Protecting his Love

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Protecting his Love Page 8

by M. J. Perry

  They’d just left; Ryder had taken Eric’s bags to his house and gone to pack a bag of his own. I’d decided to take a shower, I would have preferred a bath, but I really did spend way too long in it, and I wanted some alone time with Ryder. I stripped my clothes off and turned the shower on, waiting for the water to heat up before stepping in. The water hit my body, and I sighed, standing still under the spray, I closed my eyes and relaxed. Grabbing my shower gel I squeezed a blob into my palm and cleaned myself. I imagined my hands were Ryder’s as I rubbed the bubbles everywhere. I’ve never felt so turned on by my own touch before. I shook my head at myself, Ryder would be back soon. Rushing through the rest of my shower, I climbed out and wrapped a towel around my hair; I dried my body and slipped my robe around me. I was just rubbing my hair dry when I heard a knock on the front door. Panic set in, had something happened to Katie? I imagined the police standing there and ran to the door. I didn’t even think about the fact I was just wearing a robe. I pulled open the door not taking the time to check who was standing there. My shoulders relaxed when I saw it was Ryder on the other side, but when I got a look at his face, I swallowed hard. I could almost taste his fury.

  “What’s the matter?” I whispered.

  “You, in that robe.” He bit the words out through clenched teeth.

  I didn’t know what to say, it turned out I didn’t have to say anything. I gasped when he planted a hand on my stomach and pushed me gently into the house, quickly following behind me and closing the door. He stepped away from me and I noticed he was breathing hard.

  “What the hell Lexi, you do not open doors half-naked.”

  “I’m not half-naked,” I argued.

  He didn’t speak, instead, his eyes wandered down my body and I looked down following his stare. “Shit.” I groaned. My nipples were visible through the material. I crossed my arms to cover them.

  “It could have been anyone at your door. You put yourself in danger and it was stupid!” he shouted at me.

  He was right. I dropped my eyes from his. “I was worried something had happened to Katie. I didn’t think. I’m sorry.”

  He sighed before answering, his tone soft, quiet. “Please don’t do it again. Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  “Thank you. How long do you think they will stay at the park?”

  “Probably a couple of hours, Jen usually buys Katie ice-cream afterwards. Why?”

  “I was wondering how much time we have.”

  “For what?”

  “For this,” He growled. And then I was in his arms and he was kissing me. I opened my mouth to his probing tongue; it slid in and rubbed against my own setting off fireworks in my head and a warm feeling in my tummy. My body was overheating in my thin robe.

  “Ryder.” I gasped. I had to pull away to take a breath. “We should go to my bedroom.”

  He studied my face. “Are you sure?”

  “Oh yes, I’m definitely sure.”

  “Thank fuck.” He groaned.

  He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “You’re so strong. I love it.” I said quietly as I caressed the tops of his arms, my fingers rubbed against his bulging muscles as he walked. He headed towards my bedroom and when we entered, I expected him to put me down on my bed but he didn’t, with one hand still holding me he used the other one to close the door and flick the lock. He leaned me against the door. Pushing my hair away from my face he rubbed his thumb along my bottom lip. “I’ve waited a really long time for you, Lexi.”

  “I think I’ve waited for you my whole life.”

  His eyes closed at my words and when they opened again, I was in awe at the love blazing in them. “You love me,” I whispered.

  He nodded, “From the first glance of your beautiful eyes.”

  “Wow.” My lips stretched into a huge smile. I was sure I looked goofy, but I couldn’t help it.

  He kissed my smiling lips and then he graced me with a sexy smile. “Now, I’m going to show you.”

  “I hope so. I’ve imagined it many times; I hope you don’t disappoint me.” I teased.

  “Let us see.” He let me drop my legs from his waist and lowered me to my feet. “I would love to strip you slowly, but we don’t have a lot of time and I’d rather use that time to make you scream in pleasure.”

  “Ok.” I wasn’t going to argue with that. My hands went to the belt of my robe and I untied it before slowly pulling my robe off and draping it over the end of the bed.

