Beautiful Moves: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 3)

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Beautiful Moves: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 3) Page 11

by Stephanie West

  “I can still help out. You know I’ve got my own drill.” Ella stared at him while fluttering her lashes.

  “Fuck, woman! You’re making it hard to get out of this bed,” Wolf groaned as he rolled back on the bed. “I don’t know which is hotter, you in those boots and jeans, holding that drill, or the tight black skirt with those fuck-me heels, and the stockings that have the line up the back.”

  Ella smiled a happy smile at Wolf’s dilemma. She didn’t mind featuring in any of his tawdry fantasies.

  “How long do you think you’ll be gone?” Ella ran her fingers through Wolf’s hair. She wanted to do this again soon, real soon.

  “I’d like to say a day, but it could be longer.” He closed his eyes enjoying her touch. “I’ll call you.”

  “Good. I’ll worry.” Ella was already worried at the thought Wolf might be in a dangerous situation. “I really hope the little boy is alright when you find him.”

  “Me too, Princess.” Wolf leaned over and kissed her. “I should get dressed,” he groused against her lips.

  7 Justice


  Ella was turning into a hell of a kisser. Wolf pulled into the parking lot of the rendezvous point still feeling the energizing tingle from her parting embrace. Not to mention the memory of Ella’s body arching beneath him. It would forever be seared into his mind. It had been real damn hard leaving her.

  Damn I’ve got it bad for that woman.

  Strangely that didn’t bother him one bit. Wolf smiled as he headed inside. Wolf spotted the shaggy blonde, feline Shifter at the bar, and wandered over.

  “Hey MD. Let’s get this show on the road.” Wolf wanted to do this job and return to Ella.

  “I missed you too, man,” MD chuckled.

  “It’s been less than a month. I was hoping to miss you more.”

  “I’m wounded,” MD clutched his chest. He threw money down for his beer then followed Wolf out.

  It felt like yesterday he and the Reaper medic returned from their adventure in Mexico. It was also odd how so much could happen in such a short time. There were some things that changed your life forever. Meeting Ella was one of those turning points. Little-Miss-Straight-Laced had turned Wolf’s life upside down.

  “So, did Cain send you for any particular reason? Not that I’m disappointed.” Wolf got along with all the Reapers.

  “Yes,” MD snarled. “The bastard we’re after likes to beat up on people weaker than him.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  Wolf’s inner beast threatened to come out and play at the thought of some innocent child being used as a punching bag. Things were going to get bloody if that boy had even a scratch on him. Wolf’s nails and fangs elongated.

  Soon, he promised his inner beast.

  The animal he usually repressed was hungering to get some action. His evening with Ella pushed the bounds of his self-control. It took everything he had in him to restrain the beast. When Ella climaxed, she erupted like an A-bomb, throwing off a shockwave that vibrated through him with fierce intensity. Wolf absorbed it with no trouble, now that he knew what to expect. His inner beast reared up, reveling in the immense power, bathing in it. In the aftermath, Wolf felt energized and jittery, ready to either fuck or go to war. That being the case, it was best he was going to war. Ella needed a little break after their encounter.

  “Here,” MD tossed Wolf the Bluetooth helmet comm. “I’ll brief you on the way to St. Louis.”

  Wolf hooked the comm up, and they took off for the open road.

  “Hey, you mind telling me why Iris wanted me to say, welcome to the family?” MD asked as he merged onto highway fifty-five.

  “Iris and her gift.” Wolf shook his head in amazement. “I’m seeing someone.”

  “Well it must be serious if Iris is yammering about it. Shifter or Outsider?”


  “You plan on telling her?” MD asked.

  “No. I was actually about to, then this job came up.”

  “It’s kinda soon, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t have to worry about the usual shit we worry about, with Ella.”

  Wolf understood the Shifter’s concern. Just this morning Wolf asked himself the same question. But now he knew Ella wouldn’t betray his secret. She’d grown up with the same fear. Except she had to deal with it alone. Wolf ached for her at the thought. At least he had his pack, full of other people like him. Ella had no one. It was no wonder she was so guarded.

  Well that’s gonna change.

