The Spy Who Loved Her: Once Upon an Accident, Book 3

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The Spy Who Loved Her: Once Upon an Accident, Book 3 Page 10

by Melissa Schroeder

  “But if whatever has caused you these injuries even gets close to my sister, I will kill you myself.”

  Daniel nodded, but said nothing else as the serious expression dissolved from Sebastian’s face.

  “Now, get your arse out of bed and get dressed. I am going to be a father again and you need to congratulate me.”

  That afternoon, Daniel looked up from the estate’s accounts to see Jo striding into his library unannounced. He scowled at her. He was still in a foul mood, not fit company for any woman.

  “What are you doing here?”

  The smile she shot him had little heat. “Don’t you have a kiss for your Aunty?”

  “Stop it, Jo. What is the matter?”

  Her face lost its jovial expression. She drew in a breath as she collapsed in one of the chairs. “There seems to be people making inquiries about Lady Anna.”

  An icy finger traced down his spine. “Who?”

  “I am not sure. I just know there have been some strangers asking about her around the area. One of the store keepers sent word to Jack.”

  “Dammit!” He jumped out of his chair and began to pace. “Just what the bloody hell do I do now?”

  “I would suggest you stay as close as possible.”

  He tossed her a look and continued his pacing. “That would make her more of a target. On top of that, I was practically warned off by her brother today.”

  Jo’s golden brown eyes widened. “Sebastian? Why would he do that?”

  The memories of the night before in the carriage tumbled forward in his mind. Jesus, he didn’t think there would ever be a day he would forget the way her mouth tasted or the way her flesh felt beneath his fingers. He could still hear those little sighs and mewls. He had not lied to her. He knew without a doubt with thirty more minutes in that carriage, he would have had her virginity.

  “Ahhh,” Jo said.

  His face heated. “What do you mean by that?”

  She smiled. “It is easy to figure out just what that look on your face meant.”

  “I think of her as a sister.”

  “If you look like that thinking about her, you do not think of her as a sister.”

  He waved that away, not in the mood to get in an argument that would take valuable time.

  “Sebastian came by this morning. He told me to stay away.”

  She frowned. “Truly? I thought he was your best friend.”

  “He is, but he knows what I do is dangerous.”

  All color left her face. “You have told him what you do?”

  He made a face. “No. But Sebastian isn’t stupid. He definitely knows I do something.”

  She nodded. “We have no one else. Simon’s in the country at the moment, and everyone else I have who would be good at this would not be able to move about in her circles.”

  He ground his teeth. “It cannot be me.”

  “You can hover.”

  He could not. He knew the moment that he witnessed another man asking her for a waltz, there would be no way he could keep from beating the man senseless. Beside that fact, being close to her meant he had to touch her. Knowing that she had wanted him, had been more than willing to go further than they did last night, was going to drive him mad. It made the itch he had for her intensify.

  “You have to, Daniel. There is no other way.”

  Knowing he was defeated, he sighed and nodded.

  “I must be going. Jack is spending time around the orphanage today, keeping an eye out there.”

  “Her brother has hired some muscle for that.”

  Jo smiled wryly. “Jack doesn’t trust them. He wants to see to it himself. It seems that Lady Anna impressed him quite a bit the other night.”

  He thought of her cool headedness in the situation. Most women of her station would have fainted. Anna had called out orders as if she were a general.

  “She tends to take charge.”

  Jo nodded. “Oh, and was there a reason you did not tell me of the Viper returning?”

  The arched eyebrow meant he was in trouble. It was hard to figure a woman like Jo, several years younger than himself, could order him about. But then his uncle had trained her well.

  “I did not want to worry anyone.”

  “I know that you might be used to leaving the women out of it, but just so you understand, this is my job. I might not be the one in command, but I am your associate.”

  He could tell by the tone in her voice that she had been hurt. “I apologize. I wanted to investigate it before I told anyone. I thought it might not be real.”

  “I put Bart on it. He will see if there have been any more incidences. Your father was not the only one he targeted years ago.”

  That caught his attention.”He wasn’t?”

  “No. There were several men targeted. Even Harold got letters, but nothing happened to him.”

  “Tell Jack I will get someone to handle the nighttime watch.”

  She smiled. “I will, but I am not that sure he will allow it. He seems very protective of Lady Anna.”

  She slipped out of the library, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He looked out upon the street, saw people go about their daily business and wondered just where the Viper resided? He was of their class, that much his father had discovered before his death. They had thought the man dead, or possibly run to the continent to escape scrutiny. Why now? It made no sense whatsoever.

  And to target Anna? For what reason? He knew that their families were well known to be friends, but why would he even think to target her? Unless Daniel had been watched the entire time.

  Another shiver of dread circled in his stomach. Of course, he had been watched. And anyone watching saw them leave together. Viper had to know that Daniel had shown some interest.

