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Chaos Magic: Life Sorcerer: Book Three - Return of Magic: Book Four

Page 8

by D. R. Rosier

  She stroked his hair soothingly, and he felt her fading under him, becoming less tangible, as the world itself also faded, the empty dark world.

  She whispered, and screamed, in a sweet and terror inducing voice, “You serve me now, I am Nox, goddess of night, daughter of chaos.”

  He screamed as the dream faded and information flooded his mind. Contradictory information, information, spells, and powers that made no logical sense. It was foreign. He understood now, to the world Gaia created in order and magic, Nox’s dark chaos didn’t belong. His… new goddess, he was the high priest of Nox, the only priest of Nox.

  He understood she had no place in this world, no mantel at all on this world, she was other, the endless night and chaos. Her power was his to wield, because of his potential as a priest, and because he was her gateway to this world. The flaw of free will, which in the end was just an illusion, as much as it was fact.

  He laughed, cried, and raged in his splintered mind, understanding he’d had the potential of a priest and his psychotic mind related enough to chaos to crack the door, but accepting Nox, fucking her and cumming in her in the dream, was the binding of an unbreakable contract.

  As if any man could resist her, a false and impossible choice.

  He grimaced, as he realized the bitch goddess had given him a taste of his own medicine. The lust, fear, disgust, pleasure, and need to fill her, exactly the emotions he loved to see the most in the women he coerced into his bed.

  He was also powerful, more powerful than before, wielding a magic that didn’t belong on this world. He grinned as the door opened up, and a breathless Aurora looked at him in horror.

  He finally understood. He finally saw Aurora for what she truly was. He saw her divinity clear as day. She was Aurora, the minor goddess of sex and pleasure, walking the earth as the minor gods and goddesses did, spreading their influence. She was incredibly powerful, but only within the boundaries of lust, pleasure, and sex.

  He hadn’t been far wrong about the cult thing. All of those women who were willing to spread their legs for free like sluts, eagerly and joyfully to any comers, instead of charging like whores, were her worshippers. Her adherents and followers. Something they’d kept a secret from him and his men, and the goddess had been managing him, with her mouth, pussy, and ass.

  He smiled, as he saw the look he’d been wanting to see in her eyes for so long. Fear, and disgust, at what he’d become.

  He leered, “Get in here, and get on your knees.”

  He almost came right there, as he saw the sex goddess tremble in fear and disgust as she took her first tentative step through the doorway. Maybe things were looking up after all…

  Lori felt deliciously sexy as she stretched like a cat, and then covered her mouth and released a soft sigh as one knee lifted and she twisted her waist. She knew he was looking, if only from the corner of his eyes, even as she pretended ignorance of that knowledge. She ached for him to come over and put his hands on her body, to touch her skin and slide his hands over her. To put his mouth on her, to put his fat monstrous cock in her.

  Goddess, she’d been breathless when she saw his true size the other day, clearly outlined in that stretchy bathing suit his mates made him wear.

  It still scared her a little bit. Not him, his size, or the idea of him touching her, claiming her, and making her his. She wanted a good hard fucking, and she couldn’t think of a more worthy or better man to give her one. No, all that just thrilled her and made her feel a little naughty joy. It was that other thing that scared her. She feared the tingling and electric sensations of a man’s firm hand on her would throw her mind into the past. But she’d also never felt more alive than when she knew he was admiring her body.

  She knew it was a bit teasing, but at the same time it was a lot of fun. After all, it wasn’t her fault he hadn’t hit on her yet, was it? Regardless, she was really enjoying the flirting dance she had going on with Sean the last couple of weeks, that she kept escalating. It was an intoxicating feeling, to see both the raw desire in his eyes, along with respect, admiration, and interest in what she was saying. He was so much more than just a big cock on a hot muscled body, or intense and kind hazel eyes, but she had to admit she was as attracted to that as much as he was to her lissome dancer’s curves.

  Regardless, she had no doubts at all he both admired her and wanted her, but she wasn’t quite ready to hoist the flags completely. She was making progress toward that though, it was only a matter of time before her own desires overwhelmed her fears, and the balance shifted.

  Her continuing and ramping teasing seduction of Sean wasn’t the only advances she was making. She truly was happy in this house, and with her allies and hopefully future family. Her confidence in herself and her mental balance was growing in leaps and bounds.

  As was her power.

  Her goddess had gifted her with two more spells, two spells she’d have been unable to cast previously. The human body could only channel so much godly magic at once, and only for so long. But as they grew in power and their body got accustomed to the power, that limited potential was increased. Much like working out strengthened the muscles and allowed for lifting of heavier weights.

  She’d been given the paralysis and mind prison spells. She could already accomplish something like paralysis with the dominance spell, but using dominance that way wasn’t it’s intended purpose, and sent those tempting and intensely pleasurable sensations through her body that she should avoid if possible. Paralysis would just freeze them, but otherwise leave them their will and mind, as well as consciousness.

  Mind prison would put someone in their own dark evil thoughts, punishing and torturing them with their darkest fears and ambitions as the shadows dove into their minds. A good person would be trapped as well, but they wouldn’t suffer if they held no desire for cruelty in their hearts.