  “I still don’t envy you. I’m hoping to meet a hot little Shifter one day, so I don’t have any of that drama.”

  “Good luck with that. Chicks are drama, Shifter, Outsider, or whatever category they fall into. And the drama’s kinda nice every now and then.”

  Wolf grinned behind his helmet as he recalled the drama that went down in his bedroom. He thought he wanted something uncomplicated whenever he thought about finding his old lady. Like MD, Wolf assumed he’d settle down with a Shifter, since relationships were hard enough without adding their odd nature as a barrier. Thank god, fate had given him what he needed, and not what he thought he wanted.

  Ella incited a passion in him that had never seen the light of day, or the dark of night. She was porn star sexy with a sweet innocence that overheated him in nothing flat. She challenged him in ways no female shifter dared to challenge the alpha, and he loved it. Wolf was certain he’d never get bored with Ella in his life.

  “Yeah, they all are, aren’t they?” MD huffed into the mic, sounding like he needed to get laid.

  “The first few times I met Ella she looked like a librarian.”

  “Uh, okay,” MD sounded skeptical about how that could be attractive.

  “Man, you have no clue. I instantly had a hard-on for book learning.” Wolf groaned thinking about Ella with her long auburn hair, bound up tight, begging to be set free. “Just when I thought I had Little-Miss-Straight-Laced figured out, Ella flipped the tables on me. I caught her rocking a pair of tight jeans and some shit-kicking boots, wielding a drill. Aw hell, so fucking sexy. It blew my damn mind.”

  “You sure you’ve got a real girlfriend and you’re not just describing the last few DVD’s you watched?” MD chuckled.

  “Shut the fuck up. So, tell me, what are the details of this job? Like I told Cain, I didn’t have a chance to look into it. It’s been a long night already.”

  “Trip tracked the bastard’s last cell call to a shitty neighborhood on the east side of St. Louis. Except that still leaves us a few mile radius. That’s where your nose comes in my friend.”

  “There are benefits to being canine. He’s probably holed up in some flop house,” Wolf commented.

  “Ray demanded Amy bring a thousand bucks to make the exchange. She’s supposed to meet him by tomorrow noon, or Ray threatened the kid.”

  “So how much H did this prick accuse her of stealing?”

  “Ray claims she stole five K’s worth, when Amy moved out of his ratty apartment with Keith. I’m thinking the tweaker used more product than he was pushing, and now he’s got to pay the piper.”

  “There’s no way his supplier’s going to settle for a thousand,” Wolf growled. “How much you wanna bet Ray’s planning on trafficking more than heroin?”

  “That’s what we thought too. The bastard’s using Keith to lure Amy. I’m betting, either way, both of them would’ve disappeared.”

  “Sick asshole. Do we know if the kid is okay?”

  “We had Ray put the boy on the phone, as proof of life. The child was distraught, but alive, as of eleven o’clock. Amy was able to calm Keith down, so hopefully the bastard doesn’t rough him up.”

  “So, any clue how many people we’re dealing with?” Wolf asked.

  “Over the phone, we heard at least two people talking in the background.”

  “Cain must be thrilled with this.”

  “Amy’s not really good at picking men. It took the lecture of a l
ife time from Penny, Iris and Marisol just to get her to leave that prick.”

  “She know about us?”

  “Nah, she just works at the club, and occasionally comes to the bigger parties. But she’s trustworthy. And you know Cain, he takes care of his own.”

  “He’s a solid, loyal brother. You sure he’s not part canine?” Wolf taunted.

  Wolf laughed when he heard MD’s indignant rumbling growl in the earpiece.

  Wolf and MD rode the rest of the way to St. Louis in relative silence, just enjoying the ride. It was a clear warm night. There were straight barren stretches of Illinois road, where most drivers nodded off from boredom, but not on a Harley, not with the view Wolf had. The quarter moon hung huge in the sky. Millions of stars shone brighter than they ever did in the city, with its light pollution. Wolf stared at the twinkling dusty swath that banded the midnight sky.

  What a night. What a glorious fucking night.

  It was still a few hours till sun up when they reached the area where Ray was holding the boy, and stashed their bikes.

  “I got a few things for you.”

