The Assassin

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The Assassin Page 5

by Imogene Nix

  “Yes. Why are you here in this cabin?” He watched as she licked her lips. A groan rose in his throat.

  “Damn it, Kumi. I’m here because...”

  Was there any way he could swallow the words he’d said to her in that bloody bedroom? Any way he could tell her just how much he regretted his outburst?

  “Kumi, I... I came to see if you were okay.” His voice was strangled with the mass of emotions that grew in his chest. He needed to save her. To love her. To hold her. To make whoever would hurt her pay.

  “I am, as you can see.” She blinked, and he knew then she wasn’t as unaffected as she made out.

  Time to take a chance. “I’m glad.” He took a step forward. His gaze ran over her naked shoulders, noting dimly that heaven was only as far away as she was. “I’m so glad.” He raised his gaze to her eyes. “You have no idea just how glad.”

  Then he kissed her.

  * * * *

  The feel of his lips on hers was electrifying. It made her yearn for things she’d pushed away. The emptiness she felt, the need to feel the pleasure of a man’s touch. This man’s touch specifically. That wasn’t all, but the rational part of her brain scolded her. He doesn’t want me. He told me that. Her heart hungered for his touch.

  She gave in, melted into the warmth of his embrace when his arms rose to circle her waist. Her nerveless fingers lost their grip on the towel, but she didn’t even realize, lost in the wonder of rising sensations. Their lips sipped and mated. Her hands rose, fingers buried in his golden hair.

  The ache in the pit of her belly reminded her of the emptiness. That only he could satisfy her needs. She shivered and his hands moved, warming her at each pass.

  “Carmichael, I want you.”

  He groaned into her mouth, his touch firmer and surer. His fingers burrowed beneath the gaping towel, finding her curves hidden from view.

  When his hands rose into the short hair to tug her head back, she yelped with pain and sprang away.

  “Oh gods! What am I thinking?” He stepped back, leaving her nude body icy cold. He scrubbed unsteady hands over his face and inside her the tiny light that had started to glow guttered out.

  “Get out!” Tears stung her hands and she groped for the towel, pulling it up to cover her form.

  “What? No! I thought I’d hurt you.” He stalked forward, but she tried to turn away, covering herself with scrabbling hands on the towel.

  She didn’t want to see the disgust on his face. Better she not look, she told herself.

  “Please, just go. I can accept that you don’t want me, but don’t make this harder.” She couldn’t look him in the face. Twice she’d tried and twice she’d failed. Surely now she knew and could leave him alone. Her skin burned with shame. Tears dribbled down her face, scorching her cold skin.

  His hands touched her shoulders, turning her. “I want you. I always have.” But she heard a hesitance in his voice.

  “You’re just trying to save me from humiliating myself. That’s terribly noble, but I’d rather get dressed and—”

  “You’re not going anywhere. I’m not planning on letting go of you now.” He pulled her close, but she remained stiff in his embrace. “Kumi, I thought it was best to let you go. Until the attack. Then I realized I can’t. There’s...”

  She waited. “What? Carmichael, tell me the truth. Nothing more and nothing less.”

  “I can’t ever let you go. When I saw you there, in the chair, my heart stopped then, Kumi. It made me face the truth, that I can’t ignore my feelings. Whether you feel the same or not. I love you, Kumi.”

  Her gaze flicked up and met his. He’s serious. There wasn’t a scrap of laughter or concealment. No, his emotions were all over his face for her to read.

  “But you said...” Could she trust him? Her heart said yes, but her brain urged caution.

  “I did. I said that. Never have I hated myself more. If I could take the words back I would. I’d swallow them. It was never my intention to hurt you, but I did.”

  She raised a shaking hand, laid her palm against his cheek. “Carmichael, you have no idea. It hurt so much when you said that. I want to believe you, but my heart... I think you fractured it. I want to tell you I love you.”

  “You already did when you came to.”

  The heat of a flush suffused her. “You knew? You heard?” She squirmed in his arms.