  “Fuck, Lexi, you’re stunning.”

  I blushed as I fought the urge to cover myself from his stare. “Thanks, now it’s your turn.”

  He quickly disposed of his clothes and when he pushed his underwear down his hips, I stared at him in stunned silence. He was magnificent

  “Come here,” he ordered.

  “I think you might have to come to me. I don’t think my legs will work.” I wasn’t kidding, seeing him in all his naked glory had made me weak.

  He grinned before scooping me up and laying me on the bed, he came down on top of me keeping his weight off me.

  “Are you on the pill baby?”

  I nodded.

  “I can use a condom if you want me to.”

  I didn’t want him to; I wanted to feel him inside me with no barriers between us. I shook my head.

  He smiled sweetly and leaned down to kiss me again pulling away when I was breathless. His lips trailed down my neck to my breasts, his tongue flicked out and teased my nipple, doing the same to the other one before moving down my stomach. When he was just above my pussy, he inhaled deeply.

  “I can’t wait to taste you baby, but it will have to be later.”

  My muscles clenched just thinking about his mouth on me. He moved back and locked eyes with me, linking our hands he lined his body up with mine. “Wrap your legs around me, Lexi.”

  I did what he asked, and a groan tore from my throat as he entered me slowly. It felt delicious. My eyes fell closed savouring the feeling of being joined with him. He kissed my closed lids.

  “This is going to be fast.” He warned me and then he moved. He hadn’t been lying. My body moved with every thrust of his hips, his cock somehow rubbing the spot I needed it to. I’d never been so close to orgasm so quickly, but Ryder knew my body. Just as my muscles started to clench he reached down between us and rubbed my clit. My whole body arched into his and I felt like I was falling off a cliff. I screamed in pleasure as my orgasm robbed me of my sight. Stars blurred in front of my eyes and then just as quickly they disappeared leaving my body limp. I heard Ryder’s groan in my ear, his breath tickled my neck and his body slumped on to mine. I unlinked our hands and tangled one of mine in his hair.

  “Wow,” I whispered.

  He chuckled. “You were definitely worth the wait, Lexi.”

  “So were you. Never have I ever felt so much pleasure.” I told him softly.

  He raised his head to look into my eyes. “I’m glad I’m the only one to have given it you.”

  “Me too.”

  I felt a connection with him, one that felt like it had been there all along it had just needed total trust and me giving myself to him had made it solid.

  “As much as I don’t want to leave the warmth of your arms or your body, Katie will be home soon.”

  “I know. The last thing I want is for Jen to work out what we’ve just done.”

  Ryder got up pulling out of me gently. “You won’t be able to hide it baby, you look loved.”

  I looked him over. “So do you.”

  He grinned smugly making me chuckle. “That pleases you?” I asked him.

  “Yep, there is nothing better than knowing you love me.”

  “It’s a good feeling.” I agreed.

  “Oh gosh,” I groaned when I remembered something.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “We made a sex tape!” I screeched in horror.

  He laughed. “It would be good to watch.”
br />   My mouth dropped open in shock.

  “Relax, Lexi, I turned the cameras off when I went home, we’ll turn them on again when we go out.”

  “Oh, thank god,” I whispered.

  “No, baby, thank Ryder.” He grinned.

  I leaned over and swatted his arm. “We need to get dressed.”

  “Yes, we do, in real clothes this time.” He said as he eyed my robe.

  “Yes, real clothes,” I said hiding my smile. I got up and headed to the bathroom. “I need to clean up first.”

  Ryder’s smile was wistful. “If you weren’t on the pill, I could have just made you pregnant.”

  “It is way too soon for that.”

  “Do you think so? He said in a strange voice. I had a feeling he disagreed with me.

  The thought didn’t scare me and I knew Katie would love it. I smiled and closed the door behind me not yet comfortable with him watching me. I grabbed a washcloth and did what I needed to do and then went back to my room. The room was empty. I quickly pulled some clothes on. Brushing my still damp hair I tied it in a ponytail. I heard voices, and they sounded angry. Julian was here.

