
Home > Romance > Want > Page 11
Want Page 11

by Becca Jameson

  She nearly shot off the bed.

  He was ready though, lifting his face to give her a stern look. “Still, Sabrina. You’ll learn to stay still for me.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He could barely hear her. Her head rolled from side to side. Her legs shook.

  She was precious.

  He was one lucky bastard. He returned his attention to her smooth mound. “I love the clean shave, baby. Do it every day.” He set his cheek on her pussy and inhaled deeply, luxuriating in her scent and the smoothness of her skin. “Did you shave this evening before I came?” He knew she had. There was no stubble.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, perhaps embarrassed to admit such a thing. Interesting, since that meant she intentionally put her jeans back on before he arrived.

  “Good girl.” Without warning he sucked her clit into his mouth and let his teeth graze the tip.

  She was too close.

  He could feel her entire body stiffening, so he released her. “Not yet, baby. You’ll come when I say. Not before.” If he wasn’t mistaken, her clit actually throbbed. He smiled.

  Finally he released her legs. “Leave yourself open. Don’t move an inch. If you can do that, I’ll let you come. If not, I’ll stop and leave you hanging. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Conner trailed a finger through her folds, gathering her wetness and stroking downward toward her tight forbidden hole.

  She tensed, as he expected.

  He repeated the action several times, spreading her moisture lower and circling her clenched ass. “Your entire body is mine, Sabrina. Not just parts of it. I’ll expect you to surrender this tight hole to me gradually. I’m only going to use one finger tonight, but be prepared for more soon.”

  She moaned. Her legs clenched, but she didn’t close them. Her butt cheeks squeezed tight.

  “Open up to me, baby. I promise it will feel good.” He tapped her rear hole with his finger. “One finger, Sabrina. That’s nothing. Let go of the notion that it’s wrong or dirty. It’s just us here. Consenting adults.” He circled the entrance again, spreading more of her arousal as it ran down from her pussy to coat his finger. That was how he knew she was ready. Her pussy didn’t lie.

  Finally her butt cheeks relaxed.

  “Good girl.” He slipped his finger inside her slowly, pushing through the barrier she created with her clenched muscles.

  Sabrina moaned loudly. Her feet dug into the mattress as she obviously fought to keep from closing her legs.

  “That’s my girl. Just feel.” He pressed deeper until he was up to the second knuckle. Meanwhile he licked through her folds again, spreading them open and dipping his tongue into her sheath.

  “Oh God.”

  Gorgeous. Her sounds made his heart sing. Her noises filled the room. She was so aroused, she couldn’t control them. And that was the point.

  He was so screwed. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but this woman had him wrapped around her finger. She could blatantly defy him every step of the way, and he would still melt at her feet. It was going to be a challenge keeping her oblivious to the effect she had on him.

  Pushing the rest of his finger into her, he circled her tight walls, letting his tongue and finger bump into each other through the thin barrier between them. He pulled his mouth away and traded his tongue for his thumb, spreading his palm open to fuck both holes with one hand.

  Sabrina lifted her ass up.

  He stopped his movement but didn’t remove his fingers. “Uh uh.”

  She let herself relax back onto the bed. “Conner,” she pleaded.

  Her ass was so tight and her cunt so sweet. His cock ached thinking about taking her rear hole. Soon. Not today, but he wouldn’t be able to wait long. He would need to prepare her, stretch her, sweet talk her into letting him in. For now, he lapped at her clit and then sucked it into his mouth again as he fucked both her holes with his hand.

  Sabrina shot off immediately. He hadn’t told her she could, but there was no way he could expect her to hold back under that amount of duress. Her body pulsed around his fingers and his tongue, her orgasm coming from everywhere at once.

  Conner was humbled. The most delicious woman on Earth was his. And he intended to make sure she knew it every day of her life.

  Chapter Nine

  On Saturday morning, Conner got to the gym late. Rafe and Zane were sparring in the cage. Rider and Gage were weight training. Conner joined Rider and Gage.

  “Dmitry was looking for you,” Rider said.

