Beautiful Moves: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 3)

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Beautiful Moves: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 3) Page 2

by Stephanie West

  “Is that all? Please tell me that’s it.”

  “I think so.”

  “Thanks for the 411. I think.”

  “Oh, wait. I almost forgot. Your new neighbor is already about to default on her rent. You’ve got a meeting with her tomorrow at four. Good to have you back. Bye bye,” Char said cheerfully before the line went dead.

  “Seriously?” Wolf groused into thin air as he tossed his cell on the bed.

  Maybe I should’ve stayed and partied with the Reapers.

  Some days, being alpha wasn’t a run through the woods.

  Wolf threw his arm over his face and took a few breaths. It wasn’t incredibly late, but there was no way in hell he was going to go inspect the carnage at the clubhouse. He’d let rumor circle that he was back in town, and see what things looked like in the morning.

  The sound of the shower running next door caught his attention, reminding him of his other problem. Such a shame. He never pegged Little-Miss-Straight-Laced for a squatter.

  The vibration that jiggled the mattress caught Wolf by surprise and he jumped out of bed. The lamp rattled on the nightstand, bouncing about till it tumbled to the floor, shattering the bulb.

  An earthquake! Just what I fucking need.

  None of the quakes hitting the Midwest had been this strong in the past. Wolf glanced toward the door frame of the bathroom.

  Don’t they say you’re supposed to take cover in a doorway? Wolf snorted at the thought. The damn building could probably come down on his head, and he’d still walk away.

  The bathroom vanity rattled on the wall, popped open, then spilled its contents onto the counter.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Wolf growled, as he watched his toothbrush tumble into the toilet.

  This is not my day.

  Wolf heard a muffled cry from the bathroom next door and hoped his new neighbor was okay. With his heightened sense of hearing, he was certain he would’ve heard a thud if she slipped in the tub.

  But I better go check, just to be safe.

  Just as quickly as the earthquake started, it was over. Wolf threw on his jeans and t-shirt, just in case the damage was worse than he expected and others needed help, then headed out his front door. From the looks of it, everything outside was fine. He rapped his knuckles on the door then waited. It didn’t take long to hear the shuffle on the other side of the door.

  “Oh god,” Wolf heard Little-Miss-Straight-Laced mutter through the door.

  His brows rose. Is she annoyed?

  “Just wanted to make sure you’re okay,” Wolf said when the door cracked open the length of the security chain.

  As if that little piece of metal could keep me out. Don’t worry sweetheart, the big bad Wolf’s not going to blow your house down. At least not tonight.

  “I’m fine,” she said looking bewildered, as she peeked around the door.

  Her long bronze hair hung in wet ringlets, framing her delicate cheeks. Wolf noticed her cheeks were flushed. His gaze narrowed on her pouty red lips, which were parted in confusion.

  A seductive musky scent struck Wolf, like a punch to the gut, nearly sending him stumbling back. Except his inner beast had him taking another step forward instead.

  A high-pitched growl and a flurry of motion caught his attention. Wolf looked down at his feet to see a little brown terrier, attempting to gnaw its way through his ankle.

  “Wright! Shame on you,” the woman admonished the tiny terror, as she scrambled to get the door open.

  Wolf growled deep and low. The sound was too subtle for her to hear, but the little mutt heard. To the beastie’s credit, instead of cowering, Wright kept at his losing battle, turning almost feral.

  Wolf grinned. You’re a good boy, watching out for her. Unfortunately, you’ve met your match, pup.

  “Sorry. He doesn’t usually act this way.” Little-Miss-Straight-Laced looked at him with a hint of suspicion, which quickly changed to concern when she saw Wolf’s ankle was bleeding. “Wright!” She grabbed the little mutt’s nose and looked at him sternly, quieting the pup instantly. “I’m so sorry. Look I’ll pay for any medical expenses. He’s got all his shots. I promise.”

  Wolf wanted to laugh at the pouty look the terrier was wearing, until he noted the brunette’s distress. Her worry was overpowering the musky scent he’d caught earlier. No doubt she thought he’d sue her or something.