  I shook my head at his stupidity. I’d already told him I’d have Ryder throw him off my property. He’d seen Ryder, he knew he had no chance; Ryder was nearly twice his size, muscles wise. I took a deep breath, looked in the mirror one last time and headed towards the loud voices.

  Ryder was stood facing Julian, his arms crossed, his posture saying he was ready for trouble. Now was not the time to notice how delicious his bum was, but I couldn’t help it, my eyes had a mind of their own.

  “Lexi, tell this thug to move aside and let me in. I want my daughter.” Julian ordered me.

  I walked until I could look him in the eyes, out of reach because Ryder wouldn’t move. “No, Julian, I will not. You’re not having Katie this weekend.”

  “Katie.” He called loudly.

  I saw red. “How dare you come to my home and act this way? You’re lucky she isn’t here to see you in this state.”

  “I’m not in a state. I want my daughter.” His eyes caught mine and the anger there would have scared me if we’d been alone. “You said she was ill.”

  “I lied. Why on earth do you need her with you so badly that you would make a scene like this?” I asked wondering if he might confess.

  “She’s my daughter. I want to spend time with her.”

  “You seem desperate Julian. Anything I should know?”

  He blinked. “No, nothing, tell Katie I stopped by to see her.” He said as he suddenly turned abruptly and left. Just like that, he stepped off the porch and walked to his car.

  “Well, that was confusing,” I said to Ryder as we watched Julian drive away.

  “The guy Julian owes the money to doesn’t hurt the families of the person who’s borrowed the money. He won’t even go near them if they have children surrounding them.” Ryder said as he closed the door.

  I stared at him in shock. “He’s using my baby as what… a buffer? How could he do that to her? Wait… you knew?”

  He gave me a hard nod. “It gets worse.”

  I walked over to my sofa and sat down, “How much worse?”

  “Julian’s loan has been sold to someone else. This person does not care who gets hurt as long as they get their money back. They will use the family if they have to.” He sat down next to me and took my hand.

  “That’s why you had Eric stay with us and the cameras installed.”

  “Yes. The cameras I did on a hunch, but when I went to the office and heard about the loan and who he owed, I was double glad I’d done it. The guy is bad news, Lexi. Julian is in some serious shit.”

  “Julian isn’t aware, is he? If he was I don’t think he would have Katie around him. Well, I hoped he wouldn’t.”

  “I don’t think he does. Maybe it’s time to offer him our help instead of working in the background and pretending we know nothing.”

  “Do you think you can help him?”

  “David has contacts. We’re all trying to find something on Jacobson, the man Julian owes his debt to so we can put him away. It isn’t easy, he has people to do his dirty work, so he keeps his hands clean, but we’ll find something, eventually. No one is that careful.”

  “Katie and I will be in danger for a while won’t we?”

  “Until we can find evidence on Jacobson, I’m afraid so.”

  “What about when she goes back to school?” I bit my lip.

  “We’ll have someone watching all exits. The head teacher has already been informed. Katie will be safe.”

  I sighed. “What a mess.”

  “It’s a big mess, but it’s fixable. We’ll let Julian calm down today and in the morning we’ll invite him over.”

  “Are you sure it’s a good idea?”

  “Not really, but it’s the best one I have. I’ll call David and see if there’s any more information. I will also need to make sure Julian doesn’t give the game away for us and tell Jacobson we are looking into him.”

  The front door opened, and I jumped in my seat. Katie giggled as she came running towards me launching into my arms and diving onto my lap. I hugged her tightly blinking away tears.

  “Did you have fun at the park?”

  “It was wicked. Aunty Jen pushed me on the swings.”

  “That’s great baby.”

  “Is there a reason your bag is on the porch Ryder?” Eric asked as he came in carrying it.

  Ryder shrugged. “I forgot to bring it in.”