  His chest rumbled with laughter which slowly died away to be replaced with naked hunger. “Yeah, but right now, I want to show you. Will you let me?”

  “Hurry up, cowboy.”

  He laughed and scooped her up, making for the bed. “You don’t need this anymore.” He hauled the towel away as his wicked mouth came closer. His eyes, blue and limitless, blazed.

  Kumi choked out a brief sentence. “What about the door?”

  “Door lock on my command.” Then his lips were against hers, moving and mobile as they devoured her.

  Her hands were already working at the buttons of his shirt. In short order, she’d bared his glorious broad chest for her. Her fingertips traced the lines and corded muscles of his chest.

  With a grunt, he pulled back. “I don’t want to hurt you. Your head...”

  “Stop now and I’m sure I’m going to die. I’m burning for you, Carmichael. Love me.”

  He tore at the buttons and clips of his pants and he toed out of his shoes while she shuddered with need. When he returned, there was both hunger and gentleness in his caresses. His hands toyed with her breasts while the heat between her legs left her a melting puddle of wantonness.

  His lips found the turgid peaks of her nipples, suckling strongly, and she bowed off the bed, crying out with incomprehensible exhortations. The hairs of his arms rasped over her sensitized skin, arousing her to fever pitch.

  Then he pulled back. “I want to pleasure you.”

  “Together. This time we learn together. We’ll have plenty of time for the pleasuring later.” She lifted her hand to his head and tugged him down to her. He moved between her legs and she opened to him, giving him access. “I need you, Carmichael. I’ve never wanted anyone like this.”

  He fitted himself against her then slowly, with such tenderness, he filled her. She swallowed the cry that rose in her throat as he stopped, fully seated within her flesh.

  She felt so full. He’s mine! It was the cry of her heart and she held it deep within herself.

  “I love you, Kumi.”

  He nudged, flexing his hips, but her breath caught. He nudged again and she moved against him. Kumi’s fingertips grasped his upper arms, urging him on. They moved together, each movement slow and measured.

  “Give me everything, Carmichael. Let me feel your need.”

  He laughed and the sound filled her with joy.

  The pace turned wild as they strained and undulated against the other, hurtling toward the ultimate release. The bubble of pleasure grew deep within her gut, spreading out so every inch of her body tingled and shook.

  “Car-Carmichael.” The sound tore from her throat, and he pounded faster.

  The orgasm smashed into her, and she cried out. He gripped her hips as he stilled, as she felt the shooting of seed. The sensation filled her with warmth and heat. She smiled as she closed her eyes.

  “Mine. Forever mine,” she heard Carmichael say as she let go of reality.

  * * * *

  Carmichael stretched, Kumi’s small body nestled close against him, and smiled. He ran his fingers through the warm silk of her hair, amazed that after every wrong turn, she was still prepared to take a chance with him.

  “I feel damned good.” He tested the words then started as she began to laugh.

  “Do men really say things like that?”

  He blushed. “I can’t comment about other men.”

  She reached up and kissed him with a sharp, soul-searing caress. Her pebbled nipples grazed his chest, and he closed his eyes, trying to avoid the flash of arousal that speared him once more. She toyed playfully with
a hair on his chest. “You’re so light and I’m so dark.”

  “Our babies will be beautiful. A mix of you and me.” The words slipped and he heard her gasp.

  “Babies? You want babies.”

  Way to go, opening a can of worms. But when he looked at her, he was entranced.

  She smiled, a dreamy, far-away look on her face. “I want babies. I want your babies.”

  “I want you to. But we have to catch this madman before it’s safe to consider a family.”

  Her smile was infectious. “I like the sound of that. A family.”

  “Yeah, me too. But before we can talk about commitment and houses and stuff, we need to find out what my men have found out.”

  Her smile died away. “Yes, I suppose we do.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed, standing up with a gasp. “Darn, I’d forgotten about the headache.”

  He scanned her through narrowed eyes. “Maybe you should stay here.”

