McClellan Billionaires: The Complete Series

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McClellan Billionaires: The Complete Series Page 9

by North, Leslie

  "On you," he murmured against her thigh. She gasped as his tongue met her center. She was shaking already, a fact that both thrilled and shamed her. "Spread those perfect thighs wider for me, baby, that's it." His words dissolved into a series of greedy sounds as he devoured her. Rosalie surrendered to the sensation. Right then, being with Connor felt too good to regret opening the hotel door to him.

  But the door to her heart stayed locked up tight.


  When Connor woke up, head pounding, he found himself in an empty bed. "Baby? Rosalie?" He glanced at his phone on the nightstand and swore.

  He'd nearly flubbed the deal last night. He kneaded the space between his eyebrows, hot shame flooding through him as he remembered Ed's face when he’d ordered the fourth drink. Scotch had always been a sipping drink for him, one to savor over the course of an evening. Only in his desperate worry over the deal going south, Connor had drunk way too much, way too fast.

  Now he was hungover and almost late for his last chance to seal the deal.

  Where had Rosalie gone? He listened for the shower or click of her laptop, but there was nothing but silence.

  He checked his phone again and noticed a text from her. I got a call from Dora at seven this morning, it read. I headed down early to meet her. Didn't want to wake you. You had a busy night. She'd ended the text with a winking emoji.

  What on earth would she and Dora be talking about?

  Connor shook his head. It didn't matter. Ed was the prize, and today, Connor would win him if it killed him. He hurried through an abbreviated morning routine and was out the door—head still pounding but focus back in the game—in less than ten minutes.

  This morning's meetup was to be over a sit down brunch in the resort's bistro. If he sprinted, he would be there in time to claim a phone call had kept him. Ed would never know the difference.

  He made a great show of sliding his phone back into his pocket and huffing loudly in faux-exasperation as he entered the cozy bistro. With its flickering gas lamps and dark-wood paneled walls, the place was exactly the kind of intimate environment Connor needed to seal the deal. He was sure of it.

  He spotted the client’s shining bald head. "Ed, so sorry I'm late—" Hurrying around the table, he stopped short when he saw Rosalie already seated.

  She set down her coffee and gave him a careful smile. "How are you feeling?"

  "Rosalie told me you were under the weather last night?" Ed's eyes twinkled.

  Sharp pain stabbed at Connor's right eyeball. Like his brain had exploded. "I'm fine," he lied. "I didn't realize you'd be here, baby. Thanks for covering for me, but I'm here now." He smiled at her, knowing she would take the cue and excuse herself so he could get things underway.

  Only she smiled right back and sipped more of her coffee. "I'll see if they can grab a chair for you, baby." She signaled to the waiter. "We have another person."


  His brain whirled. The tightness of her smile indicated she was hurt, but he couldn’t for the life of him think why. She’d always known when to step graciously aside and let him take over. It was a dance they’d danced before. When he’d asked her to partner with him on this deal, that was what he’d meant, that she’d play her role and he’d play his. Not that their roles would merge.

  His stomach lurched in protest. “Baby, don’t you want to go rest?”

  Rosalie shook her head innocently. "I'm fine. Actually, I was really enjoying Ed's company." To Connor's amazement, the client smiled at her in genuine gratitude. "And I've already ordered." She blinked slowly and carefully, the way she did when silently communicating with him. "How about you take a break, Connor? There's aspirin in my purse. Take them and go splash your face."

  Connor's mouth fell open. He couldn't even find the words to tell her that she was being ludicrous. What was she thinking to send him away? He was the president of the whole damn company. It was her job to stand back until he summoned her. Not the other way around.

  "Okay, fine." Now he was curious just how far she planned to take this little charade. "Excuse me, Ed. My"—he emphasized his next word—"girlfriend has spoken."

  "And I'd do what this one says. She's a sharp cookie." Ed’s wide grin struck a chord deep in Connor's belly.

  Holding himself straight and tall, he accepted the aspirin and made his way around the bar towards the men's room. Only to stop once he was out of Rosalie's line of sight to turn and watch.

