Rebels : The Complete Series

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Rebels : The Complete Series Page 18

by Alexa Riley

  I can only pray that Ryan finds it and will know that I’ve been taken.

  The thought of him lying asleep so close by has a sob building in my throat. But before it can break free, I feel something sting my arm and my body becomes sluggish. Everything starts to mush together and my eyes flutter closed.

  I don’t know how much time has passed, but when I jerk awake and look around I see I’m sitting at a metal table alone in a room. I glance around, trying to remember where I am, but my whole body feels heavy. My mind begins to drift and immediately it goes to Ryan.

  My heart aches as I think about him. I should have never left him. Why do I keep making the same mistake? If I ever get back to him again, I’ll never let him go.

  I gasp when I see a metal door open and a large man with white hair enters the room. He sits down on the metal chair across the table from me, and I freeze. I audibly swallow before I close my eyes and then open them again. Yep, he’s still there.

  “How’ve you been, Naomi?”

  I do my best to hide my horror as I clear my throat. It’s The Leader himself, and he’s here to talk to me.

  I take a deep breath and finally croak out a word I haven’t said in years.


  Chapter Twelve


  This is not how it should have played out. I curse myself for falling asleep for even a moment. But having her next to me for the first time in weeks, I finally felt relaxed. I should have pushed harder, made it clear she was coming with me, and there wasn’t a choice.

  I crumple the note she left behind. She isn't getting away from me again. Naomi can’t just take off without me and expect me not to protect her. I’m sure she was worried about me being seen, but she’s in danger, too. If she thinks I’m not going after her, she’s in for a rude awakening.

  I pull on my pants and bolt out of the door where she came in. I push it open, not knowing or caring what time it is or who might see me. The museum is pitch-black, so it must still be the middle of the night or early morning.

  I freeze when I see something lying on the floor nearby. It’s the bird Naomi had on her shirt earlier. Everything in me goes on red alert as I pick it up and look around.

  I examine the back of it and see the clasp is broken off and bent. There is no way my woman would have ever dropped this without noticing. This came off in some kind of struggle, and fear prickles the back of my neck.


  Naomi and I are supposed to be back underground with Owen and the others by now. I’m not supposed to be chasing after her in a city where I have to remain hidden. My mission was to come get her and go back. But her touch and our reunion had been too overwhelming to deny. Now she’s been taken and all plans have changed.

  Fuck the revolution. The wheels have already been set in motion. I’ll just have to find her and get her out as soon as possible. I’m going after her because I won't spend another day without her by my side. I came here to get her and I’m not leaving without her. There’s nothing for me on the other side of the wall without her. Being apart from her was hell, and it’s not the way I want to live.

  I take off running. I don’t even care if I’m identified by strangers on the street. Not that it matters. The people are ready for revolution. The last few years, citizens on the inside who had received the newsletters have been working on building more tunnels, funneling weapons and supplies. The end of the Regime is now.

  I cut through side streets and alleys until I’m out of the urban area of the elite zone. Former prisoners who joined up with Insurgents on the other side had shown me and the others the exact location of the detention facility. My gut is telling me that’s where they’ve taken her.

  Once I get to her, I’m never going to let her out of my sight again. And if she doesn’t like life on the farm, then we’ll go somewhere else. Or I’ll carry her over the mud and never let her high heels touch the ground. I don’t care what I have to do as long as she’s mine.

  I run faster in the direction of the detention facility, and anger pushes through with my adrenaline. They better not have laid a fucking finger on her. The thought of her being tortured right now rips at my inside. The Leader is a ruthless monster. But he’s her father. Could he really hurt his own daughter?

  The answer to that questions is both easy and terrifying.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Hello, Naomi. I thought maybe you could tell me what this is.” My father pushes a pamphlet across the table for me to see.

  I don’t look at the paper. Instead, I look at his hands. Hands that I’ve felt the wrath of too many times to count. But right now, they don’t look so scary. Maybe it’s because I’m older, or maybe it’s because his health isn’t so good. I lean back in my chair and smile at him.

  “It looks like you’re not watching your blood pressure, not eating right or exercising. As always. How’s Mom?”

  “I’m as healthy as a horse, always have been,” he lies. Anyone can see he looks like he’s a meal away from a heart attack. “Your mother is well. She’s vacationing down on the shore with some friends and their grandchildren.”

  I wince at the thought of either of them being around children. They did enough damage to me, and I can’t imagine they’ve gotten better with age.

  “I’m sorry, did I touch a nerve? You know, you didn’t have to wither away as an old maid in the basement of the library. You had every advantage.”

  “I’m not an old maid.” I shake my head. He wanted me to get married and start a family when I was barely seventeen.

  “And I never should have indulged you in this weird, introverted career of yours. The only reason you’re not married with seven children right now is because you’re my daughter. But now I see I left you alone too long,” he says, his eyes darkening. “My intel shows me that you’ve been helping The Insurgence. You know what the punishment is for that, don’t you?” He leans forward. His eyes lock on me, and I can see the anger there.