  “No way. This is about me, so you aren’t going to lock me out of the discussions.”

  He held out his hand and she took it, stealing his thoughts.

  “I think I’m going to need my clothes though.”

  He looked down at the pile of rumpled underwear and uniform before grabbing them up. “I have a thing for a woman in uniform.”

  “I’ll bet. Now move your backside, mister.” She snatched the clothes from his hands and started to pull them on.

  Once they were finally dressed, he gripped her hand in his, feeling the rush of pleasure. “Now that you are mine, I want everyone to know.”

  Carmichael tugged her along the corridor. Within minutes, they stood outside the tactical offices, watching as the door opened.

  Major Bortheays waited, sitting at attention. He quirked an eyebrow at the sight of the two of them. His gaze settled on their entwined hands, but he remained silent as they took seats in front of the glass and metal desk.

  “Update me, Major.”

  “We have the blood type and possible match from the DNA sample.”

  Carmichael leaned forward, and adrenalin started pumping. “Where and who?” His hands fisted. He’d find the person that tried to murder Kumi. He would make sure they paid.

  “Well, you see, that is where the problem exists. Her name is Gillian Edgemont. She’s—”

  “You are kidding, right? Gillian works for my brother.” Not only did Kumi sound shocked, her face paled and she pulled away from him. “She’d never do this. Not ever. Your information is wrong.”

  Carmichael speared the major with a glare. “Check, then double check, because I will not tolerate a mistake.”

  Kumi turned disbelieving eyes on him. “Carmichael, I honestly think you have the wrong person. It can’t possibly be Gillian.”

  “Kumi, stop. She’s in the perfect location. Knows everyone involved. She’s—”

  She gripped his fingers tightly and squeezed. “She’s also in love with my brother and has been for years. She wouldn’t have done this. Trust me. I know her.”

  “I can’t trust anyone when your safety is in the balance.” He turned back to the major. “Find the woman and bring her in for interrogation. I want this closed down.” When he stood, she went with him, but there was a chasm once more. One he couldn’t breach. Not yet. In a choice between her safety and this woman, there was no option.

  He pushed her through the door, the whole time she was still arguing that Gillian couldn’t possibly be the assassin. As soon as the door was closed behind them, he silenced her in the time honored fashion. She moaned through the kiss, her arms twining around his neck while he soaked up the heat and energy that was Kumi. By the time he pulled back, she was breathless and her eyes shone.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “Because you need to stop and see this from my perspective. She could be a long-term mole. I have experience with that. Remember Selina?”

  Kumi cocked her head to the side. “You think she could be undercover?”

  He nodded. “It is possible. I don’t need to point out that by destroying Reunion’s financial stability, they strike at the very heart of the Federation. I can’t take risks. Not with you and not with my mission.”

  Her face now grave, Kumi nodded. “Okay, but if you’re wrong, you owe Tomi and Gillian.”

  “If I’m wrong, that means keeping you locked down for longer. I want you to be free, but right now we have to be sensible and think this whole thing through.”

  She nodded, and for the first time, he was sure there was a way forward, if only they could gain clear air.

  Chapter 4

  “I’m coming with you.” Kumi stood after Carmichael announced they were heading down to the planet to pick up Gillian.

  “You’re staying right here, where you’re safe.” His eyes flashed like pale blue icicles. Anyone else would be frightened when confronted by the tall, blond man. But she wasn’t.

  “No. You are going into Tomi’s office and arresting his PA. I’m still of the opinion that you have the wrong person.” She waited, knowing it was a dangerous game she was playing with his emotions. But she knew Tomi was enamored with the red-haired woman. While he might need a nudge to take the step, this was more of a knocking the legs out from under him. Kumi knew he’d need support. Her support.

  Carmichael’s lips thinned to long, white lines. “You can’t accompany me. It’s not the way we work.” He watched her and the deep awareness of him told her he wasn’t impressed with her actions.

  She silently made her way to the door.

