Alpha's Calling

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Alpha's Calling Page 3

by Alice Shaw

  “Snakes, most likely,” Henry whispers.

  Both of us ignore him. There’s a substantial feeling here, an ancient atmosphere to the place. When we get to the backside of the property, I know something is wrong.

  Drake rubs his fingers against the wall. He looks back at us alarmed. He whispers, “These prints are new. We have to be very quiet now. Seriously.”

  Henry’s eyes widen. “I knew it. I knew they’d be here,” he says.

  “Yeah, right. You keep flip-flopping,” I say.

  Drake climbs in through the window and waves us forward. “Come on. It’s safe in here. There’s a radio tower on the top of the building, as well as a few rooms. We should check it out.”

  I step into the building and feel my senses start to tingle. My hearing even gets better. It’s like my abilities are beginning to come back to me. “Wait,” I whisper.

  Henry jumps inside, falling directly onto his butt. We all stand exceptionally still, making sure no one heard us. “Why are you telling me to wait?” Henry asks.

  I shift into my jaguar form. I feel the hairs on my body start to rise. My ears perk up, twitching at the frequencies I pick up. “Because I hear people,” I say. “And they’re upstairs.”

  Drake is alarmed. He pulls out a knife from his sock. “What are they saying?” he asks.

  “I can’t make it out. My abilities are still too weak,” I say. “We need to keep going, but be on your guard.”

  Henry looks terrified. He keeps glancing toward the window like he’s about to jump back out. “Go ahead. Both of you. I’ve got this floor cornered. If anyone tries to come in here, they—”

  Drake grabs him by his shirt and pulls him toward the stairwell. “You’re coming with us, whether you like it or not,” he says.

  “Alright, mate. You’re stretching my shirt out. Lay off me,” Henry says.

  Slowly, we walk up the stairs. The voices are getting louder now. I can hear things more clearly. When we get to the top, I turn back to check on my companions. They both nod, but Henry is shaking like a baby.

  I wrap my paw around the handle and force it open. I pounce inside, roaring with all my might. My claws have extended, ready to rip everyone inside to pieces.

  “Stop yourself,” an older man’s voice can be heard to the left of me.

  I suddenly feel my body give way to gravity. I fall to the floor, shifting back into my standard form. “What in the heavens is happening?” It’s as if a force field has stopped me.

  “Jonas, it’s okay.” I look up and nearly faint when I see him.

  “Freddie!” I cry out. “Oh, my alpha. What is happening? Where are we?”

  Tears flood from my eyes. Freddie takes me into his arms. I suddenly feel warm again. I feel so whole and real now.

  “I thought I lost you, omega,” he says. “I’m not sure what happened, but I think when we kissed, we were transported here somehow.”

  I rest my head on his chest, shaking. He calms me down with his soothing whispers. His hands caress my shoulders and eases all of the pain I had felt this year. In an instant, everything feels right again.

  Around us are a pack of wolves. They wear black cloaks and stand, silently. “Who are these people?” I ask him. “The brotherhood?” The youngest wolf with long black hair, snickers.

  “This is going to sound so crazy,” he says.

  I laugh and immediately shake my head. “No. None of it will sound crazy. My whole life has been crazy so far,” I say.

  The alpha of the pack stands forward and extends a hand of friendship. “Loke,” he says. “I am Freddie’s father. Next to me here is my omega, Eric. The younger one is my son, Gregory. I guess we have a lot to talk about.”

  I smile, but my body feels weak. I can’t put the pieces together here. “Wait a minute. These wolves are your family?” I ask.

  Freddie nods, lip quivering. He tries not to shed any tears, but we’re both so emotional right now. It’s hard not to cry, even if things are starting to look up again. “I never got the chance to tell you about my family. I lost them when I was young. Betas attacked us. We were separated. I thought they were gone forever.”

  Freddie wipes a single tear from his cheek. I turn around and give him the biggest kiss imaginable. I had no idea that he went through so much. I feel his warmth surround me. For a second, I wonder if we’ll transport back to Frisky Pines, but nothing happens.