  She grinned, when she realized Sean’s attention wasn’t the only one she’d garnered with that stretch. Mara was looking her way with lusty almond eyes. She winked at Mara, who blushed but didn’t turn away.

  Life was good.

  Katie sniffled, as she hugged the only woman that she’d ever been attracted to, tightly against her. It was good to see the goddess again, since Nim didn’t stop by often. She really didn’t get attracted to woman at all, but she forgave herself for the exception since Nim was a minor goddess and all.

  She also looked frightened, the goddess that is.

  “What’s up, Nim?”

  Nim giggled, “It’s good to see you too, Katie. You’re impulsively demonstrative greeting warms my heart. I’m sorry I don’t stop by more often, I love you too, old friend.”

  She wondered if the goddess read her mind, but then shrugged it off, she wouldn’t care even if Nim had.

  “Can I get you a drink?”

  Nim said, “I can’t stay long. I just needed to warn you, that an agent of chaos once more walks the land.”

  She frowned, since she’d never heard of an agent of chaos.

  Nim said, “The library should have a couple of books about it. The earth and all the gods and nature in it are under the greater goddess’s Gaia’s mantle.”

  Katie nodded, as she knew that much already.

  Nim shrugged, “There are other greater gods, of other worlds. Gods and goddesses equal in power to Gaia, or greater. They don’t belong here. There’s also the gods that have no worlds at all, gods of chaos and night, and many others. Nox, daughter of chaos and goddess of night has no mantel here, no business interfering in our world and the order that Gaia has established in it. But free will, we’ve talked about that one before, is a real thing. A potential priest or priestess, that’s chaotic enough in their souls, can reach out and open the door so to speak. This world hasn’t seen an agent of chaos in tens of millennia.

  “You should read what’s in the library, as I believe it’s related to your current balance issue.”

  She asked, “How do you know?”

  Nim smirked, “
Another goddess, a friend of mine. She ran across the agent of chaos and sent a warning out. She’s in great danger, but she must let things play out.”

  She frowned, “Where?”

  Nim said softly, “I think you already know, and I can’t tell you that anyway.”

  She nodded, “Georgia, or heading that way. Great, so how… never mind. I’ll go hit the library. I wish you’d stay for a bit, but you have your own mantel.”

  Nim grinned, “Next time I have a free day, I’ll come straight here. Promise.”

  Katie sighed, as the beautiful goddess disappeared in a spray of mist.

  An hour later, Katie shivered as she closed the book. Chaos magic, for lack of a better description, was extremely… chaotic. It was ironically as dangerous to the wielder as it was to the target, a priest or priestess of chaos never got the same results twice from the same spell. The best way to kill one was with a sword, dueling one with magic was… inadvisable, but she might not have a choice.

  She also wondered if there was more to it, or if it was just this chaos priest. She usually went into a situation blind, and Nim wasn’t allowed to be too forward and had never been so with her help. Nim guided her in the past, but to her own solutions, not solutions handed to her. In other words, she needed to be wary, there might be more dangers involved.

  The goddess worried her too. If he killed a goddess, she’d eventually be reborn, but it would still harm the balance, if not permanently. It was a really bad idea to kill the gods, but thankfully extremely hard to destroy even the minor ones. They had a very limited focus in power, her power for instance as a sorceress was much more diverse than Nim’s.

  But Nim’s power over water dwarfed hers, dwarfed a dragon’s power over water for that matter. The minor gods were very powerful indeed, within their narrowly limited mantle of power.

  She bit her lip in thought. Whatever happened, she would see the balance restored, and she’d have plenty of allies in this when the time came to move.

  She looked up as the library door opened, and she was surprised to see Bria walk in with a box. Bria never came in the library.


  Bria smiled, “I have a gift for you. I think you’re going to need it. You’ve also proven yourself a good friend, so don’t make a big deal out of this.”

  She shivered, as she looked in the box, it wasn’t just a big deal, it was huge honor very few humans had ever been granted, based on what she knew of the matter from the books around them.

  The power coming off the armor in there was staggering, it would be resistant to magic and by its very nature practically immune to normal weapons. Her hand trembled as she stroked the soft silver scales of the supple full-bodied dragon armor. It looked like it was made for her body, and would be very tight, tight enough to wear regular clothes over it. Like… a thin skintight leather catsuit, but one made of silver dragon scales.

  Bria blushed at the stunned look on her face, “They’re mine, from my last molt. Some few dragon allies are gifted with such things, at times.”

  “Thank you, Bria. This is… no big deal at all,” she said with stupefied awe, trying and failing miserably to respect the dragon’s wishes and not make a thing of it.

  Bria snorted, “You’re a terrible liar. Just… don’t mention it. Please.”

  “My lips are sealed. I’m going to go try it on. It’s so… it’s softer than I expected.”

  Bria blushed furiously at that last comment, “Right, see you later then,” and bolted from the room.

  She giggled in girlish delight, and then picked up the box which was surprisingly light and headed for her quarters to try it on. Not only was it soft and supple, and supporting of her generous breasts, but it stretched and didn’t pinch. It was a priceless gift, and awesome, so she kind of got why Bria was so self-conscious about it. It was also thin enough that she easily got a pair of her looser jeans on over it, as well as clingy blouse. Outside of the silver scales showing from her shirt collar to her neck, the armor wasn’t in evidence as well.

