Yet she couldn’t entirely blame Matt for her own weakness where he was concerned.

  She lifted a hand to her breasts. They, too, were intensely sensitive, and she recalled how Matt had suckled from their swollen peaks. Then his mouth had burned a sensual path to her navel, before he’d buried his head so erotically between her thighs.

  Involuntarily, her hand slid down to touch the damp curls between her legs. She was sensitive there, too. But it was just sex, she told herself fiercely. Sex that had driven her to behave the way she had. Nothing more.

  Yet seeing Matt’s head on the pillow beside hers, she knew she couldn’t trust herself to behave any more sensibly this morning. Wanting someone was an addictive thing, and she was apparently unable to resist. She was intensely vulnerable, so she should make sure she wasn’t here when he woke up.

  For a moment more, she studied his lean dark features, fighting the lingering desire to draw his hand between her legs. She couldn’t deny he was still immensely attractive to her, but she believed the love she’d once had for him had given way to a much more basic need.

  It wouldn’t last, she assured herself. No relationship built on such foundations survived. The sooner she collected her belongings and got out of the hotel, the better.

  What a blessing it was that she hadn’t unpacked the night before, she thought, as she slid cautiously out of bed. Although she’d left her jeans and tee shirt on the bed when she’d gone to dinner at the villa, she’d stuffed them back into her bag before leaving for the hotel.

  A quick use of the facilities and she could be on her way, she thought. Though it was nerve-racking trying to get dressed without disturbing Matt. She had no idea what she’d say to him if he woke up. Or what he might say to her.

  But he didn’t wake up. He was still sleeping soundly when she headed for the door. She hesitated for a moment in the doorway, wishing it didn’t have to end like this. Then, squaring her shoulders, she slipped the latch and headed for the lift.


  JOANNA WAS EXHAUSTED by the time she let herself into her small apartment the following morning. The flight from New York had landed soon after six-thirty. And, although she’d been hoping to get a few hours’ sleep on the flight, a crying baby and the man beside her snoring for most of the journey had put paid to that.

  She’d flown home via New York because the flight from Miami to London hadn’t been due to leave until the evening and the last thing she’d wanted to do was hang around Miami airport, looking as though she was waiting for Matt to come and find her.

  There’d been a flight to New York almost immediately, and she’d been lucky enough to snag a seat in business class. She’d excused the extravagance on the grounds that it was an emergency. Some things were worth the price you had to pay.

  She wasn’t looking forward to seeing David again. Naturally she wouldn’t tell him she’d slept with Matt. But she was very much afraid he would suspect what had been going on. And in her present fragile state, she might well reveal more than she intended.

  He was bound to say ‘I told you so’ if she admitted that the visit hadn’t gone as she’d anticipated. He’d warned her not to go and she half wished she’d taken his advice.

  Half wished?

  Shaking her head, she stripped off her clothes and headed for the shower. Standing under the hot spray, she felt as if she was sluicing every trace of Matt’s lovemaking from her body. A vain hope, sh
e acknowledged, and when she heard the phone ringing as she turned off the water, she found herself hoping that it was Matt.

  Crazily, her heart skipped a beat at the thought, but then she quickly came down to earth again. It was her mobile phone that was ringing and Matt didn’t have her mobile number. Wrapping a bath towel around her, she went with rather less enthusiasm to answer it, which even she knew was foolish. She felt a sense of resignation when she saw David Bellamy’s number on the small screen.

  She really didn’t want to talk to him right now. Yet she had no choice. ‘Hi, David,’ she said, trying to adopt an upbeat tone. Crossing her fingers to protect herself against the lie, she added, ‘I was going to ring you later.’

  ‘How much later?’ He didn’t sound appeased. ‘You must have arrived home hours ago.’

  ‘Not hours,’ she protested. ‘It was early morning when I landed. You might not have been awake if I’d phoned you then.’

  ‘Even so...’

  ‘David, I needed a shower and a change of clothes. You know what it’s like when you’ve been away.’

  ‘You were only away a couple of days, Joanna. It was hardly a holiday.’ He sighed. ‘Do I take it you saw the great man?’

  ‘I saw Matt, yes.’ Joanna hesitated before continuing. ‘Actually, he’s been ill. That’s why he didn’t answer any of my emails.’


  ‘Yes, really,’ she said, half annoyed at feeling the need to defend herself. ‘He’d picked up a bug in South America while he was there.’

  ‘Oh, well...’ David evidently decided not to push his luck. ‘So you’ll be coming in—what? Later today?’

  ‘Make it tomorrow,’ she said, although the idea of going into work at all wasn’t appealing right now. ‘This place is a mess and I need to do some grocery shopping.’ She paused. ‘Is that all right?’

  ‘I guess so,’ replied David ruefully. ‘Anyway, I just wanted to assure myself that you got home safely.’


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