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Remy Page 7

by Becca Fanning

  “You can email me the job offer,” she said, handing him her freelancing card, the one that didn’t have her cellphone number on it. “And I’m sorry, but ‘no, thank-you’, is very polite. So, since I’m being so polite maybe it is you who needs to take a step back instead of treating me so poorly.”

  “Offering to buy you a meal is poor treatment, now?”

  “Of course not. But I said no, I used my manners, I’ve been polite, now it’s your turn to be polite and smile and say ‘sure, maybe another time, have a nice evening’ and walk away.”

  “Well, you can kiss any freelance work good-bye with that attitude.”

  “If contracts with your company come with the expectation of sexual favors, I don’t want to work for you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do this evening that don’t include being harassed.” She pulled her arm free and walked away, keeping her back straight and her chin high until she was safely inside the elevator.

  As the doors slid shut, her knees began to tremble and she was grateful she was alone for the moment. She took a few deep breaths and swallowed hard. The lewd comments and suggestions were an unfortunate part of being a female freelancer in the tech industry, but she wasn’t expecting to face that behavior here.

  She pulled out her phone and called Mabel.

  “Tara, sweety, how was your afternoon?”

  “Session was fine. Went off like clockwork. Do you know a Dimitri?”

  “Yes. West coast, I believe. Silicone Valley or something like that. Why?”

  “He was harassing me in the lobby just now.”

  “Hmm, that doesn’t seem like him at all.”

  “Look, it was nothing serious, just didn’t want to take a polite no for an answer. I know, it’s part of the Chief mentality, but it was a little creepy and I’m feeling kind of shaky.”

  “Well, you just take some time to collect yourself then. I’m sure he’ll leave you alone for the rest of the conference.”

  “You’ll mention it to your husband so he’s aware of the behavior of one of the Chiefs here?”

  “I’m not sure there’s much to mention but sure, if that’ll make you feel better. Now you just call me if you need anything else, okay dear?”

  “Sure, thanks.” She hung up the phone and added, “For nothing.” She sighed, went to her room, and changed into something more comfortable.

  She sent Remy a quick text. “Hey, haven’t seen you in a bit. I’m going to grab a quiet dinner in the cafe if you want to join me.” She took a deep breath, said a prayer that Dimitri was not hovering around looking for her, and went downstairs again.

  * * *

  Daniel sat down next to Remy at dinner. “Where were you at lunch?” Remy asked.

  “Resting. My head hurt from all the computer-tech-lingo all morning. I’m calling you every time I have a computer problem.”

  “Don’t you have kids of your own to pester?”

  “They’re not here. You’ll know what I’m talking about. How was your afternoon session?”

  “Good. You?”

  “Boring. I’ve been doing this a hell of a long time.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Are you still avoiding that friend of yours?”

  “What are you talking about? We were at different sessions this afternoon but that’s hardly my doing.”

  “I mean she’s eating all alone in the café across the lobby. But from the way she kept looking at her phone, I’m betting you already knew that. I’m betting she already texted you and invited you to join her, and yet you’re still sitting here, alone, sulking into your wine.”

  “I’m not sulking,” he said, fully aware of the text message he’d received less than an hour ago.

  “Son, you’ve got the chance …”

  “Daniel, please don’t start. Marnie wouldn’t shut up about it over lunch today.”

  “Well, I guess it needs to be said again if you’re not listening.”

  “Daniel …”

  “I don’t like Charles, you know that as well as I do. I don’t trust the man, either. Do I think he’d try to raise his daughter to be stuck up and arrogant? Of course I’d believe that. I’d also believe it if you told me he kicked puppies for fun. I’m inclined to always believe the worst of him, and so far most of it has been true. But you’re the one who spent time with the girl. What did you think of her?”

  “We’re at a rustic resort, Daniel. I spent a day and a half with her. We didn’t exactly have the chance to discuss the difference in our mortgage budgets or the cost of our shoes.”

  “What does shoes have to do with your relationship?”

  “The point is, it was all superficial. Jazz, chess, how to cook a steak – that’s not what you build a relationship on. When she finds out how much I make in a year she’ll realize I’m not worth her time.”

  “I was much more interested in how my wife cooked steak than how much she made in a year.”

  “Daniel, you know what I mean.”

  “You’re not even giving her the chance to make that choice.”

  “I like her Daniel, a lot. She’s fun and flirty. She’s smart. I like her a lot. Maybe I’m not ready to face rejection.” Remy swallowed the last of his wine and refilled the glass.

  “Talk to her now and there’s a chance she won’t reject you. The longer you wait the angrier she’s going to get and the slimmer your chances are going to be.”

  “I’ll think about it, okay?”

  “Think faster.”

  The Full Moon

  Remy had to admit that the Montana wilderness, what little he could see from his window, was actually quite beautiful in a wild, raw, way that was completely different from the shimmering skyline of his urban home. Here, bare tree branches danced by the thousands, swaying in a spring breeze beneath a sky that was a mottling of neon pink and navy blue, streaked with orange and yellow. Here, the clouds were clouds and not airplane chem trails or inner city smog.