  Loke gives a hearty laugh. “Welcome to the family, son. We’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “I’m sorry. I just don’t know what to say. You said you’d been here for a while?” I ask. “You are the brotherhood right? The Brotherhood of the Phoenix?”

  They look at one another, solemnly. “We’ve been here for a lifetime now. Let’s not talk about the stupid brotherhood, okay?” Gregory asks.

  “We need to, though. That’s why I’m here,” I say.

  Loke sits down next to me. He’s older, with big grey streaks running down his fur. His fangs are chipped. I imagine he’s dealt with a lot of intense crap throughout his life. He folds his hands together and sighs. “Our chapter is over. For the longest time, we thought we were blessed by the goddesses. Why else would we be here? Over time, it became obvious that we were cursed. The Brotherhood of the Phoenix is no more, and that’s okay. We have come to terms with our situation here.”

  Drake slowly puts his knife back into his sock. Henry can barely grasp what is even happening at this point. Flabbergasted, he says, “So it’s true? This whole time travel crap is true?”

  I groan and brush myself off. I look out the window at the old airpark. “It’s more like we entered into some ‘other world.’ I’m not a scientist, so that’s all I can offer you, Henry. It’s like we’re in the same period, and the same world, yet Frisky Pines isn’t on the map anymore. I’ve told you a million times, but you didn’t want to believe me.”

  Henry stammers. This whole thing is affecting him. “But… but HOW?!”

  Drake rolls his eyes. “Better to leave the questions to yourself, lad. You won’t find the answer you’re looking for.”

  Loke looks at the setting sun outside. He puts a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry that we have to meet under these circumstances, but it feels good to have some company. I’m sure you and Freddie have a lot of catching up to do. You can have the guest room at the end of the hall.”

  “Don’t get too energetic,” Eric says. “Too much howling will draw attention to us.”

  “Dad, I love you. But you gotta keep those things to yourself,” Freddie says.

  We practically run into that room, somehow managing to close the door gently. Freddie is sniffing wildly, hungrily kissing my neck. “You smell wonderful. And I’ve been waiting so long to kiss you again,” he says.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” I say. “I saw you the other day, getting into a cab. I was so ready to give up all hope. But there you were. I knew then that we were meant to be.”

  Freddie holds me tightly. “No matter what, I’ll be here. And if the world goes topsy-turvy, I’ll search to the ends of the earth to find my omega again. You’re all that I want, Jonas. I know that we’re still learning about each other, but there’s an instinct behind this. My heart just knows.”

  I kiss his chest, undoing the first buttons. He breathes quickly, chest pumping. “All of me knows,” I whisper.

  He doesn’t hesitate to rip the rest of the buttons. My lips carefully drag against his beautiful muscles. My hand wraps around his cock. I feel my slick pulsating for him. The wetness, dripping, has alerted Freddie.

  “Wait,” he whispers. My hand grips his hard cock. Holy shit, I think to myself. It’s massive. Like, really big. I gulp, anxiously.

  “What?” I ask him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Absolutely nothing. Look down, Jonas. Do you see how hard I am for you right now? I just want to make sure that you want to do this. Deep in my heart, I know you’re my fated mate. But I also want you to be ready,” he says. “Do
you still love me? Do you still want me?”

  His eyes can’t stop looking down, between my legs. I take his hand and press it against my hard cock. I unzip my pants and slowly pull them down. Naked and alone, a natural excitement builds between us.

  “I crave for you,” I whisper.

  I push his hand lower until his fingers slide against my wet slick. He breathes in my scent, eyes glazing over with pleasure. “Fuck,” he whispers. “You’re as wet as the streets of London.”

  I nod, slowly. My wolf knows exactly what I need. “I want you deep, Freddie. I want you raw. And I want you to put a couple of babies inside of me,” I say.

  His eyes light up. “I want a family with you, Jonas. Are we going to find Frisky Pines again? Are we going to be with your family someday?” he asks.

  “Of course we are,” I say.

  He slowly spreads my legs apart. His cock rests on top of mine. I reach down and grab our shafts, stroking them at the same time. “Keep talking to me,” he says. “Tell me what I want to hear.”

  I grin. Freddie kisses me sensually. Our cocks pulsate against one another. The pressure builds inside of me, begging to be set free.