  “Dmitry was here?” Conner hesitated. “Alone?”

  “Yep. He said he knew you’d spoken to Yenin last week. He wanted to follow up on that.”

  Conner frowned. “That guy won’t let it go. Shit. How many times do I have to tell him I’m not going to fight for the Russian mob?”

  Gage chuckled. “I don’t think Dmitry considers himself a member of the mob.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t. Most of the time I don’t either. Except when he gets pulled into this shit with Yenin and hunts me down to do the asshole’s dirty work.” Conner picked up a set of weights and put them on the bar.

  “What did Yenin say to you last week?” Rider asked.

  “He practically threatened me. Said he needed me to fight for him this weekend. I said fuck no. And he insinuated he could make me.” Conner froze. His entire body went stiff.

  “What?” Gage asked. Several seconds went by. “Dude. You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Conner spun to face Gage and Rider. Hell, if there was anyone he should talk to about this shit, it was them. Rider was a cop and Gage a K-9 trainer at the police academy. “Fuck.” He set his hands on his hips as his mind ran through several possibilities. “I don’t know why this didn’t occur to me before now, but someone is anonymously trying to get me fired.”

  “From the university?” Rider asked.

  “Yep. Somebody e-mailed the Dean¸ the head of my department, and the university president telling them I was involved with a student.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Rider set his weights down and stepped closer. “Why would anyone do that? Do you really think Yenin would stoop that low?”

  Conner shrugged. “No idea. But it’s the first possibility I’ve come up with.”

  “Do you think anyone is making an assumption about Sabrina?” Gage asked.

  Conner shook his head. “I’ve wracked my brain over this. I really don’t think this has a damn thing to do with Sabrina.”

  “What makes you say that?” Rider asked.

  “The timing. It makes no sense. I had only seen Sabrina on three occasions when the allegations were made. Someone e-mailed the university over the weekend after she showed up at my fight last Friday. I’ve thought hard about it, but I don’t see how anyone could have seen us together. But fuck me. It is possible Yenin or one of his minions saw us at the fight.” Conner slapped a hand on his forehead. He shook his head as he realized how illogical the scenario was. “No. This just doesn’t add up. Even if Yenin did send someone to spy on me, how the hell would that person know Sabrina was or had ever been a student?”

  “Wait,” Rider interrupted, “this is pretty serious, Conner. Let’s think this through. Why didn’t you call me or mention this before now?”

  Conner shrugged. “Hell, the allegations aren’t valid, so I didn’t think to give a fuck. No one can prove I ever dated a student because I have never fucking dated a student.” His voice rose, and he glanced around to find several other members of the gym staring at him.

  Rider spoke softer. “Okay. So, you saw Sabrina at the fight. You faced her outside the locker room and immediately left the arena. What happened next?”

  “We went straight to my car where we exchanged words and then she stomped off, leaving me holding my dick.” Conner chuckled. He couldn’t help it. The situation may have been serious, but God he loved how the woman could spar. It was better than the cage.

  Gage smirked. “You pissed her off that

  Conner shook his head. “Trust me. It isn’t difficult. Sabrina is hell on wheels when she puts her mind to it. And I might possibly have contributed to her ire on more than one occasion.”

  Rider spoke again. “Okay, so unless someone followed you from the arena to the car, that’s rather unlikely. The time before that you saw her the previous Friday night, right? At the club?”

  “Yes. She was with another Dom.” He scrunched his face, remembering watching Doug spank her. “We argued that night too.”

  Gage slapped Conner on the shoulder. “Wow, dude. Smooth. It’s a wonder the woman ever consented to do anything with you.”

  “Ha ha. Anyway, we didn’t speak inside the club. No fucking way someone saw us there. I went outside. When she left we argued in the parking lot. The only person who saw that exchange was Frank.”

  “No way would Frank have any interest in getting you fired,” Gage pointed out.