  It was really comfortable, and luxuriously soft on her body.

  Lastly, she was a bit disturbed. The threat must’ve been bigger than even the books implied to warrant this gift…

  Chapter Seven

  He nodded his head lightly with respect, and the leader of the Chinese community recovered from his very deep bow. He kind of liked Feng Chen, the man was conscious of his people’s needs and very humble. It’d been almost a month since they’d pulled them off the invasion ship and gave them a place to start a new life, so he decided to check on their progress.

  They were fairly far north, in the Oregon wilderness, and winter wasn’t all that far off. He wanted to make sure half of them didn’t starve and die this coming winter, but from what he could see they had things well in hand. Several buildings had already gone up, and several more were under construction. They’d also started to hunt, and they had plenty of foods, grains, rice, dried fruits, seeds, and everything else they would need to start a community and support an army.

  Without worrying about that second part, he supposed they’d be more than fine, but he’d wanted to check and make sure things were going well.

  His ladies were with them, but the only others besides him that could speak Chinese were Lin and Kim. He could only do so, because he’d read so many of their lifeforces, and had absorbed the language. Still, it took some effort for him to translate back and forth, but it’d get easier with time.

  That wasn’t a big deal at all though, since almost half of them spoke haltingly in English.

  Feng said, “You come, maybe problem, don’t know?”

  He nodded, and then followed the middle-aged Chinese man into a large building that turned out to be a barracks of sorts, for women.

  Feng said, “These… for pleasure?”

  He nodded in understanding, “The military and officers used them for sex, for pleasure.”

  The man smiled, “Yes, exactly. They now have choice, still serve and help with many things, given work with honor, but no husbands for them. Would be willing, you find?”

  Yeah, that concept was a little too hard for English, so Kim replied in Cantonese, “A lot of men died here too, more men than women, and it will be years before we have parity between the sexes once more. So we don’t have spare men to marry them off to either. We’ve adapted our societies and culture slightly. Some few men have more than one mate for those that would prefer that to being alone, but a lot of the women also choose to sell their bodies to be independent. We don’t have men for them either. I’m not sure if bigamy is acceptable to your society, but it’s either that or several women going without a dedicated husband and… finding pleasure where they may, for a price or not. The important thing is the choice is theirs, no woman will be forced to marry a man, singly or in a multiple marriage.”

  Feng pursed his lips, “Understand, new world hard on all. Discipline do much, but many problems persist despite best efforts and honorable actions. We will consider your solutions, second wives not natural to us, but situation demands some compromise for the good of all. Important reason bring, you see these two.”

  The community leader led us over to the corner, and there were a couple of Asian beauties on the bunks, that were maybe two months pregnant. He nodded in understanding as he felt the life forces. They weren’t as big as Cassie’s, and they wouldn’t be until after puberty which is why he hadn’t felt it as soon as they arrived, but he could tell already both women were pregnant with kids that would have power, would be sorcerers or sorceresses.

  “These were the general’s… women?”

  Feng nodded, “Favorite pleasure partners. He slept with them often, and no other man allowed to touch,” and the young women looked nervous.

  He smiled, “Their children will have power, magic. We will teach them to use it with respect, and not for selfish pursuits when they are old enough.”

  Feng looked surprised, and pleased, “You, allow them li

  He felt a surge of anger, and pressed it down, “They’re not the general, they come into the world full of potential and we’ll teach them how to protect, not rule over others in fear. They will not be harmed.”

  Feng bowed low, and the women looked a little relieved, and very surprised as well. He wondered if their society judged children by the sins of the father, or if they just feared he did, or used to fear that. It was hard to tell, but they looked pleased enough by his decision. Surprised, but pleased.

  “Any other problems?”

  Feng shook head, “No. Not enough men, didn’t know on this. Everything else on schedule, we will be ready before the first snowfall.”

  He paused and frowned as he waved at the side of the room, “Mara, those two are very sick.”

  Mara smiled softly, kissed his cheek lovingly, and headed over that way. She had really changed since giving herself to him completely and joining Cassie as his permanent mate with a lifelong commitment. She was still a lady in public, but she showed a loving deference to him in front of others now that stole his breath away, within the bounds of acceptable public affection of course. She would surely fight him still, if he ever opposed her calling as a priestess, but he would never do that, and she knew he never would, so it just wouldn’t be a problem.

  Of course, he wasn’t perfect, and if he did so on accident then he was sure she’d stubbornly make her point as she had in the past and they’d get on with it.

  The people there seemed happy enough, outside of their problems which were shared by everyone else on the west coast. Modern women weren’t exactly happy with the two choices, but with a limited number of men those were the choices available. Sure, some had become hunters and trappers, farmers, politicians, and other callings. His ladies were women of power, but this new life was a lot harder than the old one, and there were less women racing to take on the men’s traditional roles as a result. He was incredibly lucky to have four giving mates, but he knew that lifestyle wasn’t for everyone, not even for most.


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