  I don’t answer him. Instead, I hold my tongue. Anything I say now could get me into trouble. I have to see where he’s going with this. He could be bluffing.

  He taps his fat finger on the magazine, and I can see the words written there. “Day of Reckoning, May 1. Care to explain this?”

  “I don’t know what that is,” I lie. I’m not telling him shit. I won’t sell out Ryan or anyone else in the resistance. I didn’t come this far to let it all slip away. All this time alone in that basement is going to mean something. Even if I have to die for it.

  He laughs. “Oh, you don’t? That is a publication of The Insurgence. Which you’re a part of. You’ve been caught, Naomi. We found the tunnel.”

  My heart sinks while my stomach leaps up into my throat. “That tunnel was for charity,” I say, and it’s not a lie.


  “I used the tunnel to send food and first aid, that’s it. It was charity. I felt sorry for all those kids.”

  “What kids?”

  “What kids? Are you joking? All of the hundreds of thousands of children on the other side of that wall,” I say, getting heated.

  “It was for the greater good,” he defends.

  “You left them all to starve and fend for themselves. They have nothing. No clean water, no food, no power, no support, no jobs!” I yell.

  “I had no idea you were such a political person.” His eyes narrow. He’s likely thinking he should have used me for something else. But I’ve always seen through to who he really is.

  “I’m not. I felt guilty living this life and I needed to give back. Every week, we sent books to the people outside the wall, and I felt I had to do more.” I take a deep breath, trying to get myself back together. “Can I go home now?” I push, knowing it probably won’t work.

  “Not until you tell me what this is.” He points back to the paper again.

  “I don’t know, it looks like a half-assed high school newspaper.” I shrug like I have no id
ea, but I never was a good liar.

  “May 1. That’s today. What’s happening today?”

  I close my eyes and picture Ryan’s beautiful sleeping face. If I’d stayed with him, I’d be safe right now. “I don’t know,” I say, opening my eyes to stare at him.

  “Liar!” he shouts as he bangs his hand on the table. My eyes are clouded with tears, but he continues, oblivious to my distress. “You know exactly what this is, and you’re a part of it.”

  My ears perk up when I hear shouting in the distance. Then I hear shots fired. My father keeps yelling at me, oblivious to what’s going on outside the room we’re in. Then there are more shouts and the sound of boots running on concrete. I’m feeling sick to my stomach and my ears begin to ring. His face is red and sweaty as he stands up from his chair and bangs his fist on the table.

  The sounds grow closer and louder, but whatever they injected me with earlier is having an effect on me. I have the urge to throw up and fall asleep at the same time, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep my eyes open.

  The ringing in my ears gets louder and my father becomes manic. Then just as I begin to pass out, I see my red-faced father clutch his chest as his eyes bulge and spittle comes out of his mouth. He’s coughing, his face slackening, just as the door bursts open and I see Ryan standing there.

  “Ryan!” I call out as my father falls into his chair, slumping over onto the table. He still has the magazine pages clutched in his hands.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My eyes slowly open to the sound of more shouting, but this time I feel a breeze on my face. I look around to see I’m in the back of an army truck, but there are no soldiers in sight.

  Slowly my vision becomes clear and I take in the scene. My breath hitches when I see I’m in Ryan’s arms. There are people everywhere, and I try to focus on what’s happening.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.” Ryan smiles down at me before he places a kiss on my lips.

  I try not to tear up as I reach out and hold his face. I’m so relieved to be with him again.

  “What happened?”

  “We have one more stop before I take you to the farm,” he says, wrapping his arms around me tighter.

  “Yes,” I say, clinging to him just as tightly. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have left the room without you.”

  “I’ll just tie you to the bed next time,” he says, kissing me again.

  His deep, commanding voice sets me on fire immediately, and my body aches for him.

  I stare at him for a long moment as he tucks my hair behind my ear and looks at me with so much love. The truck pulls to a stop, and I look around to see we’re at the wall. Or what’s left of the wall.

  “Where’s my father?” I finally ask.

  “He had a heart attack, but he’ll be fine. As soon as he’s recovered, he’ll be tried for his crimes.” His eyebrows pull together. “I’m sorry, I know he’s your father.”

  “No, I’m happy he’ll pay for his crimes. That he’ll get a taste of the life he made innocent people have.” I push thoughts of him away. He doesn’t deserve any part of me. “You had your revolution and I totally missed it,” I say, giving Ryan a small smile.

  Ryan tucks his hand under my chin and looks me in the eyes. “I saved you the best part,” he whispers against my lips before he kisses me again.

  Chapter Fifteen


  There’s hardly any wall left by the time we arrive, but everyone is there. Sylvia and Brad are standing together and he’s got his arm around her. Minnie and Owen are holding each other close as his hand lies possessively over her pregnant belly.

  Dozens, maybe hundreds, of other people gather around as Owen climbs up to the highest peak of the rubble, the sunset behind him. He’s filthy from the battle and exhausted but exuberant. He looks down at me and nods as I turn to Naomi.