  “Yeah. But at this point, that’s about the best option I’ve come up with,” Conner added. “See the problem? If Frank the door man is trying to get me fired from the university, what the hell is the world coming to? What motive would the guy have? I don’t even know him. Unless he had been sleeping with Sabrina, I don’t see why he would give a fuck that I was. And I know he never met Sabrina before that night. It was her first time at Extreme.”

  “Right. Let’s rule out poor Frank.” Rider pursed his lips and then continued. “Wait. You said you’d seen her three times. When was the other encounter?”

  Conner winced. He had not intended to tell the guys about fucking his woman in the bathroom of King Pizza. Ever. It was their little secret.

  “Yeah. Dude,” Gage said, “if you managed to fight with her at the club and then the arena, you must have pissed her off royally at some previous encounter. I know she was in your class last semester, but you never mentioned seeing her after that ended.”

  “Yeah, I might have possibly run into her over the summer.”

  “Maybe?” Rider raised an eyebrow, and then a grin fell across his face. “Are you fucking kidding,” he whispered. “Did you sleep with her?”


  “And you don’t think that has anything to do with the allegations?”

  “Not really. Super unlikely. Even more unlikely than Frank.”

  “Shit, Conner.” Rider ran a hand through his hair. “At this point, it seems the most likely prospect is Sabrina herself.”

  “No fucking way.” Conner shook his head. “Not a chance.”

  Rider didn’t look convinced. “You fucked the woman over the summer. Then I’m going to assume you didn’t see her again or contact her. When she saw you at the club she was pissed. Then she saw you at the arena and she was pissed. What makes you think she didn’t e-mail the school with some bogus story about you dating a student to get you in trouble for being such an asshole?”

  Conner winced again. He shook his head again too. “Not buying it. Not a chance.”

  “Didn’t she stalk you? Follow you from the university to the arena?” Gage asked. “And wasn’t she fit to kill?”

  “Yes, but come on. We’ve come so far since then. We’re together now.”

  “So?” Rider lifted a brow. “That doesn’t mean she didn’t e-mail the university between fighting with you and making up.”

  “No way. I’m telling you, Sabrina isn’t a suspect in this. I don’t believe it. She doesn’t have it in her.”

  Rider still looked skeptical.

  Hell, Gage did too. “Anyone else a possibility? Who else have you pissed off lately?”

  Rider flinched. “Who haven’t I pissed off lately? Seems the entire world is mad at me. May as well toss Missy in.”

  “Shit. Didn’t think of that,” Rider said. “Who else?”

  “Oh, how about a faculty member? Tina Chang isn’t pleased with me, either.”

  “Tina Chang? Isn’t that the lady who stuck her tongue in your mouth at a company party?” Gage asked.


  “Why is she mad?”

  “She left me a voice message asking me—no telling me—she needed me to attend some family function with her last weekend.”

  “Why the hell would she do that?” Rider asked.

  “Desperation I guess. But she also received the e-mail alleging I am in violation of university policy. And she came to my office to speak to me about it.”

  “Doesn’t mean she didn’t send the e-mails. Shit, you have a lot of enemies.” Gage chuckled sardonically. “Glad I’m not on your bad side.”

  “Hell, no one is on my bad side. It just seems I manage to get on other people’s bad side with great frequency lately.”

  “What did the university say about the allegations?” Rider asked.

  “Dean Sheffield called me into her office. She was very nice about it. As she should be. I’ve been on staff for fifteen years. My record is exemplary. She knows I would never date a student.”

  Rider nodded. “Nevertheless, she had no choice but to call you in and let you know what occurred.”

  “Right. And as far as I know, that’s all that’s happened so far. An anonymous tip that I was involved with an anonymous student. No names were mentioned. That’s why I didn’t lose too much sleep over it. Now, if this had happened over the summer, it would have been a different story. I’d have shit a brick.”

  “Why?” Gage asked.

  “Because I never should have fucked Sabrina that day. It was a horrible judgment call on my part. I was thinking purely with the little head. I swear I’ve never once done anything so fucking stupid in my life.”

  “You didn’t know if she was still enrolled or not.” Rider had pieced it together.