  MD pulled a couple plastic bags out of his saddlebags. One held a stuffed toy, that looked like a giant yellow pill, with one eyeball. The other bag held a ratty t-shirt. Wolf grabbed the child’s toy and cracked open the bag, taking a big whiff.

  “Amy said Keith likes to sleep with his Minion.” MD grabbed the bagged toy, then passed Wolf the shirt.

  “Is that what that thing is?” Wolf asked.

  “Yeah, the cartoons are pretty cute.”

  “We should bring it. It’ll calm the kid when we find him.” Wolf unzipped the second bag and took a sniff. “Fuck yeah the dude’s a tweaker. I can smell the shit. It must ooze out his pores.”

  “Can you find them?”

  “Does a cat shit in a box?” Wolf grinned.

  “You know what, I didn’t miss your pathetic pussy jokes,” MD grabbed the bagged shirt and chucked it back in his saddlebag.

  “Yeah, I can find them,” Wolf laughed. “Having both of their scents makes it much easier.”

  “Well then, get on the case, Scooby,” MD countered.

  “Ha! Nice one, Thelma.”

  “I think I look more like Daphne.” MD preened his pale hair, making Wolf laugh.

  Wolf and MD took off on foot, canvasing the area Trip pinpointed, between the cell towers. The neighborhood full of rundown, shotgun shacks, had more than one house with dirty shit going on. The scent of weed didn’t bother him as much as the other drugs. Meth smelled like a mix of ammonia and paint thinner, where H was more like burnt barbecue. Each time Wolf came across that sickly-sweet tar heroin odor, he stopped and tested the air. He was looking for the baby powder fresh scent the boy still held, even though he was six.

  It was easier to keep to the shadows, so none of the local thugs and wannabes hassled them. Wolf wasn’t worried. He and MD were packing more than 9mm’s; they had their inner beast. The two of them were more than capable of handling any problems that arose, but it would be a waste of time and energy. The sun was cracking over the horizon when Wolf froze.

  “Found you,” Wolf smiled.


  Ella couldn’t wipe the blissful expression off her face, as she propped two picture frames up against the wall beside Wolf’s bed. Ella paused to look at the bed. She finally got her V card punched, as Sabine would say. More importantly, she shared her secret and the world didn’t end.

  Sabine will be so proud of me.

  Ella wasn’t sure why Wolf was so cool when he discovered her gift. Maybe it was a mix of knowing an actual psychic and the fact he was a badass biker. Either way, coming clean felt good, really good.

  She also didn’t know how she hadn’t leveled Wolf. Deep down she didn’t want to hurt him, and craved him desperately. That had to have an effect. Or perhaps she was getting better at controlling aspects of her curse as she got older.

  I don’t know about that. One look around this bedroom says otherwise.

  Ella shook her head not sure how she’d gotten so lucky. Wolf said she met her match, maybe he was right. Ella grinned goofily.

  “Hey, Ella.” Char knocked on Wolf’s open bedroom door. “Wolf asked me to come check on his place. He said a window broke. Shit what happened?”

  Char looked at the shattered window, then at the rest of the carnage, and shook her head. Ella wasn’t sure what to say, or how much Wolf had shared with his sister.

  “It’s a mess alright,” Ella deflected as she finished picking up the biggest pieces of glass. “I’m going to grab the vacuum.”

  “It’s in the closet in the hall,” Char hollered.

  Ella went down the hall and grabbed the vacuum, then headed back into the room.

  “Damn it smells like Wolf was getting some pussy in here. Oh, hey Cotton Tail.”

  Ella froze as she saw Vick standing in the broken window.

  How did he smell sex? Ella tried not to blush.

  “Just fix the window,” Char snarled as she leveled a menacing stare at Vick.

  “Fine,” Vick chuckled, then hefted a piece of plywood and started screwing it over the outside of the window frame.

  Ella repressed the urge to hide.

  So what, if they figure out what Wolf and I were up to. I’m a grown woman. Ella straightened her shoulders and smiled.

  “I’ve got it.” Char took the vacuum from Ella.

  “You shouldn’t have to clean all this up.”