  “I’m not worried.” Wolf waved it off.

  “Okay, but maybe you should come in and I can get you a washcloth and a bandage,” she offered.

  Her scent became lighter, and that lingering sweet musk captured his interest again. It was then Wolf realized Little-Miss-Straight-Laced was standing there in a silk robe that barely fell to her knees. The material clung to her wet skin. Wolf could clearly see the outline of her nipples, and the shadow of hair at the apex of her thighs. It would be a very bad idea for him to go into that apartment. He’d only attempt to coax her out of that robe. That was the last thing he needed to do, since he probably had to kick her out of the apartment tomorrow.


  “That’s alright. I only wanted to make sure you were fine after that earthquake we just had.”

  “Earthquake?” she asked in confusion.

  “Didn’t you feel those tremors?”

  The brunette’s eyes widened in shock then went blank.

  “Oh, um yeah. I’m fine. Thank you. Sorry about Wright. If you’re okay, I need to get to sleep. I have a busy day tomorrow,” she stated, the tone of her voice turning detached.

  Wolf scowled, as everything about her cooled so fast he got whiplash. He wondered what brought on the sudden change. Outsiders generally couldn’t shield their chemical emotions so effectively. And women in general tended to blossom around him. It was a curse common to all Shifter breeds. Raw animal magnetism.

  “Alright, well, good night then.” Wolf said as she shut the door without another word.

  “Earthquake! Seriously? I don’t believe it… Ugh,” Wolf heard her say incredulously, from the other side of the door.

  Is she calling me a liar? She had to have felt that.

  “What got into you, Wright? Is he a bad man?”

  “Hey!” Wolf muttered indignantly. I am most certainly not a bad man. I came over to check on you, and this is the thanks I get, being called a liar and getting gnawed on. Real fucking nice, Ice Princess.

  2 Feeling Out the Situation


  Ella called Sabine the moment she got out of her interview. She was so giddy, she couldn’t wait. There was no answer and instantly she started to worry. Ella was a short ride from the hospital so she headed that way.

  Twenty minutes later, she was standing at the nurse’s station.

  “I am looking for Sabine Roulant,” Ella inquired with the woman wearing a severe mien, much like Nurse Ratchet.

  “They took her down for physical therapy. It’s on the lower level.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  I hope Sabine doesn’t have to deal with her often. Most of the staff was super wonderful.

  Ella made her way down to the P.T. room and found Sabine walking with the assistance of the therapist. The look of concentration on her face was inspiring and heart rending at the same time. Ella watched Sabine’s left foot drag with each shuffle forward. It was devastating to watch her sister’s slow decline.

  You need to snap out of it. You’re not the one with ALS.

  Sabine had some weird form of Lou Gehrig’s disease. It had started attacking her when they were barely school age. She’d been in and out of hospitals and treatment centers for as long as they both could remember.

  “Hey Bella Bear.” Sabine smiled and it lit up the room.

  “We’re in public.”

  “So,” Sabine replied, knowing full well it drove Ella nuts when she called her that in public.

  Ella rolled her eyes, then remembered the good news she’d come to share.

  “You want to go to the cafeteria
for coffee or ice cream?”

  “Of course.” Sabine grinned, as the therapist helped her into a wheel chair, and Ella pushed her out of the room. “Are you going to make me wait to tell me?”

  “I got the job,” Ella nearly burst as she announced the news.

  “You did?” Sabine slurred slightly, since she was excited and exhausted from therapy. “I knew you would.”

  “Yeah, they looked at my references and portfolio, then asked me on the spot. I can hardly believe the way I hit it off with the partners.”

  “Bella Bear, I’m so glad.”

  “The job doesn’t start till next month, but they’re sending me a letter of intent.”

  “You deserve this,” Sabine beamed. “You want some other good new?”

  “Sure,” Ella replied.

  “Now, I don’t want you to get your hopes up, but watch.” Sabine held her hand up and proceeded to pinch each finger to her thumb, one after another, then in reverse, from her pinky to her index finger. It didn’t seem like much, but Sabine had lost such fine motor control several months ago. “I think whatever they’ve got me on is working, Bella Bear. I’ve even been feeling different. More energized somehow.”

