Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology

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Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology Page 27

by Peyton Banks

  "Let's swim, then have dinner."

  "I could do that?" She flung her arms around his neck. "This has been the best date ever."

  "It's not over yet. You wouldn't happen to have an evening dress in that backpack of yours, would you?"

  “Um...” She tapped her index finger against her chin, then shook her head. "No, I can't say that I do."

  "Would you do me the honor of being my guest at an event tonight?"

  "Are you offering me a Pretty Woman moment without being a hooker first?"

  "Absolutely." Austin patted her thigh, then tossed the squealing woman further into the deep end.

  He really needed her to stop being so cute, before he fell even more in love.



  Cheryl waved her freshly manicured hand at the closed divider separating her and Austin from the driver of the stretch limousine. "Just tell me that all of this isn't going to turn into a giant pumpkin pulled by rats."

  Austin's ripped jeans and tight t-shirt had been replaced by a black on black suit/shirt combo. Since he was too suave for a tie, what looked like a platinum and diamond cross dangled against his dark chest. The man could have walked on a film set and played a sexy James Bond villain.

  "There'll be no pumpkins or rats tonight." He stroked his freshly groomed short beard as his gaze scorched her body from the strappy high heels, up her silver dress and absolutely pausing at the thigh high slit. "You look stunning. I’m trying to decide which I prefer, the bikini or the dress."

  Her cheeks flamed. Thank goodness for dim lighting and dark skin, or she'd be extra embarrassed.

  After dinner, a full-on glam squad arrived, ready to make her look like a movie star. Austin's only request was no wig because he loved her cropped natural hair. It was sweet, but every now and then a sister loved a good lace front.

  "Well thank you, sir. You are most dashing yourself." She sighed, and crossed her legs, the silver dress parting, exposing her entire left leg. "Why are you so far away?" Cheryl looked from the empty spot next to her to Austin.

  He stared at her as if trying to discover her every secret, before finally switching seats. "Better?"

  "Almost." She licked her lower lip and gifted him with her most wicked smile.

  He interlaced his fingers. "What would it take to make you happy?" Austin's thumbs circled each other.

  That question filled the car like a whispered prayer.

  "I want to kiss you." Her tongue darted across her lower lip. Who was this woman? It was like she was possessed. As if the spirit of Dorothy Dandridge's Carmen had inhabited Cheryl's body.

  And she liked it.

  "What about your lipstick?"

  "Oh..." She opened her purse—if you could call it that. The thing wasn't large enough for much more than her phone, a credit card, license, and lipstick. Oh, and two of those yummy gummy bears from the dish in the guest room. Cheryl whipped out the tube of Wanton Red waving it around like a lightsaber. "Got it covered." She gave Austin her best court face, then ruined it by giggling. Okay focus. Don't let him turn you into a girlish puddle of goo. "Next objection."

  Hopefully there'd be more than finger food at this shindig, because she really wanted something sweet—preferably chocolate. If Austin didn't get busy, she might start chewing on him.

  The man who was more than a snack slid over until his thigh brushed against hers. "You aren't the only one having a day of yes."

  Cheryl slid her fingertips across the contours of his mouth, tracing the peaks and valley of his cupid’s bow. "You're beautiful."

  He shook his head and lowered his mouth to hers. "I could spend the rest of my life looking at this face." He rubbed the tip of his nose against hers. "Tell me this won't be our last night. Tell me we can make this work."

  “Austin...I don’t know.”


  She looked past him at the tinted windows and the flashes of streetlights trailing by like meteors.

  Austin kissed her shoulder.

  And waited.

  That was one of the things she liked about him. Austin had yet to push too hard. He’d make a great general. The man knew when to attack and when to retreat.

  “I’m afraid.” She looked at him.

  “Talk to me. What are you afraid of?”

  “That once you get to really know me, I won’t be enough.”

  “Oh sweetheart.” Austin cupped her cheeks like the most fragile of treasures and kissed her.