  “We’re going to walk into the sunlight together. And we’re going to sneak away into the forest a lot. And you’re going to fuck me in the middle of the forest, as the sun is setting. You’re going to fuck me deep, and hard. You’re going to love me over and over again,” I say.

  “I am, baby,” he whispers, getting ready. The alpha in him has kicked in now. His muscles are flexing for me, as he holds my body steady. Flipping me over onto my knees, he kisses my firm ass.

  “This is my first time,” I say. “Be gentle and loosen me up.”

  He knows just what to do. My sexy shifter licks around my rim, tasting my slick. He softly pushes one finger inside. When I glance back, I see his enormous cock strengthening. His flesh drives me crazy.

  “Use your tongue more,” I whisper.

  He laps upward, moaning to himself. Hungrily, he pushes it inside of me. One finger slips in with ease, after that. Then, another finger loosens me up.

  “I need three fingers,” I say.

  “Is that a command?” Freddie teases me with a second one.

  “Oh, goddess, yes,” I groan.

  He slides out and licks me up and down. “Mmm.” Enjoying himself, he practically dives his whole face into my slick hole. Finally, he slips in three fingers.

  I grab the bed sheets and try not to howl with pleasure. It feels better than normal, even better than eating chocolate cake! I haven’t come, nor have I been touched in over a year. I’ve just been waiting for this moment, for what seems to be forever.

  “Now, fuck me,” I say. “Give me your beautiful cock.”

  I push my ass against him, teasing him to no end. He has his whole cock in his fist, stroking eagerly. His tongue is practically hanging out of his mouth. The alpha of my dreams positions his firm flesh against my wet hole. Slowly, he thrusts.

  “Freddie, honey. You’re so blessed!” I purr.

  At first, I’m not sure if it’s going to fit inside. The cunning wolf that I’m in love with is really big. But as the excitement builds, my body knows how much I want this. My slick soaks for him. Its honey-like wetness, flows down my rim. He pushes it in slowly, and it rolls over his head.

  “Yes!” I nearly yelp with pleasure, but I keep it at a low volume. His hands grip my waist, firmly. Thrusting forward, he stuffs the whole thing inside of me.

  “You like that, honey?” he asks.

  I grin and grind my ass back. “You know what I like,” I say. “Move faster. I’m ready for you to teach me now.”

  He thrusts harder, but he’s still cautiously polite for me. His hand reaches forward and grabs my cock. “Like this, baby? I’m going to spill my seed all over that tight hole of yours.”

  He spanks my ass. Apparently, he has stopped giving a damn about what his family thinks of the noise. “Fill me up, alpha,” I moan.

  He is loosening me up and pumping faster. His chest curls around my back, as he leans in for a kiss. His arms hug me tight. I cock my head back, and our lips briefly touch, before he nibbles down.

  Between my hurried breaths and tight groans, I whisper, “You’re so fucking kinky.”

  “My sweet omega,” he growls.

  I’m so close to him at this moment. I’ve never been close to anyone before. Growing up, I had a few crushes. I went to the school dances a couple of times with some total jerks. It was never anything to write home about. No one ever gave me any love letters or fantasized about me.

  And then Freddie jumped down from the top of the northern caves. I know that Logan was the chosen-one, but Freddie saved me in a way that I can’t put into words. He helped me discover myself. Now, I can’t let him go.

  He slides his barracuda out of my slick hole, stroking it over me. I flip over onto my back and beckon him forward with my index finger. “Not exactly the traditional position for making babies,” he says.

  “Fuck tradition.” I laugh and pull him on top of me. He spreads my legs to the side, kissing and licking my neck and ears. So much pleasure is running through me right now. It’s hard to know if this is reality or an incredibly sexy dream.

  All I know is that I can feel it coming. When my balls turn rock solid, and I feel my body begin to pulse, I know I’m about to cum. I give him a look of open-eyed surprise. My mouth is slack-jawed and my cock begins to jump against my abs.

  “Are you going to cum for your alpha?” Freddie puts his hand around my cock. My pre-cum is dripping from the head. He lubricates it around me. It’s enough to kill a jaguar!

