Beautiful Moves: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 3)

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Beautiful Moves: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 3) Page 8

by Stephanie West

  Ella’s sobered up when Wolf entered the tree line. Wolf wanted to be alone with her. Ella could feel that nervous, excited feeling, Kayla described earlier, mounting in her gut.

  Ella didn’t know how Wolf could possibly see where he was going, as he wound his way through the trees, but they didn’t run into any branches. He had a firm grasp on her hand, as he walked with confidence and purpose. There was something comforting about turning control over to him. Ella never had that luxury.

  “We’re coming to a clearing, but I don’t think we’ll find a bunch of dudes tugging their junk. At least I hope not,” Wolf teased.

  “I can’t believe I told everyone about that.” Ella swatted him playfully.

  The leaves in the trees danced, but didn’t thrash about. The undergrowth rustled, but that was because their feet disturbed it, as they walked the obscure path. Ella smiled. She was doing a good job keeping her gift to a low roar, even with Wolf holding her hand. There was something about Wolf’s touch. It was different from all the other times she tried to have physical contact with a man. It riled her up, and grounded her in the same breath.

  Please just continue to behave, Ella coached her curse.

  It was easier to see, once they broke through the trees, into a small grassy field. The moon lit up the clearing. Ella was mesmerized as she watched scores of fireflies flit about. Their ethereal little lights burst to life, then dimmed, only to do it again. They were like a blanket of twinkling stars, that had descended to the earth. It was amazing that something so bizarre was even possible. Watching the tiny miracles made Ella feel more normal. If these little creatures were possible, then just maybe she wasn’t so weird or so alone after all.

  “It’s lovely,” Ella sighed.

  Wolf turned toward her, and Ella froze. His golden-brown eyes were intense, even in the dark. They glowed, like the fireflies, as he stared down at her. He reached up and pulled the clip out of her hair, then combed his finger through the waves.

  “I like it down,” he husked.

  Ella’s breath picked up, when Wolf’s fingers teased the sensitive spot on her neck, just beneath her ear. Ella couldn’t help the way she automatically tilted her head to the side, to give him better access. He gripped the back of her neck and tipped her head back.

  What’s he going to do? You know what he’s going to do.

  “Um, Wolf, I don’t know if this is a good idea.” Ella said the words, even as her hands rose to grasp his broad shoulders.

  “Probably not. Do I scare you?”

  “No,” Ella whispered.

  She wasn’t afraid of Wolf. She was afraid of what she might do to him. She was also afraid of wanting this too much, only to have it snatched away.

  Before Ella could come up with a good excuse, Wolf wrapped a strong arm around her waist, and tugged her against him. When his lips met hers, she nearly exploded. A delicious heat swept through her, as Wolf explored her mouth. Ella’s skin prickled, from her head to her toes. Her nipples tingled, and a wanton ache surged to life in the pit of her stomach.

  When Wolf released a tormented groan into her mouth, Ella realized what she was doing. She pushed at his shoulders, breaking their kiss.

  “I’m hurting you,” Ella cried as she tried to back away from him.

  “Easy, Princess,” Wolf groaned again, his voice impossibly deep.

  Ella could feel her curse swirling inside her like a maelstrom, pushing to get free. It was leaking out, despite her best effort to contain it. She didn’t know how Wolf was able to maintain his grasp on her neck and waist. Her only saving grace, was that she’d overused it recently, siphoning off some of the excess energy.

  Wolf refused to release her. Instead, he tilted her chin up so she had to look him in the eye.

  “Ella you’re not hurting me. I like the way your nails dig into my skin.”

  Ella gasped, she hadn’t even realized she was gripping him so hard.

  “But the sound you made,” Ella stammered.

  “Okay, so maybe you are hurting me. But not the way you think,” he growled deep. Ella’s eyes widened as Wolf ground the evidence of his desire into her stomach. “God, Princess, the things I feel, touching you like this.”

  Ella was so shocked, she was struck mute. Wolf wasn’t the only one feeling things that seemed impossible. Ella had never known this kind of desire. It had never been a possibility. Ella wanted this so bad. Maybe what she was feeling, wasn’t her curse. Maybe it was just her nerves, and that driving need, making her think she was losing control. Wolf had that effect on her. But what if she was wrong? She’d never forgive herself if something happened to Wolf.