  Ella stopped pushing the wheelchair and stepped in front of her sister, tears filling her eyes. Sabine grinned wider, her eyes also misting, as Ella dove in for a hug.

  “I told you not to get your hopes up,” Sabine stammered happily.

  “I’ll get my hopes up if I want to. This is… Oh, my, god,” Ella warbled. “You are so stinking tough, Sabine. It humbles me how you handle any of this.”

  “I’ve got someone awesome in my corner,” Sabine smiled. Her expression suddenly shifted. “Um, Bella Bear.”

  “Yeah.” Ella released her sister’s shoulders.

  “You need to crank it back.” Sabine pointed around the hall.

  Ella looked around and her eyes widened. The magazines nearby, were hovering off the table. The clipboard was rattling in the holder on the door, and the row of seats were dancing on the linoleum. It would only take a slight push for Ella to send everything whipping about in maelstrom.

  “Darn it,” Ella smirked.

  She locked down on her emotions, and everything fell where it was. It truly sucked not being able to let out the full measure of her happiness in situations like this.

  “Well, at least no one was here,” Sabine said with a grin that made it all better.

  No sooner had Sabine made the comment, then a trio of doctors in lab coats exited a set of double doors. Ella’s mouth gaped at their near miss. She grabbed Sabine’s wheelchair and scampered down the hall, like a thief escaping the scene of a crime.

  “My control has been tested a lot lately.”

  “Really? Why?” Sabine asked as they turned the corner leading to the cafeteria.

  “Our new neighbor is hot,” Ella blushed.

  “You don’t say.”

  “Like forget your name hot. And he’s a biker.”

  “You better tell me everything. You know I live vicariously through you,” her sister demanded.

  “He knocked on the door last night, worried I might have been hurt in the earthquake we had.” Ella tried to keep a straight face as she spoke.

  “Earthquake?” Sabine asked in confusion, then her eyes widened. “Ella! What were you doing?”

  Ella turned a bright shade of red. She wasn’t about to say out loud that she’d been masturbating in the shower. It was too embarrassing to dwell on.

  “Ella, you dirty bird,” Sabine crowed.

  Ella hid her head. She didn’t even have to say anything for her sister to put two and two together.

  “Shhh,” Ella insisted as they headed toward the coffee cups. “I don’t know why I said anything.”

  “Please. If these fingers keep working so well, you better believe I’ll be…”

  “Sabine! Are you trying to make me have another conniption?” That was their code for Ella’s little episodes.

  “You’re a prude.”

  “For the love of god, don’t tell me again about losing the big V in a hospital bed,” Ella begged.

  “Then tell me about hot neighbor.”

  “I don’t know. Wright didn’t like him. He attacked the man’s ankle.” Ella didn’t know what to make of that.

  “Really? Wright likes everybody,” Sabine smirked.

  “I know. Hot biker said he was fine, and it only looked like a flesh wound. I’m just hoping he doesn’t change his mind, and call animal control.”

  “You have mace, right? Just in case Wright ‘s instincts were good, and he’s a serial killer or something.”

  “Sabine, you honestly think I need mace to put a man in his place?”

  “Oh yeah,” Sabine snorted. “I almost forgot that time Jason tried to kiss you, and ended up with a concussion on the other side of the room.”

  “Exactly. And thanks for the reminder, funny girl. I actually wanted to kiss Jason.” Ella stuck her tongue out at her sister.

  “You just need to get a big ole dildo and…” Sabine said a little louder than necessary

  The people at the next table looked over with shocked expressions. Ella wanted to hide under the table.

  “So help me, Sabine, if you finish that thought.”

  “What? They say I’m suffering from neural degeneration in the area of my brain that handles impulse control,” Sabine stated seriously.

  “Bull shit, you liar.” Ella’s hand flew to her mouth in mortification after letting the curse loose.