  He’d noticed it while he was out with Tara, the cleaner smells, the fresher air, but now it was the view from his window that was taking his breath away.

  Even though the Council was planning a large ceremony for the full moon, Remy still changed into sweats and a loose shirt, foregoing socks completely. Comfort and ease of shifting was far more important tonight than appearances. Besides, ceremony or no, they’d be bear a lot longer than they’d be human.

  Remy wandered through the garden. Off to the side he could see the chess set and he hurried on, not wanting to admit to himself how much he was missing Tara’s company. Daniel and Marnie were making him feel guilty about Tara, but he still hadn’t returned any of her messages.

  I told Daniel I’d think about it, and I will. I just need some time. I just want to plan out what I’m going to say so I don’t look like a fool.

  They were meeting just beyond the edge of the trees, out of sight of the resort. It was safe here but no one wanted to take any chances. It was cold now, as the sun was setting, but in the last few days most of the lingering snow had disappeared. There were no buds on the trees yet but the forest was beginning to smell like spring.

  It was strange, being out in the woods. Remy had never once in his life shifted out of doors. The closest he’d come was that fight in the warehouse when his clan had been kidnapped by The Human Order. He could hear birds and crickets and could imagine how much more alive it would become once he was a bear.

  Is this why Jane seems so restless all the time? Does she miss this? I wonder if there’s a way we could make arrangements to shift somewhere out of doors every few months.

  * * *

  Because Charles was not yet on the Council, he and Tara were not invited to stand up in front of the other Chiefs doing the ceremony. Tara was relieved; she’d had enough of being stared at these last few days. She was the youngest woman here, and the only one that wasn’t married to a Chief. Dimitri had been the worst of it, but she’d told him off.

  Beside her Charles
stood practically at attention, his back was so straight, and his face was serious. She knew how badly her father wanted a seat on the Council, how hard he was trying, and that he would view this evening as a slight towards him. Traditions be damned, she knew he felt he was owed a spot up there with the Council just because of the amount of work he’d put into this conference on their behalf.

  Thankfully Dimitri was standing some ten yards over with a group of Chiefs from the West Coast. He was paying attention to the Council but just as she glanced in his direction, he happened to glance in hers. He smirked at her and then winked. She looked away. She’d hoped he’d get the message but now she wasn’t so sure.

  You told him off once, you can do it again. And if he emails you then you can block his account.

  The Council members took turns each reciting one of the blessings of the moon. Then any Chief who had come to power in the last five years was called forward to speak a promise to protect not only their clans but the entirety of the North American werebear population. Every female Chief was called forward and Tara could hear her father muttering under his breath.

  When the formalities were over, the head of the Council stepped forward. “We’ve tied markers to the trees marking the edges of the safe area. Please try to keep your bears within this area, we do not want any accidents.” When he was sure his words had sunken in, he went on. “Now, as the full moon rises we come together, the leaders of our people, to shift together in solidarity before the moon.”

  The sun had dipped below the trees and most of the pink had faded from the sky, giving way to hues of dark blue. The full moon was large and clear tonight and offered a pale light that filtered down between the tree branches. Tara could imagine all the leaves out in the summer, creating a thick canopy that would leave the woods in near-complete darkness. This was spooky enough for her liking.

  They broke off into smaller groups, going with people they knew and were comfortable with, and took off their clothes. No one was naked for long. The cold night air was more than enough motivation to grow a fur coat. Tara was doubly thankful now that she wasn’t anywhere near Dimitri.

  Charles stood to his full, impressive height, a full-grown male grizzly, and looked around. Next to him Tara stretched. She was much smaller but the same rustic brown with smudged black markings around her nose and up her spine.

  It was hard to recognize anyone by sight, she’d never seen any of these people in their bear form before, but she could smell them. Nearby she could smell Mabel for sure, and the Council of course. Then, over the smell of fur and forest, was the irresistible smell of comfort.

  There was no other way to describe it. She didn’t know who or what she was smelling, just that it relaxed her, set her at ease, and called to her. She scented the air and wandered off in the direction of this enticing smell.

  * * *

  The forest was alive. Remy could hear bugs and birds and skittering feet. And the smells: bear and grass and the warm earthy smell of last autumn’s leaves decaying. In this form it didn’t matter that there was little light. The bear could see just fine. Around him the other bears were moving off in different directions but Remy just wanted to stand there and take it all in. How had Jules described the bear? A giant furry hippy? Remy was certainly feeling some of that laid back, be at peace, stuff tonight.

  A new scent caught his attention, something familiar. There was the scent of bear, of course, but something else too, something he’d definitely smelled before.

  A small brown bear was walking in his direction, her nose snuffling in the air. He watched her as she came ever closer. With wary curiosity, she came close enough for him to swat at her, if he chose to, but he remained still. She was a stranger, yes, not a part of his clan, and yet his bear recognized her as safe. She was sniffing his shoulder now, her nose practically buried in his fur.