  “Where the hell are you going?” His voice was a dark rumble, and she smiled. He sounded frustrated and disgusted by her silent rebellion. She knew now that he’d give in.

  “I’m heading for the shuttle bay so I can go home.” She knew exactly what she was saying and doing. If necessary, she would follow through on her words. Kumi was pretty sure he wouldn’t allow her to leave like that.

  “You’re not.” He stepped close and took her hand.

  Kumi chanced to look back at him. For just a moment, her determination began to slip. She closed her eyes, remembering why this was important. “Either you take me or I go home. Tomi—”


  She stopped at his single bitten out word. Examined it. There were no disclaimers. Just that one word. He meant it. He always said what he meant. “Good. Then let’s get going. I’d rather have her name cleared quickly.”

  He punched the communication center button on his desk. “I’ll need a tactical vest, low profile, for Madam Kumi.” He let go and glowered. “You follow every instruction I give you. I will not...” He broke off with a pithy epithet.

  “I’m sorry, Carmichael, but I have to be there.”

  He turned away, swiping his hand over his face. “Just stay out of the way and safe.” For a short while they both waited in silence then he shook his head. “Let’s round up a team and go get her.”

  He strode through the door and Kumi raced to keep up. Down the long corridor back to the tactical office, where he marched in grim-faced. “I need a team.”

  The major stood. “They are already being assembled in the shuttle bay.” He turned surprised eyes on Kumi. “She’s not... You’re not taking her with you?”

  Carmichael grunted and Kumi realized that this was extraordinary behavior. For just a moment a pinprick of self-recrimination gnawed at her. She swiped it away. It was too late to regret her actions.

  Things moved quickly then as they made their way to the cavernous gray shuttle bay. Waiting for them were the men he’d worked with previously and others she’d never met before. Kumi marveled at the array of shuttles lined up on the plascrete flooring even as Carmichael, his hand at the small of her back, pushed her into the open craft.

  “I’m fine to climb on—”

  “Just take a seat. Wait quietly.”

  She climbed the steps and took the first seat that was empty in a row of two. She didn’t have to like his instructions, but she had promised
to follow them.

  When he dropped into the seat beside her, he held out a vest. “Put this one while I brief the others.” The shuttle took off.

  She watched with interest as he shared the facts they had, answered their questions, while dimly noting they were already entering the atmosphere of Reunion.

  The shuttle landed on the carefully prepared zone at the top of the Federation offices with a gentle kiss. Then Carmichael took her hand and led her down the steps, all the while checking her vest.

  A quick brief touch of her cheek and a whispered “stay behind me” told her of his concern. Tears formed in her eyes as she realized the emotional toll having her along on the mission was taking on him.

  The doors before them opened, and as one they made their way to the stairs. Kumi kept her counsel as they clattered down, one flight then another. Finally, at the thirty-second floor they stopped.

  Her breath was coming in pants and she noted none of the men around her were wheezing like she was. “This is so not fair.”

  Carmichael smiled and the corners of his eyes crinkled. “That’s okay. You’ll be fit enough to match me, one day.” The smile faded away. “Stay safe.” He moved away to the front of his men and gave a signal. They moved in formation, not a hand or footstep out of place.

  The rear men took her arms. “Stay with us. We’ll protect you.”

  The following moments passed in a blur. She had the impressions of Tomi, his eyes wide with shock which then relayed his anger. “You can’t take her.”

  The sight of Gillian, rising at their request. “I haven’t done anything. Tomi?” Kumi watched as Gillian reached for him, but Carmichael inserted himself between them.

  “Under section twenty-one of the Federation Statute, you are hereby detained while we make relevant inquiries. You will now accompany us.”

  Kumi’s stomach knotted as she grasped Tomi’s hands. “Come with us, Tomi.”

  He accepted the tug and she followed Carmichael with the restrained Gillian through the door, the phalanx of tactical officers encircling them. This time they made their way up the stairs at a much slower pace.


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