  “I know, but that was so worth it. Ella Roulant said a bad word. Oh, the horror.” Sabine’s hand covered her mouth mocking Ella, before she doubled over with laughter, nearly spilling her coffee.

  Ella couldn’t help the goofy grin she wore all the way home on the train. That is until she reached her destination.

  This commute just might kill me, Ella decided as she got off the train and started walking toward her apartment.

  She got a good deal on her retro, peep-toe, heels. And they looked darn good with her vintage interview suit. But they were a nightmare to walk in.

  Whoever invented heels should’ve been shot.

  Ella sighed, giving into the impulse to use her curse. She did this trick she learned after years of wearing the torture devices to office jobs and internships. She levitated ever so slightly, not enough so she came off the ground, but just enough to ease her weight with each step. It was a life saver after a long day.

  You better hustle.

  Ella stayed so long, chatting with Sabine, that she would just make it back in time for her appointment with the owner of the apartment complex. Ella didn’t mind one bit, that she had to rush. It had been a wonderful day, and she didn’t get many of those with her sister. It was the meeting she dreaded. The closer she got to the apartment office, the more anxious she got. Things had gone so well today. She hoped her luck held.

  Ella walked into the office to find it empty. She glanced at her phone to confirm she wasn’t late. The minutes passed and she started pacing as her anxiety grew.

  Relax, Ella coached herself so her curse didn’t start acting up.

  It was nearly half an hour past four when the bell on the door chimed halting her stride. Ella was miffed, until she turned and saw who entered the office. Her jaw nearly hit the floor.

  Oh, just great!


  Wolf tugged at the collar of the dress shirt he’d put on. He didn’t know what compelled him to put on the monkey suit.

  Cause you want to impress your Hot-For-Teacher neighbor. Moron.

  He should’ve known seeing the clubhouse, along with Vick and Tony, was going to have him straining to shift in his suit.

  The couches and tables were pretty much destroyed, though sadly, the brain-dead duo had only helped the process along. The pack was murder on furniture on a good day, let alone when shit got hairy. It was the man-sized hole, from the main room into the bathroom, that had Wolf pissed. But even this lev
el of carnage didn’t trump the fact, the two Shifters acted like dumb asses in public.

  We don’t need the attention, he growled.

  “Did you brainless fuckers settle up at the Rusty Bucket?” Wolf demanded as he toured the clubhouse.

  “Of course we did.” Vick sounded almost indignant, till Wolf raised a brow at him, and issued a subtle rumble.

  Vick knew this would be his only warning. Just because they were his betas, it didn’t give them a free pass to act like douche bags, and then be disrespectful when he called them on it.

  “Good, so you’ll make sure the owner doesn’t lose a cent, cause you two were acting like rabid animals?”

  The two males nodded.

  “Now, regarding this.” Wolf pointed to the hole in the wall. “Honestly, Tony, you had to bust a fucking wall with pipes in it. You couldn’t have thrown Vick through that one over there?”

  Tony shrugged, looking sheepish.

  “Well, I hope you two enjoyed it, cause you’re paying for the repairs, and anything else I think needs to happen here.”

  “Seriously Wolf? The place already needed work,” Tony argued.

  Wolf was in Tony’s face in an instant, fangs bared.

  “As my betas, I trusted you to hold down the fucking pack while I was away. You’re lucky I don’t strip you of your status, kick your ass, and send you out there with your tails tucked,” Wolf snarled. “So, if I want you to fix this place, wreck it, and fix it again, you’ll do it with a fucking smile on your happy little faces.”

  “Yes sir.” Tony shrank back, duly chastised. The betas knew they screwed the pooch big time with little stunt in front of Outsiders.

  “You can start by getting rid of the furniture and tearing out the rest of the busted drywall.” Wolf didn’t bother to see if they nodded, as he stormed out of the clubhouse.

  Wolf walked to his Charger and yanked open the door. First, he had to deal with his two betas, who had the nerve to show him attitude. Now, he had to go meet his neighbor, and listen to whatever line she fed him for not having rent.

  Awesome day. Just another awesome day. Why am I not in Cabo sucking down tequila shots?


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