  Then she pressed the top of her head against his shoulder, nudging him once, and stepped back.

  * * *

  She found the source of the scent – a brown bear nearly as large as her father. She sniffed him a few times, trying to place his scent. There was the faint smell of familiar cologne and shampoo under the smell of fur and the forest around them. She breathed in deep and as she let it out the thought came to her. He smells like Remy.

  She nudged his shoulder and stepped back, watching him. When he did nothing but stare back, she cocked her head and whined. Still nothing. She stepped forward again and licked his nose.

  * * *

  Was it possible? She smelled so familiar and seemed intent on getting his attention. He lowered his head and brushed it against hers, trying to identify her. Was it possible this was Tara? She whined again, nudging against him. It had to be Tara. Daniel was much larger and Marnie would not show this kind of affection towards him.

  Marnie would likely just swat you for making her so frustrated.

  He nuzzled against her, his body relaxing. Yes, this must be Tara. She made him feel safe.

  She nudged him and bounded off a few paces, looking over her shoulder at him and huffing. Inside he smiled and followed her into the trees.

  It was easy for the two bears to avoid everyone else. The space they’d been given for the full moon was quite large. They romped and rolled, knocking into each other and wrestling across clearings. As the moon’s power waned with the approaching dawn, he nudged her back in the direction of the resort.

  They were the first two back to the clearing and they shifted back to human form, finally confirming what they both knew each others’ identity.

  They blushed and turned away, each going back to their pile of clothes. Even their now human ears could hear the footfalls of other bears headed back. Once they were dressed, Remy took Tara’s hand and they hurried back towards the resort.

  “This way,” Tara whispered, tugging him towards the chess board.

  They settled on the bench and Tara snuggled in close against Remy’s side. Back in human form, now they could feel the cold and could see their breath clouding in the pre-dawn air.

  “I knew it was you,” she said. “Our bears recognized each other instantly.”

  “I guess they did.”

  “Remy, why have you been avoiding me?”

  “Because I love you and I was afraid you only wanted to talk to me to reject me. The longer I put off talking to you the longer I could pretend there was some hope for us.”

  She reached up and touched his chin. “Do you really mean that?”

  “That I was afraid?”

  “That you love me.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and squeezed. “Is it crazy? We met again for the first time in twenty years only a few days ago but I’m drawn to you.”

  “Maybe it’s not crazy at all. I’ve heard other werebears say they were drawn to their spouse, almost as if they were fated to be together. A lot of werebears I’ve heard of had very short dating periods before they got engaged.”

  “Are we just trying to rationalize this now?”

  “Maybe a little. I can hear others coming.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Take me to your room.”

  * * *

  The resort was almost deserted with most of the staff off duty for the day and most of the guests still outside at the Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Still, Remy and Tara hurried through the lobby to the elevator. Remy, impatient, almost suggested taking the stairs but just then the elevator dinged and the door opened.

  He wanted her so badly that he was ready to push her into the corner of the elevator and start kissing her there and then, but he stepped back, giving her, and himself, space to breathe. As badly as he wanted her, he also needed her to feel safe.

  She had other ideas.

  His space was quickly invaded as she stood on tip toe and pressed her lips against his. The kiss tasted of desperation and passion, and he wrapped his arms around her. Her nose and lips were cold but the rest of her was hot to the touch, even through their clothing. The tips
of his ears were stinging a little as they warmed up so he was sure his nose was just as cold as hers.

  When the elevator reached his floor and the doors opened, they stumbled out together. He took her hand and led her down the hallway, his face flushed, his body tight with need.

  He stopped at his room and fumbled in his pockets for the key card. She rubbed his arm with one hand and caressed his ass with the other, distracting him from the task at hand. When he finally got the door open, they surged into the room, nearly tripping over each other in the process. They managed to stay upright and Remy got the door closed behind them.

  Then the passion took over. He pulled her close, kissing her hard. They moved together towards the bed, tumbling into it when the back of her legs hit the mattress sooner than either expected. She giggled but kept kissing him.

  They were both dressed for the full moon, which meant loose, simple clothing and no underwear, so they were naked and stretched across the bed in no time flat. They were both trying to catch their breath, and they took the moment to look at each other.

  The full moon shone through the window, casting a soft white light over the room and leaving them both deep in shadow. Still, Remy could see the curves of her body, soft and supple and smooth. He reached out and ran a finger down her arm and her side and over her hip. She was smiling at him. Her dark hair was tousled already and spread out over the blanket.

  His touch made her shiver and she wanted to crawl over to him, to close the gap between them, and warm herself against his skin. She’d dated before, human and werebear, but never a man as large as he was. His shoulders were broad but the muscles were lean and subtle, not body-builder defined and bulging. His skin was darker than hers, even in the shadows she could tell. He had a patch of dark hair on his chest that narrowed as it dipped lower, leading her eyes down past his navel.

  Her fingers followed her gaze, running down his chest, over his stomach, making his shudder under her touch.


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