  He still wanted to stay away, but he knew Jo was right. There was no doubt in his mind that even if he pretended not to pay any attention to her, she was now a target. There would be no way to protect her, unless he told her and Sebastian. And that would put the two of them at an even more risk.


  “Yes, Mother, did Jo find you?”

  She nodded. “Yes, and she told me what happened. You are going to start coming to more balls?”

  “I thought Anna didn’t like them.”

  “Her mother made her agree. After Anna disappeared the night you were attacked, her mother used it to her advantage. If she didn’t go, she would not be allowed to spend all her extra time at the orphanage. Victoria wants her married.”

  Daniel snorted and turned to the street again. “Don’t worry, Mother. I will ensure that she is protected.”

  He heard the swish of her skirts as she approached him. “You must be the one to do it, my dear.”

  He ground his teeth again. “I said I would to it.”

  “That’s a good boy.” She leaned up on her toes and gave him a quick buss on the cheek. “Tonight it is the Fredricks’ Ball. I understand that Anna will be attending with only her mother since Colleen is doing poorly.”

  He smiled and glanced at his mother. “Yes, Sebastian told me the good news this morning.”

  She looked like she might say something, but Daniel turned back to the window. He did not want to discuss it, did not even want to think about it. How could he? He had always been happy for his best friend and the happiness he had found with Colleen, but now for some reason, Daniel felt a gnawing envy digging into his gut. His mother hesitated but then left him alone.

  He had felt horrible that morning trying to smile as he congratulated his best friend on his third child. But it now bothered him. For the first time ever, he wanted to be the one announcing the birth of his child. Never before this week had he wanted to marry and have children. And he knew the reason why.

  He closed his eyes and the image of Anna came to his mind. She had looked adorable with her lips reddened from his mouth. No other woman had left him shaking with this overwhelming need with just a kiss. Lord, she was a novice, did not even know
what she did to him. It was a good thing she did not. Knowing Anna, she would use it against him.

  He opened his eyes. Now he had to spend time with her, around her, and not touch her. What he did for God and country truly went beyond the call of duty.

  Chapter Ten

  “Can I have this dance?”

  Anna stared at Daniel and wondered what he was about. “I…”

  There was a stunned silence in the men who surrounded her. She had spent the last three years building the reputation that kept her insulated and off the dance floor. In the last few weeks, Daniel had shredded it. Her standing for only dancing with family had been shredded by Daniel.

  As he smiled at her, she knew that he had trapped her on purpose. She could not refuse and he knew it. Declining his request would draw attention to them. Granted, she didn’t care, but she knew without a doubt that her mother would. Besides being a friend of the family, Daniel’s family line was old and well respected. It would be seen as a slight if she did not dance with him.

  “Of course.”

  She placed her hand on his arm and allowed him to lead her through the crowd. He took her into his arms and swung her into the waltz.

  “What are you about?”

  He looked down at her then back up over her shoulder again. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “This. You don’t attend balls and you definitely don’t ask me to dance.”

  “I danced with you several days ago.”

  “Yes, and it had been years since we have danced. Now you have attended three events that I have been at in less than two weeks.” She frowned. “Did my mother put you up to this?”

  He started and looked down at her. “Why on earth would your mother want me to ask you to dance?”

  “Apparently, she thinks I need to marry, which I disagree with.”

  He smiled. “So she thinks I should court you?”

  “Goodness, never! But my mother probably thinks that your attention will draw the attention of some suitors.”

  A flash of anger sparked in his gaze before he quickly masked it. He looked away again. “That is stupid.”

  “Of course it is. I doubt my mother has thought things through. It is not like my mother at all. Scheming is not really what she does.”

  “What I mean is that it is stupid to think that she needs to scheme. Good Lord, you are an heiress and beyond that, you are the most beautiful woman in the room. Why would you need your mother to scheme to find you a husband?”

  The tone in his voice told her he was serious. And for a moment she said nothing as he moved her around the floor. In fact, she was stunned. Did Daniel know just what he had said? From the expression on his face, he might not have. He just took it as fact. And even though she knew it wasn’t true, her heart tripped. She knew some people thought her beautiful, but to have Daniel say it meant so much more.

  “Be that as it may, there seems to be something on my mother’s mind, something that is goading her on. It is truly getting to be a nuisance.”

  “To think that you need to interest men. Why that preposterous dress you are wearing is bad enough.”

  The music slowly died down and they came to a stop. “What is wrong with my dress?”

  Something seemed to clear from his gaze and he realized where they were. “What I mean is…”

  He looked around and realized another dance was starting. He took her arm and worked their way out of the ballroom.

  The cool air hit her skin and she breathed a sigh. “I really cannot fathom why I loved balls. It truly is the most uncomfortable experience. So hot.”

  “How you can even be hot in that dress is beyond me?”

  She glanced at him. “Why are you complaining about my dress again? It is designed by Fredricka.”

  He grunted. “There was apparently a shortage of silk.”

  She stared at him. “What do you mean?”