  What the hell was she doing?

  Whatever it was, it was making Ed chuckle and lean back in his seat. He glimpsed her profile as she tucked her curtain of hair behind her ear. Ed nodded before nodding again. He steepled his fingers under his chin and pursed his lips.

  He extended his hand.

  What the hell?

  Connor stormed around the corner right in time to see Rosalie and Ed shaking hands. The two stood up right as Connor skidded to a stop by the table.

  "What's going on?" he panted. "Are you—did you—"

  "Ed's going to enjoy one more night in Aspen, on us." Rosalie smoothly cut off Connor's babbling. "Alone." She winked at Ed, who blushed. Actually blushed. Connor couldn't believe how completely the man was under Rosalie's spell.

  "I'll meet with you tomorrow, and let you know my final answer." Ed wiped his chin with his napkin and checked with Rosalie, who gestured to the corner of her mouth. He dutifully wiped again and nodded his thanks. "Enjoy your day, McClellan."

  Connor eyed Rosalie. "Oh. I plan to."

  * * *

  Rosalie shut the door to the bathroom and let her head fall against it.

  She heard Connor outside, still pacing a tight circle in the middle of the suite. "Are you sure?" he called out for what felt like the seventeenth billionth time.

  "Bathroom, Connor. Business talk stops when I'm in the bathroom." To emphasize her point, she turned on the tap full blast. Leaning against the marble-topped sink, she sighed again.

  Connor's attention was fully on her again; that was for certain. Only instead of wooing her with sweet nothings, he was demanding to know what she and Ed had talked about.

  What had she been thinking, meeting with him without Connor? What had they talked about to make Ed nod so eagerly? Really, he’d insisted: what had she been thinking; what had they talked about; what had Rosalie said, exactly? He’d even demanded to know her exact tone of voice.

  It was enough to make her want to wiggle her way through the window to freedom.

  She glanced at her reflection before splashing water on her face. For form’s sake, she flushed the toilet before opening the door, her hand held up to halt Connor's next volley of questions. "Enough. Okay? I'll tell you if you promise to stop bugging me."

  "I'm not bugging you."

  "Isn't that for me to decide?"

  His brow creased. Rosalie held her head up and tried not to quail under his stormy expression. This was bigger than her crush on him. This was her future, her career. Her baby.

  "We talked, Connor." She cut him off before he could ask anything more. "About client retention, mainly, which you know is my greatest strength. And why I'm such an asset to McClellan." She waited for Connor to agree, but his thunderous expression didn't change. Gripping the doorframe, she willed herself to stay strong.

  "Ed is impressed, Connor." When his eyebrows shot up, she cleared her throat to clarify. "With me."

  "Course he is." Connor agreed without much conviction.

  "And he sees how things are between us—"


  Rosalie summoned all her courage and plowed on. "He thinks I need to speak up for myself more."

  "What for?" Connor asked, but he’d already turned away. Pressing his thumb against his chin, he paced in a tight circle in the center of the room again. "He's dragging this out way too long," Connor complained. "Stringing me along like this is some kind of game—"

  "Connor, did you hear me?"

  "Yeah, course."

  "What did I say?"

sp; "You talked with Ed." He stared past her shoulder, frowning. "And he likes you."

  "Not exactly."

  "Which is good, I like you too. You're great." There was no denying it; he was distracted. Again. "Why don't you take the rest of today off?"


  He kissed her cheek. "I've got some things I gotta take care of anyway. Take a break."

  "Connor, this is important."

  "I know." This time, he kissed her forehead. "I'll take care of it." He swatted her on the butt, smiling. "Go take some time for yourself."

  Rosalie’s heart plummeted to her toes. He was shutting her out in favor of his business. Not even hearing what she’d been trying to say.

  And if he refused to hear her, what was the point in telling him over and over again?

  Closing her eyes, Rosalie exhaled as she realized there really was no point in trying anymore.


  Rosalie was silent as they took the hired car across town to the office.