  “Ella, tell me what you’re thinking.” Wolf frowned as he ran his thumb over her lips.

  “Wolf, remember what I told you?”


  “I’m not like everyone else. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Princess, I’m a big boy. You’d have to try real hard to hurt me,” Wolf chuckled.

  He obviously didn’t understand what she was trying to tell him. And she couldn’t explain it without major implications she wasn’t ready to face yet.

  “Do you like it when I kiss you?”

  “Yes, too much.” Ella nodded.

  “Then just relax and let go. Let me take care of you.”

  Ella’s face contorted, her eyes welling up at the implication of his words. She knew Wolf wanted to bring her pleasure, and that meant a lot. But the way he said those simple words, his eyes filled with such sincerity, nearly shattered her. She wanted to truly let go for once in her life. Ella wanted someone to take care of her for a change. She wanted to feel all her joy and all her sorrow, without fear of the carnage that would ensue.

  “Stop thinking so hard, Princess,” Wolf admonished then captured her mouth again.

  Any hope Ella had at maintaining her last shred of restraint, was thrown out the window.

  Please just let me have this, Ella begged.

  Wolf caressed her face, as his tongue breached her mouth. Ella opened for his exploration. When his tongue tangled with hers, Ella wasn’t quite sure what to do. She’d never done this before, but she liked it.

  When Wolf’s tongue retreated, Ella followed with her own. He tasted watery sweet. She ran the tip over Wolf’s firm lips, then traced his teeth. Ella noted his canines seemed rather sharp as she slowly explored his mouth. The mental image of Wolf nipping her with those teeth, sent Ella into overdrive. She leaned into him and deepened her kiss. There was an odd sound, and she realized she was moaning as she kissed him.

  Wolf responded in turn. His grip tightened as he hungrily took over her mouth again. The way his tongue plunged and ravished her, only fed the fire building inside. Ella felt moisture pooling between her thighs and she clenched them tight, hoping to ease the ache.

  Wolf’s hand lowered from her back to cup her behind, kneading it, and pressing her inexorably closer to his hard body. The stiff ridge of his shaft ground into her belly. Ella couldn’t help rubbing against him, as she writhed in his arms. Every part of her felt alive. Even on her tippy toes she was too short to relieve the mounting pressure between her thighs. She wanted more.

  “Fuck, Princess,” Wolf snarled as he broke their kiss.

  “What?” Ella gasped from the sudden loss and the frisson of concern that shot through her.

  “We gotta stop, or I’m going to do things to you, you can’t possibly want,” Wolf groaned as his nose explored her neck, his hot breath teasing her.

  “I don’t want to stop,” Ella whispered.

  She didn’t know when this moment might happen again. Her gift was behaving enough that it wasn’t hurting Wolf, so he said. They were out in the open, where nothing could come crashing on their heads. It was like the stars had aligned, granting her deepest wish.

  “I know, Princess. But if I continue, I’m not going to stop, until I have my cock buried deep inside that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Wolf punctuated his explicit
words by gently clamping his teeth down on the crook of her shoulder, as he gripped her behind, lifted her up, and pressed his steely manhood into the apex of her thighs. His stiff flesh abraded her clit through the fabric of her jeans.


  The sensation that gripped Ella, had her hands tightening on Wolf’s shoulders. She had to hold onto something as her sanity slipped away. Wolf growled a wildly erotic sound, as her nails scored his biceps.

  “Aw, hell, Ella. God, you tempt me.” Wolf set her down, and stepped back. “I should get you back home.”

  As much as Ella wanted to deny it, she knew Wolf was right. She would’ve let Wolf do whatever he wanted with her. Ella thought she was ready for that, but what would she do tomorrow when the bubble burst, and things were back to her version of normal.

  Perhaps it’s better not to know what I’m missing.

  “Okay. I bet Wright is doing the pee pee dance.”

  “I nearly forgot Killer. Great! Now he won’t let me take you out anymore.”