  This time when his tongue swept against hers, it held a silent promise rather than a seduction. Once again, she lost herself in all that was Austin.

  He’d changed cologne. This one reminded her of freshly mown grass and hot dirty sex. The combination of the tips of his calloused fingers grazing first her shoulders then gently sliding down her arms, the moving car, and the serenade of classical guitar pouring through the speakers, made her feel as if she were flying.

  When the kiss ended, Cheryl's eyes remained closed. What if she opened them and everything that had happened today had been the results of an overworked imagination?

  Finally, she did open her eyes, and found Austin—the best kind of dream.

  Cheryl swiped her thumb across his lower lip. "Want to know a secret?"

  He captured her thumb in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the tip.

  It took a couple of seconds for her brain to work, because her lady bits started dancing a mambo.

  Was there such a thing as a lust high? If so, she was stoned as hell.

  Dream boy chuckled, kissed the tip of her thumb, then held both her hands. "You were telling me a secret?"

  She shook her head. Definitely high from Austin. Maybe she could patent this feeling, they'd be rich. "I was supposed to come here with my ex. I had this whole Las Vegas elopement fantasy."

  "Sad that it didn't happen?" His eyes tightened ever so slightly, which made her feel better than it should have.

  "No. Not even." She titled her head. "I wouldn't have met you."

  "Maybe I should send him a fruit basket."

  "About that..."

  "What did you do?" He tried to sound stern, but the lip twitching ruined the effect.

  "I may have sent him a picture." When he merely raised an eyebrow, she blurted the rest. "Fine, maybe three, but absolutely no more than five."

  Austin’s chuckle caressed her senses like a cashmere blanket. Sure, he was pretty. But it was the laughter and thoughtfulness that made him sexy.

  That rational sliver of her brain tried to grab the reins of Cheryl's runaway mouth. But baby, her mouth was having none of it.

  She raised her chin and blurted, "Marry me."

  Austin blinked—a few times.

  Well, that wasn't a no.

  “This would be a great time for a cigarette. Wait, I’ve never smoked, never even did drugs. Wow, I really am boring.” She pressed her lips together. Was she babbling? If that was someone else spouting the word vomit, the answer would be a definite yes.

  Austin remained silent.

  “Maybe we could find an Elvis to do the deed. Now that would be the shit.”

  "Sweetheart." Austin gently turned her face toward him. "How much have you had to drink?"

  She scrunched her nose and shrugged. "Not much, I’m just ...happy. I like how I feel around you. No agenda. No expectations.”

  He held her chin firmly, but not tight. “Promise you won’t regret this in the morning.”

  “My only regret would be letting you go.”

  “I can relate." He muttered something about the ancestors helping him, then nodded. "Yes Cheryl, I will marry you. Let's get the license before you change your mind."



  There was no way in hell he should be marrying a virtual stranger.

  Virtual some hell. Austin had known Cheryl all of what? He glanced down at his G-shock watch and chuckled, less than a day.

  But he'd be a fool to say no.

  "Are you sure
you want to do this?" Austin intertwined their fingers, stopping her from leaving the limo.

  "Oh yeah. Let's get this done and get to the honeymoon portion of the program."

  He was tempted to tell the driver to close the damned door. But how much nicer would it be to make love to his wife? “Did you bring your passport? We could take a quick trip”

  “If this were any other case, I’d get someone else to cover for me, but I’m representing a friend.”

  “Okay. How about I come to Texas with you for a few days?”

  “I’d like that.” Cheryl raised his hand and kissed his knuckles. "Want a drink before we do the dirty deed?"

  He shook his head. "No, you've had enough. Lightweight."

  "You're no fun."

  "After your name is on the wedding certificate, you’ll see how much fun I can be."

  "Promises, promises." She stuck out her tongue, exchanged his hand for the driver's and slid out of the car.

  This was all kinds of wrong, for so many fucking reasons, but he didn't give a shit.

