One Taste of Sin (A One Taste Novel Book 4)

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One Taste of Sin (A One Taste Novel Book 4) Page 22

by Amanda Siegrist

Dee ignored him and laughed as she looked at her. “How long has he been acting like some macho man? Did you tell him to knock it off?”

  “I’ve been trying. It’s sorta cute.”

  Stitch groaned at the word cute as Dee laughed like that was the funniest thing in the world. “No wonder he won’t stop. You’re encouraging him.” Her smile wouldn’t die. “It’s nice to see you two together.” She nudged Sauer’s shoulder. “Isn’t it?”

  Sauer, who had been very silent and the red slowly tinting his cheeks, went into a full-blown blush. “Yeah.”

  “Oh, that sounded convincing.”

  She squeezed Stitch’s hand, warning him not to start anything. She couldn’t handle it. Not right now. In fact, she didn’t want to deal with that ever again. If they were going to be together, she couldn’t let him act that way with her friends. Hell, Dee was his best friend. Didn’t he know he shouldn’t act that way with her husband?

  “I mean it.” Sauer sounded tired, but the truth was in his eyes. “It was a long night…for all of us. I don’t want issues, Stitch. I apologize for the other night. Let’s start over.” He held his hand out toward him.

  Stitch eyed it warily.

  She wanted to encourage him to shake his hand and move on. It was the easiest route. The best route to make amends.

  With a quick glance to Dee, she saw Dee wanted to compel Stitch to do it as well, but her lips were in a tight line as if forcing herself not to say a word.

  Finally, after what felt like ages, Stitch reached out and shook his hand. “I ain’t apologizing for hitting you. I’ll do it again if you make me. But I’m sorry for hurting Susan and Deena.”

  Sauer nodded. “Fair enough. No hard feelings.”


  Dee clapped merrily. “Well, now, that wasn’t so hard, gentlemen. So proud of you two.”

  Stitch nearly rolled his eyes and Sauer pulled her into his side and kissed the top of her head.

  “How…” She glanced away and started to fiddle with her blanket. Stitch’s warm hand slid into hers once again offering her the comfort she needed so badly.

  She met his eyes and conveyed her thanks at how he always knew what she needed, then looked at Sauer. “How did it go last night? How’s Newman?”

  She had been dying to know. She even said something to Stitch once, who told her she shouldn’t worry about any of that. At the time, she wanted to shout and cry and argue with him. Ultimately, he had been right. When she asked, she had been in and out, the pain raging a war in her head. It hadn’t been a good time to talk. She was ready now. Sauer and Dee were the first to visit her. Well, besides Captain Ganderson, who took a quick statement from her about what happened. He never mentioned Newman, and she didn’t ask.

  “Well, Chris Moretta is alive. He was thrown from the vehicle. He’s in the ICU. The doctors aren’t too receptive that he’ll wake up. We still have an officer standing by in case he does.” Sauer finally displayed the first smile since walking into her room. “You did the right thing, Susan. You saved yourself, and that’s what matters. We should’ve connected the dots sooner.”

  Her face must’ve displayed the horror at hearing how badly he was injured. Part of her felt guilty. Part of her was angry he didn’t die on impact. Part of her hoped he woke up and paid for his crimes by spending the end of his life in prison.

  “You can’t blame yourself either, Sauer. He didn’t leave any evidence. He was a master actor at hiding his true feelings for his ex-wife. He overheard at the precinct I pulled some prints. That’s why he broke into my house. He wanted those prints. He wanted to know where he could get them.”

  “We’ve all been working hard this morning trying to find a connection with him and the other women. So far, it’s slow going.”

  “He did say he knew he’d be a suspect in his ex-wife’s murder so he had to make it look like someone else by killing more women. It could be as simple as he picked them randomly.” She hesitated, not wanting to talk about anything else. Eventually she’d have to. She didn’t even mention anything to Captain Ganderson. Her statement had been short and sweet, but she promised to make a complete statement once she was released from the hospital. “But…he said things…that suggested that might not be the case.”