  “Geez, man. That has to have something to do with this. Are you sure Sabrina isn’t a possibility?”

  “Yes.” Conner took a deep breath. “Look, if Sabrina were pissed at me for fucking her, she could have turned me in at any time. Why wait two months?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because the next time she saw you, you were an ass, and before that she hadn’t been nearly as pissed?” Rider leaned closer again.

  Gage spoke on the tail end of that rhetorical question. “Just out of curiosity, why do you keep saying you fucked her? So harsh. When I hook up with a woman I’ve been lusting after for a while, I usually sleep with her, have sex with her, make love to her—something like that. Don’t think I’ve ever said I fucked her first.”

  Conner curled up his face again. “Trust me. I fucked her. I’m not even sorry. She wanted it. I wanted it. It happened. After lusting after her for four months in my classroom, the next time I saw her in July, my cock got so hard it nearly jumped out of my pants. And the way she looked at me…” He ran a hand through his hair as he thought back on that excruciating meal. “She licked her lips and squirmed in her chair from across the room and…” How the hell could he describe that scene to the guys? “I’m just sayin’… She wanted me. I wanted her. It was obviously mutual. We didn’t exchange words. We fucked. I left. That was it.”

  “Why the hell did you leave?” Gage asked. “If you wanted her that bad for that long…” His voice trailed off.

  “I was stunned for one thing. And, ironically, I thought I had just fucked a student.”

  “But she wasn’t a student,” Rider clarified again.

  “No. She only took that one class. Mine. She didn’t enroll for the next semester. She’s an editor. She wanted to explore some of the classics. I made her life rather miserable apparently.”

  The three of them stood there in silence for a while.

  Finally Conner shook himself out of his reverie. “We better get back to work. We aren’t going to solve this right now. And I’m not sure it requires solving. As long as no one sends any more e-mails to the dean, the allegations will fizzle out. There’s no proof. There never will be. Either someone maliciously set me up, or someone thinks Sabrina is a student. Either w
ay, I’ve done nothing wrong. Even if I at one point thought I had done something unethical, it turns out I didn’t.”

  “Well,” Rider lifted his weights, “if anything else happens, let me know. Maybe I can help.”

  “Thanks, man. Appreciate it.” Conner sat on the bench to get started.

  Rider turned back to face Conner again. “Have you told Sabrina all this?”

  “No, and I don’t intend to.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Because it has nothing to do with her, and I don’t want her to worry for no reason. If I paraded her into the dean’s office as an alibi, her name would be as muddy as mine through no fault of her own. Even though she’s innocent, no one would ever be sure. Trust me, I’ve put enough on her plate lately. She doesn’t need any added issues.”

  “I’ll bet you have.” Gage chuckled. “Bet she had no idea what was coming when she fell for you. She’s young enough she can’t possibly be prepared for your brand of dominance. Does she know what she’s getting herself into?”

  Conner tried to send a glare toward Gage, but he was fighting a grin. “She’s learning. I haven’t been gentle. So far she’s been up to the task.”

  Gage lifted both eyebrows. “Oh, how I wish I could be a fly on the wall while you tame that beast. It must be a wonder to behold. Imagine. Conner Bascott falling for a younger woman with marginal BDSM experience. A woman with claws and a mouth on her.” He laughed as he walked away.

  Conner grinned. Oh, yeah. And Sabrina Duluth was all his. She might be feisty, but that was half of the reason he was so smitten. A demure woman without a spine would never do it for him. It took thirty-eight years and one very outspoken woman for him to realize all the modest obedient submissives he’d been with in the past with their heads appropriately bowed and their hands crossed behind them would never have taken him down. Hell, he hadn’t realized at any point in his almost four decades that he needed to be taken down a notch. If anyone would have suggested anything of the sort, he would have laughed his head off.

  And then came Sabrina. Soft and sweet on the inside, hard and spicy on the outside. Yes. He was so going to enjoy every minute of training her to submit to him in the manner he preferred. And the best part of all? He got to watch the pure lust that spread across her face every time he punished her for deliberately disobeying him.


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