  “She left the front of it entirely too low—again.”

  Anger swelled. “It isn’t your place, as I told you last time we had this discussion. I am a woman grown and I can choose what to wear.”

  “Yes, apparently you are. And if you are the one choosing them, why did you choose something so scandalous?”

  She looked down at her dress then back up at him. “Just what are you talking about?”

  “You leave your wares for all to see. It looks like you agree with your mother.”

  All the warmth from his earlier comment seeped away. “I am tired of hearing you attack my choice in dresses. I picked it because I liked it. I did not buy it for anyone but myself. I never think of how I will look to men.”

  He snorted and shot her a look of askance. “Tell me another tale. Women always buy things to gain men’s attention.”

  She threw her hands up in the air. “This is ridiculous.”

  “I agree.”

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “Then why are we arguing?”

  “I have no idea.”

  She humphed. “Please take me back inside. I did not even want to come tonight and now you have made it completely unpleasant.”

  He shot her a look. “I didn’t want to come tonight either.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  He looked at her, his gaze direct. He opened his mouth. But nothing came out. It was odd to find Daniel with nothing to say. With his quick wit he was usually ready with a rejoinder.

  “My mother begged me. I cannot say no.”

  That was the truth from what she could discern, but Anna had an idea there was something else there, something that had brought him out. She wished it was her. She wished that their kiss last night had driven him to distraction as it had her.

  “We should return.” She nodded and allowed him to return her to the stuffy ballroom. As she watched him walk away, she thought not for the first time that it was a pity she could not have the one man she knew would truly make her happy.

  Daniel stood as his supervisor at the War Department strode into his study. It was bad enough he showed up without an appointment, but there was a scowl on Sir Alexander’s face.

  The doors shut almost silently behind him.

  “Do you want to explain why you did not tell me that you have been injured?”

  It had been over a week since the attack. “I’ve yet to file my report.”

  Which was even worse than not sending him information right away about it.

  The older gentleman bristled. “You are as bad as your damned father.” Since they had been close friends, it was said with some affection. “If your mother had not talked to me about it, I would have never known.”

  “You talked to my mother. About me? Am I in leading strings?”

  “Daniel! I will not allow you to go off running around after this Viper person again if you do not keep me apprised.”

  Which brought Daniel up short. Sir Alexander was definitely his supervisor, but he tended to allow Daniel to run his group of spies the way he wanted to. Not once in the last five years had he stepped in.


  “Now I understand Jo is on this. Your mother mentioned you think it is the same person who killed your father. Why?”

  Daniel motioned to the seats in front of his desk as he went to the sideboard for some brandy. He picked up the bottle and waited for Sir Alexander’s nod.

  As he poured, he talked. “I would think that it would have to be the same man. He knew my father had been targeted, only the Viper knew that. Oh, and you and Mother.”

  “He was not the only man who had been targeted. There was your uncle too.”

  “But he is family. This almost seems to be personal.”

  “You think the man isn’t even a spy?”

  “I would not say that. The setup the night I was stabbed spoke of a man who was accustomed with elaborate schemes. Definitely had the mark of a spy.”

  “But for some reason this turned personal?”

  “Yes. And for that, I need
my father’s records. I need to look over anything that happened during his time as a spy.”

  Sir Alexander nodded as he sipped his brandy. “There is a worse situation if it isn’t the same man.”

  Daniel nodded. “Yes. If it isn’t the same man, that means he has knowledge of the former spy. And that means he is either within our circle, or very close to someone in our circle. There is also a possibility that he is a protégé, someone our last Viper trained.”

  “Damned man.”

  “I tend to agree with you. And I hope to send the bastard to hell.”

  Anna arrived on time to the orphanage when a man caught her eye. She slowed her movements of opening the door so she could study him out of the corner of her eye. His hunched appearance, his cap…he looked like a hundred other day laborers in the area. But it took another moment of study before she placed him. She hurried down the steps and was gratified to see his eyes widen.

  “You’re Daniel’s man Jack.” She could not keep the accusation out of her voice.

  “Yes. Sometimes.”

  “What does that mean? And just what in heavens are you doing skulking around here? You aren’t looking for another loan shark are you?”

  “No, miss. I mean, my lady. I heard that you had some trouble. I wanted to make sure that nothing was going on?”


  “Someone trying to break in the other night.”

  “Oh.” That had some of her temper dissolving. “You promise that Lord Bridgerton didn’t send you here to spy on me.”

  His face reddened and she thought she had him. He pulled off his hat and then said, “No, my lady. I just wanted to make sure that no one was bothering you.”

  She sighed and crossed her arms. “Well, come on.”

  His eyes widened. “What?”

  “I cannot leave you out here in this rain. Come in. I am sure there are a few hot buns still left.”

  She turned and started back up the steps again. When she didn’t hear him follow her, she looked back over her shoulder. He was standing in the same place he had been before, a strange look on his face.

  “Well, come on…Jack? Right?”


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