  Connor appreciated that she understood the need for him to focus. This last meeting shouldn’t even be necessary. He should have had this deal sewn up days ago. He was frustrated and exasperated with Ed for dragging things out as long as he had.

  But he couldn’t show that. As long as Ed wasn’t their client, he couldn’t boast a perfect track record for signing clients. He needed him to sign. He needed this win.

  Whatever the cost, he couldn’t let Ed turn them down.

  When the driver pulled up in front of the office, Rosalie sat still, not springing to open her own door like usual. “You’re moving slowly this morning.” He noticed her drawn face and hunched shoulders. “Is it the baby?” He placed his hand over hers. “Is all of this going to be too much for you? The long days? The pressure?”

  Rosalie’s pink tongue flicked out to wet her bottom lip. “I’ll do anything for this child, Connor.”

  “I know you will.” He let himself enjoy a private thought before speaking it aloud. “Even be a stay-at-home mom?” He dangled the prospect like a price drop for a reluctant client. “Because I would support you in that. I would support you wearing pearls and heels and waiting by the door with a martini, too.”

  He hoped faking chauvinistic fantasies would draw Rosalie out of whatever mood she was in. He liked Rosalie all riled up. She riled him up too.

  Instead of laughing and swatting him though, she just shook her head and allowed the driver to help her from the car.

  Mystified, Connor followed her into the building. “Baby, it’s not like I wouldn’t make sure you were involved in the business if you stayed home,” he wheedled. He’d never had to convince her to fight with him before. He wasn’t so sure he enjoyed this strange inversion of roles. “You know how much I need you by my side in these things.”

  “I know you need me.” Rosalie opened her own door.

  … just like I need you, Connor filled in. He grinned, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

  Only she walked ahead without saying another word.

  The name on the door was his, but Connor felt like a complete outsider in the Aspen office. He followed Rosalie like a little lost dog as she wove her way through the main floor. Everyone greeted her as if she had been away for months. She was far more well liked than he had ever considered.

  Her blonde friend Anna bounced up, sparing a once over for Connor. “Ed just called.” She handed Rosalie a cup of what he hoped was decaffeinated coffee. “He’s going to be about five minutes late.”

  Why the hell wasn’t she telling this information to him? “Thanks very much, Anna,” he interrupted, both to reassert his position in the company and demonstrate to Rosalie that he didn’t need her help to remember at least one name. “Is everything all set for us upstairs?”

  Anna nodded, her eyes bouncing between Connor and Rosalie like they were a tennis match.

  Rosalie shook her head minutely.

  What was that about?

  “Thank you.” Rosalie didn’t look at Connor before heading towards the elevators. Once again, he had to hurry after her.

  He’d just about had enough.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on with you?” he demanded as the doors swished closed.

  “Why? What’s going on with me?” She glared at him.

  “You giving me the silent treatment.”

  “I didn’t think you’d notice.”

  Connor sighed in exasperation. “Of course I would notice, baby.” He grabbed her hands. Holding her keys in his, he leisurely appreciated her beautiful face, drinking in the lush lips, those perfect curves before resting his hand on her belly. She blinked but didn’t move away.

  “I know you,” he soothed. “And I know when something is upsetting you.”

  The door switched open. Rosalie’s eyes, which had fallen closed as he spoke, suddenly snapped back open again. “See, that’s the thing, Connor.” She sounded strangely sad. “I don’t think you know me at all."

  "Hi again!" Dora Coney trilled from across the hall. "Sorry! We snuck in through the back entrance here."

  "Didn't want to make you wait for us much longer," Ed chuckled. Connor reached out to shake his hand.

  But Ed shook Rosalie's first. "How are you doing?"

  "Great, Ed, thank you for asking." Rosalie's smile, so tight and restrained only a second ago, was wide and happy now. Connor frowned. "Everything is all set up for us in here." She gestured to the glass-walled conference room. "Would you like me to ask Anna to bring up some breakfast? Have you eaten?"

  Just like her to worry about that, when all he wanted was to get down to business.

  Ed chuckled and shook his head. For the first time, he met Connor's eyes. "That won't be necessary. This shouldn't take long."