  “Oh, and you should?” Char looked at her sideways. “I’ve cleaned up after my brother’s temper tantrums before, although I was usually the instigator, and we were kids.” Char started vacuuming with a shrug.

  Ella felt bad for letting Wolf take the blame for this mess. She was willing to admit she had a roll in the hay with Wolf, but she wasn’t quite ready to admit her other secret to his friends and family.

  While Char vacuumed, Ella started folding the clothes that spilled out of Wolf’s dresser, when it fell over. She giggled as she put the t-shirts away.

  “I like this one.” Ella held up the ‘Harvard Law, just kidding’ shirt.

  “I got that for him when I went to Boston,” Char hollered over the vacuum with a grin.

  When Char finished, Ella heard Wright barking his fool head off next door.

  “I better go take him for a walk.”

  “I think this looks good enough,” Char commented.

  “I can take the trash bag to the dumpster when I take Wright out.”


  “You want to have a drink. I’m wide awake,” Ella invited Char.

  “Sure. I’ll be over after I check on Vick,” Char nodded.

  Ella snapped the leash on Wright and headed to drop off the trash. She grabbed the mail on her way back in.

  “Bill, bill, garbage.”

  Ella froze when she saw the envelope from The University of Chicago Medicine. Ella’s fingers shook as she opened the letter and read.

  “No, no, no.”

  Ella dropped the letter and pressed her forehead to the tile counter, attempting to repress the tears pushing past her lashes.

  “How can insurance deny the claim? We were assured this would be covered. How the fuck does the hospital expect someone to come up with that kind of money?” Ella started pacing her kitchen. “They can’t kick Sabine out. She’s starting to show improvement.”

  Ella’s fist clenched. She had to come up with seventy-five grand, for Sabine to finish out the experimental regimen, and that included the portion the drug company subsidized. It was insane.

  “This can’t be happening.”

  Ella shook her head as she reread the letter. Nothing changed. The news was as grim as when she’d first read it. She could appeal, but by the time all that went through, Sabine would be out on her ass.

  “What’s wrong?” Char said from the door.

  “I got really bad news.” Ella tried to calm down.

  She was glad she’d expended
so much energy with Wolf, otherwise the apartment would be rattling to pieces.

  “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Ella paced the living room. Things were going so well, wonderful even.

  “I should’ve known. I’m not meant to have a normal, happy life,” Ella sobbed under her breath.

  “What?” Char asked. “Ella where’s the booze. You need a drink, girl.” Char opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Chardonnay. “Here.” Char pulled the cork then shoved the entire bottle at Ella.

  Ella grabbed it with shaking fingers, and took a giant gulp. Nothing was falling off the walls or down from the ceiling, but it still felt like the world was tumbling down around her.

  Get it together. Sabine’s depending on you, Ella berated herself.

  Ella paused as a crazy idea resurfaced. Back when she was trying to come up with money for college, she’d entertained a wild idea. Ella had dismissed the crazy scheme, because it just didn’t seem ethical or right. But now, weighed against Sabine’s life, it seemed her only option.

  “Char can I ask a big favor?”

  “What is it?

  “I need you to watch Wright for a few days, and drive me to the airport, please.”

  “Sure. Anyone who can make Wolf like unicorns, and crawl around on the floor barking like a dog, deserves that, at the very least.”

  “Thanks, I need to change and grab a few things.”

  “Did someone die?” Char asked hesitantly.

  “Not yet,” Ella said as she walked into the bathroom.


  MD and Wolf hung out in front of a corner store, with-in sight of the one-story house.

  “Trip’s an hour out with Marisol and Amy.” MD hung up his cell.

  “Shit, Trip brought in the heavy fire power. What the hell does he need with us?” Wolf chuckled.

  “No joke. Iris could’ve found the house, then Marisol could’ve smoked them out.”

  “I’m looking forward to the day we can sit back and let the ladies handle the dirty work, while we eat bonbons.” Wolf nudged MD with a rotten grin.

  As much as they joked, there was no way Cain or Trip would let their women put themselves in harm’s way, no matter how capable they were. Wolf felt the same about Ella. She could probably level a gang of assailants, but there was no way he’d test that theory.


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