  I blushed remembering why he’d forgotten it. Ducking my face into Katie’s hair I giggled.

  “Hey, Lexi, do you want to help me make coffee? I’m freezing.” Jen said as she walked towards the kitchen.

  I rolled my eyes. “Sure,” I answered as I kissed Katie and slid her off my lap. “Cookie?” I asked her and she grinned. “Yes, please. I’m starving.”

  “You always are.”

  “You can’t hide behind her all night.” Jen accused me with a grin.

  “See, I told you.” I groaned at Ryder,

  He opened his mouth, but I shook my head. “Nope, you don’t say a word.”

  “As long as you don’t either,” He winked.

  I followed Jen’s retreating figure to the kitchen. As soon as we were out of earshot she turned looking me over at the same time. “You had sex.” She hissed.

  “No, I didn’t.” I lied.

  “You fibber, I can tell you have.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not saying anything.”

  “You just did, Lexi. Wow, he works fast.”

  “Julian came when you were out.” I said changing the subject.

  “You’re joking. Does he have a death wish?”

  “He didn’t cause much trouble but I’m glad Katie wasn’t here. He was yelling for her like a madman.”

  She frowned. “That is unlike him.”

  “I know. Ryder explained after he left why he was acting like that. The man Julian owes his debt to never goes after the families of the client.”

  “He’s using Katie as a cover? He is a bastard.”

  “It’s much worse than that. Julian doesn’t realise that his debt was sold to someone else, and this person doesn’t care who gets hurt.”

  “Oh gosh, Lexi, what’s Ryder going to do?”

  “His boss in the security firm has people looking for evidence of a crime to pin on the guy and put him in prison.”

  “Julian is an absolute dumbass.”

  “Ryder wants me to invite him here tomorrow so we can tell him we know what’s going on and then Ryder is going to offer to help him.”

  “By helping him, Ryder will be helping you. He’ll sort it out.”

  “I hope so.” I sighed. “I hate this for Katie.”

  “At least Ryder is staying here now, that’s got to be a bonus.”

  My smile was huge. “Oh yes, it’s definitely a bonus.”

  She turned serious, taking my hand in hers.
“I’m glad you’re happy, Lexi. You deserve it.”

  “So do you,” I said squeezing her hand before letting go. Her eyes were sad, and I didn’t like seeing her like that. “Do you want a coffee? If I don’t get Katie her cookie, she’ll tell me she’s starving again.”

  Jen chuckled, amusement replacing the sadness. “She’s always starving.”

  “I don’t know where she gets her appetite. It sure isn’t from me.”

  “Well, it isn’t from Julian either, he hates sweet stuff.” She waggled her brows, “Are you sure she is his?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “No torrid affair we should know about?” She teased.

  “No, unless you count the love affair I have with coffee.”

  “Somehow I don’t think the coffee pot could be Katie’s dad…”

  “You two are crazy,” Eric said from the doorway making us giggle.

  “Yep,” We both agreed with a laugh.

  Eric was staring at Jen with such longing I had to look away. “I’ll get Katie’s cookie if you guys will get the coffee?” I didn’t expect an answer; the atmosphere had grown taut with tension. Without looking at either of them, I grabbed a plate and then a cookie and I left them to it.

  Chapter Seven


  “Did that really happen?” I whispered.

  Ryder laughed softly. “I’m afraid so.”

  I snuggled deeper into his embrace. We were lying in bed naked. My body was exhausted, and I had no energy to move a toe because he’d worn me out that much. I’d used muscles I didn’t even know I had. He’d just taken me to new heights of pleasure, and I should be happy but…

  “It isn’t funny. I’m stressing out here.”

  “Lexi, there is no reason for you to stress out.”

  “I disagree. You just told me you’re moving in with us. We haven’t been together a week.”

  He huffed. “I didn’t tell you, I asked you.”

  “You didn’t give me much of a choice. I was in the throes of a mind-blowing orgasm. I couldn’t think straight.”


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