  “Get better. We miss you already,” Sauer said with a sweet smile, obviously understanding she couldn’t talk about it right now.

  At the moment, she didn’t miss her job at all. She missed her friends. But the thought of going in and processing any kind of crime scene made her shiver with unease. What would she do if that feeling never went away?

  “And Newman? How is he?” She still wasn’t sure she was ready to forgive him for his actions against her, but she did care how he was doing. Deep down, she didn’t believe he meant what he did. He was hurting, acting out in the only way he knew how.

  “We released him. He had to turn in his gun and badge. He’s on suspension until a full investigation is completed, but he probably won’t be coming back. He withheld information in a murder investigation. He has issues that he has to deal with.” Sauer sighed as he rubbed a hand through his hair.

  “And you’ll be there to help him,” Dee replied quietly.

  “Even if you hate that idea?” he asked with a sweet smirk.

  “I won’t call him a douche…all the time.” She smiled sweetly to show she was teasing, but also serious. Dee couldn’t help herself. It made Susan want to laugh.

  It felt good to laugh. To see her friends happy and the stress lessening and life finally going back to normal, or at least, starting to.

  “Okay, chat’s over. Susan needs to rest.”

  Stitch’s voice boomed around the room and held no arguments.

  Dee cut a dangerous gaze at him, but nodded. “Don’t think you can boss me around all the time, Stitch.”

  “Only when I know it’s the best thing for Susan.” His eyes softened as he glanced at her, then back to Dee. “Plus, maybe you two need a break as well. Have you been home yet, Sauer?”

  “No. Like I said, it’s been a long night and day.”

  “Then maybe it’s time you go home and take care of your wife.”

  To her delight, Sauer smiled at Stitch. “I think you’re right.” Sauer looked at her. “We’ll see you soon. Dee won’t stay away for long.”

  “Damn straight. Like I said, the rest of the gang will crash your house later when you get released.”

  She couldn’t wait. When she caught Stitch’s eyes, she didn’t think anyone would be crashing her house anytime soon. Somehow, she was okay with that.

  As soon as they walked out and the door to her room shut quietly, she realized Stitch had been right once again. She was tired. The visit wore her out.

  She closed her eyes to rest. His hand still held hers tightly. Then a tender kiss touched her lips.

  “Take it easy, Suzey baby. I’m right here.”


  He wanted to groan from the exhaustion, but instead, he pulled Susan closer and snuggled with her as best as he could without hurting her arm.

  It was difficult to lay with her in bed without touching her more intimately. He knew it’d be a few days, maybe even a week, before he could love her body up and down without it hurting. He could survive that long. As long as she was okay, he could live with anything.

  She sighed contentedly, relaxing in his arms as they lay there silently.

  The doctors thankfully released her a few hours ago. He didn’t want to spend another night in the hospital, the awful reminder of what put her there in the first place, but he would’ve. For her.

  She already told him multiple times that what happened wasn’t his fault. He knew this. He almost believed it. But he couldn’t get past the fact he should’ve at least tried. He didn’t do a damn thing. He stood there and let that asshole drive away with her.

  What kind of man did that make him?

  He loved her. His job was to protect her. To keep her safe. What did he do? He let so
me lunatic take her from him.

  Well, at gunpoint.

  That’s what he kept circling back to.

  He didn’t have a choice. The guy had a gun. All he had were his fists. Not a fair fight.

  Maybe over time the guilt would disappear. For now, it lingered like an infection slowly invading the body. Eating him alive.

  “You’re thinking too hard. Stop.” A soft kiss landed on his forearm as a tender hand brushed back his hair. He always loved when she did that simple gesture. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You did everything you could. If anything, I’m the terrible one.”

  He squeezed her tighter, the anguish sucking him dry at those words, but not hard enough to add to the pain she already felt in her arm. “Why would you say that? You’re far from that.”

  “I crashed your car.” Her whispered words broke his heart.