  "Brian?" Cheryl said with a high-pitched squeal. "Are you our witness?" She vibrating with impatience.

  Austin walked around the back of the car, and the smile Cheryl aimed at him turned softer, more intimate.

  And something he wanted to see when he was inside her.

  "Make sure your friend signs this." She dug around in her purse, then shoved the crumpled napkin at Brian.

  Brian leaned closer, sniffing. "Cheryl are you okay?"

  "I'm fine." She waved him off.

  "What is this?" Brian frowned as he unfolded the napkin.

  "She wrote a quick prenup. I think she's worried I'll sue for alimony." Austin slid his hand around his intended's waist.

  "Shit," Brain said, drawing the word out to three syllables. He laughed. It wasn't a polite chuckle, but a bent over grabbing his sides kind of thing. After he wiped beneath his eye, he looked from Austin to Cheryl and asked, "Are you serious?"

  "As a heart attack." But first, he needed a ring. "Did you bring them?"

  Brian withdrew a square velvet box from his messenger bag. "Unless you've had a personality transplant, this doesn't seem like you, Cheryl."

  She looked up at Austin, her eyes filled with certainty. "When you know, why waste time?"

  "If you say so." Brian shook his head, looked down at the crumpled prenup and chuckled.

  Cheryl abruptly released Austin's arms, clapped her hands, then leaned closer and whispered, "Grab our masks. We should wear them for the wedding."

  That was a brilliant idea.

  The event they should’ve been attending at the moment was a masquerade, but now the masks would give them privacy in a room filled with strangers.

  While Cheryl chatted with Brian, Austin sat in the back of the limo checking out the three rings he had Brian pick up from his jeweler. All were beautiful, but only one was deserving of residing on his wife's finger.


  Every drop of moisture in his mouth evaporated. His heart went into overdrive, and a fat drop of sweat rolled down the side of his neck.

  What in the hell was he doing?

  Cheryl leaned over and peered through the open car door and gave him a smile so damned sweet he damned near wept. Austin knew exactly what he was about to do—marry the woman of his dreams.

  * * *

  Someday, probably tomorrow, they'd have a good laugh at the oddity that was their wedding. In a room filled with strangers—some in wedding gowns, others in jeans, and even a couple looking like they just walked off the set of A Game of Thrones watched and cheered as other couples married.

  It was odd. Everyone In the room was in love with love. No solemn ceremony tonight. This was matrimony Vegas style.

  Including Elvis.

  Finally, after the beautiful ceremony done in sign language, it was Austin's turn.

  Cheryl wouldn't tell him what song she picked to walk down the aisle only that he'd know it when he heard it.

  The first chords of U2's A Beautiful Day came through the speakers, and all Austin could do was grin.

  Brian, his wing man and best friend, got to play father of the bride, maid of honor and best man. He and Cheryl appeared in the open French doors, and he finally understood what they meant by taking your breath away.

  The elaborate white feathered mask with hints of silver was still in place, but a bouquet of long-stemmed white flowers with a simple wide white ribbon had joined the ensemble.

  When she finally stood in front of him, Austin's lungs decided to return to work. "You're the most beautiful bride."

  "You're not so bad yourself."

  "If the two of you are ready." Elvis looked back and forth between Austin and Cheryl.

  Cheryl raised a finger.

  The universe stilled

  Even Austin's heart seemed to take a break.

  This was it. Cheryl had come to her senses. Austin wasn't the man she wanted to tie herself to, prenup or not.

  She crooked her index finger at Austin and whispered, "Do you have any more of those gummy bears?"

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “You know, the ones that were in the covered candy dish in the guest room.”

  Oh. Fuck. “One second sir,” he said to Elvis, then lowered his voice. “How many did you eat?”

  “Only three. I gave up sugar.”

  He shook his head. No wonder she proposed. Cheryl was high as hell.

  How had he not known?

  The loopy smile, the blown pupils, it was all there.