  “I love you so much, Naomi. Marry me. Right here, right now. I want everyone to see what you mean to me.”

  “Yes!” she says without hesitation, throwing herself in my arms.

  The cheers from the crowd erupt, and then Owen begins.

  “Dearly beloved…” he says, but the rest of it fades out as I look into her beautiful green eyes.

  Naomi’s makeup has long worn off, and her hair is down, and she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  When Owen stops for me to say my vows, I tell Naomi that this might not be the wedding day she envisioned as a little girl, but I promise to work hard and give her all that her heart desires.

  “All I ever want is you,” she answers, with tears in her eyes.

  Unable to stand it any longer, I pull her closer to me and then kiss her with all that I have in my heart. The crowd erupts once again, and I barely hear Owen’s words of pronouncing us wed as I scoop her up in my arms. I’m ready to take her to our new home and make sweet love to her for days.

  As I carry her through the crowd, people thank Naomi for saving their lives and helping bring down the Regime. Everyone praises her and thanks her, and my heart soars with pride. She really is the reason for all of this, and I hope that one day we can tell our children all about it.

  “Where are we going?” she asks as I put her in the passenger seat of a truck. It’s been decorated with tin cans and someone painted Just Married on the back.

  “Home,” I say as I buckle her up and go around to the driver’s side. We wave goodbye as I drive away and reach over to grab her hand.

  The stars come out as I take her down the long road and to the place I’ve made for us. I and a huge group of volunteers helped build this for Naomi. When they found out this house was for The Librarian, people from all over came to help. I was overwhelmed with gratitude as people planted flowers and made curtains for the windows. All the little details that I knew nothing about were created to make Naomi feel like she was home.

  When I pull up, she stares at the house in silence. I begin to worry she doesn’t like it as I get out and go around to her side and open the door.

  “Listen, if you don’t like it, we can change—”

  Suddenly she jumps out of the truck and leaps into my arms. I scoop her up and swing her around as she squeals with delight.

  “Are you kidding me, Ryan? Is this for real?” She looks at the house in wonder as her eyes light up. “It’s so beautiful,” she says, and I hear her sniff as she buries her face in my neck.

  “Hey, no tears,” I say, cuddling her close and walking into the house.

  “Put me down, I want to see all of it,” she demands as I carry her over the threshold.

  “You can see it later. Right now I want to introduce you to the most important room of the house.”

  When we get to the bedroom, I lay her down on the soft blankets and kneel down at the end of the bed. I pull her ass all the way down to the edge, and she giggles as I pick her leg up and kiss her calf. I trail my lips all the way up, running my hands under her skirt and gripping the edge of her panties.

  “I’ve waited a long time to do this,” I say as I take off her panties and spread her thighs. “I’ve dreamed about it.”

  Leaning forward, I kiss the soft flesh around her pussy, taking my time. I want to know every inch of her body, and now I’ve got all the time in the world.

  “Are you going to tease me all night?” Her voice catches when I press my lips against her wet slit.

  “Tease you? No, sweet girl. I’m going to enjoy you all night.”

  I toss both her legs over my shoulders and lift her ass with my hands. When I open my mouth over her pussy, she cries out and rocks her hips. I want to talk to her, to encourage her to use me and my mouth, but I don’t want to pull away even for a second.

  She’s so perfect in every way, and I knew this would be absolute heaven. The world could all end right now and I’d die a happy man. Thankfully, though, I keep on living and I’m able to enjoy my bride.

  Her shouts of desire echo off the walls of our home as
she climaxes against my tongue. I slow down in even strokes as I pull every ounce of pleasure from her body.

  I kiss my way up her body as I strip us bare and slide into her tight body. Her eyes are heavy with lust and passion, and I enter her all the way to the root of my cock. Her warmth surrounds me as her feet lock behind my back and her arms go around my neck. We are utterly one when we make love, and I never want it to end.

  “I love you,” she gasps as she nears another climax.

  “I love you more,” I answer, kissing her lips and sending her body over the edge once again.



  Five years later…

  I never would have thought Naomi could adjust to a new life on the farm as well as she has. But looking at her now, I know this is what she was meant for. Maybe she might miss some of the things from her past life, but I know she’d rather be here with me. Where she can curl up next to me each night and read before we make love. There’s not much more we could ask for.

  When I’m not taking her on top of the nearest flat surface, Naomi has been working hard at creating a library and museum from what was left after the fall of the Regime. She spends her days reading to the kids there, including our two little ones. She loves helping people who never got the chance to learn to read and show them the joy of books.

  I continue to work on our farm and help build our community with Brad and Sylvia. Minnie and Owen run a medical center and everything that goes along with that. We are part of the greater good, growing this place and making it peaceful.

  I come up behind my wife and brush her hair off one shoulder so I can kiss her neck. She tilts her head and hums. “How’s my baby?” I ask as I rest my hand over her belly.


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