  Ella snickered at Wolf. She appreciated the way he dissipated the awkward tension, instantly making her feel at ease. He interlaced his fingers with hers as he walked her back to the clubhouse. Ella refused to feel overly disappointed.

  5 Working It Out


  Ella was like a whirlwind with the way she went to town on the clubhouse. Wolf loved seeing her fervor as she made her design come to life. Ella worked Vick and Tony like the dogs they were, and the mongrels loved it. They also loved demolition. Who doesn’t? The kitchen and flooring were gutted and stripped in no time.

  However, the betas didn’t like shelling out for the contractors Ella hired. They shouldn’t complain. Wolf watched the diminutive woman haggle with the plumber like a pro. Wolf laughed as he recalled the man’s look of exacerbation, after Ella talked him down a half-grand. The way her shrewd mind quickly added up her own estimate and countered the man, was a thing of beauty. Capable and gorgeous was a lethal combination.

  Wolf resisted going after Ella, as much as he wanted to. The other night, in the woods he nearly pushed her down in the grass, stripped her bare, then possessed every luscious inch of her.

  The things Ella inspired, went beyond carnal. He wanted her in a way he’d not felt with other women. Her touch was filled with an innocence that drove him wild. Anyplace her fingers lingered or her mouth touched was instantly aflame. The sensations that ripped through Wolf, sent his inner beast surging to the forefront demanding he claim Ella.

  She was too sweet to withstand the primal urges that lashed at him. Ella had no clue about the beast that lurked within. So, despite his whiney inner wolf, he pulled back. Wolf would take things slow, and romance Ella. Then hopefully in time he could reveal his true nature to her. Wolf had a feeling, she’d be able to accept him. With that in mind Wolf organized a little surprise in the wooded clearing, where they first kissed.

  Wolf walked into the clubhouse, smiling like the cat that ate the canary, then stopped dead at the sight that greeted him.

  Ella was bent over a table saw, as she lined up a piece of lumber. This was not the Ella he’d come to know. This was as far from refined and sophisticated as you could get. Where had rough and tumble construction worker Ella been hiding?

  Ella’s black boots looked completely out of character on her small feet, along with the ratty, white t-shirt that hugged her breasts. Her ass looked stunning, as usual, in a pair of jeans. The way it stuck out, in Ella’s current position, gave Wolf indecent ideas.

  Fuck, she’s hot! Wolf adjusted his crotch. His fly was cutting into his flesh.

  Wolf stayed quiet, so he didn’t startle Ella, while she cut the piece of wood. She handled the saw like a pro. Ella hefted the long piece onto her shoulder, then carried it over to the wall.

  Wolf shook loose of his admiration, when he realized she might need some help attaching it to the wall.

  “Hey, Princess, need a hand?”

  “Wolf. Sure,” Ella beamed at him.

  Hell, even the safety glasses look hot on her.

  “Where are Vick and Tony? They should be helping you,” Wolf inquired as he held the far end of the lumber.

  “They were going to grab some sandwiches,” Ella said as she countersank a screw.

  “You need to let them do some of this.”

  “I will, but I wanted to start the first row. Most people would start at the floor, then wonder why the paneling looked off level once they got halfway up the wall. Plus, I want to make sure they see the clearance needed between the boards, so when things swell naturally, nothing bows or cracks.”

  “Damn, woman, its super sexy when you talk like that, holding a drill.”

  Ella gave him a coy smile.

  “You mean this drill.” She stroked it. “I picked it out myself. It’s small enough I can wrap my fingers around the grip, but it’s still powerful enough to do the job,” Ella demurred with a wicked glint in her eyes.

  Wolf staggered back.

  “You’re an evil tease. You better watch it or I’m going to wrestle you to the floor and show you a powerful tool.”

  “There’s sawdust. That would be itchy.” Ella scrunched up her nose.

  “So, that’s your only objection.” Wolf cast her a wicked grin, as he stalked forward, ready to make good on his promise.

  “Dinner has arrived,” Tony bellowed as he entered the club house.

  Wolf stopped his forward advance.

  “Hey, Cotton Tail, we got a ham and cheese for you. Hey, Wolf.” Vick followed Tony into the room.