  At one time, yeah, his car was his everything. His pride and joy. His one true love.

  It hurt to think it was mangled into pieces. But not as much as it hurt to think he could’ve lost her.

  “I already told you what I thought about that.”

  Her sharp intake of breath finally clued him into what she was gearing for.

  Well, wasn’t he the biggest dumbass?

  Considering he never had a real relationship in his life, he shouldn’t feel guilty at his idiocy, but he did. He’d rectify his mistake right now.

  Pressing a light kiss to her shoulder, he savored the beautiful way she trembled in his arms. The sweet, delectable tremors that always told him how much she loved it when he touched her.

  “I love you, Suzey baby. Unless you don’t remember me saying that.”

  She tried to twist to look at him. He let go of her so she could without hurting herself. She lay on her back as he rested on his side to look at her.

  “I heard. I wasn’t sure if I imagined it or not.”


  This was the part he didn’t like. Should he say I love you again? Hell, he didn’t mind saying it over and over and over until she told him to shut up. But only if she said it back. She hadn’t yet.

  Now he needed to hear it. He had to hear something from her. If it came out she didn’t, he had some work ahead of him to convince her. Because he wasn’t walking away. Not ever.

  “And, shorty?”

  Why wasn’t she saying anything?

  Her eyes narrowed at the nickname she never liked, then her lips tipped up into a delightful grin.

  “And I love you, too, you big annoying man.”

  “Well, then. Glad that’s settled.”

  He smiled right before he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her as if he were drowning and he needed her to save him. To resurrect him from certain death. It took all of his control and restraint to pull away before he devoured her from head to toe. She wasn’t ready for that yet.

  He shifted her again without asking, making sure not to jostle her too much and cuddled her against his body once more. Everything felt perfect and right. As it should be.



  She clutched his arm with a fierce grip. “Thanks for not leaving my side. It really helped to have you in the hospital.”

  “Never, Suzey baby. I’m never leaving your side.”

  Chapter 23

  Susan blew out a breath before she had to step into Scott’s office. What a long week. But a well needed week.

  Even Stitch took the week off, lying around the house with her while she recuperated from her injuries. She told him several times he didn’t need to, but every single time he shook his head no and said, “Not leaving you, Suzey baby. Stop arguing with me.”

  So she did.

  Who wouldn’t love a sweet, sexy tattooed man caring for her, getting her comfortable on the couch, making her meals, picking up the house, doing everything he could to make sure life went smoothly for her.

  Honestly, it had been a little too perfect. She was waiting for the quiet peace to erupt into chaos once again. Would it last?

  Dee, Rina, and Zoe had visited as promised. After, of course, Stitch deemed it an appropriate time. He didn’t allow anyone to visit her the first two days, insisting she needed her rest. She thought about arguing with him, but she kind of liked him acting all authoritative and protective. She wouldn’t let him do it all of the time, but it didn’t hurt to let him have his way. She honestly thought it made him feel better and lessened the guilt he felt that he didn’t do something to stop her from being taken.

  They were both slowly coming to terms with what happened. Together. She didn’t think she would’ve otherwise. It helped to have him by her side.

  Sauer, Zeke, and Ben also showed up with the ladies, and for a brief time they did talk about work. Newman didn’t wait for them to finish the investigation. He quit and left. Sauer was taking it hard, wondering how he was doing. Newman told him he needed time away to think and process it all. He said he was going up to his cabin in northern Minnesota, and when he was ready, he’d call. Susan thought that was the best thing for him. He needed to come to terms with what happened before he could with anyone else. She knew Sauer understood that, but he struggled with it.

  She had to admit, it was somewhat awkward talking about Newman. Zeke still held some strong resentment toward him, but didn’t voice it too much. Ben felt sorry for him, but wished him well. Zoe and Rina didn’t say much, and she figured Dee wanted to say a lot, but held back only for Sauer’s sake. He had smiled and squeezed her hand every time she did. She knew then, whatever Sauer was dealing with, he’d be okay. Dee would make sure of it.