  He thrusts in, and my hole tightens. I feel my muscles spasm, and I lose all control. “…Cumming…” That’s the only word I can manage to say at this point. Everything else is just garbled nonsense.

  I let out a sharp breath and close my eyes. My sweet and tender wolf leans down to kiss me, stroking my cock smoothly.

  “There we go, baby. Let it out. Cum for your alpha, so he can fill your sweet hole to the brim,” he whispers.

  All of this dirty talk is so sending me over the edge. I feel that pleasured click inside of my core. I lose it. Streams of cum shoot out onto my stomach. I eagerly catch some on my lips. A second stream hits the wall behind me.

  “Holy shit,” Freddie says.

  “Oh my goddess,” I moan. It keeps coming out in waves. “Please spill your seed in me, Freddie. Hurry! I need it now!”

  He thrusts harder, holding my hips steady. I rock them toward him. I can feel his cock pushing up and down against my spot. I can barely focus right now, but I know that he’s about to impregnate me. I’ve been waiting for this for a whole freakin’ year.

  “Here it comes, honey,” he groans. His hand falls firmly against my chest. His fingers run through every groove of my abs. He opens up for me. Freddie’s warm waves of cum flood my slick hole.

  “Oh, fuck. Freddie!” I moan. He covers my mouth. I bite against his palm. He pushes in profoundly deep, and rives endlessly. His eyes are twitching, my toes are curling, and both our teeth are chattering with pleasure—he can barely take this hole.

  Instinct kicks in. My wolf’s fangs dart out. He bites against my chest. I mimic his motions, feeling a deep bonded connection with him. It is as if the world is turning around us, as our love grows, still and silent.

  The full moon shines brightly through the window. My mate and I seal our bond in time. Forever.

  Slowly, he attempts to slide back out, but his knot prevents him from doing so. He shivers against me. Tonight, this alpha is all mine. I pull him close to me and kiss him.

  “You’re back,” I whisper.

  “I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere,” he says.

  I fall asleep with his arms wrapped around me. It’s so tranquil.

  I may not be home yet, but I’ve found my one and only. Right now, that feels enough.

  Chapter 6


/>   I wake up with my omega snuggled tightly against me. I feel Jonas’s smooth fur rub against my chest. Somehow during the night, we had both shifted. I burrow my snout into his neck and kiss him.

  “Let’s sleep in,” he groans. His ass slides against me, lovingly. I’m already hard again.

  “I’m waking up and making coffee,” I announce.

  Jonas jumps out of bed, eyes wide open. His smile is huge and bearing excitement. “COFFEE? WHERE?”

  I burst out laughing. “I shouldn’t have spoken so soon. I have no idea if my family even has coffee in this crap hole.”

  Loke yells out from the other room. “We’ve got coffee brewing now!”

  Jonas jumps for joy. I feel a little awkward knowing that the whole ‘house’ probably heard us doing the good deed last night. Oh, well. He is my mate, and he might be bearing my children.

  Before I can even open the door for myself, Jonas pounces out of the bedroom. “Need coffee,” he moans, like a zombie.

  Henry winks at me. He’s eating a bowl of cereal and chewing the bits loudly like a two year old. “By the sound of it, I’d say you two are feeling refreshed this morning!”

  I don’t like his cheerful attitude because it’s at my expense. I wink back at him. “What’s the matter? Jealous?”

  Jonas blushes and turns away, pretending to pour more coffee into his cup. “Nothing happened last night.”

  My brother Gregory fights back his laughter. “Okay, that is just not true. I could barely get to sleep amidst all that howling,” he says.

  Jonas grumbles something about the full moon, but no one is buying it. My dad, Eric rolls his eyes. “No need to be ashamed. I’m proud of you both. Love is in the air!.”

  “Oh, goddess,” Jonas whimpers.

  Loke grabs his shoulder and pulls him in for a big hug. I watch, waiting for Jonas to melt into the ground. “I’m so proud of you both. Seriously.”

  “Uh, yeah. So I guess my family has no boundaries,” I remark.

  Jonas crawls up to me. I grab his hips and force him onto my lap. I give him a big, fat, sopping-wet kiss. He nearly spills his coffee all over me. “Hey!”


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