  “You’re going to have to eat that sandwich. I’ve got plans for Ella.”

  “You do?” Ella brushed the sawdust out of her hair, and patted off her jeans. “I’m a wreck.”

  “A beautiful mess,” Wolf countered, loving her disheveled appearance.

  “Hey, Cotton Tail, you do all this while we were gone?”

  “Yep. Do you think you can handle finishing this wall? Don’t forget to stagger the seams and the corners like we discussed.”

  “Yes Mam.”

  “Oh, and remember to cut holes for the electrical,” Ella added.

  “I’ll just make them redo it if you’re not happy,” Wolf threatened as he pulled Ella from the room.

  “Hey!” Tony hollered down the hallway after them.

  “What do you have planned?” Ella bounced with barely restrained excitement, making Wolf grin.

  “You’ll see. It’s nothing big. I’m not half as creative as you are.”

  “Are we going back into the woods?” Ella asked, as Wolf led.

  “Don’t get ahead of me now.”

  Wolf started to worry Ella would be disappointed as they wound through the woods. He didn’t have a lot of practice intentionally trying to impress ladies.

  They walked to the far end of the clearing, where Wolf resurrected something from his youth. Ella stopped as they reached the giant oak near the stream. Her scent changed, no longer airy and light. Wolf looked at the scene, to make sure a raccoon or squirrel hadn’t attacked the picnic while he was getting Ella. Everything was intact.

  Ella studied the spread. Wolf had a bottle of wine, a squat candle he hadn’t lit yet, and a basket full of food. Ella walked over and took hold of the rope swing, that swung out over the creek.

  “My grandfather put a swing out here for us kids,” Wolf explained.

  “This looks new,” Ella commented as she ran her hand over the seat, giving it a gentle push.

  “I decided to replace it.”



  Ella turned to Wolf with tears in her eyes. Wolf started to panic.

  “Princess, what’s wrong?”

  “Wolf…” Her hand fluttered as she pointed to everything. “The picnic, the swing.”

  “It’s not as awesome as the sketch you did for me, but I hoped you’d like it.”

  “It’s wonderful!” Ella held the swing as she spun around. “No one’s ever
done anything like this for me.”

  “Hop on.”

  Ella sat on the swing and Wolf gave her a push, sending her soaring. Ella giggled as she flew through the air. The melodic sound filled Wolf with delight. Maybe he hadn’t done so bad after all.

  “I want to jump off. Would you believe me, if I told you I could fly?” Ella trilled on the upswing.

  “Don’t do that, Supergirl,” Wolf laughed at her excitement.

  “I wanted a swing set.” Ella grew quiet for a moment. Wolf had a horrible feeling there was a sad story behind that simple sentence. “I probably would’ve broken my neck.” Ella shook off the memory, laughing in glee as he pushed her again.

  “We used to swing, and then jump off into the stream. My mother had a fit the first time she saw me do it.”

  “You gave your mother fits? I can’t picture it at all,” Ella teased.

  “I was usually an absolute angel,” Wolf said with a straight face.

  “Uh huh.” She eyed him with a playful, but incredulous smile.

  “You want to keep swinging or eat? Wait I have an idea.”

  Wolf wandered over and popped the cork on the wine, then grabbed several things from the basket. When Ella swung back, Wolf handed her the bottle.

  “I brought glasses but this looks like more fun,” he suggested.

  Ella took a swig from the bottle, then handed it back when she swung toward him again.

  “Open up,” he called out.

  Wolf popped a blueberry into her mouth when she came close. The strawberry he tried to feed Ella, didn’t go nearly as smoothly. Most of it ended up smeared on her chin.

  Ella snorted as she stopped the swing. Wolf grabbed her hand, when she moved to wipe the strawberry juice off her chin. He leaned in and licked the sweet nectar from her even sweeter skin. Ella grabbed Wolf’s biceps, as he followed the dribble of juice down her throat.

  “Wolf,” Ella panted when he reached the neck of her t-shirt.

  “Yes?” He glanced up at her flushed cheeks.

  “If you keep it up, that picnic’s going to go to waste.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  Wolf forced himself to back off and led Ella over to the blanket. She peered into the basket.


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