  Unfortunately, they also talked about Chris Moretta. Of course, she was the one who brought it up. He was still in a coma. Part of her felt guilty. The other part was relieved. She didn’t think the guilt part would ever leave. He was a cruel, vicious man, but she didn’t like knowing she was the one that hurt him. That wasn’t in her job description. She didn’t deal with criminals face-to-face, and she didn’t like it one bit.

  They were able to find a small connection, very loose connection, with Bethany, the second victim. She had a profile on a dating website. So did he. His Internet browsing history said he looked at her profile several times, although never reached out to her. After digging deep through his social media history with a fine-tooth comb, they found how much he resented and hated women. His ex-wife taking him to the cleaners in the divorce only started the downfall of his anger.

  They found one reference where he might have seen Newman and her together, the time frame matching when he slept around with her, but they couldn’t say whether that set off his fury, knowing his ex-wife had moved on with another man.

  Susan told them how he confessed that he didn’t plan to kill her. That it sort of happened. She wasn't sure she believed him. All of that rage and anger simmered below the surface for a while. He was a ticking time bomb waiting to blow. She figured deep in the back corner of his mind, he wanted to kill his ex-wife. He did it for the simple fact he wanted her dead.

  Every day, the hurt ebbed away a little more. But not enough. Not to where she felt peace and contentment. That’s all she wanted. She wanted to go back when she enjoyed her job. Enjoyed picking through a crime scene and finding the clues. That’s what she needed.

  Blowing out one more deep breath, she knocked on Scott’s door and waited somewhat impatiently for him to grant her entrance.

  He stood up and smiled when she walked in, giving her a semi-awkward hug that she figured he felt compelled to do, but it wasn’t necessary.

  They both took a seat. It made her sad to think she didn’t see him as a mentor anymore. That she lost so much respect for him because of his actions with Rachel.

  “How are you, Susan? You know you can take more time off work if you need it. I extended the interview process for the supervisor position. We don’t need to do this now.”

  She smiled gently, touched that he would do that for her. Although, it was unnecessary. “Thank
you, Scott. Please, make a decision. I’m not here for an interview. I actually want to retract my application. I’m not ready for the position.”

  Like that, the stress that had been building inside of her since she handed in her application suddenly let go. Washed away as if she had cleansed herself. She never wanted to apply in the first place. She only did it because she thought it was what she needed to do. What she thought Scott wanted her to do, and she still couldn’t figure out why when he didn’t appear to respect her anymore.

  But no more. She was going to do what she wanted, not what was expected of her. Nobody would push her to do anything she didn’t want to.

  “I think you’d be great for it. I was going to hire you, regardless how this interview went.”

  She wanted to scoff at those words. “Really? Rachel wasn’t in the running at all?”

  He turned his eyes down, the shame clear. “I overstepped as a supervisor. Yeah, I slept with her, and I shouldn’t have. Maybe she thought getting that close to me would help her situation. But it wouldn’t have. I always had my mind set on you. I want you to take the job.”

  Before everything, she would’ve floated on clouds hearing those words from a man she once looked up to. Now, it fell flat. She wasn’t ready. She liked her job the way it was. Stress was never a good thing for her.

  “I appreciate the confidence you have in me, but I don’t want it.” She leaned forward, bracing herself for his reaction. “I honestly think you should let someone else make this decision. I stand by my words I said earlier.”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  “You know I’m right.” She looked away, then forced herself to meet his eyes. “I spoke to the head of the department.” She watched as his eyes widened with panic that she went above his head to his boss. “It’s not okay you slept with an employee, or the way you treated me based on her accusations. I didn’t tell him that you slept with her, because I don’t have proof.” Not to mention, she couldn’t tattle on him and not call herself a hypocrite in the process. She had sex in her office, which was a huge no-no. She didn’t feel right outing his secret when she had her own little dirty secret to hide. She didn’t regret that moment with Stitch.


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