  "Is everything okay?" Elvis glanced at his watch.

  Ab-so-fucking-lutely not.

  "You know why I don't care that you wear a mask?" Cheryl blurted.

  "Why?" Probably because she was so blitzed, she could be marrying the Phantom of the Opera.

  "Because it wasn't your face I fell in love with at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, but your heart." She placed a hand on his chest. "You have been nothing but kind and patient and giving. I’m going to lie, but the tattoos and BDE scared me. But those are kinda like these masks. Something to hide behind.”

  “Who’s BDE? Isn’t that the Korean singing group?” a woman asked from the audience.

  “No mom, it means big penis energy. Shh.”

  Cheryl bit down on her lip then shrugged a single shoulder. “In case you didn't know, I'm the shit."

  Someone In the audience snickered.

  "Trust me, I noticed."

  "Good." She jerked her chin up. "I don't need a man to feel special. But the way you look at me, made me realize I've been waiting for you."

  "Shit," a woman with a Southern drawl stage whispered, "I'd wait for him too. Did you see that ass?”

  He couldn't breathe.

  For some reason she found him worthy, kind, and honorable. Fuck honor—he'd rather have Cheryl.

  "Oh." She glared at him, all that sweetness gone.

  Despite himself, Austin chuckled.

  "Oh, I take it you don’t have any more candy?"

  "No darling, I don't. But I can give you something else." He touched a finger to her chin. "A lifetime of yes and laughter. You okay with that?"

  "Oh yeah."

  "That was..." The minister's wife blew her nose.

  Cheryl turned to the officiant. "Can we skip to the husband and wife part? Because obeying isn't my cup of tea."

  Austin and the rest of the room burst out in laughter.

  The minister snorted, then nodded. And did as she asked. “Cheryl Richardson and Austin Chambers, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  She untied her mask, then motioned for Austin to get on with it.

  The whispers intensified.

  Austin stiffened, then did as his beautiful bride asked, and removed his mask too.

  At least for tonight, Cheryl was his.



  The following morning

  Cheryl groaned and pressed her face in th
e hotel pillow. Didn't the man with the great ass say something about aspirin?

  The hammering started again.

  Cheryl sat up and covered her face with her hands. That wasn't some random sexy man, that was Austin.

  Her husband.

  Where did he go again?

  Cheryl tried to sit up but failed miserably. Luckily her flight wasn’t until Monday morning. Hopefully, she’d be herself by then.

  "Cheryl, if you're in there open the door. Don’t make me have to call security."


  Thalia would have the SWAT team break it down if Cheryl didn’t move fast enough.

  "Coming, coming." She was pretty sure Thalia hadn't heard her, since she was unable to speak above a whisper.

  And why was her throat so dry?

  She yanked the door open, glancing down at the do not disturb sign hanging on the handle.

  "What are you doing here?" Cheryl turned around and headed straight for bed. She didn’t even have enough energy to think about a glass of water.

  Like always, Thalia looked like sex on stilettos. She was taller and curvier than Cheryl, and sis knew how to work it. And the way Cheryl’s head felt, it would have been nice if the wench wouldn’t have worn an orange ass suit. "What am I doing? The better question is what the hell have you done?"

  Turning around and sitting took too much energy, so Cheryl flopped face first against the soft white duvet.

  That smelled like Austin.

  Oh God, what had happened last night?

  "Coffee please." Cheryl turned her head so she wouldn’t suffocate. Which honestly, would be an improvement.

  "I'm here, and she's fine, apparently hung over, but okay," Thalia said to someone on her cell. Then she picked up the room phone. "Hello, I'd like to order two pots of coffee, a pancake breakfast with sausage, and a vegetarian omelet. Yes, dry whole wheat would be great." She hung up.

  "No food." Cheryl groaned.

  Thalia raised Cheryl’s left hand. "Holy crap. It's true. You freaking married Austin Chambers?"


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