  "Just want to sign the papers and go, huh Ed? I understand that!" Connor clapped Ed on the shoulder.

  Dora pursed her lips before looking at Ed. "I'm going to let you get to it." She went up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "You said something about breakfast?" she asked Rosalie.

  "Yes, of course. Anna will help you. Hang on, I'll text her to meet you at the elevator now." Rosalie whipped out her phone. "All set."

  "Thank you." Dora clasped her hands. "And congratulations."

  Rosalie looked mystified, but Connor knew why Dora was saying that.

  Somehow, some way, the deal would be made.

  Relief rose in his chest, like a balloon inflating next to his heart. The rush was unlike any he'd ever felt before, but he knew he'd feel it again and again. This was what winning felt like and he was a winner.

  The one that got away hadn't gotten away after all.

  Connor smiled and tried to keep himself from doing a jig in the middle of the hall. He'd deal with the weirdness with Rosalie later. Or maybe he wouldn't even have to now. She was probably just nervous for you. His heart tugged fondly. She really was special.

  He reached for her hand. "Yes, congratulations."

  She pinkened prettily. "Thanks."

  He waited for her congratulations in return.

  Instead, Ed cleared his throat. "Well, I can't really say doing this feels right now that my bride is taking advantage of your hospitality downstairs, but I can't really see a way to stretch this out much longer." He looked Connor in the eyes. "I'm sorry, McClellan. You put together a hell of a presentation, and my partners were impressed with what your business could do for us, but when it comes down to it, we just don't feel it’s a good fit."

  Connor smiled and nodded through his whole speech. He was still smiling and nodding when Ed finished.

  Until he finally registered his words. "Wait, what?"

  Ed turned to Rosalie. "I have to tell you, I fought real hard for you guys. And the main reason I did so was because of you, Rosalie." He chuckled self-deprecatingly. "Then I thought to myself, am I trying to make a case for McClellan, or am I trying to make a case for getting Rosalie the accolades she deserves?"

  He nodded as her mouth fell open. "Rig
ht. Just like I was saying yesterday, the offer stands. In fact, it's official now." He pulled a sheet of paper from his lapel. "Signed off on by the rest of the partners in Ventura Enterprises. We want you on board with us, Rosalie." He narrowed his eyes at Connor. "We think we could give you the kind of environment you need to really put your talents to use."

  Connor snorted at the absurdity of it all. He looked at Rosalie, wanting to see her laugh in Ed's face.

  She wasn't laughing.

  "Wow, you were serious then?"

  "As serious as this offer. Take a look."

  "Wait a minute, Coney. Are you seriously offering my girlfriend a job right in front of me?"

  Ed leveled a look at him. "I know talent when I see it, and I also know talent when it’s going to waste."

  "Oh my god," Rosalie whispered.

  Connor shook his head. "No. No way." He grabbed Rosalie's arm. "You're not seriously considering this, are you, Rosalie?"

  She pointed at the figure underlined in the offer letter, looking at him wide-eyed. "How can I not take this seriously, Connor? It's more money and no travel time."

  "You like traveling," Connor protested.

  Ed stepped back. "I can see you need some time to hash this out, Rosalie. Please give it careful consideration and don't let yourself be swayed"—he looked at Connor again—"by outside influences."

  "I'm not an outside influence. I'm her boyfriend."

  "Sure you are," Ed chuckled. "I'll be in touch, Rosalie." He headed to the elevator.

  Connor stared open-mouthed. He'd said no. After all this, he'd said no and had tried poaching Rosalie too? His Rosalie?

  Hysterical laughter leaked from his mouth. "Can you believe that guy? He's got some nerve." Her silence hit him heavy as an anvil. "Rosalie, come on. Don't be silly."

  Her face flushed bright red. "Silly, Connor? This isn't silly. This is a huge opportunity for me, and as my boyfriend"—she flung the word at him—"you should be happy for me."

  "What?" He'd never seen his calm, collected Rosalie this furious. "Yes, I mean, of course, congrats on the offer, baby, but going to work at Ventura is just not going to happen."


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